Royal Road

Chapter 51

Ch51 - Karma

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It was a full two hours before the monks finished chanting sutras. Unlike the peasants outside, the nobles obviously weren’t going to observe the full three days of the ceremony. The guest-greeting monk led them to a meditation room to take their meals.

Liang Feng, though, was invited to the abbot’s quarters. 

The old man, sitting on a praying mat within his shabby room, nodded towards Liang Feng, “I am honored by your invaluable boon.”

Liang Feng smiled, “My impoverished household is only capable of offering these material objects. I only hope you do not take offense, abbot.”



“How could I find blame in you?” The old monk’s eyelids raised slightly. “Save one life, win one heart. Such merit far exceeds gold and grain.”

He was referring both to the disease-prevention efforts in Jinyang and the donation of grain. They had both arisen because of Liang Feng and could even be said to be significant contributions. 

Liang Feng hadn’t thought that the old abbot would be so direct. He responded, “I am merely ‘presenting Buddha with borrowed flowers.’ The people would not rejoice so if Huai’en Temple had not bravely stepped forth. Saving a life is a greater deed than building a seven-story pagoda. Your merit is immeasurable, abbot.”


The abbot’s eyes twinkled when he heard him say that “saving a life was greater than building a seven-story pagoda.” That phrase had been coined in a future era and sounded rather new in this one.

The abbot smiled and spoke, “May I ask, Benefactor Liang, whether you are willing to pursue spiritual cultivation at Huai’en Temple?”

Inviting him to become a monk? Liang Feng hurriedly replied, “I am trammeled by mundane affairs. I’m afraid such a path is not suitable for me.”


“Then if you were to informally commit to Buddhist practice?” the abbot queried.

“I have a young child to care for. Please excuse me, abbot,” Liang Feng refused again.

The old monk nodded slowly, “Are you familiar with any other Buddhist doctrine then, benefactor?”

“I am not.” 

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The old monk seemed to have expected that answer. He picked up a wooden box by his side, “My temple possesses the orthodox prophecies and canons as well. The Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sutra, ten scrolls; the Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sutra, two scrolls; the Śūraṃgama Sutra, two scrolls. They are all of similar themes to the Diamond Sutra. I bequeath them to you, Benefactor Liang, in the hopes that you might study them well.”

Liang Feng was shocked at the number of texts, but he couldn’t refuse. He smiled and received them, “Thank you for your gift, abbot.”

The old abbot said measuredly, “You bear karmic ties to Buddhism, Benefactor Liang. Such is heaven’s intent. But heaven’s intent must exist in conjunction with diligence to last long. As such, Benefactor Liang, you should read more scripture so as to not squander your blessings.”

Was he still holding on to the idea of making him become a famous monk? Liang Feng laughed to himself. Borrowing the name of Buddhism? That was fine. But becoming its spokesperson? Forget about it. Did the old monk really have such faith in him, that he wanted to try converting him? 

But Liang Feng’s piercing eyes found no clues in the old monk’s placid expression. He could only nod in agreement and exchange a few pleasantries before leaving with the scriptures.

Nianfa, who was at the old monk’s side, spoke after Liang Feng left, “Master, this Benefactor Liang doesn’t seem to have much interest in Buddhism?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He, who had spent years delving into Buddhist philosophy, was slowly realizing that Benefactor Liang did not truly understand or desire to understand the subject. While he was still confused as to why Buddha would choose to enter his dreams, he knew that Benefactor Liang was incapable of letting go of his worldly attachments. Why then, did his master insist on giving him those scriptures?

Ktf biv wbcx qijmlvis jrxfv, “Pc gfmfca vjsr, tbk wjcs wbgf kbgrtlqqfgr tjnf mbwf ab beg afwqif?” 

Rljcoj rajgaifv obg j wbwfca, “Ca ifjra j atberjcv.”

“Mbg ktja gfjrbc vb atfs mbwf?”


“Dfmjerf atf qijuef kjr fcvfv.”

“Po atf afwqif yfulcr ab ulnf jlv ab atf qbbg jcv kgfamtfv, tbk wjcs wbgf kbgrtlqqfgr klii kf ujlc?” Ktf biv wbcx mbcalcefv. 

“…..” Nianfa was suddenly speechless.

But of course. More than a century had passed since Buddhism was introduced to the Middle Kingdom during the Han Dynasty, yet their believers were still few – only because their teachings were wholly different to those of Confucianism. Whether it was shaving their hair, sitting cross-legged, joining the monkhood, or cremating the dead, it was all off-putting to commoners and Confucian scholars. The only reason that Huai’en Temple had grown to such a scale was that they’d taken advantage of the large ethnic population in Bing Province.

But after the plague, their believers had increased by the thousands. Handing out grain would be costly, but it was a cheap price to pay to buy the people’s hearts. Not to mention that their actions would win them the approval of the rich, powerful families. The Guo family would hardly be the last to donate to them. If such trends continued, would they still have to worry about the popularity of their religion?

