Tang Xue expressionlessly looked at the three seated fellows. “Sorry for intruding, goodbye.” She turned and left immediately after saying this.

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Shortly after leaving, she came back again. With a thunderous look on her face, Tang Xue yanked Liao Zhenyu up from his seat. “I see you’re tired of living!” As she spoke, she continued yanking him along to an unknown destination for punishment.

Liao Zhenyu felt extremely wronged at being targeted despite not doing anything to provoke anyone. As if his life depended on it, he hurriedly explained, “It’s not me it’s not me it’s not me!”

Xia Menghuan was full of guilt and quickly left her seat to rush after them. “It’s me it’s me it’s me!”

Li Yubing looked at the three leaving figures’ back view and suddenly felt some sympathy for Tang Xue. The calibre of the friends that she was hanging out with, tsk……

In an unexpectedly good mood, his lunch tasted even better than usual.


Li Yubing had training at night that ended before 9 pm. He showered, took his bag and headed straight to the library to study.

Tang Xue was of course also inevitably summoned to wait on him.

Tang Xue did not believe that he was really there to study. Over the phone, she unabashedly exposed him, “Li Yubing, you’re too good at stirring trouble. Take a good look at the time. Right now when others are heading back from the study lounge, you want to start studying? Don’t bother denying, I know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m waiting.”


Tang Xue was so riled by him that she was at a loss for words.

She had originally planned to grab supper with Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan. Now, she had no choice but to head towards the library.

There was a surprisingly large number of students still in the library. It seemed that RCU students were all rather studious.

Tang Xue found Li Yubing in the study lounge on the second floor. That bugger was actually really studying. He was concentrated on his books and did not appear to have sensed Tang Xue’s arrival. Some distance away, Tang Xue stopped to take a photo of him before editing these words into the picture: This person reaaally looks like a dog.

Li Yubing raised his head and found her standing there.

Tang Xue plonked herself down in the seat opposite to Li Yubing and crooked a finger at him. “Here, let’s add each other on WeChat[2].”

After adding, she sent him the freshly edited photo.

Li Yubing did not get mad at all. He moved his fingers to delete the photo and lowered his head to continue reading his book.

It was as if she provoked a piece of cotton. Tang Xue momentarily felt that this was very pointless. She turned, pulled out a random biography from the bookshelf and began casually flipping through. The biography was on a princess from the Tang Dynasty. It was exceedingly exaggerated and the author seemed to be highly motivated in inserting a sex scene every now and then. These scenes were very exciting and just when Tang Xue was reading one of these exciting scenes, a light grey thermos flask was pushed in front of her.

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She lifted her eyes off the pages of the book and looked at the thermos flask.

Li Yubing’s deep and provocative voice rang out from the seat opposite her. “Refill this with water.”

“Li Yubing.” Tang Xue tossed the book onto the table and shoot him a dirty look. “Do you also need me to hold you up when you go to the washroom?”

“Don’t be crude[3].”


Tang Xue’s brain was full of question marks. She simply said “lunatic”, got up and left with the thermos flask. As she walked along, she wondered why Li Yubing accused her of being crude. How did she suddenly got accused of acting crudely? Even though she really despised that guy, she was still curious to know the answer……

Tang Xue was originally still quite confused. However, once she reached the washroom entrance and saw a few guys heading in and out of the washroom, it was as if a bolt of lightning flashed through her mind and she instantly understood the reason why.

Li Yubing, could it be, when she said to help “hold him up”, thought that she was saying to help him hold…… eh……

“Goddamnit!” Tang Xue stood outside the washroom and violently cursed.

Done with her curses, she fiercely knocked the thermos flask that she was holding against the washroom entrance door frame with a loud “clang”. “You want water? I won’t even give you pee!”

The two students about to exit the washroom jumped in fright and stopped, afraid to step out of the door.

At first, Tang Xue wanted to directly throw the thermos flask away. However, she was worried that Li Yubing would take the chance to rip her off while asking for compensation. After much consideration, she begrudgingly held onto the thermos flask, and left the place with large strides and her hands clasped behind her back.

There was no way that she was going back to find him. It would be best if he died of thirst!

Tang Xue took the thermos flask out of the library along with her. She then gave Liao Zhenyu a call and found out that he was still having supper with Xia Menghuan.

