“Thank you so much. I owe my life to you.”

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Spera, smiling at us as she said this, was an even more beautiful elf when seen from the front.

Her eyes are sharp and dignified. Her hair is beautiful and long and blue-silver, and above all, she has a wonderful figure that catches the eye. She has a sexy and seductive look.

[The character design is still divine, even though it’s a shit game.]


“Oh, sorry, sorry.”

I was hit by Spera’s inhuman beauty, and I was in a daze.

“Um, you’re the, you know, the elf who was forced to work for this bandits, right?”

“Eh? Ah, yes. Yes, but… how did you know that?”

“No, sort of.”

…I knew it because I played the game, because it wouldn’t make sense if I said I knew it because I played the game.

“My name is Spera. I come from a clan of elves who have a village deep in this forest.”

“I see. I’m Gustav and this is Niña. Nice to meet you.”

“Um, I don’t mean to be rude, but… you’re not surprised, are you?”

“Hmm? Of what?”

“Humans who have met us before are surprised at the rarity of seeing us elves… just like your companion now.”

If you look, Nina is circling around Spera with a curious gaze.

“Wow, I’ve never seen an elf before. You really do have pointy ears.”

“Hey, Nina. Stop it, you’re being rude.”

“What are you doing?”

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I grabbed Nina by the back of the neck and pulled her up to me.

“I’m sorry about the little one.”

“No, I don’t mind.”

I hear protests from below, “What do you mean, ‘little one’?”, but I let it pass.


“Well, Spera-san? What’s wrong?”

“Well, I was wondering what I’m going to do now.”

“What are you going to do now?”

“Yes. Actually, the elven village is being taken over by a group of bandits.”


I know that. As I recall, there are many young children of her own tribe in the village, and Spera is being held as a hostage by them.

“Because I am the number one surgeon in the village, I was not allowed to go near the village due to its vigilance, and I was forced to live in another stronghold of the bandits. But now those bandits are in such a state…”

“So the bandits in the village will suspect you of rebellion?”

“Yes. I wish they would honestly believe what happened today, but…”

“Well, that’s going to be difficult.”

“I know, right?”

Spera let out a very depressed sigh. However, Spera’s attitude is somewhat different from that of humans in that she doesn’t seem to care about the fact that the people she has been living with, albeit forcibly, are now dead.

“Um, can I make one suggestion?”

“Yes? A suggestion, sir?”

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“Yes. How about you join us today and liberate the elven village from the bandits?”


Spera opened her mouth, as if very surprised.

“That’s… a very nice proposal. And with your abilities, I’m sure you’ll be able to defeat the head of the bandits without difficulty. But…”


“The children and old people of the village are being held captive in several separate dwellings… and I’m afraid that they might be threatened as shields in the process of conquering the village…”


…Really? In the game world, the flow of the game was to fight a series of battles with the bandit group’s small characters, medium bosses and big bosses, and if you beat them all, you were supposed to have successfully liberated the elf village.

Apparently, it can’t be solved just by fighting them head-on. I guess the reality is that it’s not that easy, but then what the hell should we do…?

“I see… I understand most of what is going on…”

At that moment, Nina folded her arms and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go in first and release the hostages in all the residences.”

“What, Nina?”

“What, you don’t trust me?”

“No, this is not true, but…”

…But that doesn’t mean there’s no danger. Nina is supposed to be above the medium and big bosses in terms of level, but she’s up against more than one of them. If they find out that you’ve infiltrated and you’re surrounded, there’s always the possibility of being caught off guard.

“Don’t worry. Sneaking in is my speciality as a thief, you know? …Besides, I won’t fall behind those cowards who can’t sleep because they’re too scared to take even their children hostage.”

“…Okay, I understand. I’ll leave it to Nina then. Thanks.”

“Well, I’ll get this over with.”

Niña has a tsundere attitude and acts like she doesn’t care about anything, but… I can tell. Nyanya is worried about the elf children. She is much younger than me, but she has been a good big sister to the children in the slum all her life, and she has a very mature kindness in her determined expression.

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“You’ll call on me when push comes to shove, Nina.”


I unintentionally pat her little head, as Nina shows her healthy side as a big sister. I thought Nina would tell me to stop, but surprisingly she let me pet her maturely. Maybe she likes to be patted.

… Then… I turned around again to Spera.

“Spera-san, can you trust Nina here?”


“Don’t worry, with Niña’s ability, she can easily kill the presence, break into the village, and then neutralise the bandits who are guarding the hostages. As soon as that’s done, Nina will raise signal. After that, me and Spera-san will subdue the remaining bandits at once.”

“Yes, yes.. But are you sure?”

“Yes, yes. Yes. But are you sure sure?”

Spera looks at us with a surprised or slightly troubled expression.

“…I don’t even know if I can offer you a satisfactory reward for asking you to do such a dangerous thing…”

“No, I don’t want anything in return.”

“No, that’s impossible. For now, well… I don’t have anything I can give you right now, so as an alternative, can I give you [puff puff]? When you return to your village, I will be sure to give you gold and silver or some other consideration to replace it.”

“No, I don’t want to pay you any…. [puff puff]?”

I turned to Spera, who started to say the most outrageous things.

“What the [puff puff]?”

I hurriedly cover the ears of Nina, who looks up at me with a pure gaze.

“Hey? What are you talking about all of a sudden, Spera-san?”

“No, it’s just that I couldn’t think of anything else I could do right now… are you dissatisfied?”

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“I’m not talking about whether you’re dissatisfied or not.”

…Yes, that’s not what I’m talking about. Or rather, there is no reason to be dissatisfied with a proposal like [Puff Puff] in the first place.

[Puff-puff], it’s a noble ritual where the face is placed between the soft hills of a woman’s breasts. It is the peach garden of paradise that all those who have a male animal in their hearts aspire to. If that is the case, then the value of having the other party offer it to you is also understandable…

But that’s not what I’m saying. What are you talking about all of a sudden? In the first place, Spera, is she the kind of character who would say something like this? Wasn’t she a cool beauty, a character whose main selling point was to spit venom at the hero arc, who would look at her pervertly at every turn?

“I’m sorry, I see [puff puff] isn’t good enough…”

Spera says, as she is puzzled and mortified.

“But if you want to go further than [puff puff]… it’s my first time, so I’d prefer indoors… hmmm, at least in the bushes…”

“No, no, no! No,! I’m not looking for more sexual compensation?”

“Oh, really? The bandits have been looking at my body with such licking and dirty eyes that I thought my body would be reasonably attractive from a human point of view…”

…No, well, that’s a hell of an attraction, isn’t it? But if I jumped at the temptation, then Nina would tip me off to Princess Leia, wouldn’t she? And then I wouldn’t be able to face the Princess anymore.

“And anyway! I don’t want anything in return. I mean, to tell you the truth, we originally came from the royal palace to take down the bandits, you know. So this is part of our job, so really, don’t mind us.”

“Oh no, you don’t want anything in return… that’s not possible.”

“No, no, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s really fine.”


“… I’m really fine, Really.”

“Yes, I understand. If you say so, I will take you up on your offer for now. Thank you so much.”

Spera-san looked uncertain whether she was convinced or not, but she nodded her head.

“…But I still have to think of something to thank you for. Sexually, something beyond that. hmm..”

Finally, after muttering something in a voice that we could not hear, she started to guide us to the village.

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