Seeing Nianfa’s enlightenment, the old monk nodded, “Benefactor Liang has a predestined relationship with Buddhism. What you must see is the way he affects our fate. The true sin would be to allow selfish notions to ruin the Buddha’s decree.” 

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Nianfa finally registered that it wasn’t important whether or not Liang Feng believed in Buddhism. It didn’t really matter what he wanted to do as a “bodhisattva.” What mattered was that his actions had indeed increased their reputation and won them more followers. That was the true merit. Was it not the goal of their Mahayana sect to bring deliverance to the people?

After coming to see the truth, Nianfa clasped his hands, “Thank you for your guidance, master. Benefactor Liang is a bodhisattva; this is undeniable!”

This was a check the temple had to endorse, the precondition for being tied together with Liang Feng. Only if they acknowledged this fact could they continue to save the destitute and entice the aristocrats. Those soft-hearted noblewomen were far more susceptible to their influence than learned scholars. Reaching the common society through charity was likely far easier than through philosophical debate.

The old monk affirmed, “Exactly.” 

Seeing Liang Feng return with a wooden box, Wang Wen asked in curiosity, “The abbot gave you something?”

“A few volumes of scripture,” Liang Feng smilingly handed him the box.

Wang Wen opened it, looked through it, and sighed softly, “Even I have not read these sutras in their entirety. The abbot holds you in high regard!” 

Although it was a sign of regard, Liang Feng couldn’t help but think that the old monk knew his true intentions. Why would he give him these scriptures regardless? But then again, it couldn’t hurt to read them, given that he’d already boarded this pirate ship.

Thinking of something, Liang Feng smiled, “Since you have not read them either, shall I make you a copy, so that we might learn them together?”

Wang Wen genuinely liked Buddhism and his Liu-style calligraphy. He exclaimed, “That would be most excellent! Let us return to my residence after we have eaten.”

Liang Feng, who was tired out from putting on an airs since daybreak, had no objections. Shortly after, a young samanera brought them alms-food. Unlike the tasteful alms-food of future eras, it truly was just plain tea and coarse rice. The two of them took a few bites to fulfill etiquette, then took their leave. 

When they entered the side hall, they happened to run into a few of the other nobles who were setting off. Noticing their presence, a round-faced man donned in martial attire approached them and bowed respectfully, “Controller Wang, the North Division Commandant wishes to invite Master Liang to converse with him.”

Following the servant’s gesture, Wang Wen noticed an elderly man standing in a corridor not far away. He smiled and nodded, “Zixi, that is the North Division Commandant of the Xiongnu, Liu Shize. He is of high status; you should listen to what he has to say.”


Liang Feng startled. It must be known that nowadays, the Xiongnu nobles all used Han surnames. Their royal family, in particular, because they had had marriage alliances with the Han Dynasty for several generations, claimed to be relatives of the Han, and had taken on the surname Liu. A person who was seated before the Jinyang Wang Clan, and who was surnamed Liu, was undoubtedly of Xiongnu royalty! And no matter how bad Liang Feng’s history was, he was aware that the Xiongnu had part in the “Upheaval of the Five Barbarians!”

Liang Feng’s heart started racing, but this wasn’t the time to show hesitance. He steadied himself and followed the servant into the corridor. 

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An elderly man stood in the corridor, hands clasped behind his back, watching the prayer flags sway in the breeze. Though he was aged, he still had the bearing of a scholar. He didn’t seem enfeebled, only cultured. If he didn’t say it himself, almost no one would think that he was a Xiongnu person.

When Liang Feng neared, he slowly turned and met his eyes. He smiled genially, “I had heard that Buddha had entered your dreams, but I hadn’t imagined that your demeanor was so elegant, Master Liang.”

Liang Feng bowed slightly, “I am undeserving of such praise, commandant.”

Liu Xuan chuckled, “I was merely curious and wanted to ask: what was it like, that dream that Buddha imparted to you?” 

So the Xiongnu person had sought him out to discuss the dream? Liang Feng roughly outlined the image of the Jetavana-vihara. In this era, pitifully few people had ever been to India. Even though his description was vague, it conveyed the exotic foreignness in full. The old man listened with great interest.

After Liang Feng finished, Liu Xuan let out a long breath, “Such deep karmic ties to Buddha are rare. In stopping the plague in Jinyang, you have claimed great merit, Master Liang.”

“Not as great as the healers of the medical center and the monks of this temple,” Liang Feng demurred modestly.

The old man smiled and said, “Also, would you happen to have any more of that paper that Madam Guo obtained, Master Liang? I am very much an avid devotee of Buddhist dharma, and would like to copy sutras onto it.” 

Liang Feng paused for a moment before saying, “I do have some left. Would a thousand sheets be enough?”

“Of course, it is,” Liu Xuan stroked his beard in satisfaction, “I will send fifty stone of millet rice to Controller Wang’s residence as thanks for your generosity.”

Mildly surprised by the Xiongnu royal’s integrity, Liang Feng saluted and thanked him.

Liu Xuan glanced at him again and asked, “Where did you receive your education? From who did you learn?” 

