Royal Road

Chapter 62

Ch62 - Visitation

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“After this, the bookwork’s probably gonna close.” Jiang Ni, riding on horseback, shrank his neck. It was absolutely freezing now that the northwestern winds were blowing in. There were fewer and fewer people willing to send out cart-fulls of grain to buy books. It likely wouldn’t be until the wheat harvest next year, when grain prices lowered once more, that the scripture started selling again.

With how severely the price of grain had inflated, there were probably more people willing to buy a book using twenty thousand coins than twenty stones of millet rice. Those days when a stone of grain was only two or three hundred coins were as distant as a previous lifetime. 

Jiang Ni side-eyed Yiyan, whose expression was frostier than ice, and muttered to himself, “If only the drought gets better next year…”

Before he had a chance to finish, the rider next to him suddenly shot ahead.



“Caravan, close in! Soldiers, forward!”

Following his shout, the carts at the front turned ninety degrees as ten soldiers, armed with sabers and shields charged out behind the cavalry into the nearby thickets. Jiang Ni scrambled off his mount and anxiously spectated the ensuing battle. The bandits that had been waiting in ambush by the sides of the road were no match for the Liang Estate’s militia. After only a few minutes, the sound of screaming and clashing metal died down. 

“Move the corpses out of the way and keep going.” Yiyan flicked the blood off his saber and said to Jiang Ni, “Get on your horse, don’t waste time.”


Pale and shaken, it took Jiang Ni a moment to clamber onto his horse and catch up, “Wasn’t this road cleared out already? How’re there still mountain bandits?”

“They’re not mountain bandits, they’re roaming bandits,” Yiyan answered. “They’ve come to steal food for the winter.”

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Jiang Ni immediately shut his mouth. But of course. Their workshops could stop once it got cold, but the roaming bandits sure couldn’t. Without enough food or clothes, hundreds starved when winter came around – and with how unusually early it’d come this year, it’d cause unusually many people to resort to desperate measures.


The carriage train continued creaking along on its course. Jiang Ni averted his eyes from the pools of blood and emaciated corpses on the ground. At the same time, he thanked his lucky stars that he’d followed the right person. If it weren’t for his master’s creative resourcefulness, the Liang Estate would have never emerged from its dire straits to its current prosperity. Now, their granaries were full and they had a militia. Once spring came around, they could take in some more working-age refugees. The Liang Estate would only grow more powerful with each passing year.

Plus, the master had close ties with the Taiyuan Wang Clan. If they recommended him to the court, and he took up an official position, then the Liang Estate would really soar. The best days were yet to come.

Jiang Ni let out a light puff, hugged his coat tightly to himself, and spurred his horse on.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It took them three more days before they finally reached the Liang Estate. Jiang Ni’s eyes bulged at the sight of the new gatehouse, “How’s it finished in just half a month?” 

Ktfs’v bcis ubcf bc j gbealcf fggjcv ab Alcsjcu, jcv rbwftbk, atfs’v mbwf yjmx ab j rbilv-ibbxlcu rtlcs cfk obgagfrr ujaf – bo mbegrf atfs kfgf jrabecvfv.

Tlsjc lucbgfv tlw, fzjwlclcu atf cfjgys qjilrjvfr jcv mbgcfg abkfgr lcrafjv, yfobgf bgvfglcu atf mjgjnjc ab fcafg. Ktf ugjlcr tjv ibcu rlcmf yffc tjgnfrafv, jcv atf klcafg ktfja tjv jigfjvs yffc qijcafv; atf gfoeuffr rmgjwyifv ab qjamt atflg gjwrtjmxif rtjmxr yfobgf atf rcbkrabgwr mjwf. Ktf lvsiilm jawbrqtfgf, rb vloofgfca ogbw atf bearlvf kbgiv’r, kjr j yjiw obg atf wlcv.

Instead of going to the granary with the rest of the party, he steered his horse towards the main residence. He patted the dust off his clothes and meticulously washed his hands and face before stepping into the courtyard. All his tenseness faded when he saw that familiar figure sitting behind his desk as he always did. He saluted and said, “My lord, the grain caravan has returned.”

“Good work,” Liang Feng smiled, “Did everything go smoothly?” 

“We had four bandit encounters, though we exterminated them all,” Yiyan answered.

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“How are there still so many?” Liang Feng’s expression instantly solemned.

“Its because of the recent snowfall and the cold that there are more roaming bandits now. Don’t worry, my lord, no one was injured,” Yiyan said.

Liang Feng sank into thought. These roaming bandits had likely once been refugees. Who knew how many people had been forced to claw for sustenance from death’s jaws after the temperature dropped. Liang Feng silently sighed and said, “In that case, I’ll have you accompany me to the commandery capital tomorrow. We’ll depart and return as soon as possible, to avoid any trouble.” 

Yiyan immediately frowned, “It’s too cold now. You should be recuperating your health, my lord. Why must you go to the commandery capital?”

Standing by the side, Lüzhu piped up as well, “Exactly! Master, you’ve only just gotten a little better. What if you catch a cold on the way?!”


Liang Feng’s smile became a bit forced. It seemed she’d found herself an ally. She’d already nattered on about the subject for several days already. He shook his head, “I’m only going to the commandery capital, it’ll be fine. Just bring a brazier and switch carriages; we can get there in two days. I received an invitation; I can hardly refuse.”

