Flower Offering

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The Kingdom of Ciel-Terra included the territory of Marquis Berger and its capital, Inion.

The city was located near the border with the Federation of Gireshtal to the west, and the cultural influence of the Federation was also strong. In Ciel-Terra, where many houses were built with masonry, the Federation-style houses with black wood and plaster were rare.

Amidst the simple and beautiful streets covered with a light dusting of snow, this place was different.

There was a faint smell of something fishy in the air.

Charred pillars that looked like hands reaching for the sky.

Remnants of household goods…

It was a house that had burned down.

One could imagine that it must have been a cozy and lovely house, but there was no longer any trace of it.

The trees in the yard had been scorched by the fire, and there were signs that the yard had been dug up, creating an even more desolate atmosphere.


It was midday, but the area was dimly lit by thick snow clouds.

Looking up at the sky, which was sprinkled with light snow, René passed through the gate.

“……I’m home.”

She hesitated for a moment before uttering the words. No one answered.

It was a little bit painful.

This was the house where René and her mother, Rosalia, lived.

On that day, the knights of the royal brothers’ faction came and took everything away from René.

She had a feeling that the house had been burned down after that. She didn’t know if the knights burned it down or if the town people did. Maybe they dug up the yard… looking for hidden possessions?

The property of the criminals was confiscated and became the property of the state or territory, depending on the crime.

Land, especially in the city, usually belonged to the lord.

The land was returned to the territory on paper, which meant that the house should have been cleared out long ago. But why was it still in this state? René felt that she understood.

No one would touch the house because they were afraid of her.

There was no sign of life in the surrounding houses.

It was as if only the people had disappeared, just like on the Mary Celeste.

They must have run away because they did not want to live near this house.

However, in spite of such a state of affairs, there were signs of people coming and going in the yard rather frequently.

A crude table was placed in the middle of the garden, and white roses were arranged on it.

Some had long since withered, others were still fresh.

The Snow Rose was a specialty of Ciel-Terra. It blossomed in the snow and was used for ornamental purposes and for making potions. It was incorporated into the national emblem of Ciel-Terra, and was also the origin of René’s name.

René “Rosey” Ruvia Ciel-Terra.

Her parents nicknamed her “Rosey” because of her silver hair and eyes, which reminded them of a Snow Rose.

Because of her silver hair and eyes, René was an abomination and was forced to leave the royal court with her mother, but she was the Princess of the White Rose.

The floral offering table.

People were offering white roses to René.

It started all over the country, no particular person started it.

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People who were mourning for René. And above all, those who feared the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”.

A Snow Rose offered as a sign of remembrance and redemption.

“…It seems as though everyone is doing it.”

Not knowing whether to be angry or dismayed, René laughed.

“If one flower like this could save me,… I wouldn’t have taken revenge in the first place…”

Ignoring the floral offering table, René walked into the burnt-out house.

* * *

It had been about three weeks since the royal capital of Terra Ruale was attacked and plunged by the undead army that suddenly appeared.

Not a small number of people had washed up in the city of Inion.

The reason was that many of them had fled westward from the capital.

Everyone wanted to get as far away as possible from the capital, which had fallen into the hands of the undead.

The most important cause was the spread of the rumor that “if you flee to the Federation, you will be safe”.

The “Rose Princess of Hellrage” was killed by the anti-Federation pretender Hilbert II and his knights. If so, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, someone thought that the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” would not attack the Federation, and many people agreed with it.

In addition, the Federation was a country that had a long history with Ciel-Terra. Even those who would have enthusiastically supported Hilbert thought that they would help the people of Ciel-Terra in their time of need… Like a useless man who cheated on his wife and then cried to her.

In a plaza on the outskirts of town, a row of crude tents was lined with tired-looking people loitering around.

The tents were a contribution from the temple. They had gathered supplies from neighboring regions and set up a refugee camp.

The temple preached the love of God and the war against the Evil God. It was the temple’s mission (at least in the form of a foundation) to help the people in need.

This time, in particular, the situation was of a super-class emergency: the undead had taken over the royal capital. For the temple, which was a divine sentinel fighting against the Evil God, its credibility (which was already in a bad shape) would be at stake if it did not help the people in this situation.

Of course, the urgency of the situation made full support impossible.

There were only bonfires set up in various places to keep people warm.

People were clinging around the fires with somewhat dismayed expressions on their faces.

In such a gray refugee camp, suddenly, a commanding voice roared.

“Come now, come now, ladies and gentlemen, be present! This is the Snow Rose, a specialty of our country. The white color is even more beautiful than the deep snowy peaks, and if infused using magical techniques, it can be used as a medicine for a thousand people!”

