Royal Road

Chapter 79

Ch79 - Seedlings

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“Jiaozhi, it’s been a while since you’ve come to the estate. The accounts are clear and accurate, and the budget has been managed well. I really must thank you for all your hard work,” Liang Feng, sitting at his desk, praised.

“It, it’s nothing. You’re very good to me, master, this work isn’t much at all!” Zhou Kan said excitedly. 

He really meant those words. In the six months he’d stayed at the Liang Estate, he’d gotten clothes for all four seasons, bonuses every holiday, and of course his monthly salary. After the End of Year Sacrifice, he’d been given ten thousand coins, five rolls of silk, and ten kilos of horse meat. He’d come here empty-handed, but look at how much he had now, only half a year later. He had enough to not only support himself but seek a wife as well. How could he not be grateful?

Seeing Zhou Kan’s thankful expression, Liang Feng smiled, “I’m relieved to hear you say that, Jiaozhi. But both the amount of farmland and the population will increase several times over next year. It won’t be too much for you, will it?”



Zhou Kan hesitated. He was already busy enough now, double-checking everything that went in and out of the storehouses every day, calculating the militia’s expenses, inventorying war spoils, and inspecting the farmland inside and outside of the Liang Estate to calculate their seed rate and crop yield, using that in combination with their census data to estimate the Liang Estate’s expenditure over the next few months. His tasks were many and varied, and they demanded much physical and mental effort from him. The mention that they would continue expanding made his heart pound with anxiety.

A short while later, he said ambiguously, “Maybe once Ziyue arrives, he can take on some of the work?” 

He was referring to that star student of Liu Hui’s that Liang Feng had sent an invitation to, of course. He had yet to arrive, however, since he lived in faraway Qing Province.


Liang Feng sighed softly, “The battle in Luoyang has made land travel difficult as of late. It’s hard to say when Mister Li will arrive. Moreover, he’ll be working on military-use sand tables; it’s unlikely he’ll have the time to handle the affairs of the estate.”

There were nearly a thousand kilometers separating Shanxi and Shandong. It wasn’t unusual, in this era, to spend several months traveling that distance – or more, if one encountered armed conflict. Liang Feng had the patience to wait for an official disciple of a renowned mathematician, but the estate’s matters couldn’t wait.

“Then…. then I’ll try seeing if I can convince anyone from my family to come?” Zhou Kan said tentatively. If those cousins of his were willing to move, they would’ve long ago come to Bing Province with him. It really was a tossup as to whether those career-obsessed fellows would consider taking up a post in the Liang Estate. After all, Bing Province was still unstable. And even if it wasn’t, his master held no official titles – what could he sway them with?

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Liang Feng only shook his head and chuckled, “If all you need are a few helpers, why overlook what’s near to seek what’s far? I have a proposal. The estate has many more people now than it did before. There are at least two hundred or so children around the age of ten; why not choose a few amongst them to teach mathematics to? It’ll only take around a year to train them into competent assistants.”

Zhou Kan’s eyes widened with shock, “But they, they’re all commoners! They must be too ignorant to teach! Mathematics is particularly difficult; an idiot could study it for decades and not learn a single thing.”

“But what if they were smart? You could choose a few simple problems for them to solve, Jiaozhi, to assess their potential.”


“But…..but….” Zhou Kan was deeply conflicted. So much time and effort – would anything really come of it? Plus, the master was clearly treating mathematics as some sort of trade skill. If he taught it to all and sundry, might he be replaced by a particularly excellent talent? It wasn’t uncommon for the disciple to starve the master. That was why people were so awfully scrupulous about taking on students. How could one simply go against the grain so? 

Seeing through Zhou Kan’s concerns, Liang Feng said, “Of course, if they were to learn from you, Jiaozhi, the Liang Estate would pay for their tuition. Once you begin holding classes, Jiaozhi, you’ll earn an extra stone of rice each month. If you produce a successful student, you’ll receive two rolls of silk in addition to your monthly salary. What do you say?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Bjc’r fsfr yglutafcfv, “Qfii, kfii… yea ktja lo ws rtjiibk xcbkifvuf jcv tewyif ifjgclcu kfgf ab vfijs sbeg qijcr, wjrafg?”