Liao Zhenyu sent their location to her. They were at an eatery named “Wei’s Braised Dishes & Homemade Food” that was located on the food street near the RCU east gate. Riding an ofo[4] bike, Tang Xue took less than 10 mins to reach the place. Head over to teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com if translator’s notes are missing or if you simply want to read without ads.

The eatery was bustling with activity. Nearly all the tables were occupied and the eatery’s business was booming. Tang Xue spotted Liao Zhenyu immediately upon stepping in. His back was facing her while Xia Menghuan was nowhere in sight. Xia Menghuan must had gone next door to buy food.

Tang Xue mischievously slinked over and heavily clapped down on Liao Zhenyu’s back. “Blockhead!”

This clap caused his shoulders to sink forward. He turned to look at Tang Xue.

Tang Xue’s eyes met a pair unfamiliar eyes. Her smile instantly froze. “Eh……”

He had a pair of doe-like eyes with distinctive black pupils that was soft and limpid. He was gazing at her with his head lightly tilted to side, his face full of innocence.

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Being looked at by such a pair of eyes, Tang Xue felt like she had deeply sinned. She quickly raised a hand, her fingers lightly touching her temple, and apologized, “I’m so, so, so sorry. I took you for someone else. Please, continue……” As she said this, her vision slid down. Over his shoulder, she saw a bowl of wontons in front of him.

There were patches of water on the table that was most likely soup he had spat when she clapped him on his back.

Tang Xue pulled out a few paper napkins and cleaned the table for him. After she was done, she quickly uttered an “enjoy” before disappearing from the crime scene.

Tang Xue’s movements were too fast. Both her arrival and departure were like gusts of wind that were gone before he had time to react. He wordlessly looked left and right before continuing to eat his wontons.

Tang Xue found Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan in one corner of the shop.

Liao Zhenyu tugged his shirt and consoled Tang Xue, “Boss, you can’t be blamed. Look, we’re wearing the exact same shirt!”

“Rubbish. I know. If not how could I have gotten the wrong person.”

Xia Menghuan said, “It looked like you were teasing him.”

Liao Zhenyu nodded. “That’s my boss for you. You’ll definitely experience more of this in the future——Ouch!” He yelped in pain.

Tang Xue had rapped her knuckles on his head.

Liao Zhenyu rubbed his head and asked, ‘Running out like this, would that fellow make any trouble for you?”

Tang Xue scowled. “Does he have the guts to.”

Liao Zhenyu knew that Tang Xue was actually not as tough as she behaved. However, being a great minion, he did not expose her. At her words, he only replied, “Boss, rest assured that we won’t abandon you to battle alone.”

Tang Xue recalled the afternoon incident and solemnly looked at him. “I think it’s best for you guys to abandon me. Just leave me alone to battle and fend for myself.”

Xia Menghuan gently bumped Tang Xue’s arm and softly spoke, “My king, I have something important to report.”

Tang Xue perked up at this. Chewing on her lamb kebab, she said, “Yea? Go on.”

“I found Li Yubing’s fan club. It’s based in our school and I’ve successfully infiltrated it.”

Tang Xue found this mindboggling. “That bugger even has a fan club? Are there that many people in our school who are blind?”

“I’m not sure either. I’ll invite you into the group. This is an unofficial fan club so it’s not that strictly monitored.” As she spoke, Xia Menghuan’s fingers moved over her phone screen and was about to invite Tang Xue.

Tang Xue stopped Xia Menghuan. “I’m not joining his fan club. I’m not even his fan.”

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Liao Zhenyu said, “Boss, only by knowing both yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every fight. You must join this fan club.”

“Hmm, that kind of makes sense.”

Liao Zhenyu flagged down a waiter to order more food. He asked Tang Xue if she wanted a drink and she ordered soy milk. Thinking of her earlier “crime”, she told the waiter, “I want another bottle of soy milk, to be sent over to that young guy over there.” She pointed to a table in front that was to her right. If you see this, this translation has been reposted without permission from teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.

There, sat the young guy she had frightened. He was still eating his wontons.

After a moment, the waiter came back with the bottles of soy milk. He first passed one to Tang Xue before passing the other to the young guy. The young guy listened to the waiter’s explanation and glanced over at Tang Xue’s table.

Tang Xue flashed him a smile.

Liao Zhenyu scooted over and whispered into Tang Xue’s ear, “Boss, it’s the first time I see someone using soy milk to make a pass at a dude. I’m astounded… you managed to recreate the atmosphere of a late night bar at a casual eatery. My boss indeed. You have my complete respect.”

