Royal Road

Chapter 26

Ch26 - Service

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Three men sat around a table laden with food and wine. The beady candlelight flickered precariously, dimmer than the moonlight shining through the window.

“How many days has it been already? The master still hasn’t summoned us!” Craftsman Wu, unable to hold it in any longer, blurted first. 

They’d been brewing up countless excuses over the past few days, just waiting for the master to call them. Yet who could’ve guessed that the master wouldn’t pay them any mind at all, and that the Liu family blockheads would get one over on them! Rumor had it that not only had they received a good sum of money, they’d gotten more people too, since they were preparing to shut their doors and start making new paper.

Because of their difference in income, the four workshops were somewhat estranged. Liu Mutou, especially, was like his name. His workshop was squeaky clean, because he was too dumb to laze off or embezzle. Thus, the clothworks and clayworks had rather chilly relations with the woodworks. Even the head of the metalworks was more personable.



But they hadn’t thought that when the master returned, he’d actually start with the woodworks!

That instantly sent Craftsmen Wu and Jiang into a panic. Things weren’t the same as before, if the master had some crazy flight of fancy and wanted to promote the woodworks, it’d be disastrous for them! 

Tian Chang sat primly at the head of the table, his expression cloudy. He’d practically been sitting on tenterhooks the entire day. Not only had the Wang brothers been caned, they’d even been driven out from the inner courtyard, and he didn’t know whether that sickly invalid knew of their true allegiances. He hadn’t heard anything regarding the ledgers either, and he didn’t know whether the master hadn’t checked them at all, or whether he’d found something off and kept it quiet. Having all his preparations come to nothing was such a miserable feeling.


He looked at the flustered craftsmen with annoyance, then cleared his throat and said, “Please, don’t fret. I heard news from the inner courtyard that the master’s sickness is acting up again. He’s refused guests for a couple days now.”

“What?” Head Craftsman Jiang exclaimed, “The master’s sick? But isn’t that new militia still training?”

The militia had been the subject of much discussion recently in the Liang Estate. They all saw how that gaggle of fools ran circles around the estate every morning until they were out of breath and soaked with sweat. They sometimes stood for hours in some kind of formation, turning left, right, this way, and that way; it was a wonder they didn’t spin their heads dizzy. The onlookers found it hilarious.


If Liang Feng was seriously ill, how could the militia still have the morale to keep training?

Tian Chang chuckled darkly, “That’s no more than a diversion. In reality, the master’s so sick he can’t even leave the bed. Either he overdid it with all the account books, or that imperial physician’s prescription isn’t doing the trick. All in all, he’s busy enough just worrying about himself.”

The two craftsmen looked at each other meaningfully. Craftsman Wu said, “But even if he’s sick we can hardly sit around and wait till he’s dead, ya know. There really isn’t some other way to get him to see the light?”

Tian Chang said, “Of course we aren’t just going to sit around. That’s why I invited you two. Isn’t the mulberry harvest coming round the corner? Well, there was a drought this year, so there’s hardly any mulberry leaves at all. Brother Wu, why don’t you ask the master for advice?” 

The Liang Estate didn’t raise silkworms, but they were able to purchase the silk they needed using the money they earned from selling mulberry leaves.

Harvest season was indeed approaching, but Craftsman Wu was no idiot, Tian Chang wanted him to stick his head out first! He snorted, “It’s true we’re about to collect mulberry leaves, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t do if I was the only one runnin’ over to complain right?”

“What do you mean?” Obviously Tian Chang knew what he meant, “It is what it is, no one can find any fault with that. And the hemp harvest last year wasn’t too good either. The estate still owes twenty thousand for hemp cloth, it’s right there on the ledgers. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the contract.”

He slid the contract to Craftsman Wu. He was blatantly using money to egg him on. It was a crude, but reliable method. Craftsman Wu couldn’t resist reaching over for it, “You’re too kind, brother Tian. But will the master acknowledge the contract?” 

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“I’ve already included it in the ledger. I can promise you it’s all clean,” Tian Chang chuckled in complete disregard of the other’s doubts.

“Haha, excellent!”

Craftsman Jiang smiled in approval at their back and forth. Soon, the two said goodbye and left Tian Chang’s courtyard. Craftsman Wu returned home, satisfied. Craftsman Jiang, on the other hand, took a few turns and went to the clayworks. It was dark already, but the clayworks’ fires were still lit. A few potterers were rushing out a new batch of products. Upon noticing Craftsman Jiang’s arrival, a young man went over to welcome him, “Dad, you’re back.”

