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─ ─ A month has passed since we accepted the refugees of the elves into the castle town.


I thought that the Demon King’s Army would make some new moves again, but so far nothing special seems to have happened. The princess Leia’s mood (towards me) has been calmed down and while continuing to escort the princess on her official duties, I spend my days raising my level so that I can be ready to fight the Demon Lord’s Army whenever they attack.


Peaceful everyday life. That should be a wonderful thing. However, recently, Princess Leia has been sighing more and more, as if she is worried about something. It is usually after a priority contact message arrives.


“Princess, I have a message for you. It seems that Hero-dono has conquered the dungeon in the town of Kainis and discovered the way to the Demon King’s Castle.”


“I see.”


“He did it, I’m sure he’s close to defeating the Demon King.”


That’s very good news, isn’t it?


As the heroes’ journey, as conveyed by the messenger, enters its climax, the princess’ depressed expression increases. This is probably due to a promise made to the hero before in front of the throne.


─ ─ If I succeed in defeating the Demon King, you will belong to me.


When the hero Arc defeats the Demon King, Princess Leia will become Arc’s wife. That promise that the king has made must be causing the princess a lot of pain.


…Can’t I somehow reduce the burden on the Princess’ heart? I was thinking about this, and then I came up with an idea. Oh yes, come to think of it, I had a bit of a privilege.


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“─ ─ That’s why, Princess. Tomorrow I will have no official duties and no training sessions.”




After another day of official duties, I was on my way to take Princess Leia to her room by myself. When I told her that I had just received permission to do so, she opened her mouth and froze.


“What, yes?”


“In addition, His Majesty has also given you permission for the princess to go outside the castle for a day. We, the SS, will escort you, but you can go out freely within the castle town.”


“Wait a minute, father gave you permission? I don’t understand what’s going on…”


Princess Leia has become flustered. Yes, I thought I’d get to the conclusion first, but as expected, I’ve told her a little too brief.


“Actually, I hadn’t decided on the content of the reward I was going to receive from His Majesty a month ago… I didn’t want anything in particular, so I asked His Majesty if I could change it to the princess’s right to go out, and he gave me permission.”


“Oh no…! Are you sure about that, Gustav-sama? The work you have done is very important. It’s not worth a day of my time, it’s worth land and status. If you think about your future, it would be better for you to…”


“Well, I don’t really know what to ask… I’m very happy with my life now. And it doesn’t matter if I receive land away from the castle town or another position. Because I’ll always be by Princess Leia’s side.”



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Princess Leia tightly grabbed the clothes around her own chest. For some reason, her cheeks turned bright red.


“What do you mean by ‘always by my side’…?”


“Of course, as SS captain! In order to protect the princess, I can’t leave your side even for a single moment!”


“Oh, oh, I see… no, you are that kind of man, aren’t you, Gustav-sama?”


The princess looked somewhat disappointed. There’s no way she wouldn’t be happy about the holiday… in my opinion.


“So, Gustav-sama, are you sure about this? You’ve used your reward from father just to set up a holiday for me. You can still get it back now if I ask your father to withdraw that offer, can’t you?”


“Thank you for your concern. But I have no regrets about using it.”


“Well… I really wonder, Gustav-sama. Why are you so nice to me?”


“Why, what do you mean?”


“Because… it’s not that I’m, you know… Giggle, giggle, giggle. You don’t seem to be, you know… you don’t seem to be, you know… but you’re being so nice to me.”


“What? I couldn’t hear what you said because your voice was a bit low.”

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“No, no! It’s nothing!”


Princess Leia sounds somewhat flustered.


“…Cough. Well, thank you, Gustav-sama. Then I’ll take advantage of your kindness. I haven’t been on holiday for a very long time.”


“You are very welcome, Princess. I hope you will be able to stretch your wings as much as possible. We’ll make sure you’re well looked after by the SS, so please don’t hesitate.”


“Yes. So, Gustav-sama, I know it’s selfish of me, but may I ask you one more favour?”




“May I ask you to escort me alone tomorrow for one day, Gustav-sama…?”




“I want to go out with Gustav-sama [alone]. Is that not possible…?”


Princess Leia turns to me with a slightly worried expression and bright pink cheeks. I felt my heartbeat quicken. …Somehow, the princess looks very sexy. In addition to being a beautiful girl, there was no way I could refuse her if she asked me to do something like that.


“Yes, yes. I understand. Then tomorrow, we’ll be together.”


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“Really? I’m so happy!”


“Yes. I’ll pick you up at your room tomorrow, okay?”


“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”


The princess looked very happy and kept waving at me until the door to her room was completely closed.


…It was something like a promise of a date, wasn’t it? I mean, going out alone with just the two of us, isn’t that a date now? Maybe Princess Leia likes me…


It’s impossible, I tell myself. Don’t get your hopes up.


…It is always better for the person being protected to have a small number of guards when going out because it is less intimidating. That’s why she set the condition that she only wants to take me, the strongest of the SS, with her.


This is the result of the princess’ desire for freedom in her own way. That must be so.







……… It must be that way, right?



No matter how much I told myself it was a fantasy, my heart was still beating faster than usual. That night, I couldn’t go to sleep because I was fretting and worrying about all the possibilities that were going through my head.

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