Royal Road

Chapter 73

Ch73 - Celebration

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Cold sweat beaded on the subordinates’ forehead, “I’m not too clear on that either, but after the report and the heads arrived, the East Division investigated and confirmed that they’re the Huyan family’s rebels.”

It was possible to falsify military reports, but not to conjure up so many heads. Liu Xuan fell silent, picked up the letter, and examined it closely. According to the report, Gaodu had lured them into a trap: first mobilizing the troops stationed at Taihang Pass to reinforce the county town, then pretending to be scattered by the rebels, and lastly regrouping behind enemy lines and cutting off their supplies. Anxious to save their provisions, the rebels were ambushed and annihilated by Jin forces in a narrow valley. 

From a tactical point of view, the battle report was faultless. After all, they were just a violent mob with no direction nor discipline, not soldiers of the Xiongnu’s formal military. It was no surprise that a commander versed in strategy could subdue them. But something seemed off to Liu Xuan.

Back when Haosan had been overrunning the Shangdang Commandery, even going so far as to conquer the commandery capital in Lu County, the Jin armies had hardly put up any resistance. It wasn’t until the rebels had fought their way into You Province that they were wiped out by the troops garrisoned there. If even a peasant farmer like Haosan could stir up so much trouble, then what of the current rebels, who used to be subordinates of the Huyan family! Regardless of how incompetent the thousand horse-master was, the warriors under his command shouldn’t have been so weak.



How could a branch of Xiongnu cavalry that had burned down the thousand horse-master’s mansion in one night and vanquished two noble estates in three, lose to some nameless colonel? Was he a tactical genius or something?!

Wait! Liu Xuan scanned near the end of the report and frowned, “Why is the Liang Estate credited in the list of contributors?!” 

It was especially noted in the report that the rebels had only been defeated thanks to the county magistrate’s unreserved support and the Liang Estate’s cooperation. What seemed to be a thin veneer of modesty instantly put Liu Xuan on the alert.


The subordinate answered, “The Liang Estate’s just west of Gaodu, so they likely provided some assistance. Although….”

Having no patience for his hemming and hawing, Liu Xuan snapped, “Although what?!”

“Although some say that the heavens sent lightning upon them for offending the bodhisattva, startling their horses. How else could the Jin have won against four hundred cavalry….”


“Imbecile!” Lu Xuan furiously slammed his fist on the table. Just what were these numbskulls thinking? Offending the bodhisattva? When war came around, not even Buddha himself could stop an army!

“Prime minister, forgive me!” The subordinate fell to his knees, “The East Division’s just too close to the Liang Estate to escape their influence. Surely they didn’t mean anything by it…”

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“Their influence? What influence?”

“Well…. the Liang Estate’s porcelain is really popular amongst the East Division. A lot of nobles have bought…..” the subordinate trailed off timidly. When it came down to it, Liu Xuan had started the trend himself, hadn’t he? If he hadn’t been the first to buy Scripture Paper, those nobles wouldn’t have gotten it in their heads to collect the Liang Estates wares. 

“The Liang Estate’s white porcelain?!” Liu Xuan nearly choked from surprise. As far as he knew, not even the nobles of Taiyuan had managed to purchase any. How had the East Division gotten their hands on white porcelain first?

“Not only did they buy it, but they bought a whole lot. Apparently, the thousand horse-master that got killed bought white porcelain before. Right now, a single work of porcelain costs about a hundred cowhide and a hundred sheepskin. The more elaborate pieces are even more expensive……” the subordinate blurted out everything he knew.

Liu Xuan pursed his lips tightly for a good while. Suddenly, he hunched over, his face ashen as he pressed a hand tightly to his chest.

“Prime minister! Prime minister!” The subordinate leaped to his feet, “Help! Someone get help! The prime minister’s heart problem’s acting up again!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Liu Xuan was over sixty, an affliction of the heart could very well take his life!. Servants swarmed in, trying to shove medicine and water down his throat. The fuss went on for quite a while before the old man finally caught his breath.

