Royal Road

Chapter 54

Ch54 - Sycophantism

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“Master, we’ve arrived.”

The nauseating swaying finally stopped. With Lüzhu’s help, Liang Feng delicately dismounted the carriage. Returning from Jinyang had been more arduous than going there. Maybe it was because he’d been away from home for too long, but he felt as though he’d been squeezed dry of every last drop of energy. Even though he was back on solid ground, Liang Feng was still dizzy, and his face was still ashen pale. 

Yiyan had already gotten off his horse and hurried over to him, “My lord, let me bring you inside…”

“Don’t!” Liang Feng immediately halted him. Being princess-carried once was more than enough already. He forced a smile as he placed his hand on Yiyan’s arm and said, “In a few days, I want you to teach me how to ride. Carriage Travel really is miserable.”



Distracted by an errant thought, Yiyan’s ears reddened. He said softly, “Let Jiang Ni buy a docile mare; I’ll teach you to ride, my lord.”

That was more like it. Liang Feng exhaled slowly and, leaning on Yiyan, ambled his way to the door. The moment they entered, a small child barreled towards them, almost crashing into Liang Feng’s legs, “Dad! You’re back!” 

Liang Feng patted the child’s head, “Be good, Rong-er~ did you miss me?”


“I missed you!” Liang Rong answered. Then, remembering to observe etiquette, he hastily stood up straight and said, “You must be tired from such a long journey, father.”

“You did well looking after the house,” Liang Feng smiled, “I brought some copybooks for you to practice from.”

Liang Rong’s little face flushed turned red – how could he not be overjoyed that his father had kept him in mind while he was away? Still, Liang Rong replied diligently, “To report, father, the estate has taken in around another fifty refugees. I wrote down all of ah-Liang’s accounts.”


That was a task that Liang Feng had given him before he’d left, to hear ah-Liang’s daily reports. Because he’d be away for a lengthy amount of time and because it was getting close to the autumn harvest, he needed someone to spur the managers, so that they didn’t slack off while their master was away. Liang Rong was only a cover, the real supervisor was the person following behind him: Zhaoyu. He hadn’t imagined that the child would be so enthusiastic as to go out of his way to note down the contents of the reports. Was that perhaps Zhaoyu’s suggestion? This nursemaid was truly attentive.

He chuckled and took Liang Rong’s small hand in his own, “How reliable you are, Rong-er, helping me with these tasks.”

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Liang Rong forcefully nodded and tightened his grip on his father’s hand.

Half a day later, the motion sickness finally receded. Liang Feng summed for ah-Liang without delay. 

“Master, in a miraculous feat, the militia wiped out several strongholds!” Ah-Liang excitedly exclaimed, “A few days ago, the headsmen of the Xiahuai and Weili villages came to our doorstep, saying that they wanted to pledge allegiance to the Liang Estate. Those two are the largest villages around – the estate will be greatly strengthened if we were to extend our influence over them.”

“Is that so? Headsmen are able to swear allegiances? Aren’t they commissioned by the court?” Liang Feng asked incredulously. Back then, didn’t the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, start out as a headsman? That had to be a government-appointed position!

“You may not know, master, but after the drought here, a lot of commoners have migrated over to You Province. We have it slightly better here since we’ve got more rivers, but that also means that we’ve got more bandits to deal with. The headsmen must’ve heard that our militia cleared out a couple strongholds; if they declare allegiance to the Liang Estate, they can both ensure their safety and avoid being drafted into the army or pressed into corvée labor.”

“And the county magistrate just turns a blind eye?” Liang Feng asked. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Rba bcis klii atf wjulragjaf aegc j yilcv fsf, tf ilxfis kjcar ab frajyilrt mbccfmalbcr klat atf frajaf abb!” jt-Oljcu vfmijgfv rweuis. “Zbra qijmfr atfrf vjsr, atfgf’r cb kjs ab kglcu jcs wbgf ajz wbcfs beaaj atfw. Ccv rlcmf atfs xffq olutalcu yjmx jcv obgat lc Oebsjcu, atf mbega’r tjgvis jyif ab rfcv jcs vfmgffr bea ab atf qgbnlcmlji ubnfgcwfcar. Pcrafjv bo vfqfcvlcu bc atf mbecags yewqxlcr, atf ibmji boolmljir kbeiv wemt meggs ojnbg klat atf cbyif ojwlilfr. Coafg jii, atfs’gf bcis ‘lwqegf boolmljir’ – atfs’gf rfmbcv ab cbcf ktfc la mbwfr ab mbcclnlcu atflg kjs lcab batfgr’ ubbv ugjmfr!”