With this damnable weather, if he didn’t go now, he’d probably have to wait till spring. Plus, the Cui family’s invitation was a bit strange and it might involve Liu Yuan. If he didn’t make the trip soon, he wouldn’t be able to rest easy. 

Seeing as his lord’s mind was already set, Yiyan considered for a moment before compromising, “Then let me drive the carriage. Let the estate’s cavalry escort you, in case of any unexpected circumstances.”

“But of course,” Liang Feng beamed.

His lord’s smile warmed his heart. No matter what, Yiyan wouldn’t pass up the chance to accompany his lord. He’d been drifting about too much these days. After this excursion, then they would settle down in the estate for a good while, he thought.


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The next day, the carriage train hit the road. Since the soldiers were all on horseback, they traveled lightly, bringing only one large carriage, which was actually quite fast, pulled by two horses. Thank goodness Yiyan was the one driving it, or else it’d be utterly unbearable. But only after truly leaving home did Liang Feng notice just how exceptionally cold it was this year.

It was only the eleventh month, right? Why did it feel like the temperature was in the negatives already? At least Lüzhu had made thorough preparations – hanging thick curtains inside the carriage and bringing a set of fox fur coats for Liang Feng and insisting on wrapping him into a ball. With the brazier burning away, the freezing cold was kept at bay.

Sitting inside the carriage, Liang Feng’s brows furrowed with apprehension upon seeing the layer of frost covering the ground. Two years of drought and then a harsh winter like this – things would only get much worse for the commoners. Serfs could rely on their lords, but land-owning peasants were helpless in the face of disaster. Without aid from the court, most of them would have to flee famine. But there was a war in Luoyang and the nearby provinces weren’t doing any better. Where could they even go?

Perhaps the nearby villages could take in another two or three hundred. If they got through the winter, then there’d be hope once the spring planting season came around. Didn’t Huai’en Temple give soup during the winter as well? If only a few more of Jinyang’s wealthy families provided aid, there wouldn’t be as many refugees freezing or starving to death. 

A voice asked weakly, “Master, are you worried about going to the commandery capital?”

Liang Feng startled, then chuckled and asked, “What would I be worried about?”

Lüzhu bit her lips and mumbled, “Once we get there, are we going to pay a visit to the Li family?”

Liang Feng remembered now, that in the commandery capital, he had an aunt who hated him to death. He’d been occupied by other concerns for so long that he’d forgotten all about that viper. Liang Feng sneered, “My outing to Jinyang was simply too rushed, I’ll not disturb them.” 

Lüzhu’s eyes brightened, then dimmed again, “But what would others say about you…”

Liang Feng smiled, “Relax, not only will I not be criticized for snubbing them, people will assume the problem lies with them.”

Those were the perks of having a reputation. Plus he’d already done his prep work. If anyone brought up this matter, they’d likely be more intrigued by how Wang Wen had expelled Li Lang from the Sushui Pavilion. If Liang Shu had any brains at all, she wouldn’t dare to recklessly smear his name.

Lüzhu sighed in relief. She’d already fretted for quite some time already. For some reason, she kept feeling that the Li family didn’t have good intentions towards her master. It was safer to avoid them. 

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As they had ample preparation and traveled at full speed, they arrived at the commandery capital two days later. The Cui family had already received news. Cui Liang, practically beside himself with joy, welcomed them at the door, “I didn’t think you’d be here this soon, Zixi. The journey must have been such a toil.”

Liang Feng, whose face was somewhat pale from being cooped up in a carriage for so long, smiled gracefully, “How could I refuse an elder’s request? Aside from the printing blocks and the ten books, I have also brought some letter paper. I do hope you accept.”


The Liang Estate’s letter paper wasn’t sold separately. Only a small amount was gifted with each purchase of the Diamond Sutra. Cui Liang was gratified by how seriously he’d taken his grandfather’s summons and how impeccable his manners were. He replied genially, “You’re too kind, Zixi! Please, come in and rest!”

Liang Feng smiled and followed Cui Liang into his home. The Cui Residence wasn’t very large, and they weren’t high nobility, but due to their golden billboard, Cui You, they had a rather erudite air about them. After he’d been introduced to, and had tea with, the Cui family’s seniors, Cui Liang brought him to a study in the rear courtyard to meet their esteemed Confucian scholar. 

Meeting Cui You for the first time was a shock to Liang Feng. He’d known that the distinguished scholar was old, but not that he was so decrepit. He had to be over seventy already. There wasn’t any vitality left to him, only deathlike bleakness. He was frighteningly skeletal and his eyes were thickly clouded. It seemed that he could pass away at any moment.

With only a glance, Liang Feng knew he had made an error of judgment. There was no way an old man like this would join in on the Xiongnu’s grand rebellion.

Then why had he spent so much money to insist that he come here personally?

With a stomach full of questions, Liang Feng politely sat in seiza across from him and saluted, “I am Liang Feng of Zhe County, Chen Commandery. Greetings, Mister Cui.” 

“….You are Liang Zixi?” The old man asked slowly, after a long pause.

“Yes, that is I.”

The old man’s muddled gaze pored over his face. A moment later, he said, “Do you know why it is that there are no end marks in the sages’ writings?”

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