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When Iris (René) entered Catherine’s bedroom, Catherine was already in full standby.

On the bedside table were two cups of steaming hot milk.


“Now, will you tell me a story about you this evening?”



–Just one little chance, and I’m getting nostalgic.


The nightly routine of shuffle time between the real and the double. It had become an additional daily practice for Iris (René) to share her experiences with Catherine.

Now that Iris (René) had been discharged from her double duties, there was no need for the two of them to be in the same room, but the nightly chats continued at Catherine’s request.


“You don’t want to hear from Benedict?”

“I want to hear it now and I want to hear it from … you.”

“I understand. Then, today we will talk about fighting the goblins that lived in the old castle in the Marquis of Arawen’s territory.”


Iris (René) nodded and sat opposite Catherine.

The hot milk seemed to contain the right amount of sugar and honey and was sweet and warm.


It was not hard to find something to talk about.

René, who possessed Iris, could access and read Iris’s memories.

As a 4th-class Guard adventurer, she was an “ordinary adventurer” without excess or deficiency. Iris had already done all the activities typical of an adventurer, such as fighting named monsters (although they were naturally much weaker than the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”), exploring the roads less traveled, and conquering dungeons.


–“Iris” has done all of the activities that are typical of an adventurer. Salvaging as much as possible is not a bad thing for me either.


Thus, the memories and knowledge retrieved during the possession will be retained by René, but the unread memories and knowledge will be lost as soon as the possession is released.

Browsing as much of “Iris’s” memories during possession would increase René’s knowledge.


“… So. Hugh suggested that since it looked like a trap, it might have been a decoy to draw attention to it. So I lit it on fire from a distance with the spell of «Ignition» and it went … boom!”

“Oh, my. You’re a doofus.”

“The packs with goblins of the magical type use some amazingly sophisticated traps…, and I think I was just trying to … imitate them a little.”


Catherine always listened intently to Iris’s (René’s) stories.

However, Iris’s (René’s) ability to sense emotions allowed her to sense that even though she was superficially calm, when it came to the topic of magic, her mind was stirring, especially when it came to the nonsensical use Iris’s magic…


“You don’t like talking about magic?”



Catherine’s shoulders shook at Iris’s (René’s) sudden and unexpected attack, and she looked blatantly dismayed.


“…Hey, Iris. Can you clarify? Was my reaction that obvious?””

“No, not quite, but somehow…”

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No way she could say, ‘I’m using my Abyss Spirit’s capabilities to read your emotions’.



Catherine raised her eyebrows in the shape of a C and made a complicated face, but eventually, she seemed to have come to her senses and shouted.


“Yes, you are right! I can’t use magic like Mother! All my brothers can use magic at least to help them with their swordsmanship, but I’m completely useless. So every time I hear about you using magic, I hate myself for not having the talent… That’s all. It’s not that I don’t like Iris’s stories.”


Apparently, the Iris’s (René’s) stories had struck a chord with Catherine’s complex.


–It’s a peaceful affliction, isn’t it…


A little bit envious and a little bit estranged.

Catherine was sensitive to Iris’s (René’s) thinking.


“… What’s that look in your eyes?”


“If you have something to say, say it clearly!”


Iris (René) tried to look away, but Catherine grabbed her face and forced her to look at her.

Iris (René) also gave up and decided to speak without hesitation.


“I just thought that I would be happy to have my mother around.”


These were her words as “Iris” and as René.

Iris was a war orphan. She had lost her parents and was living in an orphanage run by the temple, but Diana, who happened to visit her, recognized her talent for magic and entrusted her to a magician, with whom she had a close relationship, for training.

As for René, of course, it goes without saying.


Her words were simple.

They were sharp as they were simple.

Catherine looked at her with an embarrassed and dejected look on her face.


“Yes, that’s right. I remember that Iris had lost her parents… It would have been a luxury to talk about these things in front of you.”


But Iris (René) shook her head.


“I don’t think… I’m unhappier than you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to deny you unhappiness. It may be to a different degree and in a different direction, but everyone is different and everyone can be unhappy.”



This was not an act of “Iris”, but rather René’s words.



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René was an avenger. She lamented her own misfortune and plotted to take revenge on those who brought it upon her.

That is why René did not deny the misfortunes of others.

If she were to think, “Don’t be concerned about someone else’s misfortune”, she would be denying her own misfortune as well.


“Thank you, somewhat.”

“Don’t worry about it. I was just saying what I was thinking.”


Catherine, who had a relieved expression on her face, suddenly turned serious and stared at her.


“Um, what’s wrong?”

“Iris, we can talk about your adventures later, but why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“You mean, like my upbringing and all?”

“No! Iris has never said anything to me about trying to get me to understand her. It’s as if you’ve given up on getting along with me from the very beginning, and that makes me feel a little uncomfortable!”

“Uh… um, that’s…”


Iris (René) was at a loss for words.



–Because you can’t help it…! What do you want me to understand about my true situation? That said, I was afraid that if I talked too much about Iris herself, it would come out badly!


So she was careful not to get into it too much, but it seems that her defensive attitude had been detected.