Observing ah-Liang’s boastful demeanor, Liang Feng slowly came to a realization. To put it simply, the capital had lost the ability to project its authority over outlying regions and the aristocrats were beginning to supersede the court’s rule in counties and commanderies – like how Sima Teng had no way to get around the Taiyuan Wang Clan. The moment the Liang Estate had revealed its military strength, the local villages began entertaining the idea of squirreling under their umbrella. And as his sphere of power grew greater and greater, the officials on higher and higher rungs of the bureaucratic ladder would start toadying up to him as well, hoping to profit from their association with him.

How ironic. He’d been worrying not too long ago about how to acquire more strategic depth, and about whether the Liang Estate’s unbridled expansion would incur scrutiny and sanctions from the court. Who knew that all it took to get government officials scrambling to seek his protection, was exterminating a few bandit nests. It seemed that the only thing he could rely on was military might after all.

Nodding slowly, Liang Feng said, “We’ll accept their allegiances then. After the fall harvest, send people over there to take inventory of their lands and craft chain pumps. Try to resume land cultivation before the next year. As for the magistrate, see if he can be invited to the estate for a small chat.” 

This was Liang Feng putting out some feelers. Being a noble meant that the Liang Estate wasn’t under the jurisdiction of the commandery-level government. But the nearby Gaodu City was the county seat, where many of the Liang Estate’s business transactions occurred. Not to mention that Gaodu was right next to the famous Tianjing Pass, one of the Taihang Mountains’ eight passes. Historically, a heavily contested area, it guarded the borders of the Shanxi and Henan Provinces. If war broke out, it would become a vital strategic chokepoint. He had to at least figure out what the situation there was.

Ah-Liang didn’t think much of it. His head bobbed up and down as he replied, “I’ll make a visit to the county town. The magistrate will surely give you face, master!”


An ox-pulled carriage traversed the mountainous path. The weather was starting to get hot. The carriage was uncomfortably muggy even with the curtains pulled up. A forty-something man, dabbing the sweat on his face with a handkerchief, ordered his servants, “Hurry up! We’ve must arrive at the Liang Estate before noon!” 

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That was Gaodu’s county magistrate, Guo Jiao, who’d taken up post little over half a year ago. For him, the position was rather hard to come by, for he was of low birth. It was by mere happenstance that he was promoted to county magistrate before fifty. Still, Gaodu was not a nice place. The workload in this “busy county” was heavy and tedious. And large armies often passed through, since the place was of strategic significance. Supplying them with rations and men was headache enough, but to top it off, all the bandits had practically brought Gaodu’s economy, which was poor enough to begin with, to a halt. No benefits, just responsibility – how could he not be anxious?

No one could have foreseen, though, that the inconspicuous Liang Estate would suddenly show signs of revitalization. Guo Jiao had caught wind early on, thanks to his connections as a county magistrate, of the waves that Liang Feng had made in Jinyang: he had ties to the Taiyuan Wang clan, he was known as a bodhisattva, he was flawlessly beautiful. Someone like him would be a famous scholar even in Luoyang, let alone this backwater Bing Province!

That didn’t have much do to with Guo Jiao though. What really shocked him was all the mountain bandits that’d been dying recently. Apparently, when they’d tried to rob the Liang Estate’s convoy, the Liang family’s militia had killed them all! Over a hundred savage bandits! Not a single one of them left! Even the mountain paths had been dyed red.

With such reputation, such power, the head of the Liang household was not to be underestimated! Presently, he hadn’t taken up any office yet, hadn’t made his career yet, but getting on good terms with him early on was definitely a worthwhile endeavor. 

Thus, when a servant from the Liang Estate had delivered an invitation, Guo Jiao had raced over immediately. Just Liang Feng’s appellation as a “bodhisattva” made him too important to ignore. There was always the off chance that if he skimmed the edge of Buddha’s light, he’d be spared sickness and misfortune.

The ox-cart plodded at a decent pace. In only an hour, the Liang Estate was already in sight. Guo Jiao leaned out the window and inwardly wondered with amazement at the sight he saw. There were fields circling the Liang Estate, far as the eye could see. The stalks of grain bent under plump ears, the sign of a magnificent bumper harvest. This was a sight unseen in Bing Province for several years!

