Rise of Humanity

Chapter 31-33: 31-33

Chapter 31        The Monster Race

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"The Beast God Ridge is a special place in the Great Wilderness, rumors say that within this 800 miles radius of land, there was a beast god that had fallen here, it's body turned into the Beast God Ridge. The Beast God Ridge is the paradise for the various kinds of mythical beasts that lived there, these beasts are known as monster beasts by the Qi Practitioners of the Swords Gate." 

On the soul weapon Rainbow Clouds Carrier, Ting Lanyue said to Zhong Yue, "Junior martial brother, the monster beasts are beasts that cultivate, but they are low in intelligence. Some beasts can morph into human form, they are then classified as the monster race. It is quite interesting as we humans and the demons enter this world  with our identities set in stone, but the monsters can only be classified as such when they start to cultivate. Those that can be classified as monsters are all Qi Practitioners, they are strong and incredibly horrifying!" 

Tao Daier laughed and continued, "But there are no Qi Practitioners in the Beast God Ridge. I hear word that says there is a sacred holy land of the monster race outside of Great Wilderness, but the Great Wilderness is the domain of humanity. With the Swords Gate guarding the Great Wilderness, the monsters dare not invade us. The mission given by the Swords Gate this time is a small matter to us."

"Tao-tao, you said you have smelled Junior Martial Brother Zhong before, how did you smelled him?" Ting Lanyue gazed at Tao Daier and Zhong Yue and she suddenly interjected banteringly.

"Yes yes!"

The other young ladies were excited, they laughed and asked, "Quick, tell us how did you smell him?" 

"Tao-tao, where did you smell Senior Martial Brother Zhong at, the face or the mouth? Or was it some other places ...?" 

Tao Daier jumped up and her face stiffened up, she stood with arms akimbo and said. "Make more noise and I will throw all you down from the clouds!"

"Tao-tao is angry we caught her little tail."

One of the young lady moved close to Tao Daier with her mouth pouted and laughed, "Did you smelled at him like this mouth to mouth?" 

The lips of the two young ladies almost touched each other, finally Tao Daier's face couldn't help but blush red, she turned her head to the other side while the other young ladies laughed out loud, the sonorous laughter and sounds of chuckling resounded through the clouds. 

Zhong Yue's face too was red due to the harassment, he acted as as if he had heard nothing and asked, "Senior martial sisters, how does it look like outside of the Great Wilderness?"

The young ladies looked at each other and shook their heads, one of the young ladies shook her head and said, "We don't know too, none of us had left the Great Wilderness before. But I hear that it is extremely dangerous, there were people walking out of the Great Wilderness in the past, but none of them returned." 

"Even more! I hear that the villagers living around the fringes of the Great Wilderness will often go missing, they were snatched away and eaten by the bad guys outside of the Great Wilderness!" 

Zhong Yue looked at Yu Feiyan and asked, "Senior martial sister you are knowledgeable, have you been out there before?" 

Yu Feiyan shook her head, "Not once, but there are Qi Practitioners of the You Yu Clan walking outside of the Great Wilderness. Out there… it is not a place for human inhabitation."

Not a place for a humans to live, what kind comment is this?

Zhong Yue furrowed his brows, he asked Xin Huo, Xin Huo yawned and answered, "How do I know? Before I fall into hibernation there wasn't such a thing as the Great Wilderness or so, the ruler of the world is of your kind, the Fuxi celestial race. Who knew after I woke up, the Fuxi celestial race had now devolved into the human race. Even I am craving to know what happened between this period of time…."

In the Beast God Ridge, the steep and precipitous mountains stood high like swords piercing through the skies. The monster beasts took the Beast God Ridge as their breeding ground and their paradise. Not a single trace of human tribes could be found, the humans only exist outside of the Beast God Ridge. Often there would be human tribesmen hunting activities but only at the outer rings of the Beast God Ridge. 

There were too many monster beasts in the Beast God Ridge, only a handful of courageous men were brave enough to enter it. 

Right now, there were upwards of twenty  Swords Gate upper house disciples walking in the deepest part of the Beast God Ridge, with their soul weapons, they slew every monster beast they could see. 

"Senior Martial Brother Han, this doesn't feel right, the monster beasts are getting fewer in number, but stronger!" 