A man with a somewhat thuggish air was standing on a podium-like table, arranging Snow Rose flowers, and making a speech.

“The Princess of the White Rose is a pitiful princess. The “Rose Princess of Hellrage” with deep resentment. She vanished with the dew of the gallows. No, no, no! The princess offered herself to the Evil God and stood up to be punished! Her wrath scorches the heavens, and a army of corpses rises from the depths of the earth. Is that the crime of the Princess? No, no, no! We are all equally guilty! We are all equally guilty for the atrocious blood we have spilled! Soon the Princess will appear. To judge us for our sins! … Now, now, everyone, be present! This is the Snow Rose, a specialty of our country. Its white color is even more beautiful than the snowy peaks, and when prepared using magical techniques, it is a medicine for a thousand people! Let those who feel their sins and wish to atone for them, take this flower and offer it to the Princess of the White Rose. Let the soul of the poor princess be at peace! Come on, buy, buy, 200 scoots a pop! First come first served!”

Attracted by his words, people gathered around the salesman.

A long line of people immediately formed.

” One piece, yes, every time! You want four? Oh, for the family. You have 10 pieces at …! I’m sure the princess can see how you feel!”

The Snow Roses sold like hotcakes.

Few refugees had enough money. Even if they had enough money in their wallets, they would probably want to avoid spending extra money in this situation. But still, everyone bought Snow Roses.

“Hey…why did this happen…”

“I told you not to trust that crook Hilbert.”

“I mean, we just rebuilt the … store, for God’s sake.”

“You’re lucky to have a life. … If you don’t want your life to be taken, you should reflect on your actions. I don’t know if the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” is watching over us, though.”

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“Oh…, I’d hate to die, wouldn’t you …?”

The people who bought the Snow Rose were talking.

The anti-federal momentum was quickly dampened by Hilbert’s death. Or should it be said that everyone had lost interest in it. All that remained was the fear and anxiety that the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” might come to kill them at any moment.

Clinging to the rope. To escape the anxiety, everyone wanted a guarantee that they would still be alive tomorrow.

“Well, what’s next…oh?”

The number of white roses on the table had decreased considerably.

The peddler tilted his head when he saw that the next customer was a step away.

He looked down and saw a small child standing in line there.

They were wearing a crude cloak with a hood. The child’s oversized cloak obscured everything except the fact that the child was so small. Dull red hair spilled out of the hood.

“Please give me a rose, too.”

It was only when she spoke that he recognized her as a girl.

” Yes, 200 scoots a piece.”

“… Actually, I’m short of money. If you don’t mind, can you give me a discount?”


At the girl’s words, the man’s voice, which had been friendly and cheerful all along, suddenly became overbearing.

“Go home! If you want to beg, do it somewhere else! You know what? I’m not bringing you flowers for free either. I’m doing business on the edge for everyone’s sake. If the price goes any lower, I’ll have to eat my own pockets!”

The vendor shouted at her over her head. His words were certainly a fair argument.

However, the girl’s goal was not to bargain.

“Aren’t you just reselling for 200 scoots what you bought for 130 scoots from a nearby flower shop, and you can’t make it cheaper?”

Words of accusation uttered in public.

A mischievous smile, like a crescent moon floating in a frozen sky, appeared on her mouth, peeking out from her hood.



“Hey, really!”

The people who had bought Snow Roses all changed complexion at the same time.

“That’s not true!? I’m at a fair price…”

The vendor tried to argue with a stern look on his face, but the girl was determined to counterattack him.

“I heard that if you try to buy fresh flowers in the capital, the price is sometimes like that. But here, even fresh Snow Roses are cheap. It’s where they come from.”


Most of the people present were refugees from the royal capital.

They didn’t know much about the local area.

That was why prices were set to take advantage of them.

“If there are buyers and sellers, that’s fine…, the economy can be like that. But the way you sell to the buyers, taking advantage of their insecurities, hoping they don’t know. I don’t like it.”

The peddler turned pale.

The customers were gradually approaching.

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The situation was uncertain, and the future was uncertain. People’s hearts were like leather bags that had been overfilled with water and were about to burst. The men with bloodshot eyes rolled up their sleeves.

“Oh, shoot! I remembered that my mom was dying from a sudden medical emergency and a stomachache is about to be born from my wife’s head! Well, folks, that’s all for today!”

“Oh, come on!”

” Don’t run away, I want my money back!!”

Grabbing the rest of the Snow Roses and the money, the peddler ran away as fast as he could.

* * *

“Haah … hahah … damn, I’m in trouble.”

The peddler man scattered the pursuing people and fled into the back alley.

His name was Dwayne.

From charms of dubious efficacy to brand-name merchandise, Dwayne was one of the most well-known peddlers of “scams” and “swindling” in the city.