Further inwards, he saw ramshackle shacks blanketing the ground and large numbers of raggedly-dressed silhouettes. This place was full of refugees. It was perfectly ordinary for noble families to take in refugees, but it was rare to see one that could afford to feed so many in hard years like these. This Liang Feng was truly charitable. No wonder people called him a bodhisattva.

They passed through two rows of fences along the way and stopped briefly at the main gates before making their way into the estate. The Liang Estate looked more imposing than the average noble family. Their inner walls were high, their defenses stalwart. They already had the air of a truly powerful household. 

Guo Jiao dismounted the carriage and was led by a servant into the main residence. There were fewer servants inside than he’d anticipated, though the residence itself was very tasteful and elegant. Upon reaching the main hall, his gaze was drawn by the stunning young man sitting at the head seat. His complexion was somewhat pallid, but his posture was impeccable and his eyes blazed with vigor. So striking was he, that even “orchids and jade trees” paled in comparison.

Liang Feng stood to welcome his guest. Gobsmacked, Guo Jiao quickly took a step forward and saluted, “This lower official is honored to meet Marquess Liang!”

Liang Feng didn’t have an official position, but the title of fifth-order marquess was equivalent to a fifth-grade bureaucrat. As Guo Jiao was only a sixth-grade county magistrate, it wasn’t inappropriate to refer to himself as a “lower official,” even if it did seem sycophantic.

Liang Feng helped him up and said, “You are too courteous, your honor. Please, take a seat.” 

Guo Jiao was almost overwhelmed by how graciously the host treated him. After they took their respective seats, Liang Feng smiled faintly, “It is to my dismay that I have been unable to pay my respects, for I have been ill as of late.”

Guo Jiao promptly demurred, “You exaggerate, Marquess Liang. Everyone knows of how the plague in Jinyang was ended. It was thanks to your brilliant methods, Marquess Liang, that disaster was avoided. It is the fortune of three lifetimes to be neighbor to the Liang Estate.”

It was a wonder his mouth wasn’t dry from all the bootlicking. Liang Feng returned the favor, “It is barely worthy of note. As this is my home, I depend on you, your honor, to dwell here peacefully.”

“Hahaha~ How kind of you, Marquess Liang.” Guo Jiao put on an envious expression, “You’re the one who’s skilled in administration, Marquess Liang. I haven’t seen such luxuriant fields in such a long time. Who knows how many commoners might benefit from your leadership if you governed a commandery, or a province!” 

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That comment finally seemed to hit the mark. The handsome noble smiled, “You praise me overmuch, your honor. Lüzhu, pass the order to arrange a welcoming repast for this honorable official.”

Guo Jiao was indeed hungry after traveling for the better part of the morning. With the maidservants’ attendance, he cleaned his hands. Shortly after, there were four dishes placed on the table. The variety was limited, but the scent was extremely appetizing. He surreptitiously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Liang Feng had already picked up his chopsticks, “Tis but plain tea and simple fare. Help yourself, your honor.”


Guo Jiao grasped for his chopsticks, dithered for a moment, and tried some of the tender white sprouts from the earthenware bowl. It seemed to have been seasoned with aromatic vinegar. When chewed, the white sprouts burst with juice. It was especially refreshing in the heat.

He ate two mouthfuls before he stopped salivating. Then he extended his chopsticks for the neat strips of meat roasted to a golden-brown color. To his surprise, it was beef. When he bit into it, a charred fragrance, without any trace of rank odor, filled his nose. The meat was salty, with just a hint of spice, and an understated dash of wine. But most delightfully of all, there was a sweet aftertaste reminiscent of honey. 

He took some more, before sampling the round white balls in the dark earthenware bowl. Only after tasting it did he realize that it was made of finely-ground fish. It was delectably chewy and flavorful, and there wasn’t a single fishbone in it. He almost wanted to down the whole bowl of soup in one gulp.

The last plate of delicacies was black mushrooms mixed with yellowy eggs and sprinkled with green garlic sprouts. It looked and smelled irresistible.