The over twenty disciples worked together and finally brought down a bovine monster. 

The bovine monster was strong, its cowhide was tough enough to withstand the salvo of soul weapons, the upper house disciples exhausted quite a bit of effort to kill it. 

The carcass of the bovine monster was like a small mountain, they stood on it and overlooked the surroundings, they could see that the Beast Monster Ridge was shrouded within pink effluvia reminiscent of blooming mushrooms. 

One of the young disciples cast his gaze around, he frowned and said to their leader Senior Martial Brother Han, "Senior martial brother, there is something wrong, this monster cow is too strong, there had never been monster beasts this strong appearing in places like Beast God Ridge!" 

Another disciples smiled and answered him, "Junior martial brother you are overreacting, Senior Martial Brother Han is the strongest disciple in the male house, what kind of situation has he not met before? Even that Zhong Shan Clan member and Shui Tu Clan are clowns in Senior Martial Brother Han's eyes, they are small and petty!" 

The Senior Martial Brother Han they spoke of was the strongest male disciple in the upper house, similar to the strongest female upper house disciple, Yu Feiyan. He smiled warmly and said, "Senior Martial Brother Shui Qinghe is strong, he might just be stronger than I am. As for the Zhong Shan Clan member, he still has some aspects he needs to improve on." 

Suddenly, the effluvia at the front slightly parted, a young maiden slowly emerged within their visage as she ambled out to the front of the disciples. It was weird that she was dressed in pink clothes and in her hands gripped on a coalescence of mist that took the shape of a stick as if she were holding an umbrella or a mushroom covering her appearance. 

But vaguely from part of the figure she exposed, she appeared to be only 14-15 years old. 

"This junior martial sister, be careful, that miasma is poisonous!" 

One of the male disciple shouted out, "Quick, get out of there!" 

"Wait, something's not right!" 

The Senior Martial Brother Han's face turned, he whispered, "It is hard for even people like us to enter the Beast God Ridge, how did a little girl do it? It is best if we leave now…."

"Leave? Where can you go?" 

Under the umbrella-like effluvia, a graceful laughter of a young maiden sounded, she chuckled and said, "Humans, the most delicious food of the Great Wilderness, it is a very long time since I last ate one…."


Senior Martial Brother Han shouted, the disciples controlled their soul weapons and leapt down from and abandoned the carcass of the monster cow where they killed it. 

The umbrella-shaped mist dispersed, revealing the body of a quintessential elegant young maiden, with the exception of her neck being three feet long with a serpentine head and a human's face, she was a human-faced serpent!

The human-faced serpent laughed, "I said, there's nowhere you can run, but none of you believed me!" 


Her neck grew bigger as the wind blows, the serpentine body rushed out from the clothes' neck opening and grew longer and thicker, her head also grew larger. All of a sudden, she was already as big as a small mountain. In a split second, she spurted forward and swallowed four Swords Gate disciples all at once!

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"This monster serpent is on the verge of becoming a Qi Practitioner, the Beast God Ridge would not give birth to such an extremely dangerous beast, she must've come from the outside!" 

Senior Martial Brother Han released an cry, "Use the soul weapons and slow her down, we will be safe as long as we leave this place!" 

The rest of the upper house disciples controlled their soul weapons and one after another, slashed down onto the gigantic serpentine head and heart area, sparks of fire emerged with the collision of the soul weapons and serpent scales, but the serpent was left unharmed. 

"Imbecilic humans, you dare show me your soul weapons, especially such inferior ones, don't you know you are just asking to die?" 

The gigantic serpent chuckled, she opened her mouth and rained down her venomous fluids, green smoke billowed out from the soul weapons the moment they were contaminated by the venom. In the blink of an eye, the soul weapons were corroded into scrap metal. 

The disciples cried out blood-curdling screams as their souls that were occupying the soul weapons were also corroded by the poisons; their souls dissipated into thin air while they died alongside their own helpless screams. 

Pu-tom, pu-tom - the bodies of Senior Martial Brother Han and the other disciples swayed and all of a sudden fell onto the floor. 

"All dead, the humans are so weak, no wonder they are always taken as food by us and the other races." 

The gigantic serpent shrunk down her serpentine neck and reverted back to her human form, she shook her head as she mumbled. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "Senior martial brothers, do you all want to eat too? This little sister can distribute some to the two of you." 

