Weeks have passed by so fast. I was busy with the company that I wasn't able to find the time to visit daddy. "Love I haven't visited daddy for a while now. The both of us have been so busy this past few weeks. I want to visit him tomorrow." I said. It was night and I was sitting on the bed prepared to go to sleep. Troy just came out of the shower. He was smelling his manly scent that I loved so much. He was only wearing a towel in his lower body. His upper body was naked for me to ogle at. "It's a weekend tomorrow right?" Troy asked. "Then I will accompany you." "I thought you were going to work tomorrow?" I asked. "I can let my assistant do the necessary work. The piled up work is already done and what's left are the normal work load." Troy explained. Troy has been acting odd lately. These past few weeks he has been dropping me off and picking me up from work. I can sense something is up. "Is something the matter love?" I asked. Troy looked at me curiously. "What do you mean?" "Well I just feel something is worrying you these past few weeks." I said. "And you have been dropping me off and picking me up at work everyday." "Is it odd for me to do that to my wife?" Troy playfully said. "Well, not really. I can just feel that something's bothering you." I said. Troy sighed. He sat on the bed in front of me. "You can really read me so easily love." Troy said. He held both my hands in his. "You know that Angeline has been trying to meet with me but I have been declining her. I also banned her from getting inside my building." "Yes." I answered. I know that Troy doesn't want to meet with her. I told him that having closure can help the two of them move on but he said he had his closure years ago. If he didn't want to meet her then I would respects his decision. "Well a few weeks ago she ambushed me in the basement parking of the building." Troy explained. "What?!" I was shocked. "Did she do anything to you?" I know how desperate women have tendencies to harm someone. I instantly became worried with Troy's safety. "Don't worry love she didn't do anything to me. It just made me upset that's all." Troy said. "That's why I have been dropping you off and picking you up at work. I am just worried she would make you her next target." "But why would she do such a thing. She was the one that left you all alone. You tried to search for her but she didn't want to be found. Why is she doing all this?" I asked. "She told me something." Troy said. His face that was just playful a while ago became serious. "What did she say?" I asked. Troy's aura changed and become more darker. This was the dark angel I just found out not long ago. I can't stop but feel a little uneasy. Troy saw my uneasiness and changed back to 'my Troy', the Troy I know. "Don't worry too much my love. I'm not yet sure if what she said was true. I would tell you once I find the facts to what she said. I don't want to give you unnecessary worries." Troy assured me. "Okay." I smiled. "I will believe in you. Even though I'm rather curious." "My curious little kitten." Troy pinched my nose and smiled. "Ouch, that hurts." I playfully said and giggled. "I want to eat this little kitten up tonight." Troy said. His emerald green eyes started to burn with desire. He pushed me down the bed suddenly. "Troy!" I yelped. From there we had made love so passionately.

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