Lf kfjglis yfmxbcfv tlr reybgvlcjaf bnfg, abbx j vffq ygfjat, jcv rjlv ibkis, “Xb ab atf Lesjc ojwlis bo atf Sjra Glnlrlbc jcv tjnf atfw lcnfralujaf atf wjaafg bo ktlaf qbgmfijlc. Kfii Lesjc Tbe atja lo tf vjgfr ab vfos atf qgbtlylalbc, kjraf wlilajgs gfrbegmfr bc kjcabc fzagjnjujcmf, tf’ii qjs obg tlr agjcrugfrrlbcr klat tlr tfjv!”

The subordinate’s head bobbed rapidly up and down, “I’ll go to Pingyang right away!”

“Also…..” Liu Xuan paused, then continued, “Send spies to Gaodu to find out if the battle really went as described in the report. If you find anything, report back to me. Discreetly.” 

There was no way he could refute the report. For one, Gaodu’s garrison had won, and they had the heads to prove it; and secondly, Sima Teng was a conceited glory hog who’d never pass up a chance to claim this credit. More importantly though, this incident had to be cleared up as soon as possible. Liu Yuan was still in Ye City. News of the revolt in Bing Province would surely raise Sima Ying’s guard once it reached his ears. In the worst case, Liu Yuan would never in his life return. But the fact that it was over already and that Gaodu’s garrison had easily vanquished the rebels would allay his suspicions. It was actually a good thing for the Xiongnu East Division.

Under such circumstances, it didn’t matter what the truth was. They had to acknowledge the report. But he had to get to the bottom of what had happened at Gaodu! Shangdang was the crossroad between Bing, Si, and Yi Province. The only way to send their armies against Luoyang and Ye City was through Shangdang! How would they conquer the Middle Kingdom if another Liang Xi stood in their way?!


Liu Xuan clenched his fist as that sickly, beautiful mien surfaced in his thoughts. Whatever the case, he had to think of a way to stop that Liang Zixi in his tracks!


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“Team leader, isn’t it troop inspection today? How come we’re not bringin’ our spears?” a man asked hushedly.

Zhu Er coughed, “Maybe it’s cause the master’s bein’ considerate. It’d be inconvenient for all those injured soldiers to haul their spears around. You all look sharp and look alive. Don’t make our team lose face!”

So he said, though it was his first time taking part in an army inspection since being promoted to team leader. He’d only just gotten a leadership position – he had to act like he knew what he was doing. Though come to think of it, Corporal Sun had said they were being rewarded as well. After a big battle like this, primary troops like them should all get three-year tax exemption right?

Somewhat jittery, Zhu Er straightened out his uniform and checked over the greenies’ comportment before heading out from the barracks. There were already quite a few people standing in the training field, though no one dared to chat with their neighbors under the team leaders’ watchful eyes, so they all stood silently in formation. The auxiliary forces had arrived too, lined up in the back. 

Zhu Er, his chest puffed out and his head held high, lead his team over to the front. Though they were injured and empty-handed, the primary forces’ spirit was much more formidable than the auxiliary’s. After his team settled in place, Zhu Er surreptitiously peered at the soldiers beside him, making sure they hadn’t messed up, before he released the breath he’d been unconsciously holding.

Before long, the army drum towering in the training field sounded out. Zhu Er instantly snapped to attention. After thirty or so beats, the drum fell silent. Now, they hardly dared to breathe, much less whisper. Amidst the weighty stillness, that handsome red-robed youth ascended the platform.

Up on the platform again, Liang Feng gazed down, his hands clasped behind his back. The ranks had become noticeably fuller since the last troop inspection. They were starting to become a true military. There was more than simple excitement on the faces of the soldiers standing in the front; there was fierce resoluteness and potent killing intent as well now. Though the army was wounded and weaponless, their imposing aura was not diminished in the least.

