Royal Road

Chapter 3

Ch3 - Fuss

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“Master Liang, you can have bean porridge – after you finish this bowl of medicine.” Jianjia beamed brightly as she presented a bowl of pitch-black medicine.

Liang Feng received the bowl expressionlessly. Doctor Sun had come by the day before yesterday, clicking his tongue in wonder at him for a day and a half before taking his pulse again and writing out a few prescriptions. Quack medicine or not, with the Li family’s servant watching like a vulture, he had no choice but to drink it. Liang Feng wasn’t too fussed about the matter, though. He figured that they couldn’t be stupid enough to poison the medicine directly. The mung bean soup that came after was what he really needed. 

As soon as he lifted the bowl, the pungent odor assailed his nose. Liang Feng grit his teeth and finished the bowl of sour, bitter “medicine” in one breath.

“Master, quick, have some sweets!” At his side was a well-prepared servant girl who hurriedly stuffed a piece of dried apricot in his mouth.



It wasn’t nearly sweet enough, but it did help a little in suppressing his disgust. After finally recovering his spirits, Liang Feng held up the bowl of bean porridge and slowly began sipping.

Lüzhu sighed at the sight, “Thank goodness the doctor was there. You’ve never had such problems when you used powder in the past, master; it scared me to death! Maybe in the future, master, you should stop using it…..” 

Jianjia chuckled lightly, “It’s only that he didn’t walk it off properly. He must continue taking the cold-food powder. Just a while ago, there was news of an outbreak of “cold damage” in the city, quite a few households have perished already.”


Lüzhu’s face instantly paled. Everyone knew how dangerous cold damage was. Of those who died young in the country, seven or eight out of ten lost their lives to cold damage. Cold-food powder happened to be a known remedy. One dose of it was worth three thousand coins, so unless someone was of the monied land-owning class, they couldn’t afford to take it even if they wanted to. Moreover, cold-food powder was also hailed as a “divine substance,” for those who used it became brimming with vigor and clarity of mind, making it a favorite for many nobles. It was only that the powder had to be “walked off” accordingly in order to dispel its effects. Thus it was said that “cold clothes, cold drink, cold food, cold bed,” the colder the better. Lüzhu suspected her master had collapsed because the powder hadn’t been fully walked off.

The young girl was frail and delicate, though her heart was in the right place, and furthermore, extremely adored the family’s master. She hesitated for a moment before softly saying, “In the future, master, I’ll definitely take good care of you and help you with the aftereffects.”

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Jianjia smirked slightly, “That’s right, Lüzhu, you must make sure to attend to him thoroughly.”

It didn’t take long before Liang Feng finished the bowl and handed it over empty to Lüzhu. He leaned back against the rest and swept his gaze across the Li family’s dutiful maidservant, coldly sneering in his mind. Something had gone wrong while walking off the powder? Bullshit.

Though he’d made it through the worst of it, his condition over the past few days had still been severe. Stomach pain, vomiting, migraines, and devastating intestinal cramps were all tormenting Liang Feng’s mental state. But those were only his secondary concerns. The two-millimeter-long white stripes on his nails were far more ominous.

In medical terms, these were called “Mee’s Lines,” often appearing on sufferers of heavy metal poisoning. Having been in the police force for many years, Liang Feng had seen his share of victims who’d been poisoned by agricultural chemicals or rat poison and was more than familiar with the indications. The cause of his ailment, then, was most likely the “cold-food powder” that Jianjia had mentioned. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zbra qfbqif kbeiv yf mbcoerfv ys atf afgw “mbiv-obbv qbkvfg,” yea atfs ilxfis xcfk la ys jcbatfg cjwf: “olnf wlcfgjir qbkvfg.” Qtfc ijafg ufcfgjalbcr vlrmerrfv atf rmtbijgr bo atf Alc Gscjras, atf abqlm bo olnf wlcfgjir qbkvfg kjr ecjnblvjyif. Ubqeijglhfv ys rfnfgji ufcfgjalbcr bo ojwber rmtbijgr, olnf wlcfgjir qbkvfg kjr jii atf gjuf veglcu atf Alc Gscjras jcv mbeiv yf mbcrlvfgfv j cbyif’r wera-tjnf vgeu. Lbkfnfg, gfujgvifrr bo tbk wemt la kjr ijevfv ys atf ilafgjal jcv lcafiifmaejir, lc Oljcu Mfcu’r fsfr, la kjr pera jcbatfg cjgmbalm, qgbnlvlcu atf erfg j rtbga tlut ktlif yfrfaalcu atfw klat jvvlmalbc jcv batfg mbwqilmjalbcr.

Since it was a drug commonly used among upper society, it wouldn’t have any sudden onset symptoms. His current situation was a clear case of deliberate poisoning. As an aristocrat who often took the drug, “Liang Feng” and his maid should’ve been very familiar with how to deal with its effects. An abrupt medical emergency coupled with severe side effects meant that someone had likely tampered with the dosage. Abruptly meddling with the dosage of a drug containing arsenic would naturally result in poisoning.

