Royal Road

Chapter 47

Ch47 - Travel

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A carriage train slowly advanced along the mountainous road. Four large carriages formed a single column, lead by three horseback riders and followed by bodyguards and two more horses, all of whom were alert to their surroundings. There weren’t very many people in the procession, yet they seemed imposing all the same. Plus, the carriages looked plain, so there wasn’t anyone who’d want to crack this tough nut.

Yiyan’s gray-blue eyes scanned the road twice. He gently squeezed the sides of his horse and rode up along the carriage, then said quietly, “My lord, are you feeling any better? Should we stop to take a break?” 

“I’m fine. Keep going until we reach the county town,” a shaky voice replied from within the carriage. He was enervated, but otherwise in good health.

Slightly relieved, Yiyan turned and said to the carriage driver, “Drive the oxens steadier, don’t make any sudden changes in speed. Ah-Fang, tell the scouts to go further ahead, expand our perimeter by another two kilometers.”



Liang Feng closed his eyes and listened as orders were methodically passed down, terribly envious. He’d thought the motion sickness last time was because his body was weak and ill, but who could’ve thought that even after such a long convalescence, he was still queasy as ever. It must be a problem with the original body’s vestibular organs. Even the slightest jolt made him dizzy and nauseous. What was laughable was that he’d used countless transportation vehicles in his last life and had never experienced motion sickness, yet suffered greatly from it after going to the past.

He laid down flat upon the soft cushions and pretended he was on a boat, just managing to ignore the churning in his guts. Silently he thought to himself that the first thing he’d do once he returned would be to revise horse saddles and learn how to ride. In this time period, traveling in a carriage was pure torture! 

“Master, maybe we should slow down a bit. The ceremony isn’t until the fifteenth anyways,” Lüzhu said as she carefully dabbed at the cold sweat on Liang Feng’s forehead. She’d been opposed to this trip from the start, and her master’s current state made her even more distressed.


“We still have to arrive a couple days in advance, so as to not be discourteous,” Liang Feng answered weakly.

Courteous or not, that was only a secondary concern. If they were late, certain plans would be impossible to carry out. How could they afford to waste time on the road? At the master’s insistence, the carriage train hurried along for three days before stopping at Tongdi. Firstly, because Liang Feng was deteriorating and needed respite. And secondly, because the Jiang Residence was located in Tongdi. Seeing as Physician Jiang had saved his life, it’d be rude to pass by and not visit.

But they were both shocked when they met once more. Physician Jiang hadn’t imagined that Liang Feng would dare to venture so far outside his estate. Liang Feng was taken aback by  Physician Jiang’s appearance. It had only been a few months, but the old man was no longer hale, hearty, and spirited. He looked aged and weary, as if his end was near.

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Noticing Liang Feng’s surprise, the old man smiled, “I didn’t think you’d really go to Jinyang, Zixi.”

Liang Feng came back to his senses, “Controller Wang invited me, how could I not go? It’s a pity, that Ji’en went to Luoyang, otherwise, there’d at least be a familiar face at the ceremony.”

“Merely empty glory,” Physician Jiang remarked dismissively. “Da-er’s trip to the capital was unforeseen. Now, as I’m old and infirm, it’s best I stay home and recuperate. Though, your advice to collate medical cases was very useful. In at most two months, I’ll have compiled a new treatise on cold damage.”

Seeing how focused Physician Jiang was on advancing the art of medicine despite his condition, Liang Feng couldn’t help urging, “With the medical records on hand, it’s all the same no matter when you compile them. You overworked yourself in Jinyang, Physician Jiang, you should take time to recover.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Physician Jiang chuckled and asked in reply, “How’s your health been? Let me take your pulse for you.”

Oljcu Mfcu ibbxfv lcab tlr fsfr, biv sfa ralii ygluta, jcv ofii rlifca. Lf raemx bea tlr kglra. Utsrlmljc Aljcu abbx tlr qeirf wemt atf rjwf jr tf tjv rfnfgji wbcatr qglbg atfc cbvvfv joafg j ibcu qjerf, “Tbe’gf ralii offyif; atlr pbegcfs klii yf nfgs ajzlcu. P’ii qea abufatfg j rmfca qbemt obg sbe, ab jiifnljaf sbeg cjerfj. Bffq ajxlcu atf wfvlmlcf P ujnf sbe ecali jeaewc mbwfr. Qf’ii rklamt qgfrmglqalbcr atfc.”

