Royal Road

Chapter 71

Liang Feng’s smile faded as he softly sighed, “Of course, I’m concerned about the safety of the Liang Estate and Gaodu. The two are only half a day’s travel from each other, they’re all but mutually dependent. But what if something like this were to happen again? Though we happened to win this time, the Liang Estate lost many soldiers and horses. We would not have the strength to fend off another attack on Gaodu.”

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Guo Jiao cleared his throat awkwardly, “You really did do us a great service, Marquess Liang. It’s just that Gaodu’s walls are short, and we haven’t got many people either. I really don’t know what’s best….” 

“And that’s exactly why I came to meet you, your honor,” Liang Feng said solemnly, “The rebels have razed many villages in their rampage. To say nothing of the bereaved refugees themselves, all the perfectly good farmland they were forced to abandon will turn to wastelands. As Luoyang is in the midst of war right now, we may as well open Taihang Pass and take in refugees from Si Province to populate the villages. Then you’ll have the resources to reinforce the city walls and sow the fields.”

“What? But, but Gaodu is destitute; we can’t harbor refugees!” Guo Jiao was completely thrown for a loop by Liang Feng’s words. Some wealthy households took in refugees – that, he knew and turned a blind eye to, but the county government didn’t have the money to do so!



“Taking in refugees isn’t as expensive as you think it is. In the winter, you can have them till the land and repair the walls. Once spring comes, they can start planting crops. A few months later, they’ll not only be self-sufficient, but they’ll be able to start paying taxes as well. Isn’t that the very essence of good governance?” Liang Feng coaxed.

“That… that wouldn’t do.” It sounded tempting, but after Guo Jiao estimated how much was left in the county’s coffers, he ended up shaking his head. Taking in refugees was just too costly. He couldn’t feed that many people even if he squandered all his savings! 

“Then what if you apportioned some from the military? Nowadays, Colonel Wu has several hundred fewer subordinates to feed. Why not use those uneaten rations to support refugees?” Liang Feng, turning the conversation, asked Wu Ling.


Forget about Guo Jiao, even Wu Ling recoiled in shock, “Military funds can’t be misappropriated so!”

“But if there are no soldiers, how could four hundred rebels have been exterminated,” Liang Feng countered.

“That….” Wu Ling instantly fell speechless. That’s right! Was he really going to tell the court that he’d lost eight hundred people, then used the remaining two hundred to wipe out the rebels? Even an idiot wouldn’t believe him! He really couldn’t report the actual casualties if he wanted to take the credit.


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Liang Feng, that crafty rascal, already had his eye on the embezzled military provisions. However thick Wu Ling’s face was, he didn’t dare claim it for himself right to Liang Feng’s face. For one, he was a genuine fifth-order marquess. But even if he wasn’t, his private army had been able to annihilate the Xiongnu rebels. What kind of fighting power was that? Nothing good would come of trying to hoodwink such a formidable individual.

However, purloining military funds came with risks. Wu Ling hesitated, then finally replied, “It’s almost the end of the year now, and the Ningbei General’s stuck in Luoyang, so the higher-ups aren’t going to send anyone to investigate, but how’m I gonna explain why I’m short so many soldiers if the Ningbei General returns someday?”

Of course, Liang Feng understood what he was really saying. He smiled, “And that’s exactly why using military rations to accommodate refugees is a sensible bargain. If you happen to need people, all you have to do is gather the refugees under your banner again.”

Wu Ling still had doubts, “That seems a bit… improper…. Anyways, who says the refugees are even willing to come to Bing Province?” 

He knew, from guarding the pass, where the refugees flowed. Bing Province had been plagued by drought in recent years, plus there were a lot of barbarians. Even some of the most desperate weren’t willing to dwell here. Most of them went to You Province or Qing Province.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yet Liang Feng said, “What the common people fear most are armed conflict and plague. While I can’t promise anything regarding armed conflict, I am able to do something about plague. When the time comes, you can send the county bureau’s workers to my estate to learn medicine, and how to craft chain pumps. The commoners would assuredly remain in Gaodu if they could live well here.”

Qe Olcu revvfcis gfwfwyfgfv atja atf sbecu wjc lc ogbca bo tlw kjr fraffwfv jr j “ybvtlrjaanj.” Po tf ageis mbeiv qgfnfca qijuefr, atfc atfgf kfgf ilxfis j ijguf cewyfg bo gfoeuffr kliilcu ab rfaaif lc Xjbve!

