Chapter 66 – Temple fair (Translated and edited by Xing)

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After Tang Xue finally finished explaining the incident, Principal Tang had a few more new doubts.

“Who sent the photos? And what’s their motive?”

“You’ve finally reached the key point. Based on my in-depth analysis, the person who sent these photos should have also been misled by them. By sending you the photos, he wanted to make you angry and prompt you into breaking up Li Yubing and me—of course, there’s completely nothing between the two of us.”

Principal Tang felt that kids these days were quite scheming. “Who wants to break up the two of you?” After asking this, he added in his heart, I really have to thank him.

“How will I know.” Tang Xue shrugged exasperatedly. “There are so many people who have a crush on me.”

“You know everyone who has a crush on you?”

“I don’t. Liao Zhenyu told me.”

“Liao Zhenyu has a crush on you as well?”

“Him? Nope, he’s like a tiny chick who likes sticking to people. I’m a big bird.”

“What in the world…”

Principal Tang felt like a wool ball had been stuffed into his brain after listening to Tang Xue. He gathered and stacked the photos neatly before putting it back onto the coffee table. He concluded, “I believe you. But you’re not completely innocent in this matter. Next time, you’re not allowed to mess around with a boy in public. You don’t even know when someone has taken advantage of you. You’re a girl…”

“So what if I’m a girl?” Tang Xue was slightly disgruntled. “It’s always the female’s fault when something happens.”

“I’m not blaming you. It’s simply that society measures girls against a higher standard. Whenever anything happens, it’s always the girl who loses out. Let me ask you, when these photos were released, everyone was mainly scolding you… right?” As Principal Tang spoke, he began to get angry again. This time, he was furious at the fact that his precious daughter had faced unjust scolding.

“All right, things were exactly as you said.” Seeing her father’s frustration, Tang Xue edged a little closer and tried to sound him out, “Don’t be angry. I have a good idea.”


“How about I succeed in chasing after Li Yubing and make those people die from anger?”

“Don’t you dare!”

Met with her father’s rebuff, Tang Xue slinked off gloomily to the ice rink.

That night, she received a message from Bian Cheng. The next day was his birthday and he was inviting classmates over for dinner. He asked Tang Xue if she wanted to go as well.

Tang Xue sent him a red packet and replied: I won’t be going. You guys have fun. Happy birthday in advance!

Bian Cheng did not accept her red packet and sent her a red packet of his own instead.

Bian Cheng: Appearance fee.

Bian Cheng: Will this do.

Bian Cheng: Help me ask Liao Zhenyu if he wants to come as well.

Tang Xue was one who bows to gentle persuasion and not intimidation. She was unable to continue rejecting him wilfully after he invited her in such a deferential manner. She asked if Zhou Ran would be going and after knowing that she would not be there, Tang Xue agreed to his request. As she had already let go of the past, she could now face Bian Cheng with an even and indifferent attitude.


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The people that Bian Cheng invited for his birthday were classmates whom he was closer to in high school year one. Tang Xue headed over with Liao Zhenyu. The two of them were embarrassed to go empty-handed and had prepared a gift. Tang Xue was much more at ease as Zhou Ran was not there. She reminisced the past with everyone else. High school was a strange period. Though life at that time was dull and monotonous, they had astoundingly vivid memories of what had happened. Each and every day then was mundane, and yet deeply etched in their minds—the experience of youth itself was nothing to speak of but was able to stir up profound nostalgia when one looked back.

Perhaps it’s because of how uncomplicated everything was, Tang Xue thought melancholically. Her father had said: With age came complexity, drawing myriad lines and splashing intricate colours on the blank slate that was life.

If that was how things were and time could only move forward, then a person’s childhood was the most innocent period of his or her life.

Thinking back to her childhood, Tang Xue’s mind was filled with Li Yubing.

Oh, stop thinking about him!

Tang Xue rubbed her head helplessly.

“Boss, do you want some alcohol?” Liao Zhenyu suddenly asked.

“Ah? Sure, I’ll help myself.” Tang Xue reached for the beer bottle as she replied to him.

There was a meaningful look in Liao Zhenyu’s eyes. He took her cup and filled it to the brim. This chapter is a labour of love that should not be found outside of teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.

After doing so, he secretly texted Li Yubing.

Liao Zhenyu: My boss is drinking right now. Come fetch her later!

Li Yubing: Ok. What’s my excuse?

Liao Zhenyu: There’s this wonderful thing called ‘coincidence’. Heard of it before?

Li Yubing: Yes…

It was rare that Liao Zhenyu had the opportunity to lecture Li Yubing and the experience made him elated. Sigh, he suddenly hoped that Li Yubing would not be able to take down his boss so quickly.

Tang Xue was actually very mindful of how much she drank. She did not dare to drink much as she was worried that her dad would nag at her again. It was still some time before school start and her dearest dad was bored out of his mind at home. His wife was also rarely at home and his loneliness meant that he was capable of making a mountain out of a molehill by excessively poring over a small matter.

