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Inside a nicely decorated room, the younger Emilia was playing with a doll, with a sense of loneliness.

Emilia watched her younger self, she too felt loneliness.

The younger Emilia then got up, opened the door and walked out, while holding her doll lightly.

The atmosphere inside the manor was heavy, every once in while a squad of knights would be seen patrolling, the servants had nervous expressions.

Emilia kept following her younger self until she reached her father's study.

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"Why did you come down here, Emilia?" Said her father, who seemed to be talking to 3 other middle-aged men.

"Can't you see how busy I am?*Sigh*... Go to your room, I will send a maid to play with you," he said, before resuming his conversation with the other three.

The younger Emilia looked at her father with sadness before turning around to leave.

Days passed, the younger Emilia obeyed her father, she rarely left her room, just playing with her doll.

"HOORAY!!" she suddenly jumped in fright, as she just heard a loud noise that shock the entire manor.

The younger Emilia was confused, she opened the door peeked.

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"Hahahaha" she heard servants, some running the others hugging each other, but all of them had one thing in common, it was a huge smile on their faces.

"E-excuse me..." she said, holding a maid's sleeve.

"My Lady, It's the young master! he is back!!" the maid said, with a face full of joy.

The younger Emilia eyes winded, then she runs.

The atmosphere inside the manner that was supposed to be heavy and tense was now lively and colorful, The servant's nervous expressions become pure bliss, and the soldiers and guards cold expressions turned to happiness and relief, even the gloomy manor seemed to shine.

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Emilia followed her younger self to the gates of the manor.

"Hooray!!" outside, everyone was cheering loudly, as a battalion of knights made their way to an empty space.

"Long live the young master!"

"Long live The unicorn!"

Cheered the crowd, as they held a banner of a pure white unicorn's head with a golden horn.

The leader of the battle was the most eye-catching, he was a handsome white-haired, blue-eyed man, wearing silver armor, and riding a unicorn.

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But unlike the one on the banners, this one had a shorter silver horn, instead of a golden spear-like horn, although weaker than a golden-horned unicorn, it didn't make it any less majestic.

The leader had a heroic air about him, the light seemed to shine on him, anywhere he goes.

"BIG BROTHER!" the younger Emilia yelled, as she runs to the leader.

The leader was, of course, Ceasar Unicorn the heir and strongest knight of the Unicorn family.

"Did you miss me, little angel?" he said with a smile, as he jumped from the unicorn.

"Lelia, you fought hard, thank you," he said as he pats the unicorn.

'It was nothing, I am always honored to fight by your side, chosen one.' The unicorn answers without moving its mouth, but nobody seemed to be surprised.

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