Liang Feng scanned the crowd, then raised his voice, “In this Battle of the Valley, the Bravesage Battalion achieved total victory; gentlemen, you are all worthy of commendation!” 

A mere few words sufficed to make Zhu Er’s heart squeeze. Having been rewarded once before, he thought he’d already gotten used to it. But their divinely otherworldly master’s praise of the Bravesage Battalion still made him quicken his breath and shiver head to toe from exhilaration.

Liang Feng’s eyes paused on the soldier standing at the fore of the formation and said solemnly, “The most outstanding merit belongs to none other than the battalion commander. Commander Yiyan who, possessed of both judgment and courage, fought on the battle lines and led the militia to triumph against enormous odds is deserving of second-class merit. Yiyan, come.”

Despite knowing what his lord had planned out, Yiyan’s ears still reddened at his beckon. He briskly strode up the stairs to the platform.

“This silver medal is proof of your valor,” Liang Feng lifted a silver military medal from the table and pinned it on Yiyan’s chest. “Let everyone in the Liang Estate remember your meritorious service.” 

Yiyan sucked in a deep breath as he watched that pair of white hands fasten the equally pale medal over his left breast, “I shall never forget your generous grace, my lord!”

His voice echoed throughout the field. Everyone standing below the platform knew him; he was the one who’d trained them into what they were today. When their commander was awarded special honors, every one of them was proud on his behalf!

But Liang Feng didn’t stop there. He turned to the crowd again and announced, “Aside from Yiyan, all those who were crippled in battle will receive second-class military merit and be exempt from tax for ten years! All those who died in battle are martyrs of this militia! If they are survived by family, they will be exempt from tax for fifteen years. If they have no descendants, an orphan may be adopted into their family to continue their lineage!”

The bestowing of accolades was expected, but the method of preserving their household that their lord spoke of brought tears of gratitude to their eyes. The battle had been grueling, but the master had never forgotten the dead or injured soldiers. Blessed with such benevolence, what had they to fear from death?! 

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“Thank you lord! The lord is kind!”

No one knew who yelled out first, but the rest of the soldiers followed and chanted it three times in succession, as loud as rumbling thunder.


Liang Feng calmly waited for the cheering to die down before continuing, “In this battle, the entirety of the primary forces will be exempt from tax for three years and receive third-class military merit for their courage in repelling the enemy.”

After making a gesture, several women came forth, one of them carrying a tray that the others retrieved copper badges from and fixed onto each soldier. Watching someone else receive a medal was entirely different from receiving one oneself. The primary forces instantly rustled with eager anticipation. Having never experienced anything like this before, many of them flushed red and gave in to the urge to get a glimpse of the medal pinned on their chests. 

Zhu Er wanted to too, of course, but he was standing too close to the front. He couldn’t lose his composure now, could he? He gritted his teeth and stood up straighter as the woman fastened a medal to his uniform.

In less than fifteen minutes, the medals were all distributed, and the women respectfully took their leave. But the soldiers lined before the platform were completely different; they brimmed with so much vigor one could hardly tell that they were injured at all!

Liang Feng said, “As the primary forces have been rewarded, so too will the auxiliary forces. You have made great contributions as well; thus, you will be promoted to the primary forces and given military fields.”

A buzz erupted amongst the less-trained auxiliary forces. People started hollering, “Thank you lord! The lord is kind!” 

Their shouting wasn’t quite synchronized, but their ardor was remarkable all the same. Zhu Er furrowed his brows; those louts didn’t have the slightest bit of discipline! It seemed they all needed more training!

Liang Feng didn’t stop them. He waited for them to quieten down before saying, “Once you enter the primary forces, you will train and fight alongside them. All your glory and all your fields, you will risk your life to earn. Those who flee from battle will be beheaded! Those who rape or harass women will be beheaded! Those who slaughter non-combatants will be beheaded! Those who steal and plunder will be beheaded! Your honor, like the medal on your chest, is your valor in battle, your proud accomplishment in defending your homeland! Do not bring disgrace to the banner above you!”

