As the Demon King’s strongest attack magic was approaching, the skill I activated was [Thousand Spear Birth]. I clenched my back teeth in preparation for the coming impact and intense pain.

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“───Gu, ugh!”

The pile of spears that rose from the ground with such force skewered my left arm. Then it lifted this body high into the sky.


The demon king’s attack magic [Gloriant Demil Zomnia] hits the pile of spears made of a thousand spear mountains, but it does not even graze my body. I was now lifted up by the cluster of spears, and I was far above it. I hold the spear in my right hand in the air, and aim at the demon king.

“[Thunder Rage]”

I once again make a hole in the face of the Demon King and blow his body far away. Then I landed on the ground and floundered. My body was about to fall down, but it was the Princess who supported me.

“Ugg, P-princess…”

“Gustav-sama! You’re badly hurt! Why did you go to such great lengths for me…! Don’t fight anymore, please run away…”

“I’m the SS commander, that’s impossible…”

“That’s an order! Leave me and run away!”

Princess Leia’s eyes were full of tears.

“Why are you protecting me! If I die, everything will be resolved!”


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“That Demon King will also retreat once he realises that the ancient magic won’t be activated after I die! In a proper fight, Gustav-Sama would never be defeated! Then you can slowly think about how to defeat the Demon King again!”

“Princess, please wait…”

“I won’t wait! Run away quickly! You are the hope of this kingdom! You can leave me and father behind!”

The princess pushes my body away and shoves me away.

“Quickly, before my resolve wavers… hurry!”

“Princess, do what I say…”

“No, no! Don’t stop me again!”

Princess Leia says, and then grabs the dagger back from the floor again.


So I swung my fist at the dagger with all my might, shattering it into pieces, and grabbed the princess’s cheek with my right hand, the only one that moved decently.

“You stupid princess! Why are you trying to kill yourself?

“What? I-!”

“Oh, you big idiot! Of all people, me! You can’t do this! There’s no way I’ll allow it!

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The princess’s eyes widen. Then she glared at me.

“Gu-Gustav-sama…! In what position are you to say such things! You won’t listen to me when I tell you to run away, but you have the audacity to stop me from doing what I’m trying to do!”

“Yes, I will stop you! Of course I’ll stop you!”

“Why ?”

“Because it’s not a solution if the princess kills herself!”

I grab the princess by the shoulders and look her straight in the eyes.

“Hey, I told you before, didn’t I? That day in the park! Why exactly I wanted to be the princess’s escort!”

“W-what are you suddenly…?”

“I risked my life to protect you from the gargoyles, I fought the terrifying Barzeph, and now I’m fighting the Demon King… all because I want to stay by your side and continue to protect you!”

“Why are you saying that now…”

I say those words for the first time, which I have never said to anyone, not even in my previous life, with more conviction than ever, with my life.

“I love you.”


“Princess Leia, I can’t help but love you. I fell in love with you at first sight at a gameshop wagon sale, and ever since then I’ve been in this world. I love you more than anything, more than this kingdom, more than the world.”

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I wiped Princess Leia’s tears with my finger.

“I don’t want you to die. Princess Leia is the reason I fight. Please don’t take the reason to fight away from me. Please let me… protect you to the end.”

“But… but!”

“You’re the reason I’ve become so strong. I can continue to be strong because of you.”

“No, that’s not…”

“Believe me. I’ll save you, I promise.”

The princess gripped her chest tightly, as if in pain. What is surely poking into her heart is the conflict. Kingdom or her own life, the weight on the other side of the princess’s balance was too heavy.

But when the princess pressed her head against my chest, she said.

“*Sob* If you say that to me, I won’t be able to refuse…!”

She said.

“Thank you, Princess. For believing in me. Please wait for me.”

I take my spear and stand up again. Behind me, the Demon King had already recovered.

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“Kuhaha, you make me cry. So what are you going to do? How are you going to amuse me?”

“It’s obvious. I’m going to kill you right here.”

“I thought that proved impossible?”

“No, I’m going to kill you. I will bury you here with my life.”

I held up my spear. The left arm was useless and there was pain everywhere in my body, but strangely enough, I felt a burning power coming up from deep within me. Both feet gripped the earth strongly, and the spear settled in his right hand as if absorbed.

…I will absolutely win.


─ ─ [Release and acquire active skills. [Desperate Resistance] → The less HP he has, the more powerful his attacks are]


“Let’s finish this, Demon King!”

…The remaining time is probably not much. I will end everything with this attack. I took a deep breath, leaned forward low and rushed towards the Demon King.


─ ─ 101 seconds left until the gates of the Underworld open.

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