Royal Road

Chapter 141

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the earth is frozen solid, so solid that even an iron plow cannot break it. Even the oxen and horses have reached the time when they need to be brought into the shed for rest and recuperation, and the reclamation work has gradually come to a halt. In contrast, the time for the displaced people to practice has increased.

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From two hours each day, it has become four hours. As soon as the sun rises, you can see a group of men in thick hemp clothes lined up for training, shouting and fighting. Most of these people have witnessed the fierceness of the Huns’ cavalry, felt the powerlessness to resist, and could only endure the pain of abandoning their homeland. So, when there is an opportunity to have their own fields again, with people providing clothes and food just to make them stronger and self-sufficient, that sense of suffocation and unwillingness immediately turns into motivation, giving rise to the determination to fight and strive.

Sitting on horseback, Yi Yan coldly gazes at the lineup in front of him. Two months is enough to transform this group of people from mud-legged individuals into capable soldiers. However, they are still raw recruits, and if they want to progress further, they can only do so on the battlefield.

“Captain, in yesterday’s monthly assessment, a total of fifty squads passed. By the time spring comes, we should have around fifteen hundred troops stationed.” On the side, Sun Jiao reports loudly.

These peasant soldiers in the official fields were all trained by Sun Jiao. Naturally, achieving such results makes him proud.

“Before spring arrives, there will be a combined exercise of infantry and cavalry. You and Wang Long will lead the new recruits in a mock field battle,” Yi Yan says.

Sun Jiao’s breathing quickens. The fifteen hundred troops under his command are all infantry. On the other hand, Wang Long commands five hundred cavalry. Although they are all new recruits, cavalry has always held the advantage over infantry, especially in a field battle.

However, after just a moment’s hesitation, Sun Jiao immediately declares, “I, your subordinate, will surely be able to overcome the enemy’s cavalry!”

That’s right, in the future, these infantry troops will also have to face the same Huns’ cavalry. If they retreat three times in the face of the enemy, there’s no need to fight that battle! Sun Jiao still has that much courage!

Upon hearing this, Yi Yan nods slightly. Ever since the last campaign against the bandits, Shangdang has stabilized. The Tuoba Xianbei borrowed by Sima Teng are also quite formidable, consistently driving the Huns back, and confining them to the western part of the capital. As a result, these new recruits haven’t had the opportunity to engage in battle. Once spring comes, the energy of the stationed troops will need to shift towards farming. If they don’t train in advance, these soldiers might not be ready for the battlefield.

Seeing his superior’s approval, Sun Jiao’s heart surges again. Although he comes from the Liang family, he has always been in charge of the bow and crossbow team. This is the first time he’s leading such a new force that’s transitioning from farming to combat. As fellow sergeants who were once part of the same batch, Zhang He has now temporarily commanded a section of the Liang family’s forces. In contrast, Sun Jiao has to lead this group of auxiliary troops, half-farmers and half-warriors. It’s truly frustrating.

This training is his best opportunity for promotion. If he seizes it, this group of stationed troops could become a formidable force! For those like him who originated from the Liang family’s forces, the concept of fear in battle has never existed. On the contrary, daring to fight, and even being eager for it, is their true nature.

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Just like the young man in front of him.

In just one year, this young officer has risen to the rank of captain. He has shed the last remnants of youthful inexperience. Standing over eight feet tall, with muscular arms and a slim waist, he exudes a commanding presence. What’s even more fearsome are his blue-gray eyes; with one glance, it’s hard to discern emotions, only a chilling aura of deadly intent. If Sun Jiao hadn’t followed him for over a year, he might not have been able to speak so smoothly in his presence.

It’s strange to think about it. In the beginning, this young officer didn’t have such an imposing air. Could it be that after fighting so many battles, he naturally developed this fearsome appearance?

Just as he was thinking, the sound of horse hooves approached from afar. A messenger on a swift horse brought a command: three days later, the Zixi was to lead his troops back to Liang Manor.