“Ktf xlcv wjulragjaf rtfiafgfv gfoeuffr, obgalolfv mlas kjiir, jcv bqfcfv eq wbgf ojgwijcv. Ktf mbibcfi abbx wfgms bc atf mbwwbcfgr jcv rfca tlr rbivlfgr ab tfiq atfw qijca olfivr jcv gfrabgf atflg ilnfiltbbvr. Snfc j gfwbcragjcmf boolmlji mbeivc’a olcv jcs ojeia klat sbe. Kter, sbeg tbcbg, sbe’v tjnf qgbnfv sbeg ifjvfgrtlq; jcv mbibcfi, sbe’v tjnf qgbafmafv atf ijcv. Gbfrc’a atja aegc bea kfii obg fnfgsbcf?” Oljcu Mfcu rewwjglhfv, rwlilcu j Jtfrtlgf rwlif. 

Both Guo Jiao and Wu Ling found themselves moved. His idea really did seem possible! At any rate, it was so chaotic in Luoyang that hardly anyone bothered minding the commanderies and counties anymore. They could certainly scrounge up a couple hundred refugees to make up for the difference. Guo Jiao was from an insignificant family, and Wu Ling had started out as a plain commoner; the odds that they’d get promoted were slim from the outset. But wouldn’t it be grand if, by doing what Liang Feng said, they could properly revitalize the county and earn some merit?

And besides, wasn’t it common practice already for regional officials to depend on powerful aristocrats? Liang Zixi, who had an exceptional reputation and a valiant militia, had a thigh they could cling onto! Why, it’d be simply boorish to keep turning him down after he’d already put them on such a hoity-toity pedestal.

The two made eye contact, having come to the same conclusion. Wu Ling laughed, “They all say you’re kind as a bodhisattva, Marquess Liang. Today, I see the rumors are true after all!”

Guo Jiao coughed lightly, “Then, how should we redress the Liang Estate’s damages?” 

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They’d spent all that time talking about how the two of them would benefit, but the Liang Estate definitely hadn’t spent so much effort killing bandits just to boost their careers.

Liang Feng smiled, “It’s hard to say how many refugees will come, once the pass is opened. If they’re too much for you, the Liang Estate would be willing to lend a hand.”


He wanted people, and he probably wanted first pick of the refugees. But since it was his suggestion in the first place, it wasn’t unreasonable for him to dip his hand in the pot. That, Guo Jiao understood. He immediately nodded, “I’ll be counting on you then, Marquess Liang.”

“Also, it just so happens that there are a few spacious, sparsely populated villages in the vicinity of the Liang Estate. I’m afraid the Liang Estate would have no choice but to settle the refugees there,” Liang Feng brightly remarked. 

He wanted land, and in the name of helping refugees; but who knew how many people he was going to cram there? It’d be difficult to collect taxes. Guo Jiao dithered, before saying, “The Liang Estate did indeed pay a heavy price to get rid of the rebels. The land there’s mostly barren, and there’s hardly any people. May as well let the refugees cultivate it. It is some recompense, at least, for your benevolence, Marquess Liang.”

“And the horses that my soldiers captured from the rebels – what a pity that the pastures are too bare in the winter to raise so many horses, it’d be such a shame to have to slaughter them. I wonder if it’s possible to exchange horses for some horse feed,” Liang Feng beamed at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling gritted his teeth, “I’ve got some connections in the military. In places like Qing Province, a few dozen horses will get you several hundred stone of hay. If you need hay, marquess, you can let me handle that.”

“Oh my, that would really solve my most immediate problem,” Liang Feng clapped, “In that case, thank you, colonel.” 

“Then about the rebels…” Wu Ling said noncommittally, not sure how to continue.

“Colonel Wu led his soldiers to victory against the rebels. The Liang Estate only lent some minor aid. Of course it was all due to you, colonel, you’re extraordinarily brave, and you were seriously injured in defense of the city.” Having gotten what he wanted, Liang Feng had no need to contend for any credit. More importantly, if it got out that a mere two hundred private soldiers had wiped out four hundred Xiongnu rebels, the Liang Estate would arouse more suspicion than admiration. Liang Feng had no interest in being the nail that got hammered down for sticking out too much.

Surprised at his generosity, Wu Ling grinned, “You’re a man of honor, marquess! You needn’t worry at all about the horse feed, I’ve got it all covered!”

Guo Jiao too, stroked his beard merrily, “Colonel Wu, you’d better hurry and report your glorious triumph so the Xiongnu don’t send an army out here for nothing.” 

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Wu Ling guffawed at the humorous quip, “I couldn’t have done it without your and Marquess Liang’s support. This is just how allies should be!”

Without further ado, the distribution of benefits was all sorted out. Guo Jiao and Wu Ling both thought that they’d gotten the better end of the deal, and looked even more highly upon Liang Feng. Guo Jiao invited the two of them to stay for lunch, but Wu Ling was in a rush to collect heads, and Liang Feng had a whole mountain of work waiting for him at his estate, so they both politely declined. Before leaving, Liang Feng requested that Guo Jiao let him take a couple skilled healers back to his estate to help treat the injured. Naturally, Guo Jiao cooperated without complaint.