Craftsman Jiang nodded, “How’s the wares coming along?” 

“This is the last batch. They’ll be out of the kiln by tomorrow; although, the shops over there aren’t taking any earthenware anymore,” the young man answered.

Of course Craftsman Jiang knew that. He sighed, “It’ll be a shame for all the good potterers here. Life’s about to get difficult.”


“Dad, what’s the matter?”

“Come with me.” Craftsman Jiang pulled his son aside to a secluded corner and told him in detail of his secret meeting with Tian Chang. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Rl ogbkcfv jcv lcrajcais gfqilfv, “Kljc Jtjcu regf tjr uear. P atlcx atlr lr jii ublcu ab ub gbaafc!”

“Qtb rjlv la kbeivc’a?” Jgjoarwjc Aljcu rlutfv, “Lf atlcxr tf’r jii atja, pera mjerf tf’r gfjv j ofk ybbxr. P ofjg atlr alwf, atf wjrafg’r ubccj ufa rfglber.”

That was what Craftsman Jiang was most worried about. His family had been potterers of the Liang Estate for generations; never had they come across a head of household like Liang Feng, someone who actively recruited the brave and strong and established a militia. Only when one had soldiers to protect what was theirs did they have the means to project authority. If what Tian Chang said was true, that the master hadn’t given up on the militia despite his illness, then it definitely meant he wasn’t one to be looked down on.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any servants who dared to defy their masters, but any master who was even slightly capable could get rid of a servant as easy as pie, not to mention one who had soldiers! 

Jiang Ni mumbled for a moment, then suddenly said, “Dad, we don’t need to stick with Tian Chang. If the master really wants to restore the estate, he’s gotta need help. Since he’s willing to use Craftsman Liu, our clayworks’ got a shot too!”

It’s not that Craftsman Jiang didn’t know this. He shook his head, “Ever since your grandfather’s generation, the Jiang family has been bootlegging pottery. If this gets out into the open, you think the master’s gonna let us go?”

Treachery was always abhorred. If Liang Feng was angered, then death was the only outcome for the father-son pair. Jiang Ni clenched his fist, “If we don’t ally with the master, is there any other way to avoid this mess?”

That was the key question. Would anything good come of it if they stuck with Tian Chang till the end? Craftsman Jiang might’ve looked thick, but he had a good head on his shoulders and he could imagine the consequences. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, he didn’t know what choice to make. 

Craftsman Jiang gritted his teeth, “What about we see what happens with Craftsman Wu first. If he fails, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“It’ll be too late then!” Jiang Ni said anxiously, “We might as well tell the master about their secret meeting and see if we can make up for our mistakes.”

“But what if…”

“Since it’s death either way, we might as well gamble for once!” Jiang Ni was resolute. 

Seeing his son’s expression, Craftsman Jiang declared, “Go, let’s see the master then!”

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“My lord, can we really kill enemies with these?”

In the courtyard, Yiyan picked up a spear and weighed it in his hand. Liu Mutou had finally gotten them delivered after a few day’s of work. It was made of swordspine wood, three meters long, supple and strong, meant to be wielded with both hands, it thrummed with vibrations when he swished it. Although, it hadn’t been fitted with a speartip yet, so it looked rather innocuous. 

“Of course.” Liang Feng leaned on the rest and smiled as he answered, “The battlefield is never a place to contend with one’s personal martial skill. Only forests of spears and rains of arrows can decide victory.”

At the moment, the Liang Estate’s militia couldn’t train in any complex formations; they had to start with the most basic spear formations. When two armies faced off, the most crucial moment was when the frontlines clashed. As long as their spears were as dense thickets and their soldiers unmoving as mountains, they’d have the upper hand. All the running and marching in step that they were doing, and the spearwork they would learn, was for this purpose. Modern armies no longer emphasized tactics like bayonet charges, but since the special forces still trained in them, Liang Feng was no stranger to them.


He pointed at Yiyan’s spear, “Your grip is too high. A spear is three meters, your back hand must grasp the butt of the spear. Your front hand is most important and should be three feet in front of the butt of the spear. Hold it tightly in both hands; exert strength from your front hand, steady the spear with your back hand. Maintain an upright posture. When you thrust, step forth with your front foot, use your waist, and stab at full speed!”

