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“First of all,… thank you all for coming, despite the unprecedented manner in which I have called you all here.”



Marquis Edfeldt,… Marks began to address the round table.


The King presided over the “Council of Lords”, a gathering of the lords and ladies to decide on the country’s major policies.

Originally, it was convened under the name of the king. 

However, when for some reason a king did not exist, there was a provision that the Council of Lords could be convened by the joint signatures of one-third of the lords.


However, this Council of Lords was the most unusual of all.


In the first place, this was not the royal capital where the Council of Lords should have been held, but in a room in the castle of the Marquis Edfeldt of Terra Kaine.

Moreover, only Marks and the scribe who wrote down the participants’ comments were present. Lining up at the round table where Marks spoke to the participants were parchments with magic circles scrawled on them.

This was a remote communication technique used at the communication stations.

To compensate for the consumption of magic power, which increased enormously as the distance increased, the parchments were wrapped with a mithril silver wire to receive magic power from the ground veins.

Most of the lords were reluctant to leave their castles.


Nor did they want to be seen in a conspicuous place with all the lords gathered together.

No matter which way you looked at it, the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” would consider any place she could hunt them, such as on the road or when all the lords were gathered in one place.


Therefore, Marks came up with the idea of a “meeting without gathering” using a remote communication method. It was said to be a technique used occasionally in Noaccurio, and when he heard about it, he thought, “Noaccurians do strange things”, but under these circumstances, … it seemed like the only absolutely strange move.


“Please keep in mind that every minute of this meeting is precious, as my Terra Kaine’s reserves of magical power are not infinite. I will report to you … a summary of the prior discussions.”

“Please wait, Marquis Edfeldt.”


In order to save time, Marks had previously consulted the lords on the main topics of discussion in writing and by voice communication.

He was about to read out the summary when Marquis Arawen interrupted.


“Marquis Arawen. As I said before, time is limited. Please refrain from making any irregular remarks…”


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“Marquis Edfeldt. The content of the hearing includes the question of whether or not it would be right to accept the protection of the Kingdom of Noacurio? In view of the current situation, it would be reasonable to consider this matter. However!

Why do you not consider other options at all? It’s as if the choice is between coming under the protection of Noacurio or rebuilding the nation on our own! Induction is a good place to start!”

“That’s not all, my friend.”


Earl Vinter raised his voice in agreement.


“We understand that you are only asking us by means of a questionnaire, while those who agree with you are being interviewed in detail by means of voice communication. Could you please explain your intentions?”

“It’s an individualized … process that takes into account everyone’s circumstances…”

“It is important to set the policy of the country! I would have given my opinion for a day and a night if you had wished it!!”


Earl Vinter’s bellowing gong echoed.

And then a chain of accusations followed.


“Isn’t this conversation too one-sided!”

“Should we have gone to such lengths to force a Council of Lords like this in the first place!?”

“Noacurio’s army is holed up in the east, but will they protect us in the west as well!?”



Marks slammed his fist into the round table, trying to hold his tongue.


The Council of Lords was convened by the former Hilbertite lords, with Marks at its center.

Moreover, Marks conducted the “hearing of opinions” to the extent that it could be said to be conclusive.

The anti-coup faction and especially the lords who were close to the Federation were blatantly left out. Their distrust was at its peak from the start.


“If I may, time is precious! First, I would like you to listen to what I have to say. After that, I will give you all time to speak.”


Marks then read from the materials in his hand.


First and foremost, the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” countermeasures. After the attack on the capital, three of the lords had already been attacked and defeated in their respective capitals. It was obvious that the domestic forces alone would not be enough to counter these attacks, and there were few who opposed obtaining the cooperation of the Noacurio forces, which had already entered the country, if only as a countermeasure against the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”.

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And the next most important thing was to rebuild the government. Marks solicited opinions on this as well.

Not only had Hilbert been killed (his death was not clearly confirmed, but under the circumstances he was already presumed dead), but many courtiers and officials had been murdered when the capital was declared to have fallen. There was no common banner and no personnel to maintain the administrative structure.


The opinions of the lords conveyed a sense of bewilderment and uncertainty about what to do.

Some have suggested a shift to an elected monarchy, in which a king would be chosen by the lords of the time, and others have suggested that the country become a part of the Kingdom of Noacurio or the Federation of Gireshtal and ask to be protected.

However, as one would expect, there were few who were that determined. Most of them seem to want to continue with the existing form of the nation through sheer inertia. After all, …


“We need a king.”


Marks said firmly.


“We have reached a point where we can no longer manage on our own. But even if we ask for help from other countries, we will not be able to do anything if the lords are all saying different things. We must have a king to represent us.”

“…But who?”


Marks chuckled at the question.

No one would like to be king at a time like this. It would be like running head-on into an onrushing avalanche.

But that was no concern for Marks’ king.


