Revived Warrior

Chapter 46

Chapter in 46: finishing the mission.

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The eagle can’t use its right wing, so it escapes the range of our magic and arrow. Then he spit to the wound of its wing.

I am a little surprise. I know that the saliva of the eagle has the function of healing the wound. If it is healed the things would get difficult. I think for a second then pretended to rushing to the nest. The eagle is anxious and stop escaping and rushing to me as I am expected.

The wind produce by the wind of the eagle’s wing blowing and White Feather all lying on the ground, but we have preparation and tolling to one side of us. The claw of the eagle is missed.

But the eagle still very angry and hitting to me with its claw again. This time I can’ avoid and could only block it with my shied.

The claw is sticking into the shied deeply. Y seemed hearing the painful calling of the Mysterious Turtle that apprehending on my shied. My HP is dropping 200 also. Oh, so powerful it is! If it is evolution to a BOSS, we would have no chance to defeat it! Then he rubs the shied from my hand then throws it away then pecks me with its mouth.

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At that time I quickly move my body for some distance and avoid the mouth of it in a close distance then quickly catch the neck of it then climb on its body.

This trick I have used when I meet the wolf king first time. But I must say that this trick is very useful because the monsters always have its highest attack place in its mouth or claws and the back of them is always the death corner of them. They could only shiver their body to give me damage. But it is much lesser than the attack of the claw or mouth. It is true that I can’t attack it freely also. But besides that, I have a partner – White Feather.

The White Feather also knows it is very hard for me. So he try his best to shoot the eagle. My double hands must catch on the neck of the eagle. But I also have something to do – “using taming monsters”. Every time the eagle want to use “Wind blade storm” or rushing to the White Feather, I will using that skill to it. It is true that I could hardly tame the monsters in such a high level especially it is in the battle condition. But it could influence the nerves of it. In my effort, its magic often miss, and when it want to rush, it also easy to run to a wrong orientation.

As time goes by, I suddenly remind something and putting out the blood sucking pipe that I got in the cave of the Devil God of Disease and sticking it into the neck of the eagle. It is better. It is better. I can eat lesser drugs and concentrate on taming.

As the shouting of the evil eagle, it lying down on the ground and the system notified us that we finished the mission “perish evil eagles”, and let us get reward from the town president.

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My EXP is rising one over three, in a word, if I kill the eagle myself, the EXP I get won’t lesser than the God of Plague.

The eagle is dropping a eagle shaped helmet with gold level. Then I let White Feather to pick it. And I am rushing to the dead body of the eagle then cutting it crazily. Finally I get “Gold horn of evil eagle”, “mouth of the evil eagle”, “feather of evolution evil eagle” then I also get a large bottle of “advanced evil saliva”. It is a good thing and can heal trauma.

My collecting is advanced to the 2nd level intermediate. If I can leveling more of it, I will get more things.

The White Feather has a glance of the helmet then put it on his head. Oh how is the grade of the skill “identification”? a gold level equipment only need to identify once?

The nest of the evil eagle is not others made of branches of trees but made by the bone of animals. But the things let us more surprised are the things in the nest. They are all shinning gems, mirrors or equipments. In all, they are very good-looking. I know that the dragon will collect things that is shinning. But I don’t know that the evil eagle, no evolution evil eagle will like to collect them also.

But except the gems I don’t know the prize of them, the equipments in the nest are all in silver grades. The White Feather is walking to the other side of the nest and pick up two eggs lying on it. I see his hand is a little shiver.

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It is understandable. As a player that leveling above 40 in such a long time must be a very good player, perhaps a professional player also. But he still didn’t have a pet before today.

He raises his hand to me with two eggs in his hand and said:”Choose!”

I get one randomly and said I have the Mysterious Turtle and Flying. So this pet I can just give it to Zhi.

After distribute our trophy, we went back to the flying eagle town.

The town president is already standing in the entrance of the town and rushing to us once he see we coming:”Warriors, thank you for helping our town. I just see that there are no eagles in the town. ”

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We are impatient and just tell him to give us the reward quickly.

The town president nod his head and then we receive a serious of notification: “You get EXP 50000, you get prestige 300, you get the feats of ‘the West Country(name of the country I stayed)’, you get 10 justice(I have 2 sin point so now I have 8 justice).”

I make sure all of the rewards for us are already received then I drug the White Feather to the transfer matrix and leaving the town in the fattest speed we have.

White Feather looking at me strangely, I whispered to him:”If the town president knows the normal kinds of eagle are vanished also, he must be angry to burst. You should know this town is the hunting eagle provide place of the loyalty. This time the town president must do not have a good end. The best treat he will suffer might be dismissed…”


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