"Let me help you out." Adrian said when I was about to exit the car. He gave me a hand and I took it. "Thank you." I replied. Adrian was the one that drove us to the restaurant. I told him that I can take the company car to get there but he insisted that I ride with him because it was proper etiquette for a gentleman that invited a lady to dinner. "Your assistant isn't here yet?" I look around the entrance of the restaurant searching for Andrea and Adrian's assistant. Because Adrian's car was a two-seater sports car, our assistants took the company car. "Maybe they were stuck in traffic." Adrian smiled. "I'll message them later. Come let's go inside. It's a bit chilly here outside." Adrian took of his coat and placed it on my shoulders. "No need to mind me Adrian." I said with courtesy. "I don't want a pregnant lady to get a cold because of me." Adrian smiled. I was really reluctant on going to this business dinner. And now it feels like he just made the N city Grand Mall project as an excuse just to ask me out for dinner. With us alone like this, it feels so muck like a date. "Good evening sir, madam." The receptionist greeted us. "A table for two, for you and your wife sir?" Adrian smiled looking happy with what the receptionist just said. "Oh no, I'm not his wife. We're just business partners here for a business dinner." I corrected swiftly. "Oh I am sorry, my mistake." The receptionist apologized. "You two just seems good together so I thought you were a married couple." "No worries." Adrian smiled. "We are still expecting someone to join us so we will need a quite room for us to discuss about business, please." "Sure sir." The receptionist replied. He looked at the ledger in front of him. "A room good for five to six people is vacant now. Would you like to take it?" "That seems to be just fine. We will take that please." Adrian said. "Of course sir. Let me show you the way." The receptionist said. "Right this way sir, madam. Please follow me." The receptionist guided us towards the restaurant. After walking thru the crowded place, we arrive where the private rooms are located. The receptionist opened a door and gestured us inside. "Please make yourselves comfortable. A waiter will be with you shortly to take your order." The receptionist said. The room was just the right size. The walls where colored with mahogany and the floor was carpeted in a maroon color. A round table with six chairs was situated at the center. It was covered with a white linen cloth. "We are still expecting someone. I will give you their names later." Adrian said. "Of course sir. Here is the menu. The waiter will be with you shortly." The receptionist said and left the room. "Let's take our sits." Adrian gestured. He pulled a chair for me. "Thank you very much." I took the seat he offered me. He took his sit right beside me. "Pick what you like to eat, don't hold back. This is my treat." Adrian said with a smile. "Sure, thanks." I replied awkwardly. The room was silent for a while. It felt awkward with just the two of us alone in the room. After a while the waiter came in. "Good evening. I will be your waiter for this evening." The waiter said. "Have you chosen your orders?" "Jillian?" Adrian asked me. "Hmm, I would like a seafood pasta in oil please and a pineapple fruit juice." I said. "Okay ma'am." The waiter wrote my order. "How about you sir?" "A Chateaubriand steak with Béarnaise sauce for me." Adrian said. "And a glass of Montoya Cabernet Sauvignon." He added. "Okay sir, anything else?" The waiter asked. "None so far. How about you Jill?" Adrian asked. "I'm good with my order." I replied. "Thank you. I will be right back with your orders. If you want to add something just press the button to call me and I will be with you shortly." The waiter bowed and left the room. "Are you okay with your order?" Adrian asked. "Pasta is rather light." "Yes. It is evening and I don't want to eat anything heavy. I will just feel bloated before going to bed." I answered. "Oh I see. I thought being pregnant means you are entitled to eat anything you like." Adrian chuckled. "I also have food that I cannot eat. I should also keep track of what I eat to stay fit and healthy." I said. "That's good to know." Adrian said. "How far are you by the way?" "I am nearing my third trimester." I replied. "Already? Time sure flies." Adrian said. "To know that I just met you on your wedding day. I would have loved to have met you before then." He smiled brightly. "I can't see anything would change even if we have met earlier." I said. I can feel where he is getting at with this subject. "You think so?" Adrian said looking rather amused. "I strongly believe everything would be very different." Adrian stared at me intently that it made me uncomfortable. But I stand my ground and try not to be intimidated.

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