Revived Warrior

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Ears

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When I open my eyes, I find myself lying on the ground. My body feels a little hurt because of my falling off. I look around immediately and find clansman of Aima tribe and Tiger King are all exhausted and pass out. The will of the Devil God of Taming Monster just disappears.

Without any consideration, I pick up the magic crystal, and insert it to the gap of spar which seals the avatar of the Devil God of Taming Monster. Accompanied by a Tinkle, the system notifies:” congratulation for your regaining’ the seal of the Devil God of Taming Monster ‘. You gain 500 prestige. “

With the white light flashing, the system notified:” your mental strength will add 10. You will obtain ‘the Mark of Wisdom’ for the other players who engaged in this mission, everyone else who attends this mission can get 5 mental strength, and 100 prestige.”

I take a deep breath. It takes me for a long time to ascertain. My nerves release suddenly and I sit on the ground feebly. I close my eye, and use the instinct to find that “the Mark of Wisdom “.Mental strength + 5, comprehension ability +2, creativity +1, resistance of magic in spiritual type adds 10%. It is really useful! With the mental strength, compared with other magicians and priests, I think my mental strength is not low between them. In addition my “comprehension ability” has been reached to highest level. And my creation has surpassed the maximum value. I don’t know what the effect it will be, but resistance of magic in mental type is especially makes me feel joyful. If I face with mental magic now, I will be more calm than before. But mental magic resistance is a hidden attributes. I don’t know how much my resistance itself.

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Everybody now is still fainting, but they should all get rid of danger. I don’t try waking them up.” Realm of Sadness” has lost its efficiency with the disappearing of avatars the Devil God of Taming Monster. They are just at their intensity of grief and in a state of torpor .What they need are just relax.

When I recover my “Fatigue”, I look for back room around the palace. But I find nothing. So it is clear that I can only find equipment on the corpse of the Devil God of Taming Monster. I have to pick up the weapons thrown by Aima Tribe. It is clear that when the Aima Tribe left, they have taken nearly all the weapons away, only left dozens of weapons in iron grade.

Now I think one question over and over again:” Now that the Devil God of Taming Monster has been sealed, and whether the treasure inside the right door has been out of his control? Maybe the treasure has been outside the control of his will…… ”

“The reason why Ahan is controlled is that he has weak nerves. And I am definitely tougher than everyone here. Even the Devil God of Taming Monster can’t control my mind. Let alone the magic on the treasure”

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If someone approaches the treasure and is been controlled, he will set the Devil God free again. I think I have the responsibility to eliminate the risk……

Moreover, if I can’t raise 70 gold coins in 4 days, my dream of getting a territory would never come true. And the hardship that I endured for all those days will have no value. If the treasure of Devil God had been used for lure, it should be assessed for a high value……

Finally I persuade myself, go out the great hall, and push the “treasure” gate open.

After passing this gate, I go into a wriggly maze. As an experienced player, that can’t baffle me. Making the mark along the whole way, I finally walk through the small maze, spending half an hour.

In front of my eyes is a warehouse-like room with a large square. Without the splendor of jewels, what it shows still makes me heartbeat.

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In the front of the house put a suit which makes from unknown material. Except that, there are dozens of shelves on which orderly places books. There are gold coins all around the ground.

Then using the reconnaissance as well as distinct, I find that the suit is “the set of full profession” in gold grade.

My eyes turn red. Those are exactly prepared for me! Luckily I come here, or I will regretfully I missed it.

I dash with stride and I don’t know why I become so impulsive. Not considering the danger any more, I grab the suit immediately.

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At that moment, there is severe tremble before my eyes. After tremble, everything has disappeared. I fall to the black space in my brain.

What has happened? I wonder why, but I quit the game. But who can tell me why there are so many voices around my ears?

“Zhang, please take other brain spectroscopy to have a test. Liu, give him a neural reflex test. Wu, look at his pupil……”

Hearing those conversations, I am amazing. I can’t believe my ears. Surely it doesn’t mean that my ears recover by themselves? Am I in a dream or am I still in the game?

I look for the black hole around the black space, but I can’t find it anywhere. I can’t resist to feeling panic. Does that mean I can’t enter the game anymore? But, soon I understand. It seems that my game helmet has been taken off by someone and that black hole is caused by helmet.

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