"Hmph, who needs it?" 

A brawny man like a pylon strode over, he gave a cold sneer and asserted, "If I want to eat humans, I will catch them myself. There are plenty of human tribes just right outside of Beast God Ridge, the last time I entered a human village, I had an enjoyable feast!" 

The brawny man was over twenty feet, wearing a thick and furry overcoat, thick tuffs of hair grew all over his chest while he had a head of a bear that boasted razor-sharp teeth. 

"I am just one step behind and Junior Martial Sister She has taken care of everything."

Another man hopped over at great speed, he in turn, had a head of a buck, he smiled and said, "Senior Martial Brother Xiong, Junior Martial Sister She is just being nice offering us food. These people are different than the ordinary humans that are bland and unpalatable. They are cultivators, their muscles are strong and solid, satisfying to masticate on and delicious to eat. If they are placed on the market, they can be sold at a nice price!" 

Junior Martial Sister She nodded with a smile, "Especially the human Qi Practitioners, they are more than valuable. The last time I was at the Xian Kong City for the Pageant of the Million Races, I saw someone selling the human Qi Practitioners, that selling price, you can't even afford it even if you sell off yourself!"

The black bear was visibly fascinated, he said, "I hear that there are a lot of Qi Practitioners at the Swords gate…."

"Don't you ever think about it!"

Junior Martial Sister She smiled coldly, "The Swords Gate guarded the Great Wilderness for tens of thousands of years, its strength is unfathomable. Not to mention that you are still not a Qi Practitioner yet, even if you are already a Qi Practitioner, if you dare to mess with the Swords Gate you will die without leaving behind a single hair! Senior Martial Brother Gongyang, am I right or not?" 

Gongyang nodded, smiled and said, "We are here today to accompany our teacher in searching for the treasures of the Beast God Ridge, it is fine to eat them if the disciples of the Swords Gate comes over, but we must not provoke the Swords Gate. We will immediately leave once our teacher has found the treasure! The Swords Gate is stronger than you can imagine, there are powerful forces trying to annex the Great Wilderness in their claws but none of succeed, one can tell how strong the deterrence of the Swords Gate is." 

Senior Martial Brother Xiong nodded and said in a guttural voice, "Before we leave I will plunder some humans and sell them off!" 

Junior Martial Sister She suddenly turned her head to the skies and muffled, "Someone's coming! Eey, there are three groups of them, we don't have to quarrel now, the three of us will each take charge of one group. Two senior martial brothers, remember, they must all die here and now, there must be no one left living lest they leak word of this, or otherwise, when the Swords Gate is informed, it will foil the plans of our teacher!" 

Gongyang and Senior Martial Bother Xiong nodded and went their separate ways.

Junior Martial Sister She spat and flicked her protracted tongue, she quickly slithered towards the Rainbow Clouds Carrier where Zhong Yue, Tao Daier and the others were on, she mumbled to herself, "I hope teacher can quickly get his hands on the treasure, if we drag this matter any longer, I'm afraid the next one to come would not be these helpless  little disciples anymore, but the Qi Practitioners…."

Translator Note:

Gongyang (公羊) literally means ‘male sheep/goat’Xiong (熊) literally means ‘bear’

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Chapter 32        Roaring Thunder Sword

The Rainbow Clouds Carrier slowly descended from the sky when the girls looked down from the cloud while waiting to alight once the cloud reached the ground. What came into their vision was a ridge with seemingly unforgivable terrain which would instill great terror into anyone looking at it. In the Great Wilderness, there were a lot of places with dangerous environments but this ridge appeared especially malign, making the girls adopt serious expressions.

As the clouds reached the ground, Tao Daier took out the small pouch and murmured something. As she murmured, the rainbow cloud swiftly returned back into the pouch and after a few moments, the cloud completely disappeared into the small pouch.

Yu Feiyan walked forward and explained, "Dear sisters, the reward of this mission assigned by Swords Gate is very rich. A lot of the other disciples are planning to enter the Beast God Ridge and some are already there by now. We should make haste and enter the deeper part of the Beast God Ridge to kill those rampant monster beasts promptly!"

