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"Aaa...ah" suddenly the butler knocked Emilia.

"Useless trash!" Cursed the butler, when he felt the black armored survivor's life force fading, using a special bug.


"Don't move!!" yelled the butler, as he held young Emilia hostage.

"Uncle Wade, Why?!" asked Ceaser desperate to find an answer.

Calling him a walking corpse, will not be a lie, Ceaser's current form was hard to even look at, he was missing an arm and an eye, blood, and bruises covered his whole body, it was a miracle that he was even walking much less fighting.

"Hahahahaha! Are you an idiot?! didn't you see my eyes? now drop your weapon or I will slit the throat of your cute sister" he said with a cold laugh.


Ceaser didn't dare to be reckless, he dropped his sword.


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The butler raised his hand and a black spike come out of his palm, and it shot straight to Ceaser's chest.


Ceaser looked in shock at his chest, then he fell backward with *Thud*

"HeheheheHaaahahahaha!" the butler throw young Emilia to the ground and laughed madly.


"W-what!?" the butler couldn't believe it.

Ceaser who was supposed to be dead was in front of the butler, a lone silver eye glaring coldly at the butler and his hand glowing silver stabbing the butler's chest.

"H-how?" asked the butler in disbelief.


"It's finally over" Ceaser panted heavily, as he retracted his hand.


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Meanwhile, Sasori was having a dream, he was a small tiny scorpion, one similar to the scorpion he saw earlier.

He was living in the void, among the other

void creatures he was the weakest and smallest.

But he had a terrifying potential, he survived by absorbing energy from dead void creatures, then he hunted his first prey... after countless years Sasori became an enormous Scorpion who was so big he dwarfed even whales void creatures.

Sasori's scorpion form was glaring at a giant 7 headed dragon, the dragon was covered in darkness, only a silhouette was visible.

*ROAAAAAAAAAR!!!* Sasori let out a roar that made the void tremble.

*ROAR*x7 Roared the seven-headed dragon and every pair of eyes shone with a different color; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Grey, Blue and Violet eyes glared at purple eyes.


Suddenly Sasori's eyes opened, and he whipped the sweat from his forehead.

"W-what was that?" he said, as he remembered the dream.

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"It felt almost real, was it the memories of the scorpion?" he thought to himself.

He then remembered the scorpion sting, looking around Sasori couldn't find the tiny scorpion, he then checked his hand.

"What is this tattoo?" he said when he found a purple and black scorpion tattoo on the spot when the scorpion stung him.

Sasori didn't feel any change, but he made a note in his mind to learn more about this world and void creatures in the future.

Sasori scanned the room to see if he missed something, and he runs back to his clone.



The clone exploded and its memories were transferred to Sasori.

"This man deserves respect for his willpower alone" Sasori praised, as he saw Ceaser still standing.

"It's finally over" Ceaser panted heavily, as he retracted his hand.

Young Emilia, opened her eyes and saw Ceaser, standing in front of the dying butler

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"Nooooooo!" Emilia who knew what will happen next screamed.

Young Emilia, who was received by the butler, took the dagger was thrown away after the butler used it to threaten Ceaser.


"H-hahaha...haha*Cough* you will die with me now fool!" Laughed the butler sinisterly before life left his body.

Young Emilia stabbed Ceaser's heart.

"S-sorry little angel, big brother couldn't save you sooner," Said Ceaser as blood leaked from his mouth.

Young Emilia's body trembled, Ceaser's face right now was peaceful and warm, unlike the sinister and evil looking expression he had previously.

Then she turned her head to see the butler's face, he was dead but his face was frozen in an expression of mockery directed at them both, his Blue eyes and pitch black sclera... wait... pitch black sclera...

Then it hit her, she then looked at her brother again hoping for an explanation, but this time his always warm and shining eyes were dull...

She looked with disbelief.

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