Royal Road

Chapter 6

Ch6 - Assembly

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The early spring sky was clear as if it’d just been washed. Mt. Wei’s scenery wasn’t anything breathtaking, but its verdant flora and burbling creeks gave it a refreshing air. Dozens of young nobles were seated in and outside of Sushui Pavilion, their ages ranging from thirteen to barely twenty. They were all caked in powder, adorned with flowery hairpins, and draped in florid silks. At a glance, they were even more garish than the flowers blooming by the pavilion.

A thirty-something man sat in the center of the pavilion and the center of attention. He had a tidy appearance; he was narrow-eyed, light-skinned, clothed in apricot yellow, and capped with a “lóng headdress” made of black muslin. He emanated elegance and poise as he held a ruyi scepter carved from white jade, his beard drifting in the wind. The controller responsible for holding the evaluation was the “Cavalier Attendant-in-Ordinary” Wang Wen, fourth son of Wang Hun, the Minister of Education, and member of the main branch of the extremely prestigious Taiyuan Wang Clan. 

The young aristocrats were all bending over backward attempting to win the controller’s favor. Wang Wen made light conversation with the youths as he quizzed them on poetry and judged their calligraphy. Some tried to play to his interests by strumming the zither or analyzing scripture, and he responded to them one by one. Though his expression was genial and polite, his mood was restless and impatient. Shangdang Commander was prosperous, though it had suffered years of conflict as various powers wrested this highly contended, militarily significant location back and forth. As a consequence, most of the wealthy were yokels whose manners and disposition were sorely lacking compared to the upper crust in Jinyang.

Their vapid affectations made his stomach churn. They were lucky that he had a duty to uphold, or else he would’ve made off long ago. The rest of the evaluation wouldn’t take too long, as it was already halfway over, and those who were still left barely counted as gentry.



Wang Wen lightly swayed his scepter as he considered who to question next when a petty official hurried up to him and whispered, “Sir, there’s a gentleman who’s just arrived and requests an audience.”

What time was it, that he would arrive only now? Did he not take the evaluation seriously? Wang Wen, though magnanimous, was offended by the presumptuousness. He frowned and was about to refuse when the petty official went beyond the scope of his duty and added, “The gentleman was quite ill, he probably wasn’t late on purpose……” 

Wang Wen glanced at the petty official astonishedly and saw shame and sympathy written all over his face. Instantly, his curiosity got the better of him and he nodded, “Bring him here then.”


The petty official spun right around and rushed off. Wang Wen stroked his beard and leaned back on the rest as he observed his anxious scampering. He wanted to see just how that late fellow had moved his subordinate so.

A few minutes later, a vague silhouette approached the pavilion. Having spent most of his life burying his face in books and scrolls, Wang Wen’s sight wasn’t very sharp; at first, all he could see was a willowy figure donned in black, wearing a white jade crown with two bright red cords tied underneath his chin. His posture was flawless, his pace slow. His wide robes floated in the breeze and made him give off the impression of swaying bamboo.

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Just his silhouette alone had already outclassed the rest of the insipid rabble. Wang Wen couldn’t help but sit straighter and forget all about the evaluation. He opened his eyes wide, trying to take in the arrival’s appearance. The closer he looked, the more astonished he became.


The arrival was breathtakingly beautiful. His hair was black as raven’s feathers, his skin pale as pristine snow, his angled brows straight as a sword. His long, narrow phoenix eyes shined with a brilliant spiritedness that made his divine loveliness even more transcendental. If those bright eyes had belonged to someone of good health, they surely would have shaken one’s soul to the very core. Unfortunately, the gentleman was severely sick. He had dark circles under his eyes and his lips were deathly white. On closer look, his steps were faintly unsteady, as if a gust of wind might whisk his life away.