“Get lost!’ Tang Xue’s foot landed on Liao Zhenyu’s chair and he slid back along with it. “That’s just a token of my apology. Do you even know anything?”

“The type of guys that my boss likes, I know best.”

“Fuck off fuck off fuck off……”

Later, the young guy did not drink the soy milk on the spot but took it away with him.

Li Yubing made two calls to Tang Xue that were both immediately rejected by her. She couldn’t be bothered to even entertain him.

Li Yubing texted her: “Don’t want your bag anymore?”

Tang Xue clapped a hand to her head. She had completely forgotten about her bag. Looking at the time, it was already 10.30 pm.

“Time to scatter. Let’s go.”

The three of them biked back to school. Tang Xue made a detour to retrieve her bag. When she neared the library, she saw Li Yubing standing beneath the street light outside the library entrance. His tall and upright figure projected a crystal clear presence that made him stood out from the crowd. Among the numerous people passing through the area, he was the most striking.


Tang Xue braked at the very last minute and came to a stop in front of Li Yubing.

It was as if they were exchanging keepsakes. He passed over her bag while she shoved over his thermos flask.

“Don’t ask me to refill your water the next time—I might just poison you.” Tang Xue heatedly threw out this sentence, pushed against the ground and rode off on her bicycle.

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Li Yubing hefted the thermos flask in his hand. It had a weight to it and was likely half filled with water. He thought that that fellow had some conscience after all.

Li Yubing returned to his dorm. His roommate Old[5] Deng was gaming while the other two roommates weren’t back yet.

He placed down his stuff and planned to shower. Old Deng saw Li Yubing’s thermos flask and asked, “Do you have water?”


“Give me some. I’m dying of thirst.”

“Come over to get it yourself.”

Old Deng let go of his beloved keyboard and mouse, and scuttled over for the thermos flask. Li Yubing took off his jacket and heard Old Deng gave out a weird cry.

“Li Yubing, what’s wrong with your damned head?”

Li Yubing was baffled and glanced at him. “You’re the one with a problem.”

“Pray explain to me, what evil are you up to?” While saying this, Old Deng held the thermos flask towards Li Yubing.

Li Yubing looked into the mouth of the thermos flask. There was not a single drop of water inside.

Instead, there was a large bone.

Li Yubing: “……”

Originally translated at teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com. Head there for extra content or to leave feedback and comments on the novel translation.

Translator’s Notes:

[1] Original chapter title was “Gusts of evil wind”, 妖风阵阵 (yāo fēng zhèn zhèn), which sounds so much more intriguing than “Stirring trouble”. Unfortunately, this title relies on the specific Chinese phrases that the author used for stirring up trouble / what are you up too, which wouldn’t translate over well in a casual read.

[2] First mentioned in Chapter 11, WeChat is a Chinese messaging app that is probably more similar to Line than WhatsApp and Telegram. Besides messaging, there are a lot more functions such as payment services, a personal wall/profile page that you can share content on, and profiles of other people or businesses that you can follow. Think of it as a hybrid messaging app with some Facebook functions.

[3] An alternative translation for 流氓 (liú máng), which was first mentioned in chapter 4. 流氓 directly translates to ruffian, hooligan or gangster. It is a slang used to refer to people who are behaving or intending to behave in an indecent manner, sexually harass or flirtatiously tease another person. This term is non-gender specific and can either be used jokingly among friends or in outrage depending on the scenario. Take note of this phrase as it will come up again and again in this story. You may spy it in a lot of other Chinese novels as well.

[4] ofo is a bicycle sharing company in China that also operates in numerous other countries. There is no physical shop and users can download their app to rent any available ofo bicycle that they see in the streets anywhere and anytime. The app also helps to locate available bicycles in the user’s vicinity. However, since bike sharing companies like this often simply flood the streets with their bicycles like nobody’s business with no thought for regulations, it’s very easy to find a bicycle available for rent. There are a lot of pros and cons for this type of system, which you could easily google online if you’re interested to find out more.

[5] As mentioned previously in Chapter 10, adding a 小 (xiǎo), which means little, to the front of someone’s surname is one way of expressing your close relationship with a good friend. Another way of doing so will be using the word 老 (lǎo), which means old. This is usually reserved for people who’ve known each other for some time and can be used even if the person in question is not old at all.

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