Chapter 71 – Ice God (Translated and edited by Xing)

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The assembly of the ice hockey team was to prepare for the upcoming Chinese Ice Hockey Championship. As Dauntless Dragon Club’s youth talent team, the RCU men’s ice hockey team would be participating in the competition as a full-fledged team.

The host city of the championship was Rain City.

The day Tang Xue was to return to school happened to be the day that the RCU ice hockey team was going to have their first match.

She originally wanted to buy tickets online. When she searched it up five days in advance, the tickets were already sold out… sold out…?

Isn’t ice hockey supposed to be a niche sport? When did its tickets become so highly sought-after? It’s only Group B of the group stage and the tickets are sold out? Am I missing something here?

Tang Xue began to question life.

As she spaced out while clutching her phone, Li Yubing sent her an electronic ticket as if he had sensed her thoughts.

Tang Xue sent him a string of ellipses.

Li Yubing replied her with a similar string of ellipses.

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Tang Xue felt that their conversation was going in a peculiar direction. Thus, she sent him a sticker of a cheerful Lolita gesturing a heart with her hands. This was a sticker pack that she had asked for from Xia Menghuan.

After Li Yubing received the sticker, he sent her an even longer string of ellipses.

Tang Xue: What?

Li Yubing: Not used to how adorable you’re being.

Even though she knew that he was referring to the sticker, Tang Xue still blushed like an idiot. Her lips quietly curved as she held her phone and looked at his message.

When Papa Tang passed by with a cup of wolfberry tea and saw how Tang Xue was staring at her phone with a blush, he let out a grumpy “humph”. This chapter is a labour of love that should not be found outside of teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.


In order to avoid being late on the day of return to school, Tang Xue changed her ticket to an earlier train. After putting down her stuff in her dorm, she did not stop to rest before bustling over to the ice stadium despite being worn out from travel.

When she saw the filled venue at the ice stadium, she finally believed that the tickets had indeed been purchased by actual people instead of being a marketing strategy by the organizer.

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As for why so many people purchased tickets, the answer was quickly revealed.

When Li Yubing appeared, everyone broke into cheers and applause. The entire stadium whipped into a frenzy and the girls on Tang Xue’s two sides let out wild shrieks. She felt her ears ringing from the noise.

A ‘who am I, where am I, what am doing here’ expression appeared on Tang Xue’s face, displaying her stunned amazement as she gazed blankly at Li Yubing.

Li Yubing raised his head and look towards where she was. This was the first time that the two of them met face-to-face after almost ten days of separation. As there were too many people around, Tang Xue felt that it was unlikely that he saw her.

However, he waved in her direction.

The girls next to Tang Xue started shrieking maniacally again. Terribly intimidated, Tang Xue stayed in her seat meekly and did not dare to move an inch.

Under this oddly enthusiastic atmosphere, the competition began.

For this match, RCU’s opponent was an ice hockey team from City Z. It was clear that the skills of both teams were on par. However, they had very different styles. City Z’s ice hockey players were a bit older and their playstyle was stable. As for the RCU team, they were a bit more dynamic, flashy and aggressive. Of course, this also meant that they had more openings and mistakes.

When the RCU team scored, the girls next to Tang Xue broke into applause. When Li Yubing scored, they not only applauded but cheered as well. When City Z players scored, they duly observed a moment of silence to show their strong allegiance.

Tang Xue felt that Li Yubing had executed several excellent passes that the girls might not have noticed. She was no expert but she observed that the playstyle of City Z’s ice hockey team counteracted the youthful playstyle of RCU’s ice hockey team. The tempo of the competition was always in the former’s hands. Though RCU seemed to be carrying out a strong offence, their pace was actually a little messy.

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Right now, Li Yubing had to pull the tempo back into their hands.

He’s trying to control the tempo.

When Tang Xue realized this, admiration flooded her heart. Translated by Xing for only teafragrance[dot]wordpress[dot]com.


Ultimately, RCU’s ice hockey team managed to obtain a narrow victory, kicking off to a good start.

When the competition was over, Tang Xue exited the stadium and planned to head over to the west wing. To her surprise, she saw numerous people gathered outside the ice stadium. More than half were girls. Tang Xue was puzzled. Why was there still a bunch of people gathered when the competition was already over?

She dodged behind a small shrub nearby to surreptitiously observe what they were up to.

After a while, Li Yubing came out.

From how he immediately headed towards the girls, it was plain to see that he was intentionally seeking them out. When they saw him, the girls cheered in unison and surrounded him like he was royalty.

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Tang Xue was so mad that she began grinding her teeth. Tightening her grip, she accidentally broke off a branch.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Tang Xue patted the shrub’s wound and felt extremely apologetic.

When she turned to look at Li Yubing again, he had fished out a pen and was currently giving his signature to the girls in a practiced manner.

Tang Xue did not know what she was angry over. She crept over and stood at the outer edge of the crowd, her arms crossed as she glared at Li Yubing.

After signing yet another signature, Li Yubing lifted his eyes and happened to see her.

Though she was angry, Tang Xue still felt her heart raced when their eyes met. It had been so long since she last saw him.

There was a barely discernible smile in Li Yubing’s eyes. He tossed her a meaningful glance and gestured towards the west wing with his eyes, indicating her to wait for him there.

Tang Xue rolled her eyes at him, turned around and went back to her dorm.

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