As a result, Tang Xue was the one who drank the least in the end. Even Bian Cheng was tipsy, his face flushed and his eyes lightly glazed from intoxication. The rest were worse. There were two who could not even walk straight.

Tang Xue and Bian Cheng stood at the restaurant entrance and made sure that everyone got onto a taxi safely.

When only the two of them were left, Tang Xue raised her arm to flag down another taxi but Bian Cheng stopped her.

“Let’s talk,” Bian Cheng said.

Tang Xue put down her hand and measured Bian Cheng. She asked, “You have something to say?”

Bian Cheng avoided her gaze and did not dare to look at her directly. His face seemed to turn a deeper shade of red. “Do you want to go to the temple fair together the day after tomorrow?”


Tang Xue watched Bian Cheng’s face and asked, “Bian Cheng, what do you mean by this?”


“Are… you asking me out on a date?”

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Bian Cheng did not expect her to plainly state things out like this. Right, she was always frank and open-minded. In the beginning, she was the one who confessed to him first.

Did she know how ecstatic and moved he was when he heard her confession? And did she know that he had kept her confession in his heart for three years?

“Tang Xue.” Bian Cheng’s head was lowered as he stared at the pavement. “I rejected you then as I wished that both of us could first fight for a better future. Being realistic is the best way to safeguard our emotions.”

Tang Xue nodded, “I know. That’s why I don’t blame you. Both of us need to move on and not take the past to heart.”

“Then now…”

“Now, my like for you is already a thing of the past.”

Bian Cheng gave a bitter smile. “Must you be so blunt about it?”

Tang Xue scratched her head. “Even though putting things this way might be a little hurtful, I think it’s best to make things clear. There’s another person that I like now.”

While the two of them were speaking, Li Yubing was standing not far away. He was hidden behind a street light like a spy and could hear their conversation clearly. The thin pole was not able to completely hide his whole body. Luckily, he was fond of wearing black lately and the pole was black as well. This gave him a thin layer of camouflage.

When he heard Tang Xue reject Bian Cheng, Li Yubing’s heart leapt in joy.

Then, he heard Bian Cheng asked Tang Xue, “The person whom you like now—is it Li Yubing?”

Li Yubing’s heart started beating maniacally. He held his breath, wishing that he could attach an antenna to his ears in order to make sure that he could distinctively hear Tang Xue’s next few words.

At this moment, Tang Xue still could not bear to admit that she actually liked Li Yubing. Hearing Bian Cheng’s question, she immediately avoided his gaze and denied flatly, “How could I like him? Li Yubing is only my little lackey.”

Great, well done.

Li Yubing was very crossed and hammered the pole.

The dull thud of flesh meeting steel finally attracted the two people’s attention. Both of them looked over.

Half of Li Yubing’s face was hidden behind the pole. He stared back at them sullenly. With his current pose and how the light shone down and landed on his body from above, the lighting was a little bizarre, making it seemed like he had been summoned by some holy light.

Tang Xue jumped in shock. “Li Yubing, do you think that the pole manages to hide you or do you think that you’re invisible?”

Li Yubing calmly walked out from behind the street light and said, “What a coincidence.”

Tang Xue was interrupted by Li Yubing but she had finished what she wanted to say. Thus, she said goodbye to Bian Cheng.

Before they parted ways, she suddenly remembered a matter and asked Bian Cheng, “Are you the one who sent those photos to my house?”

Bian Cheng’s face was confused. “What photos?”

Tang Xue waved her hand. “Let’s not mention it. Mm, I have faith in your character. I’m off, bye bye.”

She left with Li Yubing. After they were a distance away, Li Yubing looked at her with thin amusement on his face. His voice was a teeny weeny bit dangerous. “Little lackey?”

Tang Xue felt guilty and her heartbeat started to quicken. The light and fast beats were like a bunny hopping in the field. She did not dare to look at him directly and lowered her head to stare at her feet.

Li Yubing said, “Who wants to be your little lackey?”

Tang Xue hit her head. “Oh right, with your size, it should be a big lackey.”

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“…” Li Yubing was so annoyed that he rolled his eyes. He really wanted to knock her head but was afraid that it would cause her pain.

After a while, Tang Xue suddenly spoke, “Li Yubing, on the eighth of the first lunar month, do you want to go to the Baita Temple fair together?”

Li Yubing stopped walking and stared at her, or rather, her cap of black hair. He asked softly, “Are you asking me to the temple fair?”

“Mm,” After saying this, she quickly added, “Xia Menghuan would be there as well. Let’s have fun together.”

“… Oh.”


The Baita Temple fair was one of the largest traditional temple fairs in Lake City. It was popular among the masses as it was said that prayers made there were often answered.

The eighth of the first lunar month, in addition to Xia Menghuan, Liao Zhenyu was there as well. Li Yubing felt that the two of them were there to guard Tang Xue’s two sides.