His instructions were extremely meticulous. Yiyan changed his grip on the speer, took a deep breath, and grunted as he thrust the spear. Fast as lightning, quick as thunder, it left reverberations buzzing through the air. 

Yet Yiyan didn’t stop, he rapidly withdrew the spear and stabbed again. He did so five times in a row then took a deep breath and stopped, “This spear takes too much energy.”

Yiyan’s arms and waist were already sore and throbbing. There likely wasn’t anyone in the militia who could use such a heavy spear.

He was indeed astute. Liang Feng said, “On the battlefield, the spear can only be used for one strike. After that strike, the enemies who aren’t dead will be too close for the spear to be effective. When that happens, what do you think should be done?”

Run? Throw away the spear and start hacking away with sabers? Yiyan frowned for a moment, then said suddenly, “Another row of spears?” 

Liang Feng chuckled, “Correct. Spears can be arrayed in several rows, each row stripping away the enemy’s fighting strength. When two armies cross swords, mine will have the advantage.”

Back then, when Alexander the Great swept through Eurasia, he’d relied heavily on the Macedonian phalanx. With their nearly invincible spear formation, sometimes up to eight men deep, plus the superb coordination between foot soldiers and cavalry, they easily tore apart Persia’s massive armies. From this, it could be seen just how formidable spear formations were! The Kingdom of Qin, which existed during the same time period, had halberd formations that needed the support of archer squads and even then, it was no wonder that they crushed the six kingdoms beneath their feet.

But even after Yiyan heard this, he was still frowning, “Then what if the enemy attacks from the side? The Xiongnu and the Xianbei all use cavalry; they move swiftly, and can attack the formation from any direction. Won’t spears be useless then?”

It really was a delight to teach such a bright student with outstanding critical thinking skills. After all, hadn’t the Macedonian phalanx lost to the Roman legions in the end? Liang Feng nodded, “And that’s why it’s necessary for various types of troops to cooperate. In true battle, you’ll need swords and shields, bows and crossbows. Though there are many kinds of formations, they all serve the same purpose in the end. It’s all about how to mitigate the enemy’s assault while carrying out your own.” 

Even if the so-called moving fortress, Tie Futu, had his Lame Horse formation, Yue Fei and Zong Ze would be ready to meet it with their shields and sickle-spears. The battlefield was ever-changing, new weapons and formations would be always be invented in response to new enemies. That was what made competent generals and military tactics truly fearful.

But all this was still too early to the Liang Estate’s militia. They have to learn to walk before they run. Liang Feng said, “For now, focus on spear training. Teach those new troops how to use the spear formation as soon as possible. And since our numbers are limited, best teach them how to shift formations so that they can execute at least two rounds of spear thrusts. Then you’ll have the rudimentary ability to fend off an enemy attack.”

The phalanx was not a simple formation; it made exacting demands of an army’s willpower and discipline. He wasn’t counting on those green troops to get a grasp on it any time soon, but it was already far simpler than having them stake it all on saber technique, blind courage, or some other formation.

Yiyan nodded forcefully, understanding Liang Feng’s unspoken intent. Although, he didn’t continue to practice, instead saying, “My lord, it’s about time for you to rest.” 

That was a phrase he’d learned from Lüzhu. He’d spent the last few days busying about the barracks and training the soldiers, only getting the chance to return at night. At that time, his lord would always make time to teach him basic military tactics, training techniques, or military formations. Of course Yiyan was thrilled to receive this kind of one-on-one instruction, but he also knew just how bad his lord’s health was.

These past few days, Yiyan had sleeplessly stayed by Liang Feng’s bed; the pill spasm symptoms hadn’t faded completely. Nearly every night, he’d wake from his dreams in cold sweat. Though the flare-ups weren’t as terrifying as before, the fact that his lord was unable to get a full night’s rest was eating away at his already depleted energy reserves, making his thin frame even frailer. Yiyan took notice and took concern; thus, whenever he had the opportunity, he’d urge his lord to rest.

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“You’re starting to turn into Lüzhu’s parrot now,” Liang Feng remarked sarcastically. “What, are you hoping I’ll go to sleep sooner so you can slack off?”

“My lord!” Yiyan exclaimed, his brows slightly furrowed. 