“Many thanks, Physician Jiang.”

“No need to thank me. My greatest wish is that many people may read this new treatise once it is completed,” Physician Jiang said, almost pleadingly, and seemingly to himself. 

For a moment, Liang Feng was rendered speechless. Immediately after, he nodded gravely, “So long as I live, I will do my utmost to let it spread to all under heaven.”

His promise was somewhat grandiose, but Physician Jiang chuckled, “I’ll leave it to you then, Zixi.”

Was he so certain that Jiang Da’s visit to Luoyang would go poorly? Or did he believe that, after this event in Jinyang, his reputation would soar? Still, no matter what Physician Jiang thought, Liang Feng had spoken from the bottom of his heart. Somehow or another, he would find a way to make sure that truly beneficial knowledge would be passed down, and ensure that Physician Jiang’s efforts didn’t come to naught.

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As neither of them was fit to speak for very long, their conversation didn’t last long before Liang Feng left to rest. He laid down on the soft couch, but sleep eluded him. His mind was full of restless thoughts. 

Though they’d left the confines of the estate, Yiyan stood guard beside him as usual. When Liang Feng tossed and turned once more, he couldn’t help but ask, “My lord, if you’re having problems falling asleep, perhaps I could light some ‘peaceful rest’ incense?”

“No need….” Lying in the shade of the bedcurtains, Liang Feng said softly, “Yiyan, have you thought what you’ll do in the future?”


“Stay by my lord’s side, to protect him and the estate,” Yiyan replied crisply and without hesitation.

But Liang Feng’s voice was still strained, “A massive ship is sinking into the water, millions weep. To save or not to save?” 

Yiyan paused for a moment, then answered, “Do your best, save the ones around you.”

“…..Do your best,” Liang Feng absentmindedly repeated. But he only spoke the first half and not the second. Then, he gradually shut his eyes.

The next morning, they departed from the Jiang Estate. The carriage train was on its way once more. Three days later, as the sun was setting in the west, they approached the gates of Jinyang City.

Jinyang was unlike any settlement he’d ever seen. Walls over ten meters in height towered into the sky as far as the eye could see. For generations, this had been the center of Bing Province’s political power. Now, it was also the capital of the Taiyuan State. It was a breathtaking sight! Many of the soldiers who’d never left the estate their whole lives were utterly awestruck. Yiyan, on the other hand, had come to Jinyang before. Not only was he unamazed, it seemed to him that these walls were not as tall as they had been when he’d seen them in his childhood. 

He shook his reins and went up to the carriage, “My lord, we’ve arrived at Jinyang. Are we to enter the city?”

“Yes. Let’s head to the Wang Residence first.” Jinyang was unordinary, but it was a far cry from the later Xi’an City. How would this be enough to impress Liang Feng.

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Yiyan inclined his head, “Look alive everyone, we’re going into the city!”

The carriages slowly creaked through the thick walls of the barbican and entered Jinyang City. The Wang Residence was in the eastern quarter, littered with tall gates and towers that still paled in comparison to the residence of a top-tier noble family such as the Wang Clan’s. Normal guests couldn’t enter through their red-lacquered doors or ascend their high steps, yet Liang Feng’s carriage was greeted by servants and led through a side door. 

Wang Wen must’ve received news. Liang Feng left Yiyan behind, made arrangements for the servants, and followed two servant girls away towards an outer hall. Wang Wen was already waiting within, and even stood from his seat upon seeing Liang Feng’s figure.

“Controller Wang,” Liang Feng bowed deeply, not expecting that Wang Wen would personally greet him.

“There’s no need for such formalities, Zixi,” Wang Wen quickly walked up to him and helped him up. When their eyes met, he frowned unwittingly, “You’re still so pallid, Zixi. I see the journey has been difficult for you.”