Pa kjr jqqjgfca ogbw tlr abcf atja tlr wbvfra vfwegglcu kjrc’a rlcmfgf. Oljcu Mfcu rwlifv, “Tbe cffv cba kbggs rb, Aljbhtl. Ktfs’gf wfjca ab yf sbeg jrrlrajcar. P mjc bcis ifa atf wbra mjqjyif mjggs atf tfjnlfra yegvfcr, jcv tbqf atja rbwf bo atfw wluta yf bo erf.”

Zhou Kan now realized that, though the raise was indeed a good thing, these people would become his responsibility. The importance of bookkeeping spoke for itself. If his helpers bungled and botched their jobs, he, as their instructor, couldn’t absolve himself of blame either. But with the reward dangling in front of his face, Zhou Kan still gritted his teeth and promised, “I will do my best to teach them, and live up to your expectations, master!” 

Math didn’t lie; talent was talent. If he chose his students carefully and taught them diligently, he’d surely manage to make them useful!

Liang Feng smiled and nodded at Zhou Kan’s determined look, “Very well then.”

The estate urgently needed people who had a basic understanding of math. At least it was just arithmetic; literacy and cultural education could come later. Generally speaking, those who were good at math were also good at logical thinking. With proper training, they could later serve as quartermasters or some other kind of petty officer in the military. These low-level personnel were low-ranking but essential, so it was better to train them in-house.

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Plus, it was another ladder of social mobility, aside from joining the military, for the people of the Liang Estate. Liang Feng had never doubted that there were plenty of smart people out there, or else how would there have been so many master artisans and outstanding businessmen in the eras before education became widespread? Given the opportunity to learn, those who were born gifted would naturally distinguish themselves. 

After Zhou Kan left, Liang Feng pondered for a minute, then summoned Zhaoyu. As usual, the multitasking nursemaid saluted, unassuming and quietly polite.

Liang Feng smiled slightly, “You did well last year. The performance of the newly-established tailory and bookworks was truly impressive.”


“You praise me overmuch, master. It was only my duty,” Zhaoyu replied pleasantly.

“Only your duty? I fear most men couldn’t have done nearly as well as you have. Your accomplishments are undeniable – no need to be so modest.” 

Zhaoyu accepted the praise, sensing that her master was sincere, and bowed slightly.

Satisfied, Liang Feng nodded and said, “I wonder if there are any other women in this estate as intelligent as you?”

Zhaoyu looked up in surprise. Liang Feng got straight to the point, “I’d only just thought of it today. The estate, at present, has a thousand tasks waiting to be done and a singular shortage of manpower. If there are any literate or mathematically proficient women, they are welcome to take up jobs in the workshops – jobs that are far more important than spinning thread or weaving cloth.”

Zhaoyu finally realized Liang Feng’s intent. Usually, managing the household was a woman’s task. The lady of the household could control the family’s finances, expenditures, properties, use of servants, and even businesses. That was why economics was an important part of an unmarried girl’s education. It was only because the lady of the Liang Estate had passed away young and the master hadn’t remarried that he was doing it all himself. 

After giving it a moment of thought, Zhaoyu answered, “The late mistress did bring with her a few maids like me when she married in, though they’ve all married out already. It’ll depend on their husbands’ families’ decisions. If you’re inclined, though, master, you can choose a few people from the sickrooms. As far as I know, some of the women who’d been kidnapped by bandits are very learned and likely born into upper-class families.”

“Oh?” Liang Feng straightened up at once, “There were such women on the estate?!”

How unexpected! But it made sense. Mountain bandits often robbed passing merchants and minor nobility. Their wealth and lack of military strength made them prime targets. Any women traveling with them would almost certainly be abducted away to the mountains. Those fragile girls who’d grown up pampered, managed to endure, gave up marriage after being rescued, and chose to live on their own were extraordinarily strong-willed.

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Liang Feng knew better than anyone how driven and resolute women could be, so his interest was instantly piqued, “If any of them are quick-witted and tight-lipped, let two enter the study to help me organize documents and carry out miscellaneous tasks.” 