Liang Feng smiled, but remained motionless. He didn’t want to rest just yet.

The withdrawal symptoms hadn’t been showing signs of improvement. On the contrary, subtler symptoms were appearing. For example, dour mood, nightmares, anxiety, and tremors so bad he couldn’t even hold his brush steady. Right now, sleep wasn’t all that restful to him. But he was surrounded by little worrywarts, and he could hardly let them fret over him so. Thus, Liang Feng spoke more frivolously as he deliberately pretended everything was fine.


Seeing that he really had no intention to get up, Yiyan couldn’t resist taking a step forward, “My lord, it really is getting late….”

Yiyan was about to continue urging when Lüzhu suddenly entered. The inner courtyard’s staff was still being put in order, so aside from a few tight-lipped servants, Lüzhu was one of the only ones allowed to personally attend to the master. But Liang Feng had long since ordered that no one was to interrupt him while he taught Yiyan military strategy. Lüzhu was a respectful child; she wouldn’t rashly intrude without reason. 

As expected, Lüzhu’s face was full of worry as she quickly went to Liang Feng’s side and reported, “Master, Craftsman Jiang of the clayworks and his son request an audience. They say they have important matters to discuss…”

It was ridiculously rude of them to come looking for the master at such late hour, but their expressions had been unusually severe, so much so that Lüzhu had no choice but to inform her master.

They had “important matters” to discuss at this time of night? Liang Feng raised a brow and said, “Let them in then.”

The Jiang father and son cautiously entered the inner courtyard. Normally speaking, it should’ve been lit. It was, after all, the residence of the Liang Estate’s master. No matter how thrifty he was, there should’ve been at least several lanterns around. But strangely enough, there weren’t any candles burning in the main hall. The only illumination came from two torches in the corner of the courtyard. The courtyard was actually rather well lit between the torches and the moonlight; in comparison, the hall itself was shrouded in shadow. 

The master, said to be afflicted with a deadly ailment, was leaning on the rest. When the radiance on the moon shone dimly on his jade-like face, instead of seeming sickly, he appeared all the more mysterious and imposing. A strange barbarian stood by his side, high nose bridge, deep-set eyes, and a pair of blue irises. He was just like one of the wild wolves that roamed the night.

Craftsman Jiang felt his knees weakening and his heart pounding. He hurriedly went forth with his son and prostrated before the master, “Forgive us master, us lowly serfs have something to report!”

“Oh? What is it?” Liang Feng replied mildly.

Craftsman Jiang trembled, not even daring to raise his head, “I deserve death for my sins! My heart was blinded, and I was tricked by that old coot Tian Chang, but it really is important enough that I had no choice but to tell you of it, master!” 

Liang Feng had already surmised Craftsman Jiang’s intent. He was here to leak secrets, hoping to lighten his sentence by confessing. It seemed like Tian Chang was getting ready to act. However, his shoddy faction had already burst at the seams.

Liang Feng chuckled, then said languidly, “So, Tian Chang intends to use Craftsman Wu, instead of you, to test the waters?”

Cold sweat instantly rolled down Craftsman Jiang’s back. He hadn’t thought that the master was already keeping an eye on Tian Chang. He likely knew all about their little meeting already. Thank goodness he’d come early, it would’ve been too late if he waited till after that Wu fellow stirred up trouble!

Silently counting his blessings, Craftsman Jiang rushed to spill the beans, “Please, spare us, master! That Tian fellow’s the one scheming after control of the estate. I’m just a humble craftsman, how could I ever get any ideas. But he’s already talked Craftsman Wu into using the bad mulberry harvest as excuse to make things difficult for you, master. He even messed with the ledgers and made up some debt contract. I wouldn’t ever dare do something so treacherous, so I just had to tell you of it this very night, master!” 

He even started sobbing as he spoke, seeming utterly wretched. But his act didn’t elicit any response from the master. He choked awkwardly a few more times, then gave in to the urge to look up discreetly. It was still too dark in the hall to gauge his expression, but he did see those eyes, brighter than the stars, chilling to the bone, staring as if they could see right through him.

Craftsman Jiang tensed and quickly bowed his head back down. What did that mean? Did it mean the master didn’t believe him, or that he’d noticed something….

Just as Craftsman Jiang was guessing blindly, he was suddenly asked, “How do you sell the private wares fired in the clayworks?”