“Your words are too severe, Controller Wang. How could a few days of travel compare to the difficulties that you and the people of Jinyang have endured,” Liang Feng said earnestly. It was honestly remarkable that someone of Wang Wen’s status would be willing to provide such support for the disease control efforts. 

Yet Wang Wen laughed it off, “If it weren’t for the dream you received, Zixi, how would the likes of us have gotten the chance to meddle? It’s late already. Zixi, you should refresh yourself first. Tomorrow, I’ll hold a welcoming banquet for you.”

He then addressed a nearby maidservant, “Bailu, show Master Liang to the Muyu Courtyard.”

Liang Feng smilingly cupped his hands at Wang Wen’s considerateness, “Many thanks, Controller Wang.”

Though he’d tidied up his appearance before entering the Wang Residence, Liang Feng was still somewhat unkempt. Hospitality like this exceeded the norm. But since the one giving it was generous and the one receiving it was unperturbed, there was an extra hint of familiarity. Wang Wen, pleased with Liang Feng’s comportment, exhorted him to take care of his health before letting the maidservant take him away. 

The Muyu Courtyard was on the western side of the residence and had obviously been painstakingly tidied. The pond was filled with blooming lotuses, the yard with green bamboo. The bamboo leaves rustled like gentle rain in the evening light. The clean fragrance of lotuses drifted on the wind. It was delightfully refreshing.

Bailu deftly opened the door to a room, “Master Liang, the scented bath has already been prepared, please feel free to make use of it.”


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In the room, a paper screen was already set up. Two servant girls stood by the gilded bathtub, heads lowered deferentially, ready to serve him.

Liang Feng nodded, “I brought a maidservant of my own, so I won’t be troubling you.” 

Bailu smiled obediently, “Since you are unused to strangers, Master Liang, we will wait beyond the door. If you have any orders you need only speak.”

Then, the two other servant girls bowed shallowly as well and exited the room. At first, Lüzhu was rather anxious. This place was much larger than the Liang Residence, and seemed rigidly adherent to formality. She daren’t even breathe. Now she finally patted her chest in relief and said quietly, “Master, how about bathing first.”

He’d been cooped up in a carriage for several days already, surely it’d be nice to wash off. Liang Feng wasn’t opposed. He took off his outer robes and stepped into the bathtub. The Wang family had been high-ranking nobility for generations, they took excellent care of their guests. The bathroom was replete with soaps and oils. Twice, servant girls came to adjust the temperature of the bathwater. Its temperature stayed comfortably constant throughout the whole duration of his bath. After such a relaxing bath, even the nausea and discomfort from all the carriage travel had disappeared.

Liang Feng lazed on a couch as Lüzhu dried his hair. Jiang Ni had already been outside for some time. 

The unease he’d had when he first came to Jinyang was gone. Jiang Ni’s eyes sparkled as he said, “Master, your plan was brilliant. The whole of Jinyang knows of you now, master, and eagerly anticipate the ceremony.”

“Oh? It went very smoothly?” Liang Feng raised a brow. He knew that Wang Wen and Jiang Da would help bolster his reputation, but hadn’t thought he’d gain such popularity before even making an appearance.

“After all, it’s true that Buddha visited you in your dreams,” Jiang Ni said faithfully. Thinking of his master’s recent changes, he was even surer of the fact that he’d received Buddha’s guidance. But there was one matter that he wasn’t able to puzzle out, “Master, why not enter Jinyang tomorrow? If people knew of your coming, they’d fill the streets to welcome you…”

Liang Feng shook his head, “Roused for a day, diminished the next, and settled the third. The ceremony is the main event. For the next couple of days, just spread the news that I’m staying in the Wang Residence. We’ll see the effects on the day of the festival.” 

“I understand!” Jiang Ni hurriedly said.

“Good, you’re dismissed for now. Remember to take stock of the paper and porcelain we’ve brought, there mustn’t be any mishaps,” Liang Feng waved him away.

Lüzhu put up his dried-off hair, but Liang Feng remained lying on the couch as he closed his eyes. This was the residence of the Jinyang Wang Clan, not his home. He needed to be cautious when interacting with these aristocrats. First, he’d gather his spirits and attend tomorrow’s banquet.

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