His jade-like features were the epitome of beauty and frailty. While it compelled one to gasp in awe, it evoked pity and mournfulness and the urge to cry that the heavens were unjust.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf cbc-rabq qgjaailcu klatlc atf Ujnlilbc rlifcmfv ja tlr jqqfjgjcmf jr mbecaifrr ujhfr, yfjglcu jwjhfwfca, pfjibers, rerqlmlbc, jcv tbralilas, olzjafv eqbc tlw. Lf lucbgfv la jii jr tf jwyifv yfobgf atf qjnlilbc jcv rjieafv atf wjc rfjafv bc atf tlut qijaobgw, “P jw Oljcu Mfcu ogbw Itf Jbecas bo atf Jtfc Jbwwjcvfgs. Xgffalcur, mbcagbiifg.”

Wang Wen, being a true highborn, quickly gathered his wits about him and, well versed in the noble genealogies, asked, “Might you be a descendant of Lord Liang, the Fifth-Order Marquess of Shenmen?” 

“Indeed, he is my ancestor,” Liang Feng answered.

Wang Wen clapped his scepter against his palm and praised, “I’ve long heard tales of Lord Liang’s feats, of how he repelled the northern barbarians and pacified two provinces. Even Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty praised his peerless attainments. Meeting you today, I can only imagine how splendorous Lord Liang must have been.”

Liang Feng thought sarcastically that Liang Xi probably hadn’t relied on his face to get famous, though none of it showed on his face. He demurred, “You’re too kind, controller.”

“Come, and sit here.” Wang Wen smiled and gestured towards the space by his side. 

That was exceedingly preferential treatment towards a diminishing family that hadn’t begot officials for two generations. Grading him as “second-rank esteem” would already be doing him favors. How could the controller break decorum for his sake?

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However, even Wang Wen rarely had the chance to meet a prodigy whose grace could surpass the likes of He Pingshu and Pan An. In times of chaos, many stunning talents were doomed to pass like petals flowing downstream. So of course he felt tenderness towards such a fragile beauty.

But unexpectedly, Liang Feng remained unmoved. He shook his head, “I beg your pardon controller, but I did not come to attend the evaluation.”

His words shocked everyone like a bolt of lightning. Wang Wen speechlessly asked, “You’re not here to attend the evaluation?” 

That was the question everyone was wondering. Arriving late was excessive enough, but to then swaggeringly say that he wasn’t there to attend, was he there to prank them then?

Liang Feng continued, “In truth, I did come from Shangdang to attend, but after nearly losing my life to a bout of illness, I didn’t even know the assembly was today. Only once I happened by this place while traveling home did I know that it was taking place, so I came to take a farewell visit.”


No wonder he was so tardy. Wang Wen was even more astonished; the Liang family was almost decrepit, was he really going to give up on the evaluation, give up on such a prime opportunity to move up in the world, just because he’d gotten sick? He couldn’t resist lifting his brow and asking, “No one from the Liang clan has entered the officialdom for some time. Are you not concerned that your title will be revoked ere you attain a candidacy grade?”

He’d asked a very tricky question. If Liang Feng expressed concern, then his farewell would be a pretentious artifice, and he’d immediately lose Wang Wen’s favor. But if he wasn’t concerned, he’d be an unfilial wastrel for throwing away the birthright his ancestors had bequeathed him! Everyone was beside themselves with schadenfreude glee, ready to watch Liang Feng make a fool of himself. 

Liang Feng merely answered, “As I hovered on the brink of death, I dreamed of a magnificent vihara. The ground was gold on one half, dirt on the other; the courtyard was full of rustling green trees. Beneath the trees, there were hazy figures illuminated by Buddha’s light. Watching from afar, they seemed to be holding a grand ceremony. I heard them, nebulously, reciting scripture; every word was sacral, resounding in the marrow of my very bones. Only after waking did I realize that all my past attachments were merely hollow.”

Wang Wen’s eyes widened; a prophetic dream? He’d actually dreamed of Buddha preaching Dharma? There were many in that era who worshipped Buddha, or believed in fables and myths, thus, they assumed that no one would lie using the supernatural. Wang Wen unconsciously leaned towards him and eagerly asked, “Do you remember the scripture?”