Their poisoning trick was almost somewhat clever. If “Liang Feng” truly had died, most people would attribute it to the drug instead of jumping to the conclusion of murder. The drug was extravagantly expensive and had been prepared by “Liang Feng” himself. Sabotaging it would be a difficult task.

Noticing the Li family maid’s cold sneer, Liang Feng smiled sarcastically. They really used a sledgehammer to crack a nut. He looked away from her and instructed Lüzhu, “Bring ah-Liang and Yan Sheng over here.” 

Though the Liang family was waning, there’d still be more than a single servant girl attending him on a trip. Ah-Liang and Yan Sheng were his personal servants and stewards. One was responsible for managing the carriages and horses, the other managed domestic affairs. Both were serfs of the Liang family, and had been highly trusted by “Liang Feng”.

At his order, Lüzhu hurried to summon them. Jianjia was caught off guard but stayed silent. The madam had ordered her to keep an eye on Master Liang, but with their difference in status, it wasn’t her place to stop him from calling for his own servants.

Shortly thereafter, two men followed Lüzhu into the room. Liang Feng observed them carefully. The one who was short, stocky, and tanned, was rather excited. The tall, older one, though he seemed glad, his eyes were lowered meekly.

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After looking them over, Liang Feng neutrally asked, “Ah-Liang, how many people did we bring to the city with us this time?” 

Not expecting such a question, the stocky steward paused for a moment before instantly replying, “On this trip, master, we brought a total of twelve servants and three carriages. They’re all in the back courtyard, do you have orders for ‘em?”

Liang Feng replied, “Not for now. Remember to mind the servants. Make sure they behave and don’t cause any trouble for Aunt.”


Everyone relaxed in realization upon hearing his words. It seemed that he was afraid that he would lose control over the servants, due to his infirmity, and was worried about losing face in front of his aunt’s family.

Jianjia grinned, “If you need any help, Master Liang, you can just inform me. The madam has instructed that I serve you with utmost duty, you needn’t mind these trivial affairs.” 

Liang Feng ignored her and asked Yan Sheng, “What about money? How much is left?”

That question seemed like somewhat of a gaffe. Yan Sheng glanced at Jianjia awkwardly before ambiguously answering, “There’s still about twenty thousand….”

It was an utter embarrassment that a fifth-order marquess would only bring twenty thousand coins with him on an outing, however, Liang Feng revealed no indication of shame. He nodded and said, “Retrieve ten thousand. My ailment has greatly worried and inconvenienced my aunt and cousin. It’s best if I’m the one to pay for the medical expenses.”

How concerned he was about his image! Such a waste of his exceptional beauty. Jianjia hid her contempt and urged him, “Don’t be a stranger, Master Liang, I should be punished by the madam if I accepted your silver. Not to mention that it’s better for you, master, to keep some money by your side seeing as you’re away from home.” 

That was the plain truth. Even if all twelve servants had to subsist on air, they could hardly let their master go through any hardship. The fact that he was still unwell also meant that it was inadvisable to be spending left and right.

Unexpectedly, Liang Feng shook his head, “It’s no problem. I brought a few extra doses of cold-food powder on this trip. Since people in the city are suffering from disease, then we’ll sell all the cold-food powder.”

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Everyone was stunned stupid by his words. Exchanging cold-food powder for money? Surely that was too mortifying! Who’d buy cold-food powder only to sell it? Yet, it seemed Liang Feng’s mind was already set. His pitch-black eyes locked onto Yan Sheng’s face, “Well? Get to it, then.”

Upon being pressed, Yan Sheng’s body violently trembled for a moment, before he stuttered, “Sell, sell it? That … that would be improper….” 

“Since I am ill and unable to use it, of course it can be sold, is it that hard? Hurry up and get the cold-food powder, I remember it came from a reputable supplier, let the doctor inspect it first before selling it.”

Yan Sheng was already sweating, “That… that….”

Looking at the servant’s clammy appearance, Jianjia suddenly realized. Oh no! She was the one who’d given the arsenic powder to Yan Sheng. If the rest of the cold-food powder was tainted, the doctor would find out as soon as he examined it! If they found something off with the powder, it’d cause a huge uproar!

Coming to a realization, she hurriedly squeezed a smile onto her face, “Master, it’s simply too indecorous to sell cold-food powder, why go to such lengths! As long as I inform the madam, surely…..” 

Liang Feng didn’t let her finish, he suddenly slammed his hand on the bed and raised his voice, “What, do my words not count for anything anymore?! Where’s the cold-food powder?! Ah-Liang, send someone to fetch it, now!”

His angered yell instantly shattered Yan Sheng’s mettle. He fell to the floor as his knees gave out. He quavered, “Master, I, I don’t know what came over me… please spare me, master… the cold-food powder, the powder…. ” In the midst of his frenzy, he furtively peeked at Jianjia and was promptly scared witless by her ominous glare. He lowered his head difficulty, “The cold-food powder… I stole it and sold it off….”

