Julia was in the Collins estate recuperating from her near death experience. As her father had told her, she started to see a psychiatrist. Starting just yesterday she will be seeing one of the best psychiatrist here in N city. After the first session with the psychiatrist, Julia has been feeling less angry and more at peace. Especially with the baby she was carrying. Fortunately the baby wasn't in danger after the incident that took place. Julia was now trying to accept the fact that this baby was hers as well. As for her marriage, Brad started to be more gentle with her. Her in-laws are also goo to her. She was living comfortably that she can't ask for more. "Julia, how are you feeling dear?" Julia's mother-in-law entered her room. "I'm doing good mother-in-law." Julia answered. "That's good to hear." Her mother-in-law smiled. "If you want anything don't be shy okay. Just tell the maids." "Thank you." Julia answered awkwardly. Even after what she has done, her in-laws are still good to her. She felt embarrassed of what she did. "Dear." Her mother-in-law held Julia's hands gently. "I hope you understand. You are now our daughter so don't think you are all alone. Our son may not be the best man out there but if you get to know more about him you would know that he is a good person." Julia nodded shyly. Brad's family has been kind to her since she arrived. It is the least she could do to get along with his son. "Yes mother-in-law. I understand. From now on I will try my best to be a good daughter-in-law and wife." Julia promised. Her mother-in-law shook her head. "You don't need to try to please us dear. We just want you to feel that we are also your family. We want you to be happy, especially now you are carrying our grandchild." Julia smiled and tears formed from her eyes. "Thank you so much." Julia felt her heart squeeze. This is the first time she felt genuine kindness and love that doesn't want anything in return. And she felt it from someone not her blood relative. "Okay dear. I'm going to go outside for a while. Next time when you are feeling well I will take you with me." Her mother-in-law smiled. "That's sound great mother-in-law. Thank you." Julia smiled back. Her mother-in-law left her alone in her room. "I guess this isn't such a bad thing." Julia thought to herself. "You won't get mad at me right, mother?" Julia also wanted to be happy with what she has right now. She is so tired of hating. Julia looks at her little baby bump and rubbed it. "You will love mommy unconditionally, won't you?" Julia talked to her child on her womb. Then her phone rang. When she looked at it, an unknown number was flashing. She was curious so she answered the phone. "Hello? Who is this?" Julia asked. There was a short silence. "How have you been Julia?" A males voice said. "Who is this?" Julia asked again. "I'm your mother's benefactor." The man said. Julia was shocked. She knew this 'benefactor' because her mother has told her about him. Her mother said that he is a powerful man and very dangerous. "What do you want from me?" Julia was getting scared. She doesn't want to be associated with this man. "I just want to warn you not to lay a hand on Jillian again." The man said with a cold voice. "Jillian?" Julia was confused. Why did this man protecting Jill. "Yes, I don't want you to harm her ever again. If you ever do something to harm her again you will be meeting you mother much more sooner." The man's voice was scary. Julia shivered with fear. "You... you were the one..." Julia was scared to continue her sentence. "Yes, I was the one that killed your mother. She made a mistake that can't be redeemed." The man answered. "Remember that I can do anything I want to you. Where ever you go, I can find you. You can never be safe. So heed my warning." Then the call ended. Julia was frozen in fear. What has her mother got herself into to work work for that kind of man. "Julia?" Brad entered the room. He saw his wife shivering. "Are you okay?" Brad walked towards Julia and put a blanket over her. "Are you feeling cold. Do you feel uncomfortable?" Brad asked worriedly. Julia was shivering that she just wanted to feel warm. "Can you please hug me, Brad?" Julia looked like a weak puppy. Brad's heart squeezed looking at her. He embraced her. "Is this okay?" Brad said while caressing Julia. "Thank you Brad. Can you please stay with me for a while?" Julia asked. "Of course. I will be just here." Brad assured her.

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