Ting Lan Yue walked up and , "Senior Martial Sister, there would be a lot of the elites from the top ten clans here by now and some of them are very strong, like Shui Qinghe and Lei Gun. There are also some strong female disciples here like Li Xiuniang from the Li Shan Clan and Mu Qingxuan from Mu Shan Clan. Are you confident that you could best them?"

Yu Feiyan shook and said, "Li Xiuniang, Mu Qingxuan and the others have already achieved the state of [Actualization of Virtuality]. Their psyche is better than mine. These people are the core disciples from their own clans, they are also selected after rigorous tests and raised up with rich resources when they were still young. Therefore, they are individuals who have exceptional skills. However, the core disciples from my clan, the You Yu Clan, are not any weaker than them as well. They would need to fight with me first if they want me to conceded that they are stronger than me! Junior Martial Brother Zhong, you have fought with Shui Qinghe once, how is his strength compared to mine?"

The other girls immediately looked at Zhong Yue as they really wanted to know about it as well.

Zhong Yue thought for awhile and he shook his head while saying, "Senior martial sister, you are slightly weaker than Shui Qinghe."

Yu Feiyan stared at him angrily and rebuked saltily, "How would you know if we did not even fight at all? Besides, I really want to compete with you, especially after you fought with Shui Qinghe!""Junior Martial Brother Zhong, when do you want to claim the throne of the strongest disciple in the male house?"

Tao Daier smiled and said, "The first in the male house is now Senior Martial Brother Han Qingmo and he is as famous as Senior Martial Sister Yu. He is a formidable foe. If you manage to defeat him, you would then be the best in the male house then."

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "Is the title of being the best in the male house really that important?"

"How is it not important?"

The other girls refuted Zhong Yue's answer and quipped, "If you have the title of the strongest male disciple, you will receive the admiration of us female disciples!" 

"You would also receive the favoritism of the Qi Practitioners and they might give you various valuable items!"

"People would also become your follower and get things done for you! They would also eagerly help you solve your problems in bids to gain your favour!"

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Zhong Yue was stunned by the girls' answers and he said stupidly, "Such advantages? But I don't need the admiration of the girls now as it is useless for me now. What I need the most is the medicinal pellets and cultivation techniques…."

The girls immediately dismissed him and proclaimed, "Senior Martial Brother Han is an incredible person like Senior Martial Sister Yu, he will not be defeated by you! If you want to become the first in the upper house, you will have to wait for another few years!"

"May the handsome and brilliant Senior Martial Brother Han defeat this evil demon from Zhong Shan Clan!"

Suddenly, Yu Feiyan face became very serious and she said, "Quiet, there are monsters nearby!"

The girls immediately got nervous and they quickly stood back to back while they prepared for battle and took out their totem pillars.

Zhong Yue recollected his thoughts and his back suddenly felt very warm as a soft body lean towards his back. He turned back and saw the beautiful jet black hair and pearl white neck of a girl. Tao Daier turned her head and smiled towards Zhong Yue. Her smile was so sweet, her teeth were like spotless pearls and she also smelled sublime. All of these suddenly reduced the tension of the atmosphere around Zhong Yue.

He looked around and found the totem pillars of those girls were very small but the carvings on the totem pillars were very exquisite. The carvings seemed to be that of a very high-classed phoenix.

The ground trembled lightly and the trembling slowly became more and more frequent and vigorous. The ground trembled so hard like waves in the sea and the next moment, one after another, Feiyi Snakes appeared in their vicinity!

These Feiyi Snakes looked like giant lizards except armored with a body full of scales. They were as tall as a normal person but their body length was only about two or three feet long. 

"Do not use your soul weapons!"

Yu Feiyan quickly said, "Feiyi Snakes consume any metals as their food, their stomach is full of corrosive gastric juices. They could easily corrode your soul weapon if they managed to bite on them. Immediately cast out your totem pillar and initiate the totem of phoenix."

Dong dong dong! 

One after another, the totem pillars landed on the ground and the carvings on the pillars glowed. The glows from the pillars then intersected in mid-air, forming a majestic phoenix floating in the air over the girls.

"This is an array?"

Zhong Yue showed a shocked expression and he proceeded to measure the phoenix formed by the totem pillars. He could feel the immense strength and aura coming from that conjured phoenix, its strength was equal to a phoenix-derived cultivation technique already!

