Reverend Insanity

Chapter 29: By Fair Means or Foul

“Put the wine jugs under my bed.” Fang Yuan ordered the four servants of the tavern.

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Each of them was holding several jugs of Green Bamboo Wine. These were the twenty jugs of wine that Fang Yuan had come to the tavern to buy after extorting the other disciples.

One jug costed two Primeval Stones. Because of the Wine Gu, Fang Yuan had spent forty Primeval Stones all at once.

His bag which had just been puffed up had become deflated more than half in size in just a blink. There were only thirty-nine Primeval Stones left. However, it could still be considered worthy as such an amount of wine could support the Wine Gu for an extended period of time.

“Yes, Master.” The servants hurriedly answered. To the Gu Masters, they did not dare to show any disrespect.

Moreover, since Fang Yuan had bought such a large quantity of wine; he could now be seen as the tavern’s important customer. If he had just slightly said something to the owner, servants like them, could have easily lost their jobs as a result.

After everyone had left, Fang Yuan closed the dorm’s doors, then sat cross-legged on the bed.

The night had fallen.

In the sky, stars were scattering as the faint aroma was flowing with the night wind.

Light wasn’t lit up in the room. Fang Yuan consoled his mind, then put it into the Primeval Sea.

One after another, waves were rising in the Primeval Sea. The sea water was emitting a signature bronze color glow. Each drop of sea water was the Bronze Primeval Essence that was distinctive to level one Gu Masters.

The total mass of the Primeval Sea was only at forty-four percent capacity of the vain aperture. This was the limit for grade C aptitude Fang Yuan.

The vain aperture was bounded by walls, which were a layer of thin, white light membrane, encircling the vain aperture to support it.

There was nothing in the space above the Primeval Sea. The Spring and Autumn Cicada had hidden itself under Fang Yuan’s command. It was deep asleep while self-cultivating.

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However, on the surface of the sea, a cute white fat Wine Gu was floating atop.

It was freely gamboling in the sea water. Sometimes it would dive down, or wag its tail, splashing drop after drop of water.

As Fang Yuan’s mind shook, the Wine Gu would immediately respond. It stopped playing around, curled up into a wonton-shaped then slowly floated up to the center of the vain aperture, leaving the surface of the Bronze Sea.

“Go.” Fang Yuan urged ten percent of his Primeval Essence to form a fine flow, plunging upward and pouring into the Wine Gu’s body.

The Wine Gu had soon been refined by him as it did not refuse anything that entered its body. It then completely absorbed this gleam of Primeval Essence into its body.

Almost instantly, the forty-four percent sea surface had decreased by a bit.

Turning the Primeval Essence into power, the Wine Gu which was curling up like a ball started to illuminate a white aureole. The halo mixing with wine fragrance gradually appeared then accumulated into a cluster of faint white wine mist.

The magical wine mist did not disperse but encircled the Wine Gu’s body.

“Rise.” Fang Yuan urged his intent and propelled another ten percent of the Primeval Essence.

The Bronze sea water pounced on the wine mist. It then absorbed the sea water, little by little, until there wasn’t even a trace that was left behind. Moreover, half the volume of that ten percent Bronze Primeval Essence had disappeared into thin air, only half had been left behind.

However, this five percent of Primeval Essence was even more condensed than before. The former Primeval Essence was an emerald cover, emitting bronze glow. Right now, although this Primeval Essence was illuminating with the same bronze glow, the green hue on it was getting darker, turning into a pale green color.

Pale green Primeval Essence was the color of the Primeval Essence that had belonged to an Intermediate level one Gu Master. The effect of the Wine Gu was to condense the Primeval Essence, increasing the Primeval Essence of a Gu Master to a higher small stage!

A Gu Master had nine grand stages. From top to bottom, it was level one, level two, all the way to level nine. At each level, it will be divided into four small stages, which were Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Peak.

Righ now, Fang Yuan was a Beginner level one Gu Master. However, with the aid from the Wine Gu, he had become an Intermediate level one Gu Master!

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“To condense five percent of the Intermediate Primeval Essence, it will require using twenty percent of the Beginner Primeval Essence. If I want to transform the entire forty-four percent of the Primeval Essence in my vain aperture to the Intermediate Primeval Essence, I would have to use almost eighteen hundred percent capacity of a Beginner’s Primeval Essence. If I want to achieve this goal quickly, I would need to use the Primeval Stones.”

Thinking like that, Fang Yuan opened his eyes, taking a whole Primeval Stone the size of a duck egg out from his bag.

The Primeval Stone was an ash gray colored oval-shaped translucent stone. As the natural Primeval Essence inside of it was being absorbed, it would also constantly shrink.

He gradually tightened his right hand, holding onto the Primeval Stone in his palm. He kept on consuming the natural Primeval Essence to replenish his own.

The sea surface inside the vain aperture which was formally declining had slowly risen up again.

Fang Yuan was not stingy when it came to using the Primeval Stones. He did not save any of it.