The four of them reached the temple fair around 11 am and bought lots of street snacks. They strolled along with the crowd and their first stop was the Scholar’s Bridge. The Scholar’s Bridge was an arching stone bridge with several hundred years of history. Below the bridge, a large ancient bronze coin bigger than a basin was erected. In the middle of the circular bronze coin was a square hole and in its middle hung a small bell.

What made the Scholar’s Bridge so popular was not its legend of becoming a scholar after crossing it. Rather, it was this small bell.

It was said that one would be able to have their heart’s desire after successfully hitting the small bell with a coin. Translated by Xing for only teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.

Along with numerous other people, Tang Xue stood next to the railing beside the river in order to attempt tossing a coin at the bell.

There were simply too many people. Li Yubing was afraid that she would get crushed and held on to the railing from behind her. Placing his two hands next to her two sides, he used his body to carve out a small and safe space.

It was a good thing that his arms were strong and could hold on to the railing securely. Whenever anyone squeezed too near and bumped into him, he could ward them off by slightly adjusting his body.

Tang Xue was as good as standing in his embrace. Her brain was momentarily thrown into disarray and she was at a loss where she should throw her coin.

From the top of her head came his low and amused voice. “Fool.”

Hang… hang… hang in there.

Tang Xue calmed herself down, closed her eyes and blindly threw out the coin.

Cling clang—

From the side came Xia Menghuan’s delighted voice. “My king, bull’s eye!”

“Eh?” Tang Xue’s eyes snapped open in astonished delight. The next moment, she was vexed. “Sigh, I didn’t manage to see it myself.”

Li Yubing snickered. Despite his restrained laughter, she could hear the light exhale of his laugh due to how close they were.

Liao Zhenyu watched coolly from the side and felt that Li Yubing was way too easily amused.

After Tang Xue successfully hit the bell, Li Yubing started tossing coins at the bell as well. He seemed to have forgotten that he was still circling Tang Xue; one of his hands continued to hold on to the railing while the other was raised to toss coins. So long as his movements were a little bigger, Tang Xue’s body would touch his body.

Tang Xue could only tightly press herself against the railing and keep still silently.

Liao Zhenyu could not help raising his brows. His usually imposing boss was currently trapped in Li Yubing’s arms like a little chick! Her might had completely disappeared!

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Li Yubing also managed to strike the bell after a while. Tang Xue could finally relax and the two of them looked towards Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan.

“My king, both of you can head elsewhere first. I’m not leaving yet. I must have my heart’s desire this year,” Xia Menghuan said. After failing to hit the bell for so long, she decided to try using Tang Xue’s method of tossing blindly.

Liao Zhenyu had yet to hit the bell as well. He quickly nodded and exclaimed, “Me too!”

The four of them parted for the time being. Tang Xue and Li Yubing went up on to the Scholar’s Bridge and headed towards the Baita Temple.

After playing for a while, Xia Menghuan held on to the railing and peered at their feet peeking out below. Then, she suddenly said to Liao Zhenyu, “Liao Zhenyu, your shoes—”

“Ah!” Liao Zhenyu was ecstatic. “Someone finally noticed it!” He proceeded to share with Xia Menghuan how amazing and precious his limited edition sneakers were.

Xia Menghuan listened till she was a little dazed. “Uh, I just wanted to tell you that there’s a footprint on your shoe. Remember to wipe it later.”


However, after listening to Liao Zhenyu’s extensive bragging, Xia Menghuan felt obligated to compliment him. Thus, she smiled and gushed, “Your shoes should be really expensive, right? Looks like your New Year income this year is pretty good!”

“Heh, it’s free.”

“Ah? You picked it up from the streets?”


Liao Zhenyu told the entire story to Xia Menghuan. After listening to it, Xia Menghuan asked, “So where’s the other pair of shoes?”

“It hasn’t been bought yet. Li Yubing still owes me a pair and I haven’t decided what I want.”

“Liao Zhenyu, if my king knows about your actions…”

Liao Zhenyu said hurriedly, “You’re not allowed to tell my boss!”

“Oh,” Xia Menghuan twiddled her fingers. She glanced at him furtively and whispered, “Then you have to pay me hush money.”

“Ah?” Liao Zhenyu was startled.

“The other pair of shoes belong to me. Let Li Yubing give you its equivalent in cash instead. You’ll keep the money and use it to buy snacks for me.”

Liao Zhenyu said, “Why not you directly find Li Yubing yourself? He’ll definitely be willing to bribe you.”

Xia Menghuan shook her head resolutely. “That’s different. If I’m being personally bribed by Li Yubing, it’s equivalent to betraying my good friend.”

“What about now?”

“Now, I’m simply collecting a fee for the difficult task of helping you to keep a secret.”

Liao Zhenyu was dumbfounded. “Doesn’t this mean you get to keep a high ground while benefitting?”

Xia Menghuan beamed and shot him a wink.

Liao Zhenyu felt that he was not on the same side as Xia Menghuan after all.

—His boss had raised a mini-boss for him…

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