“See, there it is again! When you get in distress, you grind your shoes together.”
“Ah, I’m sorry… I feel like if I had a thought stuck in my… heart, I would feel like my body wouldn’t be stable.

“‘Fix it.’ You have to say three times, ‘I don’t have that kind of habit’ …


Catherine pointed at the bottom of Iris’s (René’s) feet in a manner that sounded like her manners teacher.


–Seriously. If I accidentally show my “Iris” habit in front of everyone in “Dragon’s Throat”, they might be suspicious of me. I think I’m okay now that we’re separated, but I’ll be careful… It’s not easy being undercover, either.


“Iris…, you know I’m going to the capital soon, don’t you?”



Iris (René) had also heard about the situation.

Apparently, Hilbert had asked the families of the lords and ladies to live in the capital. She heard that the notice was issued rather soon after Hilbert seized power.


The reasons for this seemed to be a long list, but any Japanese who knows a little history will understand what they are trying to achieve. The idea was to prevent rebellion by holding the families of the lords hostage. In the Edo Shogunate, it was called the Daimyo Witness System.

Oswald would have wanted to refuse, but that would have been seen as “rebellion”. He delayed his reply, citing the battle against the Night Pythons as the reason for the delay, and then, unable to hold off any longer, he was told that they were planning to leave the day after tomorrow.


“Then we won’t be able to chat every night. We’ll have to say goodbye for a while until Iris comes to visit.”

“Didn’t … you just decide that I’m going to visit you?”

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“Come. I will treat you to a cup of tea. I’ll tell Benedict to come visit me for sure.”


Catherine looked smug, as though saying that this was checkmate.

Unfortunately, this was an impossible future. “Iris” won’t exist in the world by then.


“I know I may never see you again, but I’d like to get to know you a little better before I say goodbye.”


Catherine leaned forward to look into Iris’s (René’s) face.

Iris’s face reflected in her large gray and red eyes.


–Fire red and the color of ashes… It reminds me of cremation. I’m an Undead, so that’s not a good omen.


“Iris. Do you have any friends?”


Catherine asked suddenly.


“A friend…”


Iris (René) thought about it.

Chojiro, the previous life that lived on earth. René, the spirit. Iris, the body.

For all of them, these are words that are a little bit distant as well.


Chojiro had been estranged from his friends from his school days since he became a working adult. He did not have any friends at work either.

René was often bullied because of her silver hair and silver eyes, and she had no friends because of her mother’s secluded lifestyle.

And Iris…


“Everyone in “Dragon’s Throat” is a friend of mine, and I have a lot of … business acquaintances, I guess.”

“In other words, you don’t have any.”


It was Iris (René) who was a little hurt when she was told clearly.


“… So you say, Lady Catherine.”

“Yes, but … I’m not sure I would call… you a friend.”


Unable to comprehend what she meant; Catherine shrugged in disappointment.


“It’s exhausting! Even with my friends, if I mess up even one of my manners, they are bound to make fun of me behind my back. If I am so careful not to make any mistakes, I won’t be able to taste the sweets we eat together. Besides, everyone wants to be ranked in order according to their father’s title or family status…, and friendship is a battle!”


Iris (René) laughed at Catherine’s words, which seemed to be the accumulation of many different emotions.

The upper-class relationships, even among children, are said to involve troublesome political games.

She was the daughter of an Earl who lived a life of elegance and distinction from the commoners, but she also had her own problems because of her position.


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“After all, everyone is different and everyone is unhappy.”

“Yes, that’s true. But that is why it is important to have friends who are happy.”


Her eyes, gray and crimson, looked at Iris (René).


“Will you be my friend?”


The words were like a sweet and sour girl’s confession of love.

Just a little, Catherine seemed nervous.


–Well, how should I answer?


Iris (René) pondered for a moment how she should answer.

She was only borrowing Iris’s body to work on the Night Pythons. When all was said and done, she would disappear and never be seen again.

Catherine may want to be friends with Iris, but the person she is talking to now is just the spirit that possessed her, René.

So there was no way she could really be friends with Catherine.


There is no way…


If that were the case, she could prepare a makeshift answer that would only last until she and Catherine parted ways.

But what kind of answer would be appropriate?


While she was pondering this for a moment, there was a knock at the bedroom door.


“Young lady, it’s time for you to go.”


The maid had timed her arrival.

The time for chitchat was over. It was time for Catherine to sleep and for Iris (René) to become a mysterious ninja. Iris (René) was still using the guest bedroom, not the room reserved for the party, because she would be called upon to act as a double again if anything should happen to her. It was fortunate that it was easy to get out.


“Oh, the timing is terrible… Iris. Let’s talk about this tomorrow. Please think about an answer.”

“Um… I understand.”


–Just in time. I’ll think about what I’m going to say by tomorrow.


No, she thought, even if she stepped on a minefield, Catherine would be leaving soon anyway, so it would probably be okay anyway.


“Then… See you tomorrow.”



Iris (René) responded, and Catherine walked briskly to the entrance of the room to see Iris (René) off.


And that was the parting of their ways.

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