Dwayne clicked his tongue as he looked at the basket of Snow Roses he was carrying under his arm.

The new venture that Dwayne had come up with had definitely been going well until a few minutes ago.

Until that incomprehensible child showed up…

“Hey, big brother.”


Although all the pursuers had been dispersed, he was suddenly approached from behind and he jumped to his feet.

Turning around, he saw the figure of a young girl wearing an overstuffed cloak.

“Koko, ko gya!! How dare you!!”

“Why don’t you sell me a flower? I’ll give you 130 scoots for it.”

“Who would do that!? You better learn the rules of the world…”

How a child’s feet could catch up with him when he was running at a considerable speed, he didn’t know, but here they met.

Conveniently, there were no people around. Even though it was a girl, he felt like he had to hit her a few times to make himself feel better.

Dwayne tried to grab the girl by the collar, but she slipped out of the cloak.

For a moment, the girl looked like a simple red-haired girl who could be found anywhere.

But her appearance wavered like a mirage.

Dwayne had seen something similar before, when he had worked with a magician to commit a fraud. It was a magical illusion.

The girl who has taken off her cloak and her illusion.

Silver eyes and silver hair shining like fresh snow. She had a slender body and an innocent face, but in her eyes, however, there was a cold fury that was close to madness, even insanity.

On the skirt of a common one-piece dress, which was easy to move around in, was a rose, which seemed to have been painted with the blood of … humans.

“Can’t you give me one of these?”]

“Ah, ah… Huh? Aaahhhh!!”

All Dwayne could do was scream.

The tragic princess who was beheaded in the heat of the moment.

The fearsome avenger who brought down the capital of a country.

Named monster “Rose Princess of Hellrage”. Rene “Rosey” Ruvia Ciel-Terra was standing just as she was described in the report.

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“Somebody help me!!”

Dwayne turned himself around and tried to escape.

But with a wind-like movement, René circled around.


Dwayne screamed as his leg burned and he fell over.

His right leg had been severed at the ankle, and bright red blood was gushing out.

“Ow, it hurts! It hurts!”

“‘Someone’? Shouldn’t you ask for my forgiveness first? By the way, they can’t hear you. I’ve used magic to block out the sound.”

Come to think of it, neither the sound of the wind nor the bustle of the city could be heard at all.

It was no longer possible to escape or call for help.

It goes without saying… to fight. Impossible. All he could do was to punch the b*stard who had tried to tip off the guards about his business.

” If that white rose is a sign of atonement, wouldn’t it make sense to offer it first?”

“Wait! No, please wait!”

Raising his hands in a sign of surrender, Dwayne next fell flat.

Then he rolled his tongue with the greatest vigor ever.

“I do this kind of work so that as many people as possible can mourn you! Well, it’s true that I have done some unorthodox things, but I have no choice but to do this for a living! They are the ones who fled the capital, and they are the criminals who drove you to your death! It will be no problem to take some money from them!”

“…Did you approve of Hilbert’s usurpation of the throne?”

” I acted that way, yes, even though I didn’t mean to! I was afraid of the eyes of those around me! I am ashamed of myself! But I didn’t trust a man like that from the beginning, not one bit…”

It was a lie.

Even Dwayne, who had nothing to do with the ore industry, was at least a little pissed off when he heard that the Federation was buying up Glacelum. And when he heard that the stupid king Elbert had been killed and replaced by the sane Hilbert, he thought it was a pleasant surprise.

Besides, Dwayne had been doing too much ‘work’ in Inion and had been feeling a bit stuffy lately. He thought it would be a good time to change the riverbanks, since it would make the east more lively if he and Noacurio got along better.

But he never mentioned such a thing.

Dwayne was a man who could lie with impunity.

–Nod your head, my tongue! I am a man who has lived by his mouth. No matter what kind of monster I’m dealing with, I can fool at least one kid…


As René showed signs of thinking, Dwayne gave an affectionate smile. It was a business smile to appease the other party and make them trust him.

For a moment, he wondered if he had succeeded.

But René’s subsequent words plunged him into the depths of despair.

“I’m getting used to it. I can now recognize most of the lies that don’t carry a sense of guilt. All the training I did with Alastair has been worth it.”


“I was just a little ticked off, so I thought it would be enough to scare you… I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to make you suffer a lot and then I’m going to kill you.”

* * *

That evening, a slaughtered body was found with over a hundred stab wounds all over his body and his face skinned.

A basket that appeared to have been carried by the victim had been overturned, and Snow Roses were scattered around the area. It looked as if they had been offered to the dead.

A man died in agony with his back against the wall of the alley. Behind him, a hideous rose was drawn with the man’s blood.

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