“I don’t have any backup, friends or families to help. I can only depend on extorting other people. Today is the first day. Afterwards, when the schoolhouse sends out allowance after every seven days, I will continue collecting the toll at the schoolhouse’s grand gates.”

How could one bout of extortion satisfy Fang Yuan’s desires? When a Gu Master cultivated, they would desperately lack Primeval Stones.

About the consequences fromextorting the students, Fang Yuan could not care less.

This world was different from Earth.

On Earth, schools usually forbade fighting. They would mainly rely on keeping the peace and harmony of the school. However, in this world, fighting was the main theme.

No matter if Gu Masters were still mortal, they still had to fight to survive. Sometimes it was wrestling with terrifying wild beasts, or joining together to fight against vile and frantic weather, or even battling the other Gu Masters due to vie over resources.

So instead of restricting fighting, on the contrary, it was being encouraged and advocated.

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From youth till adulthood, from trivial fights to deadly battles, this was the portrayal of the majority of the humans.

This world seemed as if it did not have any boundaries. Just the southern border where Fang Yuan was living, was even bigger by seven to eight times the total surface area of planet Earth. The living environment here was even crueler. Humans usually used the form of clans, established mountain strongholds, huddling up together.

After a certain period of time, the mountain stronghold would be under the attack of either a flock of beasts or extreme weather conditions.

Gu Masters then became the backbone in protecting the mountain stronghold. Each year, the decline in the armed force seemed relatively serious.

The life called for supreme master with formidable fighting willpower. The clan called for a limitless number of Battle Gu Masters.

Besides, Fang Yuan had his limits when taking action.

He did not attack the chin area because it could easily fracture, hence, caused deadly accidents. He also did not attack others on their hindbrains. Moreover, he did not use his fists or his fingers to pierce them. He only used his palm. The number of times he kicked could only be counted on the fingers of one hand.

None of the disciples who fell down had undergone severe injuries, at most were just minor wounds.

Fang Yuan also did not like killing. It was just that he only considered killing as a method.

Every time he had taken action, he always had a specific goal. Whatever method it was, as long as it could be a shortcut leading him to his goal, he would have used it.

In other words, he either did things by fair means or foul.


Black clouds were coming over, covering the moonlight.

A layer of shadow enveloped the whole Ancient Moon Mountain Stronghold.

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As the night watchman hit his clappers, a ‘bang, bang’ sound started to reverberate that reminded people that the night had fallen. Also to beware of the fire, carefully guarded oneself against wild animals and also the Gu Masters from the different clans who would sneak in.

In the mountain stronghold, several lights had not been put out yet.

In Gu Yue Chi Lian’s study room in the mansion of the Chi line, light was still illuminating.

The high authorial elder used a gentle tone to console his grandson, Gu Yue Chi Cheng, “I heard you were beaten by that Fang Yuan?”

Gu Yue Chi Cheng’s right eyes were bruised in a circle; he angrily said, “That’s right, Grandpa. That Fang Yuan is just a grade C aptitude, but he is too arrogant. He blocked us at the grand gates, regardless of the relationship of being schoolmates, he still robbed us, asking for Primeval Stones. What is even more annoying is that the schoolhouse obviously has their eyes half shut. Only until Fang Yuan had left did the bodyguards come rushing over. Grandpa, this time you need to help grandson in getting rid of his shame!”

Gu Yue Chi Lian shook his head, “This is between you juniors. He only snatched away one Primeval Stone from you anyway; you weren’t seriously wounded on top of that. I have no excuses to take action. Moreover, even if you were beaten up with severe injuries, grandpa would still not speak out for you, you understand why?”

Gu Yue Chi Cheng was dumbstruck. He painfully thought, then hesitantly spoke up after a while, “Grandpa, I can quite understand your opinion. You hoped I could count on myself to bring back my own dignity, did you not?”

“That is an aspect of it.” Gu Yue Chi Lian nodded, “You have to remember, you aren't just representing yourself, but our Chi line as well. We have been confronting with the Mo family for several years. Your slightest movement can stand for the hope of the Chi family’s future. Grandpa can silently help you, but you still have to stand up for yourself, creating your own independent image. If not, the hope of continuing the Chi line of our Elders would disappear.”

Talking to here, Gu Yue Chi Lian deeply sighed, “This is also the reason why grandpa had helped you to plagiarize, letting you pretend to be a grade B aptitude. Our Chi line needs a powerful yet formidable heir to be able to help maintain the Chi line in the future.”

Gu Yue Chi Cheng was startled, “Grandpa, grandson has understood.”

Gu Yue Chi Lian shook his head, “Your understanding is still lacking, you need to put more effort in it. Fang Yuan is just a small problem. Next, you have to diligently train the Basic Fisticuffs and get your feet back together. At the same time, don’t forget to cultivate, quickly reaching Intermediate Level one. It will be best for you yo come in first place. It would be a big glory, as well as bringing assistance to our Chi Line.”

“Yes, grandpa.” Gu Yue Chi Cheng loudly replied.

“Hahaha, this is the true spirit a heir of the Chi line should have. Grandson, you need to try harder. Grandpa will use all his efforts to help you.”

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