As the sky brightened, a procession of carriages emerged from Lu City. There were three hundred cavalry alone in the formation, accompanied by ten ox-drawn carts. The sight was quite impressive.

This was the procession of the Zixi of Shangdang, and in a few days, the Laba Festival would arrive. As the head of the family, Liang Feng naturally had to return to his manor to perform ancestral rites and ceremonies. It was a duty that the head of the household must bear. Moreover, having not returned home for half a year, Liang Feng had set out a few days earlier, bringing his son and procession with him on the journey back.

Riding on a black steed, Liang Feng wrapped himself in a fox fur cloak. Since his arrival in Lu City, he had focused on repairing this official road. The road surface now had fewer potholes, making carriage travel much smoother. However, he still preferred riding a horse. Despite being more tiring, it was better than experiencing motion sickness.


“Father, can Rong’er ride a horse?” In a nearby carriage, Liang Rong propped his hands on the window, his big round eyes fixed on Liang Feng.

As the sole heir of the Liang family, he also needed to accompany his father to pay respects to their ancestors at home. Having finally obtained a break and traveling alongside his father, he was in high spirits, showing a happy demeanor.

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“We’re in a hurry today, Rong’er. You’d better stay in the carriage. We’ll talk about it once we’re back at the manor,” Liang Feng lightly nudged his horse’s flanks. “We’re making good progress today. Let’s rest at the Xuan family’s post station outside Huan.”

Yi Yan rode closely behind Liang Feng on his horse, without any objections. He let out a whistle, and the speed of the convoy immediately increased as they surged forward.

On that same night, the convoy entered Xuanshi County without alarming the county magistrate, stopping only for a night at the post station. They set off again the next day, and before noon, they were already on the mountain road leading to the Liang estate.

“It seems that with rapid marching, we’ll need only a day and a half to return to the manor,” Liang Feng reclined on a low table, speaking to Yi Yan who was driving ahead.

Part of the reason for the fast pace was to test the capacity of this repaired official road, and the results were even more favorable than he had anticipated. If all the roads within Shangdang were like this, their response speed to enemy attacks could be even swifter.

“Testing the speed was better left to your subordinate,” Yi Yan replied.

There had been too much horseback riding yesterday, and when Yi Yan saw how Liang Feng dismounted and moved, he paid no heed to the protests and promptly placed him in a carriage. Considering the cold weather and the risk of injuring his muscles and bones, all the careful rehabilitation over the year could go to waste.

With Luzhu and Liang Rong present, Liang Feng had no room to resist. He had to take motion sickness medicine and sit back in the carriage. However, even though he was in the carriage, he didn’t allow the convoy to slow down. Only by hurrying like this could they return to the Liang estate in a day and a half.


Hearing Yi Yan’s words, Liang Feng couldn’t help but smile. His saddle had been carefully padded; even after riding all day, his back and waist might ache, but the skin on the inner side of his thighs remained unchafed. Yet, he was satisfied with such progress. Last year, he would need half a day to recover after just a short ride. It seemed that his physical condition had indeed improved significantly. With a few more months of rest and recuperation, he might be able to systematically exercise his body.

While contemplating his plans for the coming year, a rapid sound of horse hooves could be heard from the front. Yi Yan turned around and said, “My lord, Deputy Commander Zhang is leading troops to greet us.”

“Lift the embroidered curtain,” Liang Feng instructed Luzhu.

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The wind-blocking curtain outside the carriage was raised, and Liang Feng sat upright inside, looking out. He saw Zhang He leading dozens of cavalry to greet them. When Zhang He saw Liang Feng, he immediately dismounted and knelt by the roadside, saying, “Subordinate welcomes the Master!”

“Deputy Zhang, please rise,” Liang Feng smiled, “Did the mountain outpost detect the convoy?”

“Indeed,” Zhang He replied with a bow. Liang Feng’s return this time had not been notified to the manor in advance. It was the mountain outpost that first spotted the convoy’s traces and relayed the message using the signaling tree. Zhang He’s quick response in leading a welcoming party seemed to be the right decision.