Zhaoyu’s brow raised ever so slightly. She hesitated for a moment before assenting, “I’ll choose carefully.”

“But these women, might their families come looking for them and take them away from the estate?” Liang Feng continued.

His secretaries would be privy to sensitive information. It’d be a serious security breach if they were to leave after taking up their post. He’d rescued them, but he hadn’t made them sign an indenture; it was an issue he had to consider.

“That won’t happen.” Zhaoyu said quietly, “These women refuse to even reveal their lineage. They absolutely won’t return home.” 

Liang Feng immediately understood what she meant. The more learned and cultivated they were, the less inclined they were to dredge up that kind of past. They definitely didn’t have the face to sully their family’s reputation. Though they had managed to survive, the weight they carried was nearly as grave as death itself.

Liang Feng sighed and said, “That’s good then. Go ask around. If any of them are willing to work in the study, I’ll give them a monthly salary, of course.”

He was expressing as much respect as he could, treating them not as maidservants, but as employees. Presumably, the ability to make a living for themselves would be of great reassurance to these women.

Zhaoyu discerned his meaning, and nodded solemnly once again. But afterward, instead of taking her leave, she asked lightly, “Master, Lüzhu’s hair-pinning ceremony is next year; may I ask what you have in mind, master?” 

“Hm?” Liang Feng was somewhat befuddled. True, it was an important milestone but, with Lüzhu’s status being what it was, did maidservants have to undergo the actual ceremony too?

Realizing that her usually astute master hadn’t caught on yet, Zhaoyu pursed her lips, “After the hair-pinning ceremony, one becomes an adult. May I ask, master, whether you intend to keep her for yourself or allow her to marry out?”


Liang Feng, “…….”

He’d forgotten! Holy hell – a fifteen-year-old girl was only a school student in modern times, but in this detestable backwards era, they were of marriageable age already. Liang Feng could say in all honesty that he wasn’t a lolicon and wasn’t interested in pubescent girls. Not to mention that she’d been by his side for some time now – sure she was a bit of a mother hen, but she was diligent and her personality was endearing, he wasn’t so shameless as to lay hands on her! 

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Not only that, he could hardly let some other man sully a young girl like her! She wasn’t even fully grown yet – what if it caused her childbirth complications?

Liang Feng coughed and said, “Lüzhu is still rather naive; it’s better to let her stay for another two years before marrying out. Now’s still a bit too early.”

Upon hearing his response, Zhaoyu subtly breathed in relief. The master didn’t care about physical appearance, not even one as pretty as Lüzhu’s. It seemed like he really was recruiting women purely for their competence. That was for the best, of course. Or else, with her master’s beauty, the constant accompaniment might cause issues later on.

Alas, Lüzhu seemed to like the master very much. She’d have to take the time to counsel her. 

Her hidden worry dispelled, Zhaoyu nodded again, “You’re very kind, master. With that, I can rest assured.”

Liang Feng couldn’t help rubbing the bridge of his nose after Zhaoyu left. He finally understood Old Cao’s lifestyle predicament. People who liked the mature type wouldn’t have any luck with girls of marriageable age. And women in their twenties were typically already wives and mothers. Those who were especially bewitching might even be grandmothers already. No wonder Old Cao was so “your wives and children, I’ll raise them.”

He didn’t have a lot of integrity in these affairs, but he certainly wouldn’t pursue anyone who was underage or taken. To the women on the estate, his heart was as still as water. Did he really have no choice but to go after widows in the future?

Then, Liang Feng awkwardly thought of something else. But it really wasn’t something he could tell anyone about. Best to wait until Jiang Da was back so he could ask him about it. 

After his gaze drifted towards the window, Liang Feng suddenly exclaimed in surprise and went over to the door. Gray clouds had appeared on the horizon. It wasn’t long before specks of snow floated down. Then came great flurries of snowflakes, as large as goosefeathers.

It was actually snowing! A lot, by the looks of it! Now, the winter wheat harvest was guaranteed.

The excitement lasted only a second before Liang Feng frowned. It was snowing now. But what was the situation in Luoyang….

The author has something to say: 

Haha, lighting a candle for young Liang. You’re really overthinking it =w=

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