“It was too long, and my memory is unclear. But I dare not forget the phrase that enlightened me.” Liang Feng sighed and spoke sonorously,

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“All conditioned phenomena, 

Are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow,

Like dew or a flash of lightning;

Thus we shall perceive them”

The soft hoarseness of his voice didn’t detract from its melodiousness. A sudden gust sent his long, wide sleeves dancing in the wind. The gatha reverberated through the pavilion, almost ringing with Sanskrit song. 

The ruyi scepter clattered on the table. Wang Wen, having studied scripture since youth, had a deep understanding of Buddhist doctrine. He’d never heard that verse before, but anyone with some understanding of Buddhism would know that it was a verse that could be immortalized in history. The suffering since time immemorial, the disorder throughout ages were encompassed within a single phrase. The people of the Jin were born in chaos, they lived precariously on the edge of the knife; their lives were fleeting and flimsy as a mayfly’s. Thus, they were dissipated and unrestrained, choosing abandonment over classical conventions. The gatha was practically a club to the head, a clap of thunder through clear sky, tearing through the fog clouding his heart. He sank into gobsmacked stupor.

The pavilion stilled for several breaths. Wang Wen leapt to his feet, his eyes glossy with unshed tears, and bowed in salute, “If you are able to remember the rest of the scripture, I humbly implore that you endow your knowledge to me.”

Everyone paled in disbelief, for Wang Wen’s status was far superior. Yet Liang Feng did not react; he quietly replied, “My health is poor nowadays; I’m afraid it will take some time. If I am able to transcribe it, I will indeed present it to you.”

Wang Wen had forgotten all about the evaluation and frantically queried, “How would you like to visit my estate, we could contemplate philosophy by candlelight.” 

Receiving an invitation from the Taiyuan Wang Clan was a tremendous honor, yet Liang Feng still refused, “I have a young son at home, and long fiercely to return. I beg your forgiveness, Controller Wang.”

Perhaps it was because he’d been standing too long, but he was flagging already. Wang Wen regained his composure and remembered that Liang Feng had only just been severely ill; even now, his life was like a flickering candle. His heart constricted as said, “I’m acquainted with Imperial Physician Jiang, he’s an official disciple of Doctor Wang, and greatly skilled in medicine. He’s resided in Tongdi County since his retirement. I’ll write to him at once to request him to visit the Liang Estate.”

There was no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth; Liang Feng made an expression of gratitude and bowed, “Thank you for your grace, controller. I will be able to return home with peace of mind.”

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Seeing as Liang Feng was determined to depart, Wang Wen lamented, “Meeting you was a great fortune to me. It’s only a shame that we haven’t the time to converse further. You must take care on the road, for I eagerly await your correspondence.” 

Liang Feng solemnly replied, “You honor me more than I deserve, controller. I will undoubtedly write to you to express my thanks.”

Their exchange, elegant and pure, free matters concerning petty fame and frivolity, was like a breath of fresh air. The whole pavilion had been long since been stunned stupid. In the corner, Li Lang’s eyes were bulging out of his head. He trembled. He knew his cousin was capable, but he couldn’t have guessed that he would barge into the assembly and spout nonsense about mystical dreams and Buddha! How had he not noticed anything before? Had he been blind the whole time?


As Li Lang grit his teeth, Liang Feng suddenly saluted him, serenely saying, “Brother, thank you for looking after me these days. But I must say that Yan Sheng’s crime was not worthy of death.”

Without waiting for a reply, Liang Feng turned and left like a whisper. 

The author has something to say:

Liang Feng expresses: even face-slapping must be done the right way (be particular about it) =w=

He Pingshu: He Yan, idiom “何郎傅粉” “Like He-lang with makeup on”

Pan Anren: Pan Yue, idiom “beautiful as Pan An” 

At this time, Wei Jie is still a child, the standards of beauty for Wei Jin are these two.

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