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I his room Sasori was thinking about yesterday's meeting with the guild master.

*Flash Back***Guild 2nd floor**Office****

*Pov Sasori

"I want you to join on behalf of the Blood night guild" she said

I was shocked, when i was in the library i read books about the powerhouses of the continent, a majority of the historical legendary beings and present powerhouses have one thing in common, Top 10 in the Forest of Death Tournament.

"Why me?, im just a contract killer i don't have ties to the guild" i asked without trying hard to stay calm.

"Let's just say you will owe me a favor" she said with a smile

"What kind of favor?" i asked

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"Revenge" she said with a cold voice

"At first i was going to join the tournament myself, but to join you need to be below lvl 11"

she said

"and why me?" i asked

"I can't see through you, my magic item is telling me you are a between lvl 5 and 10, with an unknown Class" she said with curiosity

"A magic item?" I was suprised, Magic items are rare and only a lvl 10 or higher are capable of using it

"Detect, an ability only some mages and Magic items have it, it allows you to read auras" she said

'interesting' i though

"Im curious what is this unknown class?"she asked

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"I don't know" This world don't have shinobis

"Wierd, maybe... tell me how do you fight?" she was shoked first then she asked

"Im an assassin i prefer speed and i use knife, and i can use something similar to spells" I said, not revealing much

"A SwordMage" she yelled

I was suprised, i know my chakra is the same as SwordMage energy, but it wasn't the same concept since chakra is an inner energy and SwordMage energy was an inner and outer energy.

"Unknown class, enable to detect lvl, i didn't imagine finding a SwordMage in this tiny kingdom" she said then run off to the book shelf.

"HERE." she exclaimed, she grabed a book and a palm sized black pearl.

I looked curious, but my eyes winded behind my mask

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'A Class Grimoire' it was the tool used to advance from rank 4 to 5 from a warrior to different subclasses, but this grimoire looked different.

'it's releasing energy!' i thought suprised

"Did you find yourself stuck at the peak of lvl 9?" she asked, and i noded suprised, during these few weeks i find myself stuck at 99% of lvl 9 it was impossible to advance, i felt as if my body reached it's limit.

"Don't worry it's normal, you see when a SwordMage hits lvl 9 he reach a bottleneck, and to break through he needto external energy, in other words he needs a high lvl SwordMage to use his aura on you" she said

"but luckily we have a second option, to use king rank beast core" she said

My eyes winded, a king rank beast, is a creature with lvl of atleast 15

"try to absorb the energy inside the core" she said handing the core to me.

I do as she said, and the second i began to absorb the energy, i felt pain in my hand, the only thing i see was black light, the colour started to drain from the core then.


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I felt my chakra changing, i no longer feel the chakra just inside of my body, i could also feel golden looking energy outside, i feelt that right now i could manipulate this energy then...

The pale blue chakra and yellow energy, merging togheter, the two energy sources where fighting for dominance, My chakra was stronger, the chakra was devouring the golden energy.


but suddenly the yellowish energie began to glow brighter and resist the trynical blue chakra.

"What's going on, the pure energy was bieng devoured by that blue energy... the world's will is trying strengthen you're energy to help it resist the wierd blue chakra..." she asked shoked.

"..." I didn't say anything, i was trying to something crazy

'In the Elemental nations i was fascinated with bloodlines limit, merging two elements to form a stronger element, but what if i try to merge two energy sources' I though with a crazy expression as i tried to control the two energies

"Are you crazy, trying to merge two energies" the Dark elf yelled

No matter what the two energies refused to merge, but then a crazy idea formed in my head that may kill me and evreyone near, for a second I had the thought to just give up, then... memoires of my past life flashed before my eyes...


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