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"*YAWN* This damn gard duty is boring!" spat a thug1

"Don't sleep on me man! our boss is discussing business with with 2 other gang leaders, if someone one sneaked inside, just say goodbye to our lives!" said thug2

"Come one much it's just a short nap you... hey man what that, oh no could it be..." thug1 said while pointing to a roof, it was late at night the thug could only see a dark shadow.


thug1 body was trambling as he looked towards his partner only to find slashing his own throat with a dagger, with a look of desblief,

"DON'T PLE..." thug1 was frozen he didn't understand what happened, but when he remembered the rumours he almost pissed his pants


Out of the blue the supposed to be dead thug2 stabed the frightened thug in the heart, the last thing thug1 could see was a black robed person with red clouds design


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Sasori gently pushed thug1 out of the way


5 shadow clones appeared, and whit out a word they separated to clear the trash out of the way, leaving only Sasori walking slowly to old looking building.

********Old Building underground *******

"How about we share it, we can even make an alliance"Said a cunning looking man

"No way, i don't work weaklings, especially you Jackal" said a muscular looking brute

Jackal just grinned not offended by the insult

"How about we sell the whole place, and share the money" said a fat looking middle aged man

The trio were the heads of 3 of the top 10 gangs of the city, the cunning looking man was Hector leaderof the jackals a Lvl 6 thief,

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The brute was the head of the Blood Axe gang a lvl 7 Warrior named Gandor, and the fat middle aged man was the a merchant named Jaafar a lvl 5 mage and the head of Golden Ring gang, and also the targets of Sasori

"Alrigh, but if i find myself cheated my axe will split your head Jaafar" threatened Gandor

"You think that i wil..."

"*HUSH*" Jackal interupted

"This place is too silent" he said felling a bad premonition.

"Not bad" said a voice, and out of dark corner a shadow started walking.

"Who are you?" asked the Jackal

"..."Sasori stayed silent

"Not talking huh? since you come there is no need for you to go, GUARD!" Shouted Jaafar

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"They are dead" said Jackal worried

"Waht!?" the fat merchant was shoked since he knew his guards strenghts

"*BAM* You think you could just barge in and kill evreyone, who do you think you are!?" yelled The brute as kicked the table out of the way.

"You are the Red Scorpion" Said the Jackal.

Sasori didn't usually waste time but when he heard about an undiscovered underground ruin just blew the city he was intrigued, since the city is more than 100 years old he was bound to find something useful.

"Damn it, we must work together in this one" Said The lvl 5 mage jaafar

"Gandor you fight him head on, Jaafar you support him, i will sneak on him"said Jackal

"Tch, fine" Noded the lvl 7 warrior

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'Yelling your plan like this, idiots' though Sasori as he avoided an axe swing

"Fire ball" shouted the fat mage

'interesting, it's similar to ninjutsu but without hand signs, too bad i don't have mana, though Sasori in regret as he jumped to avoid the fire ball.


"Did you get him?" asked the brute

"I don't known" said the mage

*Wosh* from the smoke Sasori rush at the mage with a kunai in hand, but when got close Gandor Shouted.

Sasori felt dizzy for a second, because of the warrior ability, in that second the mage chanted another spell and vines started growing holding Sasori to the ground.

"Die" The thief Jackal apeared from the shodows and stabed Sasori with a dagger.

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