This phoenix was so condensed as it could almost materialize already. From this, its strength would be incredibly strong!


As the phoenix flapped its wings, huge fireballs shot out towards those Feiyi Snakes. The fireballs exploded as soon as they landed in the crowds of those Feiyi snakes, splitting them apart and killed countless numbers !

The remaining Feiyi Snakes let out a scream and scattered everywhere. The girls felt relieved until the ground trembled suddenly. A huge hole opened in the ground and innumerable red tentacles with no eyes and no nose, just a huge mouth emerged from the ground. The tentacles then flew towards the head of the girls!

One of the tentacles had its mouth wrapped around a girl's head and her shoulders before she the scream could even escape her mouth.

"Don't panic, it's just the huge mountain worm! Flying Goose Shocking Swan!"

Yu Feiyan shouted, stretched out her hands and the swans she visualized flew out and severed the tentacles with their wings. The girl who had her head and upper body wrapped in the tentacles took the chance and quickly escaped.

Ting Lanyue used some water to help her wash off the stains and at the same time, the other girls shouted, "Many of our totem pillars have been swallowed!"

"There's the huge mountain worm and Feiyi Snakes again!"

The ground swelled and more tentacles flew out from the ground and previously fleeing Feiyi Snakes had returned. They opened up their huge mouth and pounced towards the girls!

Yu Feiyan's face changed quickly and she shouted, "You girls deal with the Feiyi Snakes, I'll take care of the huge mountain worm…."

Before she finisheher sentence, the ground began trembling vigorously again and the roar of thunder could be heard underground as Zhong Yue stomped his leg very hard onto the ground!


The ground cracked open and a fissure of about six to seven feet appeared. A huge meatball could be seen flying out from the fissure and smokes could be seen exuding out from its black coked body.

The burnt meatball was at least about fifty to sixty feet and it had a myriad of tentacles growing on its body. However, its formerly grotesquely writhing appendages were now condemned to eternal silence as the existence that controlled it was exterminated by the thunder!

At the same time, thunder roared across the sky and transformed into Sword Qi before filling up the entire area with immense lightning Sword Qi and striking down onto the few hundreds Feiyi Snakes.

The over thirty girls immediately looked at Zhong Yue and saw him hold and place his sword scabbard in front of him. There was no trace of the sword being removed from the scabbard, it was only his psyche that was used to activate【Spring Thunder Swords Skill】.

While under his feet, a huge dragon claw could be seen, as if a Jiao Dragon had walked over the place he was standing.

So strong….

The girls gasped and Yu Feiyan glanced at Zhong Yue and thought, Is Shui Qinghe that strong as well? If he really is that strong, I'm afraid I will not be able to beat him….

Ting Lanyue raised her head and looked at the huge meatball while she said in shock, "So this is how a huge mountain worm looks like? Our totem pillars are still in its stomach, should we open up the stomach and retrieve our totem pillars?"

"The huge mountain worms have a strong digestive system, which allows them to travel underground, devouring everything in its path. The totem pillars are made with wood, they should've long been digested in its stomach by now."

Yu Feiyan recollected her thoughts and said, "If Rou'er was completely swallowed by it just now, we wouldn't even have been able to recover her remains at all."

That Junior Martial Sister Rou'er had a scare and forced herself to calm down.

Suddenly, Zhou Yue could feel something very far away from them and he could see a huge pink effluvium floating far away from them. He frowned and murmured, "Unsheath!"


His Dragon Blood Sword Scabbard suddenly opened up and a jet black sword ray sliced through the air and flew a few miles away.

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Yu Feiyan and the others were shocked by Zhong Yue's action and quickly looked towards that direction and they saw the mushroom shaped effluvium had been pierced thoroughly by the sword ray before it dispersed. Then, the sword ray returned and rain water started pouring down from the pierced effluvium but there was no trace of rain water on the sword.

The rain water then suddenly disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

The Dragon Scale Sword returned and Zhong Yue held onto the hilt. Blood stains could be seen on the sword as he managed to injured a living being that was hiding within the effluvium.

"Senior Martial Sister Yu, there is something wrong here. The attack of Feiyi Snakes and the huge mountain worm was aiming at our totem pillars instead of us. I think they had a clear target which was to destroy our phoenix totem array! Do the ordinary monster beasts have such high intelligence?"

