"I didn't want to tell you when you are still pregnant." Father said. "I was planning to tell you sometime after you have gave birth." Julia slumped on the ground. She was looking shocked. "I'm all alone now." Julia said with blank eyes. "Hahahahaha." She started to laugh and cry like a crazy person. I felt my heart sad for her. Even though she did bad things to me, I know she was only used by her mother to get my father. It was all her mother's fault why she grew up like this. "What are you still doing. Let's go home." Brad said with a stern voice. "Now come." Brad led Julia away. She was at a daze walking aimlessly. "I feel pity for Julia." I said out loud. "She is just a victim to her mother's schemes. And also by someone I still don't know who." Troy looked at me with affectionate eyes. "My sweet wife." Troy said lovingly. "You're really kind. If it was me I would never forgive them for what they have done." Troy has known about the person behind the schemes of Victoria. He has an ongoing investigation but so far there are no leads as to who the person is. The person behind Victoria is very good at covering his tracks. "I hope that Julia would start anew with her new family. A real family of her own." Father said with a sad face. "I'll be going inside now. Don't stay too long. The wind here is cold." Then father also went inside the mansion. "Do you want to go inside?" Troy asked. "Hmm, just a bit longer." I said. "Okay. Let me get your sweater inside." Troy said. "Will you be fine here?" "Yes. I'll wait for you here." I smiled. Troy gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Okay wait for me." Troy walked towards the mansion and went inside. I sighed to myself. When I became pregnant I have forgotten the hate and anger I had for Julia. Maybe because now that I am going to be a mother I now feel sorry towards Julia. I can't help but imagine how Victoria only used her to get what she wants. But I guess Victoria still loved Julia in her own twisted way. It's just sad that she planted evil thoughts on her own daughter. I look at my mother's grave. "Mom, I wish you were here." I said. "I wish you can see how happy am I now. I wish you can also see your grandchildren." I smiled to myself remembering that time when I lost consciousness in the snowstorm in the past. That time I was on a verge of death I opened my eyes and I was in a rose garden. I saw mother and my little boy with Shawn. My mother had told me to live my new life and be happy. "Please take care of my little boy at the other side mom." I said with a tear falling from my eye. "I both love you so much." Then I heard footsteps behind me. "Troy..." I said thinking that it was Troy. But when I look behind it was non other than Julia. "Sorry sister I'm not your husband." Julia said. She was looking at me with a sad face. "Julia, I thought you and Brad had gone home." I said. "I told Brad that I would leave after telling you a few words." Julia said. "Father has told me that he won't take me away from the family register even though I'm not really his true daughter. He said that you have requested for that as well." "Yes. Even though you are not my real sister at least I have loved you as one in some point in time." I said to her. "Maybe we can't bring back the past relationship we had but at least I want to start with a clean slate." "Sister thank you very much. I hope you can forgive me for the things I have done." Julia said with tears falling from her eyes. "I had been envious of you since we were young, that's why I did those things." "I can't forgive you yet. But I don't want to hate anymore. Maybe in the future I can give you the forgiveness you are asking." I said this from the bottom of my heart. "Let's stop hating each other. Now that we are going to be mothers, let's teach then how to love rather than hate." "Thank you sister." Julia gave me a hug and I also hugged her back. I have let go of the hate and I it feels like that a huge weight was lifted from my heart. What I didn't know was Julia was having an evil smirk on her face behind me. "Sister I have nothing left now. Mother has left me and father has disowned me." Julia said. "I never wanted to have Brad's baby. I would rather die now than continue on living." Her voice turned into something sinister. "What..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence when Julia dragged me towards the cliff. "I would rather die and you are coming with me!" Julia shouted. "No! Julia stop!" I was resisting with all my might. "I won't let you be happy and me be miserable. I will take you with me!" Julia was pulling me so hard. "No Julia stop!" I was pulling away. The cliff was just a meter away us. My heart was beating fast and my legs started to shake. 'No Jill. This isn't the time for your phobia to act up.' I told myself. I was scanning the area for something to hold on and I saw a sturdy tree branch poking from the big tree in the side of the cliff. I held on to it with dear life. "No Julia, don't do this." I said. "Think of your child." "I never wanted this child." Julia said with anger. "I would rather die than give birth to it." Julia was pulling hard but my grip on the tree branch was preventing me from going any further. "No!" Julia screamed loudly. Then I saw she slipped and fell off the cliff. "Julia!" I screamed.

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