“You’ve done well. Join the convoy and return to the manor with me,” impressed by Zhang He’s quick thinking, Liang Feng instructed.

Zhang He mounted his horse again and rode up to the side of the carriage, standing guard like the soldiers nearby. Sitting by the carriage window, Liang Feng casually asked, “How many troops are there in the manor now?”

“There are now three hundred regular troops, six hundred auxiliary troops, and eight hundred garrison troops. All of them are capable fighters. Additionally, three hundred new recruits have been sent to Lu City and incorporated into the cavalry camp,” Zhang He reported promptly and accurately.

“Very good,” Liang Feng praised.

In less than half a year, achieving such results shows Zhang He’s unwavering dedication. However, with such a proportion of people, it’s still a financial burden, relying on the sale of porcelain, glass, and several other secondary businesses to support them. Otherwise, it would truly be difficult to sustain such a large group of people. Unfortunately, even though he holds the position of Zixi, those two thousand stones of salary are basically impossible to retrieve. Most of it stays in the capital city.

The data about cultivated fields and the increase in population is not something Zhang He should manage. Hence, Liang Feng didn’t inquire about it. He instead asked about the situation of the hospital and military preparations. As the convoy continued along the road, slowly passing through the last mountain pass, Liang Feng suddenly stopped speaking, turned his head, and looked towards the side of the road.

On both sides of the road, there was a dense crowd of people. Somehow learning the news, the villagers from the villages along the way had all come out to welcome them. Someone was the first to spot the convoy and Liang Feng sitting in the carriage; they loudly shouted, “It’s the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva has returned!”

Like a breeze sweeping through the wheat stalks, everyone knelt down. Some bowed their heads to prostrate, some choked up with emotion, and there were women reciting scriptures with hands clasped in prayer. Just like fervent believers, all the villagers were paying their respects and worshiping the convoy.

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Liang Feng raised an eyebrow slightly and asked, “Did you arrange this?”


Zhang He quickly shook his head, “How would I dare! The villagers spontaneously came out to greet us. They’ve been longing for the Master’s return after such a long absence.”

A thousand layers of cloth can’t match a bit of flattery. Besides, it’s such an emotionally charged scene. All the knights standing guard were straightening their chests with pride, and even Liang Rong sitting in the carriage was trembling with excitement. Liang Feng chuckled, leaned out of the carriage, put his hand on Yi Yan’s shoulder, and stood on the carriage pole.

“My lord!” Yi Yan was startled. This space was where the coachman sat and was not spacious at all. Standing was even more unsafe. What if the horses got frightened?

However, Liang Feng lightly patted Yi Yan’s shoulder and said, “It’s alright, focus on driving. I can stand.”

With one hand on Yi Yan’s shoulder and the other resting behind him, Liang Feng straightened his posture. Beside him were hundreds of sturdy knights, all armed and armored, with shining weapons and helmets. Under his command were the fierce and resolute Gao Hu soldiers, with their distinct high noses and unique pupils, resembling fearsome creatures. And the figure standing on the carriage was so delicate and upright, with an otherworldly appearance. It was as if the true body of a Buddha was guarded by vajras and yakshas!

The striking contrast intensified the shouts from below. More and more people lowered their heads, touching their foreheads to the cold ground and reciting Buddhist chants. The earth beneath them trembled, trampled by the hooves of horses, and kicked up a cloud of dust, like a mighty torrent, indestructible and invincible in battle!

This was the newly appointed Zixi of Shangdang! This was the master of Liang Manor they relied upon! This was the divine protector who guided them through wars, plagues, deaths, and calamities—the immeasurable Buddha!

The shouts echoed like thunder in the mountains!

Standing on the carriage, Liang Feng took a deep breath. Most people might feel overwhelmed by such a scene, but he had grown accustomed to it. He was used to receiving such fervent worship and carrying these people’s prayers on his shoulders. This was what he could shoulder, and he believed he could bear even more!

At the end of the road, the gates of Liang Manor opened slowly, welcoming their master who had returned from a distant journey.

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