Welcome, nice to meet you.

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“…Princess, who are these people?”


Alastair, who greeted René upon her return to the royal capital, looked quizzically at the two following René and the captive being carried by the skeletons.

The cat-eared maid Mialanze looked up at the royal castle with a glint of hope in her eyes.

Everis, a witch, was still a classic Thief style sl*t …

And Tracy, the adventurer who remained in a caterpillar state.


“From left to right: ‘Mialanze the Lost’, ‘Everis the Salesman’, and ‘Tracy the Loot’.”

“Wait! How did I get kidnapped!? I have no idea how this happened!?”

“Just keep Tracy locked up until I finish talking to Everis.”

“Get off me! Don’t touch anywhere funny!”


Carrying the rampaging Tracy on their backs, the skeletons proceeded in an orderly fashion.


“Oh, but there is really not a single person in sight. I haven’t seen such a pleasant sight for a long time. The undead army occupying the royal capital from which the human race has all fled! Isn’t it romantic?”

“I think it was about time we had a proper conversation about consulting, don’t you?”


Everis, who had been spreading her hands in an exaggerated, musical-actress-like manner, began rubbing them together suspiciously at René’s request.


“Yes, yes, that’s it. I believe that the Princess is a gem of a person who can lead the world into darkness on behalf of the Demon Lord’s army, which has gone to ruin. I, the poor Everis, have come here to help you with that.”

“So you turned in your resignation to the Demon Lord’s Army and left?”
“No, I just left a job I was working on and left without completing it.”

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“That’s the worst.”

“They were behind on their payments. I had no obligation to do my job.”


With a small sigh, René observed the shady woman known as Everis.

A woman who served three Demon Lords. She called herself a “World Conquest Consultant”.


On the outside, she was simply a sl*t in an eccentric witch’s costume.

However, the presence she carried was unusual. There existed genuine “signs of life” as a member of the human race, but stained and distorted.

Above all, the pressure. The pressure of her stored magical power flowing through her body, the aftermath of which alone revealed the extent of her power.

The mysterious magic that shot down the bird-shaped holy beasts was also brilliant. She was an extraordinary user.


But even her magical abilities were probably only a small part of her “power”.
Perhaps her greatest weapon was her brain.


If her self-proclaimed title of “World Conquest Consultant” was not a misnomer.


“Why don’t you hire me? I will provide various magic techniques and strategy suggestions. For compensation, provide me with what I require as needed. Magical catalysts, experimental beauties, etc.”

“Experimental beauties…”

“And then there’s winning itself.”


Everis laughed mischievously.


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“To tell the truth, I’m tired of the seesaw game that never seems to end. You see, in this world, the more the human race and the demon race are cornered, the more chances they have to turn the tables with strong Divine Protections, right? Even if they are just one step away from conquering the world, they will be ruined. Well, the Demon Tribe is also trying to get back at them, so it’s a mutual victory for both sides. I want to win. The demons are in a corner right now. It’s time for a powerful Divine Protection to fall on one of our allies, and then an undead with a strange strength appears out of nowhere, not in the Demon Lord’s army. I figured this was Evil God changing strategy and trying to attack from a different angle. I decided to take a nibble too.”

“So you came to me with the idea that I had received a Divine Protection from the Evil God?”

“Exactly. Bingo?”


René affirmed Everis’s point with silence.

It might have seemed strange that the goal of the game was victory over the human race, but it also seemed understandable.

For example, what if someone were playing a strategy simulation game and found that they could never clear the game because the enemies were abnormally strengthened just before clearing the game, pushing them back to the edge of a 50-50 split or even to the brink of defeat? …They would have immediately thrown away their controller and gone to the online store to write a 1 ☆ review.


But for Everis, world conquest was not a game, it was reality. She couldn’t just turn it off and say goodbye.

She must have been so frustrated with this realistic game that she was willing to do whatever it took to destroy it.


“So, Princess. How far are you willing to go in this war?”


Everis’s gaze was assessing.

Despite the light atmosphere of her words and actions, the light in her glossy purple eyes was serious.

Even the pleading emotions she expressed were sincere and honest.


“I’ll make the Four Powers pay for it in blood. And I’d like to rip that guy who calls himself the Great God to shreds.”


Everis nodded quietly at René’s answer.


“Great, that’s what I’m talking about. But, you know, aside from the Four Powers, … do you know how to go punch God in the face?”

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“I don’t know. If you know, would you please tell me?”

“It’s not easy, but it’s simple. Just destroy the world.”


Everis said something outrageous with an unaffected ease.


“The purpose of the Demon Tribe is not ‘world domination’ itself, but ‘overthrowing the world’ and ‘re-creation’ by the Evil God… They want to deny all the people who are living happily in the present, and destroy and rebuild the world as a whole. It is said that the new world where the Evil God reigns is the ideal world that the Demon Tribe seeks, and that even among the human race, those who serve the Evil God and those who have been abandoned by the … world will be accepted. If the Princess has accomplished it, you alone will have the opportunity to face the gods and deny them in the pre-recreation stage … of the world of souls, where everything has disappeared.”


Listening to Everis, René felt as if she had stepped out of a dense forest onto a vast plain.

She felt her vision open up, and then she realized the endlessness of the road ahead and how small she was.


It was too far to go to ‘destroy the world’. She had finally destroyed a small country and had to avoid even the reinforcement forces of Noacurio alone.


–Still, it’s not … impossible.


She felt as if her heart, which had stopped beating, was pulsing hotly.

The world of the abandoned. A world of those who have spilled over. If such a new world could be created, it would be a wonderful match for the Great God who created the current world.


Besides, there was another point that this settlement was convenient for René.


“Recreating the world… how wonderful it would be if such a thing were possible.”


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Mialanze, who had been listening attentively, said with emotion.

For the unfortunate, the idea of recreating the world was hope and the best revenge.


–Like an apocalyptic cult. But if it’s really possible…


René intuited that this would be a ’cause’.

This would be the rallying call for the forces René would lead from now on.

When it came to the name of using up those who gather under René.


“I too would love to see a re-creation. The sight of victory as a world-conquering consultant. And only those who have destroyed the world will see the end of it.”

“Helping is not what I’d call it. You’re here to tempt me.”

“That’s right!”


Everis clapped her hands in agreement.


“Okay. I’ll take you up on that.”

“Excellent. The Princess has made a good deal.”


René put her head on her neck and held out her hand, and Everis took René’s hand enveloping it with her own.

The bridge was built at a much more oblique angle.


“The first problem now is Noacurio, who stepped into Ciel-Terra. The way you managed to defeat the royal capital with the limited cards you had at your disposal was truly impressive. But the Princess is in no condition to fight against Noacurio’s army, right? You need a plan, don’t you? I’ll give you a discount.”

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