Rise of Humanity

Chapter 408: 408

Chapter 408 - Gods of the Bai Zhe Clan

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Zhong Yue’s vision then changed again, the palace and Shao Hao Bell were gone and the sea of ice flame and the Bai Zhe Clan clan masters were frozen in ice return back in his sights.


Suddenly, a vast and powerful energy seeped through the dimensions and surged into the Shao Hao Bell Zhong Yue have visualized.

The visualized Shao Hao Bell was an exact replica of the Shao Hao Bell itself and thus, it was just like part of the Shao Hao Bell’s body; the legendary divine weapon have then used Zhong Yue as a bridge, passing its power into the visualized Shao Hao Bell.

It was all because the visualized art was based on the Shao Hao Bell, else, even such a strong divine weapon like it wouldn’t be able to do so either.

The energy was vast and mighty, tens of thousands time stronger than Zhong Yue’s own visualized Shao Hao Bell. Sensing the incoming energy, Zhong Yue heaved a breath of relief, he now have the confidence to traipse past through this sea of ice flame!

“Have you seen that little fatty?”

In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, Xin Huo asked, “How is it, did the little fatty said anything? Did he mention my name to you?”

Zhong Yue nodded and a blurred expression climbed on his face, he said, “Your name have really helped me a lot. Oh, Xin Huo, have you borrowed Shao Hao Bell’s powers before?”

Xin Huo was all proud and conceited, a bright red tail pointing high into the sky and he said laughingly, “Of course I have, more than I can count! Remember the last time I’ve helped you to fight against Sha Qishan and the Xia Clans, I’ve just borrowed once. However, he and I, we are long friends, I don’t even have to notify him when I need his powers!”

“Well, about that … I think it’s better to notify or ask first before you do it the next time.” Zhong Yue winked his eyes and said.

“No need for that, doing so will only pull our friendship further apart!” The little flame, however, did not listen at all.

Zhong Yue turned speechless and ignored the proud little flame. He cast the skill and shrouded Bai Shuyue in the Shao Hao Bell as well and the two then walked into the sea of ice flame. Immediately as they stepped foot in the sea of ice flame, the many totem patterns pulled the ice flame together and rained their attacks down on the two intruders.

The translucent bell was taking hundreds of attacks every second, revolving tardily while fending down the attacks.

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The bell itself was sixty-over feet tall, shielding them in the middle and its translucent appearance made it felt like it did not have any true forms, that it could not ever stop anything from passing right through it. But that wasn’t true at all, every single strike from the ice flames would just be blocked right outside of the Shao Hao Bell, Zhong Yue and Bai Shuyue could not even feel a single breeze inside of the Shao Hao Bell at all.

However, Bai Shuyue’s heart was thumping, even though they were left unschated inside of the visualized bell regardless of how strong and powerful were the skills and strikes coming at them, but what if the bell was suddenly crushed by the attacks somewhere in middle of the sea of ice flame?

Out there, those frozen Bai Zhe beasts could only reach this stage because they were the strongest Bai Zhe of their time, they were the clan masters, their prowess were strong and their skills were unpredictable.

But Zhong Yue and Bai Shuyue were just two Inner Core Qi Practitioners, although on the brink of breaking through to the level of Heavenly Dharma, they still wouldn’t be able to to survive the ice flames!

Right now, the bell surface would ripple like water when an attack landed on it, the rippling waves on the bell surface were getting more and looking out from the inside of the bell, it felt like the bell was a curved river and the attacks were the raindrops.

The attack rate was steadily increasing as they walked further into the sea of ice flame, Bai Shuyue was feeling incredibly terrified but to her surprise, no matter how hard or how many strikes have struck on the bell, it w

as still holding strong and seemingly, unharmed!

Gosh, is this really a skill?

Her little brain went blank, it was hard to imagine that this was a skill of an Inner Core Qi Practitioner, being able to fend down the attacks that could even kill the Imminent Deity Qi Practitioners!

There wouldn’t be such a skill in this world, it’ll never exist!

Bai Shuyue calmed herself and thought, Senior Martial Brother Zhong must have some other means to enhance this bell skill, there is no other explanation for this!

She was after all, a young lady with high intelligence, it wasn’t long for her to deduce it out but even so, she wouldn’t even be able to ever imagine what was enhancing the skill nor how strong was that treasure!

One must say, even Zhong Yue himself was worried at first, but once the Shao Hao Bell have blocked down all of the attacks, he was all relaxed and laid back.

The two of them travelled for a few hundred miles of distance; suddenly, Zhong Yue could sense a very faint surge of godly aura, although weak and faint, it was real clear in his senses.

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Such godly aura have a huge difference from those of the divine weapons, this was from a god!

How weird, is there still gods in the ice palace?

Zhong Yue was then puzzled, Just how strong are the gods, the demon god in Eight Barren have clamped me in mid-air just purely by his arcane energy, he didn’t even show up nor use any mediums at all. If there really is a god in this ice palace, who will he be?

Soon, Bai Shuyue sensed it also and she was as curious as Zhong Yue, as they walked further in, the godly aura was also getting stronger.

They have travelled for another hundred miles and the godly aura was so powerful as if a god was standing just right in front of them!

While around them, the ice flames were still continuously striking, countless ripples were raised on the bell surface, each representing an attack landed on it!