“Currently, the first in line to the throne, His Highness Ghislain “Blaze” Ella Ciel-Terra, has decided to stand as the new King of the Kingdom. I, too, would like to offer my humble assistance to His Highness. His Highness wishes to form a friendship with the Kingdom of Noacurio and to work together to protect the land and its people.”



Then the lords exploded.



“What do you mean!”


“Is that true!?”


Several people screamed in disbelief.

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Ghislain was indeed the first in line to the throne (not an official position), but he rarely expressed his political position in either foreign or domestic affairs, and had distanced himself from all political disputes. His reputation as a quiet bookworm devoted to his studies was well established.

That was why it was a surprise (for those who had not heard from Marks beforehand) that he was the first to emerge on the stage.


“You have gathered the lords with this intention from the beginning, Marquis Edfeldt!”

“No. I was in a position to know His Highness’ intention, so I only took this opportunity to bring it to your attention. His Highness Ghislain has not yet officially declared his candidacy, and if anyone other than His Highness Ghislain stands for the throne, the new king will be chosen by the Council of Lords, that is all.”


Marks said nonchalantly, but by mentioning Ghislain’s intention here in front of all the lords, the Marquis Edfeldt had taken the initiative.


Ghislain’s political abilities were unknown, but his lineage was perfect.

The political schedule from now on could incorporate Ghislain’s accession to the throne. Unless there was a major shock that changed the course of events, this would be the default course.

And once Ghislain ascended to the throne, Marks, who proclaimed himself to be from Ghislain’s mother’s family and his guardian, would be able to exert great political power.


For those with political distance from the Marquis Edfeldt family (especially those who were anti-coup), this was a nightmare. They would be taken completely out of the political process and pushed into a position of a cold shoulder. The scenario that was supposed to have been avoided by Hilbert’s death returned.


“Soon, His Highness will speak formally before you.”

“…You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Are you sure His Highness is willing to be King!?”

“Of course I do. If you find it hard to believe, that’s fine too, but I think it would be better for you to hear what His Highness has to say first before you make your decision.”


Those who voiced doubt were silenced by Marks’ confident attitude.

He was not bluffing.

Ghislain really meant it, so there was no problem.


And then, silence reigned.

Marks could feel the complexion of the lords who were not even in front of him.

There were those who remained silent with a heavy heart, wondering what would happen next, and there were those who gloated, ‘Suck it up’.

Hilbert’s death nearly upset the balance of political power in the country. Marks moved to bring it back.


“If you have the best interests of all the people at heart, you should be grateful for the decision of His Highness …”


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The silence was broken by the voice of an austere man.

The stubbornness of his quadrilateral character was evident even in his tone of voice.


–Oh, this is another unexpected…


Oswald Mikal Keely. 

He was a man who, stubbornly, did not give his support to the coup.

He was close to the Federation because of his single-minded loyalty to King Elbert, and as an old Hilbert faction member, Marks thought that Ghislain, with Noacurio at his back, would be opposed strongly by him.


“Earl Keely, that’s…”

“I cannot allow the country to be in disorder without a king. Besides, since His Majesty King Hilbert II has abdicated without nominating a successor, the new king will only ascend to the throne with the approval of the lords and ladies. If anyone else wishes to take the throne, there is no obstacle in the way. It is not a case of first come, first served, and His Highness Ghislain is not cheating.”

“That’s right.”


Marks almost shouted with pleasure and clapped his hands while responding condescendingly.


By construction, Earl Keely was right. And that was something that Marks should have said, but it was really helpful that Earl Keely, who was thought to be a troublesome adversary, came out of the woodwork to say so.

Earl Keely was a man with the guts of a government official who was inflexible to no end. Given that, his statement may have been natural.


But what Earl Keely said was a pipe dream.

Even if someone other than Ghislain were to run for candidacy, it was impossible for Marks, who had embraced the majority of the lords and ladies, including many influential people… that is, Ghislain would not be defeated. By mentioning Ghislain’s name here, the centrist faction would also be swayed by Ghislain.

The next Council of Lords would be a ceremony to grant legitimacy to Ghislain’s kingship. And perhaps Earl Keely recognized this as well. But Earl Keely, who valued procedure and legitimacy, could only say things like that.


“Marquis Edfeldt. I can only confirm the obvious: the authority for diplomacy rests with the king. You would not, in the king’s absence, enter into a state-to-state agreement without permission, would you?”


“Of course not. However, this is an emergency situation. In order to protect our people, we cannot afford not to talk with other countries at all. I believe that there should be dialogue and negotiation within the bounds of common sense.”

“I understand.”


He was probably concerned that the Kingdom of Noacurio would continue to strengthen its influence in the future. Earl Keely, as a least resistance, pointed a nail at him.

Marks responded with a generalization.

He was a foolish man, Marks sneered.

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