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*******Laboratory floor**************

No1 was lying on table naked, but the wierd part was that his body looked human from distance but if any exprienced mage looked closely or touched his skin, he will know it's a Golem.

Golems or puppets are artificial biengs who lacks the ability to think and free will (Skull is an exception of course.)

"A puppetry spell can transform corpses to Puppets, but they lack intelligence a puppet will be way weaker than it's former self"he said

"But when i use the ChakraString skill i gain full control of the puppet, but the drawback is the range i can't always keep puppets near me, but... If i can store my puppets in the storage seal..." Sasori said as he touched the puppet.


The puppet vanished and appeared from the seal.

"Good, next i have 3 months to train" He said

**********3 months Later**************

*******Training Ground****************

Sasori was mediating in the middle of the arena toopless and his eyes closed, then.

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traps activated sending a hundred shurikens and kunai at Sasori.

Sasori Jumped, and opned his eyes revealing his purple sharingan wich had 3 tomoe spinning crazily.


he grabed a kunai and a bloked 2 shurikens, and dodged the others, Sasori began to jump dodge and block the kunai.

His fully matured sharingan made him see all the attacks in slow motion.

"Congratulations, Master you broke record" said Skull, as he handed a towel to Sasori

Sasori was training like crazy this past 3 months, his body right now was more muscular strong, a perfect body for a shinobi.

"Yes, Today is the day" he said as he took a towel

**********Night Elf Casino***********

A twenty years old looking black haired man made his way inside the casino, he looked at a beautiful black haired brown eyed lady, and he took a seat next to her.

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"A nice disguise" she said

"The same thing could be said to you"he said

They both examined each other.

"Ahem. are you ready?" she asked

"Hn" he nodded

They both walked out of the Casino, Eve touched her face before removing a mask, turning back to her Dark elf form, Caramel skin, Silver hair , pointy ears and red eyes

And the black haired man with a *Poof*

transformed to a black robed and masked Sasori.

"Alright catch my hand" she said.

Sasori did as she said, then she pulled a stone and crushed it.


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They both teleported to a giant building.

The building was gigantic, Sasori looked around seeing hundreds of different races

Humans, Elfs, dwarfs...

"*Phew* we made it in time, so let me ask you, what do you knew about The Forest of Death?" she asked

"It a survival competition, you get a Teleportation stone, and you need to either kill or force others to teleport"he said

"And what do you knew about the location of the Tournament?" She asked

"It's on an island deep in the sea" Sasori said

"The island or the Forest of Death is massive forest full of dangers and Magic beasts, what you need to know is that every competitor possess a core that will let you locate other cores, evrey time you kill or force someone he or she will drop a core that you can absorb, the more cores someone possess the easier to locate them, and vise versa" she said

"Oh, i forgot the competitors are in the thousands this is just one meeting points, so don't rush and beware of some people here...i made this" she said as she handed to Sasori a book about the most dangerous known competitors.

"hn... thanks" Sasori felt grateful.

The Crowd of people began to move to a certain direction.

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"Show this to the examiner" she handed me a black card.

"Hn" Sasori noded, and began to follow the crowd, then he waited for his turn.

"You" said the examiner

Sasori Handed the card, the examiner and then a white orb floated from the card.

"Absorb it with your aura" said the examiner impatiently

Sasori touched the orb with his hand and it was absorbed.

"Next, you" he said

Sasori examined the orb inside him, but the only thing it gave him is a number '1' he tried to sense his surrounding and he got a bunch of '1's

'The more orbs i absorb the higher my sense range will become, but it will also make it harder to hunt since, i will be easy to detect' he though.

walking among the crowed, he could finally see the end of the path, there was a giant ship.

inside the ship he found his room, it was near a glass window he sat with the book in his hands watching as the ship left shore, then he smiled.

'This world is getting even more interesting' He though, as watched the land becoming smaller until it disappeared from view.

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