Zhong Yue and Bai Shuyue then suddenly stared to the front, in the midst of the ice flames, there was a faint figure of a giant man.

The ice flames around were huge and had the shape of the shards, piercing through the gone and pinned him on the ground.

“Our Bai Zhe Clan’s god!”

Bai Shuyue shouted in shock, “He is Bai Zhe Clan’s god! Senior Martial Brother Zhong, do you remember that I said I’ve felt a god’s aura? That godly aura belonged to him!”

Zhong Yue nodded heavily, they walked past the Bai Zhe Clan god and stopped beneath him. Zhong Yue lift his head up and looked at the magnificent god frozened in the ice flames.

Everything that came into visions was colored in white. The god’s clothes were white, his brows were white and they were so long that they have touched the floor, his mustaches and beards covered half of his face and his hairs were even whiter than the clothes he wore, whiter than the snows.

In his hands was a divine weapon — a scepter made of white woods, which he have used to walked up to this point and was frozen to death in the end.

Bai Shuyue was dead quiet, she was staring at this god of the Bai Zhe Clan and she mumbled bitterly, “Why are the seals so strong, why did Lord Bai left behind such powerful sealing array formation … did he not want his descendants to attain his heritage…”

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Even a god died here, it wasn’t hard to infer that Lord Bai have never even thought of leaving his heritage behind for his descendants, the whole ice palace he have left behind was a dead end!

Zhong Yue then shook his head and responded, “I don’t quite agree with you. With all these arrangements, it seems like Lord Bai was trying to seal something instead of leaving his heritage back. He just didn’t want the Bai Zhe Clan to vanish and is trying to save his people.”

Bai Shuyue was bewildered and she asked, “What do you mean?”

“I’m saying, Lord Bai must have found something dangerous that can wipe off the whole Bai Zhe Clan, thus, he have built this ice palace and placed down various seals with his divine weapons. But something must have happened that cause him to die without even telling a word to the Bai Zhe Clan.”

Zhong Yue continued, “As such, all of you have thought that the ice palace contained the greatest heritage of the Bai Zhe Clan left behind by Lord Bai, trying all your might to get past the seals and yet, little did you know that doing so is just going right against his will.”

Bai Shuyue kept quiet and suddenly, she replied, “This time, I have asked Senior Martial Brother Zhong to come with me with a promise of the Bai Zhe Clan’s greatest heritage, but now, it turns out to be a blank promise and I hope I can have Senior Martial Brother Zhong’s forgiveness. There is really nothing much Shuyue can offer senior martial brother at this point in time but if senior martial brother have any difficulties in the future, please let me know and Shuyue will help at all cost.”

“You can ask her to repay with you with her body!” The little flame hopped around in Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean and shouted.

Zhong Yue ignored him and replied with a smile, “The Luminant Sun Gold is already a very precious reward I can have. Senior Martial Sister Shuyue, let us continue forward, I believe we can find out what exactly have Lord Bai sealed in here not long later.”

Bai Shuyue nodded softly and the two continued moving forward. Not long later, another surge of godly aura came into their sense and the two youngsters stiffened up their faces again. Soon, the second frozen god came into their vicinities, another god of the Bai Zhe Clan!

After another few moments, they then saw the third god.

They continued moving forward and saw the fourth god, Zhong Yue and Bai Shuyue was stunned, their bodies shuddered in shock and Bai Shuyue shouted involuntarily, “This god, it is not from our Bai Zhe Clan!”

Zhong Yue stared vacantly at the frozen god and raised his brows, he mumbled, “The insect race!”

Before them, an enormously huge, dreadful looking golden insect was frozen in ice and pinned down to the ground by the ice flame sharp shards. This golden insect have the body of an insect and a torso of the demon race, it was huge and giant while many huge and thick totem patterns were around it, also freezed by the ice flames!

Bai Shuyue’s body shuddered in fear and she mumbled, “Insect race? Why is he here, how did he slipped into the Bai Zhe Clan saint city and enter the ice palace….”

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Zhong Yue scrutinized the golden insect god and abruptly said, “I don’t think he came from the outside, but more like he was trying to get out of this ice palace.”

A flash of fear flashed across Bai Shuyue’s eyes and she quickly looked at the golden insect. True, the golden insect was walking in oppose to their directions; they were trying to go deeper and the golden insect was trying to walk out from the ice palace!

“From now on, the truth will slowly unveil itself.”

Zhong Yue strode forward and Bai Shuyue quickly followed. They have walked for another few miles and saw another frozened insect god.

Then the third, fourth, fifth…

Along the way, they have seen many insect gods frozened in this sea of ice flames, more than twenty in just a few hundred miles of distance!

Finally, the two of them have traipsed past the sea of ice flame, they looked back and unsurprisingly found the sea of ice flame disappearing with only a towering ice tower leaving on the spot.


Zhong Yue and Bai Shuyue looked forward and their bodies then stiffened up and their eyes were filled with fear.

In front of them was an endless battlefield, huge and giant ice shards pierced into the ground, scattering across the battlefield like swords falling from the sky, millions of ice sculptures appeared in their vision as far as they could see; these were all the dreadful looking insect race Qi Practitioners!

Millions of the insect Qi Practitioners were frozened right here!

While in the middle of the battlefield, there was two gigantic godly corpse, one was a mother queen of the insect race and another was Lord Bai!

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