Right x Light

Chapter Prologue

Right x Light Vol01 Prologue

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Move, move, move——!

I thrashed around as hard as I could, trying to fight off the huge waves that threatened to drown me in its black depths.

I was pleading for fresh air and dearly hoping to see the sky once again with my very own eyes.

The cold seawater made my clothes heavy, stealing my only warmth. The waves that approached threatened to block my airway, sending the salty scent of the sea straight into my nose.

“Help, help me!”

Desperately, I yelled for help. My voice echoed off the water, making it sound unusually unlike me.

My voice didn’t travel far and no one heard me anyway.

I knew that all along, but I can't do anything apart from yelling for help now. Even if I continued to thrash around, it would only just delay my certain death a little. Therefore, I decided to yell for help and hope for some miracle.


Suddenly, something fell into the water. It could be seen above and below water, proving its existence.

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I didn't have the energy to find out what it was. Subconsciously, I got near it.

“Cough! Cough!”

I grabbed it with two hands, hugged it and took a couple of deep breaths. It seemed to be a plastic board, probably wreckage from the ship that I thought would never sink.

Even at that moment, there was nothing I could do so I glanced around. Similar pieces of wreckage were floating on the dark sea beside me. No one was in sight.

No one in sight?

The reality before my eyes, reminded me of my forgotten memories——things I should have never forgotten. Where were mom and dad? And...


I shouted out with my hoarse voice, yelling for my younger sister who was beside me not long ago.

As I fell into the water, I clearly remember pulling her down with my right hand as well.

Did...I let go? Did I leave Yui all alone? Just because I didn't want to fall into the pitch-black depths I——

My body began to shake and my eyes slowly flickered to my trembling right hand. I was no longer holding the hand of my sister but clutching onto a plastic board.

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The scream of harsh reality escaped my throat, like I had finally surrendered to the murky waters.


I certainly didn't have time to feel sorry for myself.

The plastic board I had been clutching onto, suddenly began to rock furiously. I held it even tighter. Though I felt like a seriously mean person, I just didn't want to die yet.


The board rocked again.

I was shocked to find someone else’s hand on the board.


I thought it was rather unlikely, but I still yelled her name. After a while, a man with long hair surfaced, not my sister.

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“Cough! Cough!”

I didn't know whether he had nearly been drowned or not, but he gave a couple of good measured coughs. Unfortunately, our combined weights were too heavy for the board and it was slowly sinking.


I was thinking 'if we continue to be like this, we'll both sink', when he turned to me before I could say it. His eyes were an icy blue and I was surprised to see him glaring at me viciously.

“You’re a hindrance! Brat!”


I simply had no idea what just happened. I had already fallen back into the water when I finally realized that the man had just punched me for no reason.

Although I wanted to grab the board that was slowly floating away, I just couldn’t quite reach it.


Water entered my mouth and steadily carried me away. I knew that I had to act fast, but my body just wouldn't react to my commands.

My body was sinking, and my eyes could only see the water's surface, which was glowing slightly. I was sure that the place I was about to sink into was a much, much darker place than here.

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I was going to sink anyway, so giving up seemed the most relaxing solution but I couldn’t help raise my right arm for one last time. The hand that had let go of Yui could never change anything, never grab onto some miracle.

A bubble of air escaped from my mouth, rising up through the water.

I stared at the bubble. An illusion maybe, as the bubble that disappeared at the surface seemed to glow. I was sinking and should be far from the surface of the sea, but thatlight seemed to get closer.

That light then arrived before my eyes. 

A gentle feeling enveloped around my right hand, it was the warmth of human skin. My hands tightened around it.

Yui must be here to save me, but the hand was slightly bigger than Yui's.

I saw a dazzling smile, a figure with a golden aura.

Not Yui? Then who is she? Another...woman?

She pulled me out, gradually leaving the gloomy depths behind.

My vision was blurred and I felt hazy. I was scared of losing the warmth in my right hand and I clutched her hand tightly. And then I blacked out, losing consciousness entirely.

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