That question struck him like a bolt of lightning and scared him so much he was nearly paralyzed in prostration, “Master… master, I, I was pressured into it, a moment of idiocy. The clayworks only makes pottery for the estate, but we aren’t often rewarded, and those potterers gotta feed their families, master…” 

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His bawling garnered no sympathy, that voice was cold as ever, “Did you open your own storefront, or do you find others to sell on your behalf?”

At that point, what else could Craftsman Jiang say? Behind him, Jiang Ni suddenly tugged him, then straightened up and answered, “To answer your question master, we find others to sell on our behalf. We usually make larger pieces that get sold to the barbarians. But there’s been some upheaval in Bing Province this year, and the shop doesn’t take crude earthenware anymore.”


Craftsman Jiang was sweating buckets at his son’s reply, he hastily remedied, “Please, be fair, master! The clayworks really isn’t making ends meet. The grain issued every year isn’t enough for them to eat, and they don’t got any fields to plant, they really do gotta make a living…”

Liang Feng ignored his piteous whining and said to the nervous, yet sensible, young man, “The clayworks can only produce earthenware? You can’t make porcelain?” 

“The making of porcelain is a closely kept secret, how’d we be able to know about it? Also, porcelain fire is even harder to come by. We’ve tried a few methods already, but couldn’t get the kiln temperature any higher.” By now, Jiang Ni had already realized that the master’s attention on the clayworks’ work, and that he didn’t care that much about their minor embezzlement. It looked like he really did need people who could lend a hand. If all they did was cry and beg forgiveness, he’d only look down on them.

Sure enough, Liang Feng nodded, “If you could raise the kiln temperature and make porcelain, would they still sell in Bing Province?”

“Yes!” Jiang Ni responded confidently, “Real porcelain’s definitely enough to tempt those barbarians. Even if they don’t have grain, they’ve got lots of horses and sheep. Their nobles all use porcelain, so there’s no way it wouldn’t sell! But making porcelain’s really too hard, even though everyone in the clayworks has been potterers for generations, it still doesn’t mean we’ll be able to make good porcelain….”

That frank and honest attitude was exactly what Liang Feng wanted to see. He lacked underlings, especially underlings who understood trade. Since this youngster could immediately understand what he meant and readily answer his questions, he’d already met his basic requirements. Whether or not he was able to make porcelain, he was someone he could use. 

With the kind of serf system that governed the Liang Estate, it’d be strange if the peasants didn’t try to scrounge some kind of profit. If they could make a business of selling under the table, then with a little freedom, they could possibly break new ground. Plus, he did indeed know of ways to increase the kiln temperature. For example, push-pull bellows. Since the Jiang father and son were discerning and intelligent enough, he wasn’t opposed to letting them work in his service.

“Good.” Liang Feng sat up slightly, “Yiyan, detain them.”

Jiang Ni instantly blanched. Why was the master suddenly detaining them? Hadn’t they been talking just fine?

Craftsman Jiang was even paler as he started shaking. His loudmouthed son had just aired all the clayworks’ dirty laundry, and now that the master was going to punish them, they’d become sheep in the tiger’s den! 

“Master, master! We really did come to inform you…”

Craftsman Jiang tried to crawl up to Liang Feng, but Yiyan got there first and struck his spear across his back, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Was he going to have them caned? Jiang Ni threw himself over his father, “Master, I was the one who came up with everything! Punish me instead, spare my dad…”

Liang Feng said, “If tomorrow, Craftsman Wu really does do as you say, I’ll spare you. If not…” 

He paused ominously, then said to Yiyan, “Get a few people to keep watch over them.”

Now, the father and son’s hearts finally rose back out of their stomachs. The master wasn’t actually punishing them, just testing to see whether their words were true. As long as that Wu fellow really came tomorrow, they’d be safe! Terror turned into relief. The two didn’t say anything more as they obediently followed Yiyan away.

Liang Feng chuckled as he watched the two slightly stooped silhouettes shuffle away. Using both carrot and stick, he’d already shattered the Jiang father-son’s nerve. They wouldn’t dare act willfully anymore now would they?

Still, Tian Chang was more crafty and cowardly than he’d been expecting. Since he’d already decided who to sacrifice, then he wouldn’t refuse the offering. 

Liang Feng said to Lüzhu, “Lüzhu, tell ah-Liang to come see me.”

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