Those four “beheaded”s brooked no compromise. Yet no one shirked or cowered. On the contrary, their eyes brightened. They weren’t soldier caste; they weren’t lowly deplorables to be spat on or mocked. They had a banner flying over their heads, medals on their chests, and fields under their names. They were soldiers of the Liang Estate, they had their own honor and pride. That was more valuable than any kind of wealth or hedonism!

Yiyan shouted, “Glory to the lord! Victory to the battalion!” 

The soldiers below bellowed as one, “Glory to the lord! Victory to the battalion!”

Looking upon their fervent faces, Liang Feng clapped lightly, “Excellent. Let the feast begin!”

Then, around twenty servants jogged over, swiftly setting up tables and food. Barrels of wheat rice and delicious-smelling pots of meat were hauled over.

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After standing around for so long, quite a few people started salivating. What was it? How did it smell so good?! 

Liang Feng smiled, “These are the warhorses you killed. Horses are auspicious creatures, loyal and strong. This horsemeat will bolster your blood and strengthen your bodies. After this banquet, each soldier will receive ten kilograms of horsemeat and one string of coins, as reward for all your hard work this year!”

Though tax exemption was a real benefit, it was one that they collected over time. But the horsemeat and coins were different! Those were bonus gifts.

Seeing how excited the soldiers were, Liang Feng said no more and laughed, “Sit, and dig in then.”

Even after receiving permission, the soldiers, used to lining up for food, didn’t swarm the tables; they sat in succession according to rank and division. Zhu Er’s team sat at the fourth table. There was a full bowl of rice for each of them and a large pot in the middle of the table that they could scoop horsemeat from. 

There was only one ladle though, and the wait until it was one’s turn, no matter how brief it was, was maddening. Hardly anyone paid attention to the cups of wine before them, for their eyes were glued to the pot. When was finally Zhu Er’s turn, he rolled up his sleeve and filled the ladle to the brim. Red chunks of meat floated in the thick broth along with white turnips and black mushrooms. It was all stuff they didn’t get to eat normally! He quickly poured it into his bowl, picked up his wooden spoon, and started stuffing his face.

How could horsemeat taste so good?! He had to take his portion of horsemeat back to his wife and have her cook it up! Ah, better hurry up and finish so he could eat another bowl!


Sitting on the platform, Liang Feng looked into his winecup and couldn’t help but chuckle. It seemed it wasn’t necessary to use alcohol to liven the atmosphere. But of course, how could bland wine compare to great old chunks of braised horsemeat.

He turned and handed the wine cup to Yiyan, “Can you drink?” 

“Yes!” Yiyan received the cup with both hands and downed it all in one go.

Liang Feng laughed at how his ears flushed ruby red, “Good thing it’s mild. Eat some first. Once the banquet’s over we’ll talk about the potential officer candidates.”

Yiyan nodded forcefully but didn’t immediately pick up his chopsticks. Instead, he filled the wine cup, as Liang Feng had, and handed it to him, “My lord, I toast you.”

His blue-gray eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky. Seeing his sincerity and expectancy, Liang Feng took the cup. The mellow wine slid down his throat. It wasn’t as good as Wuliangye or Maotai of course, yet the feeling of drinking it was more wonderful than any kind of fine liquor. 

After finishing it off, he turned his cup, as he had in his last life, gesturing that the cup was empty. Yiyan’s face instantly reddened. He said softly, “Thank you, my lord.”

Then, seemingly embarrassed, he turned and dug into his bowl of horsemeat.

Liang Feng amusedly watched Yiyan stuff his face, then leaned back on the rest and glanced towards the merry celebration below. With so many hearts under his sway, what had he to fear?

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