Zhong Yue flicked his fingers on his Dragon Scale Sword and shook off all the blood stains on the sword before sheathing it back into the scabbard. He continued saying, "Besides, I could feel someone secretly observing us and I attacked at the same direction. The blood stain here could explain that there is someone who is manipulating the monsters behind this attack!"

Yu Feiyan frowned and Ting Lanyue nodded while saying, "It is indeed very strange. The strength of these monsters are also much stronger than before."

"Anyhow, everyone must be more careful from now on."

Yu Feiyan said, "There are some strange things going on in the Beast God Ridge. I suggest that we explore part of the ridge and we will escape on Tao-tao's rainbow clouds if things go beyond our control!"

Tao-tao nodded seriously as Yu Feiyan was talking.

The girls then kept the totem pillars and walked forward. Not long after, they reached the place where the pink effluvium was just now. Perforations about the size of a fist could be seen everywhere around, they were formed by the rain water from the effluvium just now!

"Such poisonous rain water, capable of corroding the rocks and soil to this degree!"

Yu Feiyan was shocked and she received another shock as she could see a huge hole reaching deep into the underground. There were also blood stains splattered about the entrance of the hole. Obviously, the living being injured by Zhong Yue burrowed and escaped into the hole. However, the huge hole also indicated that the fled living being was also incredibly huge!

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Chapter 33        Tree Monster


Such a strong awareness from that human brat, what's with that quick response!

Tens of miles away from Zhong Yue, the earth cracked open and a huge serpent  head unburrowed out from it, it shrunk down and a young maiden with a serpent's head walked out, she swung her hands and destroyed the hole to cover up her tracks, she was the Junior Martial Sister She of the monster race.

The speed of his sword was quick, so fast that I can't even react to it, if I didn't twist my body in time, I would have been slashed into half!

Junior Martial Sister She lifted her hands and touched her serpent neck. A wound that reached so deep into her bones with blood flowing out could be seen. It clearly showed how fast and strong the sword Zhong Yue slashed was!

That brat is not weak at all, but I'm only wounded because he had the advantage and the element of surprise. And also the lady in black, she seems to be the leader of the group, could she be stronger than that brat? The others are merely wimps, but these two, I must know what the duo are capable of, knowing your own strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory….

The human-faced serpent head Junior Martial Sister She calmed down, her eyes glimmered in demonic flashes. She only suffered some losses at this small encounter with Zhong Yue but she retreated anyway because she was fearful of Yu Feiyan. In her eyes, Yu Feiyan was the leader of the group of disciples, even Zhong Yue couldn't be the leader, sure enough, Yu Feiyan would be stronger than him.

Zhong Yue was already this strong, if Yu Feiyan was stronger than him, then she would definitely lose if she faced those two formidable opponents alone, retreat was hence the best option. 

Alright, I will let the little toys of Beast God Ridge have fun with you humans, let's dig out the strength of the lady in black!

The demonic flashes in Junior Martial Sister She's eyes glimmered even more eerily, she gave out a shrill whistle and not long after there were muffled howls and roars coming from the Beast God Ridge, Junior Martial Sister She then dashed into the deepest part of the ridge. 

At the same time, Lei Gun of Lei Hu Clan and Li Xiuniang of Li Shan Clan were both ambushed by the monster beasts to test their strengths, when Lei Gun and Li Xiuniang both showed their ability to materialize their visualizations, the monster race's Senior Martial Brother Xiong and Gongyang held back and avoided immediate confrontation. 

This is not the place yet, if any one of them escaped, they will spoil teacher's plan! Wait until when they enter deeper into the Beast God Ridge, then they can be freshly served on the dining table!

While Zhong Yue, Yu Feiyan and the others continued on pushing deeper into the Beast God Ridge, they had met with various kinds of monster beasts along the length of their journey, the monster beasts in the Beast God Ridge were all humongous, sometimes there would be a giant crocodile jumping out from the swamp, over two hundred over feet with impenetrable skin, sometimes there would be a huge fish leaping out from the lake trying to devour them.

Even the birds in the skies were gigantic, with a wingspan of over a hundred feet, the wind it displaced with every flap of its wing threatened to blow the disciples away!