Just these four dishes had Guo Jiao unable to put down his chopsticks. He completely forgot that the host was sitting next to him. It didn’t take long before all the millet rice in his bowl was swept clean. When he raised his head to refill his bowl, he made eye contact with the bemused host and coughed awkwardly, “The Liang Estate’s cuisine is inordinately delicious, please forgive my lack of manners…”

“These are all simple homestyle meals. If they are to your liking, I will let my chefs arrange a recipe book for you, your honor,” Liang Feng said smilingly. 

“That would be excellent! Many thanks, Marquess Liang!” Guo Jiao’s face brightened with joy. These dishes were extraordinary, and very useful when receiving guests. The Liang family was high nobility, no doubt about that. Even their homestyle meals were astounding.

Guo Jiao happily scooped some more rice into his bowl and finished off the rest of the dishes. Then, he reservedly wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and sighed contentedly, “If I could be like you, Marquess Liang, able to eat like this every day and enjoy the fruits of my fields – why that would be heaven on earth.”

Liang Feng hadn’t expected that the county magistrate would be a glutton. He smiled vaguely and said, “You are welcome to come any time, your honor.”

“Oh my, that wouldn’t do!” Still possessed of some dignity as a county magistrate, Guo Jiao waved him off modestly. 

Liang Feng chuckled, “You and I are neighbors, we should visit each other more often. Nowadays much of my estate’s business will pass through the county seat. I’m hoping you could help smoothen things out, your honor.”

Guo Jiao instantly smartened up. This was probably the reason why Liang Feng had invited him here. He’d heard of the Liang Estate’s new wares: Scripture Paper, white porcelain, and such. If they were going to sell it, they would need a storefront. He plastered a grin on his face, “You needn’t worry about it, Marquess Liang. I’ll take good care of anything coming out of the Liang Estate.”

“Thank you for your consideration, your honor.” Liang Feng changed the subject and said, “There’s another matter – isn’t there a mountain pass right outside the county seat? I’ve been putting my militia through some training, but I am simply incapable of arming them all. Perhaps you could make some allowances, your honor…”

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He didn’t say it outright, but Guo Jiao understood. He wanted to buy weapons from him! Because of the mountain pass nearby, the government armory did have quite a few weapons, but those were all recorded on file. They couldn’t be sold so openly. 

Guo Jiao frowned in consternation, “That… I’m afraid, will be difficult. Although, there are some old items in the armory that likely aren’t up to par. Instead of spending money buying those, why not hire some craftsmen?”

“Oh? Are there any craftsmen you can recommend, your honor?” Liang Feng asked interestedly.

“There are a few in the county town. It’s hard to avoid deaths and accidents in troubled times like these,” Guo Jiao smirked.

He was planning to report the deaths of a few craftsmen in the county seat while secretly transferring them to the Liang Estate? Liang Feng smiled as well, “It really is a shame that the county seat must suffer such a loss.” 

“Oh it’s nothing! These craftsmen are expensive to support anyways, might as well save some money,” Guo Jiao chuckled as he slapped the table.

Craftsmen who knew how to make arms were rare, let alone old hands with experience working under the county government. Having craftsmen was more economic than spending money and grain to buy weapons. In high spirits, Liang Feng clapped lightly, signaling for Lüzhu to retrieve a wooden box, which she presented with both hands to Guo Jiao.


“This is the Liang Estate’s newly made letter paper and Scripture Paper. If it meets your approval, please do accept,” Liang Feng said.

Guo Jiao’s eyes widened. This was the Liang Estate’s new paper! In Jinyang, fifty stones of grain could only buy a thousand sheets of Scripture Paper. Even a single sheet was hard to obtain, to say nothing of the floral letter paper! A both sophisticated, practical, and generous gift! 

But Liang Feng wasn’t done yet, “In a few more days, I’ll be sending people to Jinyang once more. If you need to purchase anything in Jinyang, your honor, you can accompany the militia.”

Goodness! The Liang Estate was willing to lend him guards on the way to Jinyang? That was even more tantalizing than the paper. If he could get the merchant caravans going again, his life would get a lot easier! What a profitable exchange. It seemed he’d made the right choice!

Guo Jiao saluted in gratitude, “Marquess Liang, I won’t forget your benevolence!”

“I’m flattered, your honor.” Liang Feng smiled, “You and I, we should stay in contact.” 

“Haha! Of course!”

In cheer and laugher, a gentlemen’s agreement was settled. Liang Feng could finally relax his stiff spine. Having amicable relations with the county magistrate would make it easier to annex the nearby villages. Now, if only he could take the nearby pass as well…

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