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In the Morning the trio began to move deeper inside the Forest of Death.

Sasori sent shadow clones to scout.

The first Magic beast they found was a giant python, it was lvl 12 beast after taking it down the trio began moving again.

Sasori and Dorian broke trough lvl 12, while Emilia was still Lvl 11.

They kept advancing until they couldn't go deeper anymore, simply because the beasts were stronger and endless, even by using the puppets and dark creatures.

The beasts were lvl 14 minimum.

The trio then decided to hunt Lvl 13 beasts, and nearby competitors.

They spent half a year hunting and training, Emilia become lvl 12 4 months ago.

Emilia became more familiar with the two, and the duo got used to the silver haired girl.

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Emilia was the daughter of knight family from the Eternal light empire, she was born with a pure golden energy, and the Unique Class the Valkery.

She runaway after knowing about her arranged marriage.

"how close are you guys to lvl 14??"she asked.

"Half way" said Dorian

The Trio suddenly turned Sirious, they felt the scan of multiple strong competitors, since they were found, they can't avoid the fight.

The trio felt another scan.

"They are close" said Dorian.

From a distance 7 shadows were approaching, seconds later the stopped in front of the trio as they inspected thier preys.

"The Golden knight Emilia and the Dark Summoner Dorian" said the leader of the group.

"Killa" Dario and Emilia said at the same time, Killa was young man wearing a long black trench coat, black pants and boots, his face was pale his hair was black and long reaching his shoulders, he had heterochromia eyes one Silver and the other is black, his ears were long but shorter than pure elfs.

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Sasori, knew this name from, the book Eve gave him, Killa the Dark Magician, he was called Magician not Mage because of his unpredictable fighting style and personality and also his strange Magic.

"What do you want Killa?" asked Dorian.

"Nothing" Killa said simply.

"Then why are you here exactly?!" Emilia was annoyed.

"Oh, it wasn't my idea, ask them" he said as he pointed at his 6 companions.

the six of them looked arrogantly at the trio.

"Killa aren't you joining?" asked one of the six.

"Nah im good" Killa then sat and took out a deck of black cards, and began playing with them.

The six didn't bother with him as evrey two chose an opponent.

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A blue robed man and and a grey haired dwarf, walked to Sasori.

"*Sigh* So we get the no name" said the blue haired man.

"Don't worry i will take care of him real quick!" said the dawrf as he rushed with a punch.

Sasori dodged, and lauched a fireball.


The dwarf was unscatched, he took a hammer and slamed it with the ground.


Rock spikes began pooping out of the ground.

Sasori used body fliker, to dodge and get closer to the dwarf.

Seeing the enemy approaching the dwarf chanted, and the ground turned to mud, Sasori legs were stuck.

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Then a rock spike pierced Sasori's stomach, Sasori become sand.

The dwarf was shoked, suddenly he felt dangerous and guarded with his hammer.


Sasori's tanto was blocked by the hammer.

Without hesitation Sasori's grabed a kunai with his free hand to stab the dwarf ungarded face.

Before finishing off the dwarf, water almost surrounded Sasori, it was the Blue robed mage.

He was trying to drown Sasori in water, body flikerd away, then he lifted his hand as purple chakra strings shot to the ground.

Seeing his plans failed the mage grew furious, but when he saw Sasori's actions he grow cautious.

Suddenly he felt the ground beneath him shake.

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