There were some other strange and odd beasts, such as giant spiders that crawled out of nowhere, spurted spiderwebs and pulled one of the female disciples back to its cave. When Yu Feiyan and the others rushed over to save her, the giant spider was just about to lay its eggs into the stomach of the young lady. 

"Junior Martial Sister Rou'er, you have to more cautious, try not to get dragged away by spiders again." 

The martial sisters teased her, "You are in bad luck, the last time you were nearly swollen away by the huge mountain earthworm." 

Junior Martial Sister Rou'er was still shuddering in fright, she smiled and assured, "It is only a coincidence, how will be there the third time? The next time a spider dares to come near me, I will beat the teeth out of its mouth … Aiya!" 

Before her words finished - Hu - a sudden gale of wind blew past and she flew up into the sky with her body upended towards a giant tree.

"The third time came so quickly…."

The girls were in shock, the giant tree's crown covered a radius of a hundred mus, it's thick roots and huge branches rippled like water waves towards them. 

"Man-eating tree!" 

Ting Lanyue exclaimed out in fear, she quickly visualized the fire and immediately the air around turned burning hot, the other young ladies all followed suit and visualized the fire. But it was useless, the branches and roots, as if impervious to the burning heat, penetrated through the fire to grip the ladies by their ankles, dragging them back to the tree trunk. 

There was a small mountain of dead carcasses littered around the tree trunk, they were all victims of the man-eating tree!

Yu Feiyan murmured and wings appeared on her back, she quickly flew up into the sky and was just able to take out her soul weapon when the tree branches gripped and pulled her in, even a gigantic eagle that was intending to feed on Yu Feiyan was also dragged along. 

Seeing the tree branches jabbing towards Zhong Yue, the young ladies shouted out loud, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, leave now!" 

The next moment, Zhong Yue was tied tightly together with the young ladies.

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"Jiao Dragon Totem!" 

Zhong Yue chanted deeply, a Jiao Dragon surrounded by thunderous lightning flew out from between his brows and encircled the giant tree. 

"Lightning burst!" 

Zhong Yue released a roaring sound and the thunderous lightning force within the Jiao Dragon totem erupted instantly, the tree branches and roots were electrocuted by the lightning force, freeing the young ladies from its hold. The young ladies were overjoyed and they immediately ran as far as they could. 

After fleeing for a few miles, they turned their head to see that the giant tree 'stood up' on its roots and moved towards them. 

Again they quickly ran away from it, the giant tree was too cumbersome to catch up to them, it was enraged and it randomly flogged the surroundings in anger. 

"That tree, it's nearly becoming a Qi Practitioner…."

Ting Lanyue heaved a breath of relief, she said, "There are a lot of Swords Gate senior martial brothers that arrived earlier than us, I hear that Senior Martial Brother Han is also here, I wonder if we can rendezvous with them? Senior Martial Brother Han is strong, if we walk along together the danger will be greatly lessened." 

"The Beast God Ridge is so big, it would be hard to meet with them" 

Yu Feiyan shook her head, she said, "The monster beasts in the Beast God Ridge are getting more and more powerful, the last time I was here they weren't this strong, even Han Qingmo will be struggling like us. But they are also heading towards the depths of the Beast God Ridge, we might be able to meet with them right there." 

In Zhong Yue's psyche ocean, Xin Huo was finally awakened, he looked at the surroundings through Zhong Yue's eyes, he saw the surrounding steep mountains and smiled, "Such humongous ribs these are, whoever died here could truly be acknowledged as a god!" 


Zhong Yue's soul was in his psyche ocean, he exclaimed in shock, "What ribs?"

"That mountain!" 

Xin Huo lifted his arm as if a little flame pointed out a line of fire, his arm directed out to a magnificent mountain, "That mountain is actually one of the ribs, whoever died here was a big guy. With such a huge rib, the big guy should not be one of the god race or demons, instead it would be a beast, a god of the beasts! Look at the size of this rib, it should've been strong when it was alive…."

Zhong Yue was affrighted, he lifted his head and gazed at the magnificent mountain, the mountain was 40-50 thousand feet high, steep and arduous with a hexagonal shape, it was simply an insurmountable task for a human to climb it! 

Such a big rib….