Liang Feng replied, “I once received schooling in Fanyang, but as I have been sickly since youth, my schooling is incomplete.”

Liu Xuan, appraising Liang Feng’s thin and frail frame, nodded slowly, “With your temperament, serving Buddha isn’t a bad choice. Still, you must continue your studies. Don’t focus on Buddhism at the expense of your scholarship.”

He was practically lecturing him like a parent already. Liang Feng put on a bashful expression and said, “Thank you for your advice, commandant.”

Liu Xuan waved it off, “That hardly counts as advice. The happenings in Jinyang have stirred in me much wonder. Curing cold damage is a tremendous accomplishment. You are both fortunate and benevolent. You’re a good child, don’t let these things go to waste.” 

A few more brief exchanges, and he let Liang Feng go. Expecting that he would take longer, Wang Wen said, “What did Commandant Liu want with you?”

Liang Feng forced a smile, “He merely asked me for some Scripture Paper, and exhorted me to examine the classics.”

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Wang Wen chuckled amusedly, “He was taught by the great scholar Sun Shuran of Qing Province, and has explored the “Mao Commentary” and the “Commentary of Zuo” to great depth. It’s only natural that he would care about such things. He is right though – you should review your studies once you’re in better shape. Our roots lie in Confucianism, after all.”

Even though he believed in Buddhism, Wang Wen was of a profoundly erudite family and had a more than solid grasp of the traditional classics. Of course he noticed that Liang Feng was lacking in that respect. If he could spend a few years mastering a few volumes of poetry and history, he would have boundless prospects. 

Liang Feng smiled outwardly while inwardly, he was deeply unsettled. If before, the uprising of the five barbarians was still distant in the future, then now, after having met a Xiongnu royal, it was weighing urgently on his mind. It had never been more clear to him that these were the dying years of the Western Jin Dynasty and that times of turmoil were rapidly approaching. This merry illusion of peace was only the calm before the storm. This was Bing Province, the Xiongnu’s backyard. If war came knocking at his door, how would he answer it?

Suppressing the roiling anxiousness in his heart, Liang Feng followed Wang Wen outside the temple.

Elsewhere, the round-faced man surreptitiously asked, “Wise Prince of the East, that Liang Feng is the descendant of Liang Xi. Will he affect the grand plan?”

To the Xiongnu people of Bing Province, Liang Xi was a hated monster who could frighten children to tears in the middle of the night. Back in the day, when he had served as the provincial governor of Bing Province, he had tormented the five Xiongnu tribes relentlessly and forced the Southern Xiongnu Tribe into submission beneath the feet of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. How could they not be apprehensive at the sudden appearance of someone of the Liang family now, at the cusp of their revolt? 

Yet Liu Xuan laughed, “He has no great ambition.”

Liu Xuan was old and cunning. He had stopped Liang Feng earlier to test his character. If Liang Feng knew anything of his legacy, he should know of his family’s old grudge with the Xiongnu. There was no way he could fully mask that kind of animosity. But it looked as though the youngster was completely unaware. His courteousness seemed unfeigned. The only thing that had gotten a reaction out of him was when he offered to buy his paper. It wasn’t hard to guess that he must’ve saved some to sell later on.

Furthermore, he chose to cling to Buddhism instead of pursuing self-betterment despite being so beggared already. No one who aimed to actually make anything of themselves would be so foolish.

From that perspective, he really did seem like a merciful person who’d converted to Buddhism because of a dream. Someone like him couldn’t interfere with their plans; why, he might even be useful to them. Just like Liu Xuan himself, most of the Xiongnu believed in Buddhism. Might they be graced by heaven if the bodhisattva was on their side? Liang Feng – he wasn’t their opponent, he was someone they should be trying to entice. 

And coincidentally, he happened to be Wang Wen’s guest. The Jinyang Wang Clan’s relations with the Xiongnu had always been amicable; was this not workings of fate?

The old man smiled and declared, “After we return, have fifty stone of grain delivered to Liang Zixi. Have the carts pulled by five fine steeds, and leave them there as well.”

These things were hardly of any worth to someone like him, but they were a substantial present, to a noble family in dire straits. Now it remained to be seen whether or not he would appreciate it.

“Make a trip to Ye City and see when Yuanhai will be able to return,” Liu Xuan ordered. The servant responded in the affirmative and quickly left. 

Liu Xuan sighed and turned to look at the prayer flags once more. The plague’s vanishment was surely a good omen. He only hoped that his people’s plans would go so smoothly.

The author has something to say:

Got Liu Xuan’s age wrong at first and fixed it. He is the paternal uncle of the founding monarch of the Han Zhao Dynasty, Liu Yuan (courtesy name Yuanhai). It was because he gave the title of Wise Prince of the East to Liu Yuan that Liu Yuan was able to unite the five Xiongnu divisions and revolt. Like Liu Yuan and Liu Cong, he also studied Chinese classics extensively and studied under famous scholars. Perhaps at first, he wanted to enter the court of the Jin Dynasty; too bad the Sima imperial family was too useless…

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