“You lowly wretch! Did you think my death was certain?” Liang Feng shouted, his handsome expression twisted, “Drag him out and cane him! Beat him harshly! Cough cough cough.…. ”

His tirade was interrupted, Liang Feng curled in on himself as painful coughs wracked his frame. Lüzhu only then recovered her wits, crying out in alarm and rushing over. Ah-Liang, on the other hand, was so angry his tan face turned red. He grabbed Yan Sheng by the collar and hauled him outside. Shortly, they heard the thudding of wooden planks and choked cries coming from outside. 

How had things progressed to this stage in such a short time? Seeing that the situation had spiraled out of control, Jianjia couldn’t help but pale and stammer, “Master, Master Liang… calm down, I’ll go, I’ll go find the young master….”

It was no longer a problem that she, a servant, could handle. Jianjia hurriedly bowed and fled the room. The tears in Lüzhu’s eyes had already rolled down her cheeks. She fluttered about Liang Feng, “Master! Master, you mustn’t be angry! Your health….”


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The act had already achieved its intended effect, but the coughs weren’t something he could stop on a dime. Liang Feng arduously tried to regulate his breathing and stop the convulsing in his lungs. He weakly lifted his hand and pointed at the water jug by the side. Lüzhu understood and instantly went to pour some water. Though he’d coughed himself a headache, his mind was clear as crystal.

He’d locked onto the right target after all. 

To poison the cold-food powder without raising suspicions, one would need its formula as well as access to the servant that handled it. Liang Feng only had so many underlings, there’s no way they would’ve skipped over the stewards. Which meant that between ah-Liang and Yan Sheng, one of them must have been an accomplice.

That’s why Liang Feng had begun observing them from the moment they walked in. Ah-Liang’s nervousness was genuine and his answers clear-cut. He wasn’t the type to work his brains up very much. Yan Sheng’s simpering, however, was much more superficial. More importantly he was panicky, too cowardly to lift his head and look him in the eye, and his fists were involuntarily clenched. That kind of behavior was rather off. These servant’s lives and livelihoods were all dependent on the Liang family. If their master suddenly had a mishap, things would only get more difficult for them. Of course it’d be suspicious if he didn’t even dare to lift his head while paying a visit to his ailing master.

It was based on that judgment that Liang Feng brought up the notion of selling cold-food powder. He’d been intentionally trying to stab Yan Sheng in his weak spot. Generally speaking, if the perpetrator had close ties to the victim, then the first poisoning wouldn’t be lethal. They tended to poison the victim over several doses to create the facade of a slowly worsening disease. Because of that, it was very likely that several portions of cold-food powder had all been tampered with. After “Liang Feng” died, Yan Sheng wouldn’t dare to leave the evidence around. Even if he didn’t manage to destroy it in time, there’s no way he’d be willing to let a doctor examine it. Lying and saying that he’d already sold it was his best option.

However, this was feudal society, despicable and abhorrent. He, the master of the household, had full authority to punish a slave who’d stolen something so valuable. Having him beaten, or even killed, was inconsequential. Liang Feng only ordered that he be beaten, not only as a warning but also as bait to lure out the people behind him. Now, it was time to see how that drama school drop-out Young Master Li would react. 

Liang Feng difficultly swallowed a mouthful of tepid water. It didn’t relieve the burning pain in the slightest. Arsenic poisoning was potentially deadly, and downing boiled mung beans by the pot could only slightly alleviate the symptoms. Until he left this place, there was no way to obtain proper treatment. He had to think of a way to get out first! Liang Feng swayed, unable to hold on any longer, and fell back onto the bed.

The author has something to say:

Some people have been asking, so I’ll explain for a sec.

A scholars’ assembly was, in the past, a gathering of literati to recite poetry and discuss their learning. For example, the famous “Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion” was a masterpiece produced during a scholars’ assembly at Lanting. 

As for “亭侯,” it was the lowest rank of marquess. Marquesses lived off the taxes they collected from their marquessates. Taxes were levied according to population, land area, and agricultural output. They had no authority to govern citizens. The size of the marquessates varied. The larger ones were about the size of a county, called a “marquess state”; the smaller ones were the size of a township or a castle. Based on the size of their marquessates, they were conferred the title of “county marquess,” “township marquess,” or “castle marquess,” with the name of their marquessate as their title name. For example, The territory of Guan Yu, the Castle Marquess of Hanshou, was in Hanshou, and his rank was “castle marquess”. In the Jin Dynasty, they changed it to five ranks, with “castle marquess” being the fifth rank. To put it simply, the emperor gave him a village with about a hundred households, and the tax revenue of the village is equivalent to the “castle marquess’s” salary, something like that.

Green beans do have an effect against arsenic poisoning, it’s not just a “redneck remedy.” Although, this is a novel, don’t take it too seriously everyone =w=

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