Zhong Yue took in a deep breath, he looked around at the other mountains, there were forty-eight similar mountains like this, twice the number of ribs of an ordinary human!

"This can only be considered as a normal beast god's ribs, I've seen bigger ones." 

Xin Huo thought for a moment and said, "But there wasn't such a place before I sunk into hibernation, it must have been formed during the interim of the slumber, what could it be that caused the death of a beast god here … Eh, the aura in the air?" 

The little flame exclaimed in surprise, he laughed, "Nice, nice! I thought the essence of this beast god was all gone, the bones petrified into stones and the soul dispersed into thin air, who knew this big guy left behind an essence of such high purity!" 

Zhong Yue's face shifted, he asked curiously, "What essence?"

"When beast god dies, it seals its essence and soul, biding its time for the moment it could rise from the dead again. But time passed and his soul was not worshipped by the beasts, without the worshipping it couldn't turn into the totem and hence, its soul perished into thin air. But the essence remained, don't you realize that the monster beasts around here are getting more and more powerful, stronger than before?" 

Zhong Yue nodded and confirmed the statement, Ting Lanyue and Yu Feiyan both said that the monster beasts in the Beast God Ridge were stronger than before. 

Xin Huo then said, "This is because the essence and soul seal placed by the beast god was getting weaker, its essence leaked out from the seal and was subsumed by the monster beasts, that's why the monster beasts are getting stronger. Plus, I suspect that this place only became the paradise of the monster beasts because they were all attracted to the leaked essence of the beast god. Brat Yue, only a slight leakage of beast god essence and all of these monster beasts became so strong, do you realize how much benefit the essence of the beast god can bring?"

"That said, the mess of the monster beasts in the Beast God Ridge is caused by the leaked beast god essence?"

Zhong Yue was thrilled, he asked, "This essence of beast god, can the humans absorb it? How is it compared to the Yuling Pellets?"

"Yuling Pellets?"

Xin Huo was dumbstruck by his question, he took some time to recollect his thoughts from the absurdity of the question and lectured, "Yuling Pellet doesn't even have the right to be called dust in front of the beast god essence, alright? The beast god essence is way beyond the level of Yuling Pellets, even the Swords Gate would only have a handful of medicinal pellets that are comparable to the beast god essence! But you are not wrong, it can be absorbed by you, but not directly, or otherwise you will turn into a monster beast, a beast of the same kind as the beast god!" 

Zhong Yue was shocked, he shouted out involuntarily, "Turning into a monster beast?" 

Xin Huo smiled banteringly, "It is fine if you want to, but why? You humans are the descendants of the Fuxi celestial race, the Fuxi are the descendants of the Leize and Huaxu, the Leize are the innate dragon gods, Leize Clan the Dragon God race, while the Huaxu are the innate snake gods, Huaxu Clan the Snake God race. The ancestors of these two races are innate gods, the two races are royal clans, the royalties! Their bloodlines are thousands of times superior to the beast god. Maybe, the beast god essence can trigger the Fuxi bloodline in your body. After all, the Fuxi lineage in you is too dilute, the beast god essence might just be able to purify it a little bit more." 

"Xin Huo, are you sure that the beast god essence can purify the Fuxi lineage in me?" Zhong Yue was excited but doubted it at the same time. 

Although Xin Huo treated him nicely, he wasn't really a figure that looked reliable at all, Zhong Yue couldn't help but doubt him. 

"Rest assured, it'll all be fine as long as I'm here, I guarantee that your Fuxi lineage can be triggered and purified! Move move, go deeper along the mountain range, there you can find the seal where the beast god placed its essence at!" 

Xin Huo kept assuring Zhong Yue with words, but in his heart he was a little diffident, En, whether if it can trigger and purify the Fuxi lineage is something I've never tried before. The success rate should be kinda low … En, there's someone nearby?

Zhong Yue also sensed it at the same time, he turned his head and saw the same old mushroom-like pink effluvium from afar. 

He spotted me again!

Junior Martial Sister She smiled demonically, This brat is really sensitive, but all this while I've seen through the strengths of the lot of you, that lady in black was not strong at all, only you alone can be considered to be strong. In that case, I don't have to be polite and nice anymore, I will crush you petty humans right away … Ey, someone's coming! Did Senior Martial Brother Xiong not take these humans down?"

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