Royal Road

Chapter 13

Ch13 - Intimidation

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The Jie sat on the ground, huddled in a circle, in a low hut by the fields while they wolfed down their bowls of hot porridge. It’d been a long time since they’d had warm food. Having new clothes, a sturdy shelter, and a good nights’ sleep were also rare luxuries. They even had the chance of enlisting in a “private militia” hanging in front of them.

One of the Jie licked his bowl clean and smacked his lips in satisfaction. He asked the person next to him, who was still sipping away at his bowl, “Yiyan, you think that noble will recruit us as personal soldiers?” 

The question instantly attracted everyone’s curious gaze; they’d all been wondering the same thing. Farming the land was the same no matter who owned it, it was just the same old same old. But being soldiers? That wasn’t a job just anyone could do. The Jie had always been lowly. They’d used to be slaves of the Xiongnu and had continued to be even once they’d migrated into Bing Province. Even when those nobles wanted warriors, they’d usually pick from the Xiongnu or Xianbei. Very rarely would they get ideas about the Jie or Qiang.

Could they really believe that sickly master’s words?



Yiyan finished his porridge steadily and countered, “Do you want to join his personal militia?”

The man paused. He and the other Jie only knew how to farm. And even if they chose another path, they usually became merchants, horse herders, or stone carvers. They didn’t even dare think about joining the army and doing battle. Was he willing to put down the hoe and pick up a saber? 

However, he only wavered for a moment before he suddenly grit his teeth and declared, “What’s so hard about being a soldier?! Wasn’t it pretty easy, fighting those bandits? If we follow the master’s plans, there’s always a chance!”


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That was the battle’s lingering influence at work. That weak-looking master, when faced with a horde of bloodthirsty robbers, not only stood his ground instead of abandoning them and fleeing, he even led them to a decisive victory. If even the noble wasn’t afraid of bandits, then what did they have to be scared of?

Yiyan nodded, “That’s right. For private soldiers, the most important thing is the master’s character. If you happen upon one who’s cowardly and timid, you won’t even know what killed you. Although, my lord isn’t that kind of person. He saved us from the soldiers too. I’ll follow him for that alone.”

His words were sonorous and sure. His audience couldn’t resist nodding in agreement. They’d all abandoned their homes to try and scrape a living. As long as they survived, who cared?! Furthermore, they knew that the master favored Yiyan, even granting him a short blade. Yiyan’s valiant conduct in that battle also left a deep impression. There weren’t many people who had the guts to stand out, and there were even fewer who had a born gift for fighting. Those who could distinguish themselves on the battlefield became leaders more often than not. Though Yiyan was young, he was courageous and decisive. Since he’d already expressed his opinion, being private soldiers didn’t sound like too bad an option.


Now that they’d settled on a decision, their tension finally unwound. One of the Jie glanced at the sky outside and asked anxiously, “Didn’t the master say he’d see us today? Did he forget or something?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rec kjr jigfjvs tjculcu lc atf kfrafgc rxs, tbk mbwf atfs tjvc’a yffc rewwbcfv sfa? Po atf wjrafg tjv obgubaafc jybea atfw, kjr atf qglnjaf wlilalj atlcu pera jc bootjcv gfwjgx? Ljnlcu atflg gfrbinf rtjxfc gluta joafg joolgwlcu la kjrc’a j qifjrjca rfcrjalbc. Ktlr alwf, fnfc Tlsjc gfwjlcfv rlifca jcv mbcalcefv rlqqlcu tlr qbgglvuf.

Yiyan wasn’t worried that they wouldn’t become private soldiers. He could tell that that person genuinely wanted a force he could use to guard himself. He just didn’t have a handle on whether or not he could become his ‘personal bodyguard.’ He could only hope that the lord he’d just acknowledged wouldn’t forsake him.

After another hour or so, the door of the hut swung open. Ah-Liang walked in, “Master’s sent for you lot, follow me!” 

Everyone hastened to their feet and followed ah-Liang to the main residence. On the way, they realized that the estate was even bigger than they had imagined; they hadn’t had the chance to see it so clearly last night. It took nearly ten minutes just to walk from the servants’ quarters to the gates of the main residence. Inside the gates was an endless tableau of carved corridors, towering eaves, and stately buildings. The carefully tended greenery lent the place a refined, elegant air.

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The further they walked, the more the Jie held their breath in anticipation. They were only tenant farmers who worked fields for humble households. Even if a noble happened to hire them, they’d never be allowed into the main residence. They’d never seen a manor so large.

They silently winded through twisting turns for some time until they arrived at a spacious courtyard. Ah-Liang slowed his pace and bade under his breath, “This is the main hall, so you all better watch your words! Don’t offend the master.”

The Jie wouldn’t have dared, even if he hadn’t specifically instructed them. They all had their mouths clenched shut, in fear that any noise might rouse the master’s ire. Yiyan, following closely behind ah-Liang, was at the front of the crowd. He expressionlessly balled his hands as he eagerly drank in the scene around him. 