After everything was finished, Liang Feng embarked on his ox-pulled carriage and headed back home.

Riding on his horse, Yiyan finally blurted the question he’d been holding in, “My lord, why did you let the colonel take all the credit?” 

Yiyan had heard their entire conversation as he’d stood watch outside the door. He couldn’t help feeling indignant that a useless cretin would get all the credit for the battle he’d fought himself.

When Liang Feng, who was sitting by the window and enjoying the fresh air, heard his question, he chuckled, “The winds blow hardest on the tree that stands tallest. Our foundations are not yet stable; there’s no need to stick your head out on this. Isn’t it better to have people and land, and have Gaodu to rely on?”

Everything had gone according to Liang Feng’s plan. Liang Estate would attract unwanted attention if it continued to take in refugees and build up its militia, no matter how surreptitious they tried to be. But if the county magistrate took the lead in giving asylum to the dispossessed, the spotlight would fall on Guo Jiao, obscuring his own involvement. How many high-ranking officials actually cared about the people? Pitifully few. Using Guo Jiao and Wu Ling as a shield, no one would notice what he was doing in the background.

As for the refugees, it didn’t matter whether it was him or Guo Jiao who saved them. As long as they were saved, as long as they had a bite to eat, the refugees wouldn’t stir up trouble. Plus, the massive influx of people would boost the economy, which was a key part of expanding the militia. Then, he’d only need to exert some influence on the newly-arrived refugees, and they’d be raring at the bit to enlist in the militia. 

“Bodhisattva” was no empty title.

And so, he would be able to stabilize Gaodu and the Liang Estate without too much expenditure. At the same time, there was hardly a better way to build ties with others than to “split the spoils” with them. Guo Jiao and Wu Ling were practically on his boat now. Sure, their capabilities were only mediocre, but at least they cared about the country and the commoners, or else they wouldn’t have defended Gaodu to the death. Allies like these were a lot less hassle than those haughty nobles and distinguished clans.


It was just a matter of how to allocate the benefits. Letting both parties win and win often, was the best way to make everyone work together. Liang Feng had that much common sense at least.

“That’s right!” Liang Feng suddenly exclaimed, then hurriedly ordered Yiyan, “Remember to send some men to bring back all the dead horses in the valley. Those horses all have good stuff on them – can’t give Wu Ling any freebies.” 

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His lord’s rare gaiety swept away the last bit of remaining indignation in Yiyan’s heart. He lightly squeezed the sides of his horse and went to make arrangements.

Despite having made mental preparations, Wu Ling still nearly choked to death when he laid eyes on the corpse-filled valley. This was a lucky ambush? They’d clearly decimated over four hundred Xiongnu rebels in face-to-face combat!

He couldn’t imagine how they’d done it. Even the eight hundred soldiers under his command had been utterly trounced – and how many people did the Liang Estate have? Just how strong were they, that they could achieve total victory?! 

Thank goodness he hadn’t made an enemy out of Liang Feng. What else could Wu Ling possibly think at that moment? Liang Feng had clearly gone easy on him, letting him trade some military rations for so much military merit. Still, having a powerful neighbor wasn’t all bad. He knew better than anyone that a big part of the reason he’d been stationed at such a remote pass was his lack of connections. Now that a “bodhisattva” had taken him under his wing, he might even have a chance to move up the ranks again.

It seemed like he’d have to give more attention to the favor that Liang Feng had asked of him. As he mulled it over, Wu Ling smiled obsequiously at a militiaman from the Liang Estate, “Would you happen to know which one of them was their leader?”

“I don’t know. Just pick a random one. Is everything satisfactory, Colonel Wu?” the militiaman asked.

“Yes, yes, absolutely!” Wu Ling dared not answer any other way. 

“Good. Start loading the carts then,” the militiaman said to the people beside him.

“Ah, there’s not that many heads, we’ll be fine doing it ourselves,” Wu Ling humbly demurred.

“You misunderstand, colonel. We’re here for the dead horses. These corpses are yours, of course, colonel. But the Liang Estate’s taking the horses,” the militiaman answered stoically.

Wu Ling, “…….” 

He wouldn’t even let a few dead horses slip through his fingers?! Wu Ling thought sarcastically, not that he could say it out loud. He chuckled, “Of course. It’s all good meat, it wouldn’t do to let it go to waste.”

Only after the dozen or so militiamen busily hauled all the dead horses onto a large cart did Wu Ling order his men to collect heads, bury bodies, and return to Gaodu. He had a long discussion with Guo Jiao before churning out a report of victory and sending it out, along with over four hundred severed heads.

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