A detour around a short screen-wall brought them before a spacious reception hall. There was a low table and two seats; the pale, willowy master of the Liang household, wearing a plain robe and a zé cap, lounged in one of them, an old man with sweat beaded on his forehead sat stiffly in the other.

Seeing that ah-Liang had arrived with company, Liang Feng looked up and grinned, “Ah-Liang, it just so happened that Retainer Tian came by today. You can issue the rewards I stipulated for repelling the bandits now.”

Ah-Liang excitedly replied, “Yes, master. Of the servants, there were three who slayed bandits and six who contributed assistance. Will their land tax be exempted?”

Whether they were serfs or tenant farmers, they all had to pay land tax to their landlord. But since the nobles’ taxes were often lower than the governments’, and their serfs weren’t subject to corvée labor, peasants flocked to the nobles for shelter. The Liang family was a middling aristocratic family that had lived off their serfs for several generations, but because of their lack of office, there weren’t many commoners taking shelter under their roof. Not to mention that thanks to their mismanagement and lavish lifestyle, their land tax was unusually high. Exempting even a year’s worth of tax would improve their lives quite a lot. 

Upon hearing that nearly ten people would be exempt from land tax, Tian Chang paled, “Master, that can’t be done!”

“How can’t it be done?” Liang Feng straightened his posture, “If it weren’t for these people risking their lives in battle, I would’ve already died in the wilderness. Of course they must be rewarded! Record all their names; those who provided assistance, exempt land tax for a year. Those who felled bandits, exempt three years of tax for their whole family!”

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The Liang Estate probably had around sixty or seventy farmer households, and just then, he’d exempted nearly half of them from tax. Even if he was rolling in money, it would be an exorbitant expense.

Liang Feng disregarded Tian Chang’s agitation and continued, “We were met with danger because the estate doesn’t yet have a militia. But it’s time it was reestablished to protect this estate in these uncertain times. Yiyan, are you willing to become my soldier, to defend the peace here?” 

Yiyan jolted upon being called on by name. He strode forward and declared, “Willing to die for you, my lord!”

As if infected by Yiyan’s spirit, the Jie behind him also shouted, “Willing to die for you, my lord!”

“Good.” Liang Feng applauded, grinning, “As long as you fulfill your duty with courage, I will of course let you live well, with homes and fields to call your own. Retainer Tian, what do you think of the new recruits?”

The sight of all the fierce Jie made Tian Chang swallow back all his protests. He could get away with altering the ledger a bit or colluding with some craftsmen to curb the master, but only on the precondition that the master was a timid imbecile. This feeble invalid was absolutely not an idiot that he could lead by the nose anymore. With a militia that answered to him alone, he could threaten anyone into compliance. 

He chuckled nervously and praised, “They sure are courageous men. Congratulations, master, on gaining such elite….”

“Elite? I’m afraid they’re still in need of training.” Liang Feng said noncommittally, then changed the subject, “Retainer Tian, do get me the account books as soon as possible, so I can start making plans.”

Tian Chang’s  face changed colors several times before he finally answered, “I’ll bring the books over tomorrow.”

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It wasn’t yet time to remind his master what kind of expense raising troops entailed. That ignorant wastrel, all he knew was how to spend money like it grew on trees. He’d lay low for a while first. 

Liang Feng inwardly sneered at Tian Chang’s sullen disposition. Looks like the show had put that unruly old subject in his place. As long as the estate’s wealth and military were in his hands, he could take back control, no matter how many rats had wormed their way in. He didn’t know exactly which year it was, but seeing as the Sima princes were already fighting up a storm, it probably wouldn’t be long till Western Jin fell. At this time, gathering his strength was more important than anything. Thanks to his grandad’s influence and his experience in the police, he had some common sense knowledge about leading troops.

It simply remained to be seen whether those training methods from the future would prove effective in this era.

Liang Feng’s thoughts were racing a mile a minute, but he only nodded impassively, “Very good. I’ve not yet recovered, and find myself wearying. You may take your leave, then. Come see me tomorrow.”

Tian Chang didn’t dare overstay his welcome. He saluted and left. Only after he’d exited the courtyard did Liang Feng say to ah-Liang, “Once you leave, relay my words, in detail, to the estate’s subjects. If there are any idlers among them who want to join the militia, they can enlist. They’ll be in a squad with the Jie.” 

Ah-Liang hesitatingly asked, “Will the estate be able to bear the strain of suddenly having so many soldiers?”

The fact that he asked was proof that ah-Liang genuinely gave thought to his master. Liang Feng smiled, “No need to worry. Whether they want to enter the militia, and whether they’re able to enter the militia are two separate matters. You just worry about carrying out your task.”

He didn’t understand his master’s intentions, but orders were orders after all. Ah-Liang nodded and brought the Jie away. Liang Feng suddenly said, “Yiyan, help me up.”

The author has something to say: 

The little wolfdog didn’t appear last time, he didn’t even have many lines, sad QAQ

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