Royal Road

Chapter 96

Ch96 - Needlepoint

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There was something off about that praise. Sima Teng frowned, and suddenly remembered the report of victory from Gaodu. Colonel Wu seemed to have mentioned the Liang Estate – was it that Jie slaves like these had aided in the battle? The Xiongnu rebels were five hundred strong, how many private soldiers could the Liang Estate have?

His words were full of ulterior motive, but Liang Feng merely said blandly, “The Liang Estate has fewer than a hundred guards. A clash with mutinous forces cut those numbers in half. How could it compare to the great armies under your command, Commandant Liu.” 

Liang Feng’s simple candidness put some of Sima Teng’s worries at ease. It was obvious that that clash with mutinous forces was referring to the Xiongnu’s attack on Gaodu. It was commendable enough that the Liang Estate would send troops to aid Gaodu against that band of savage, ravenous scum. And besides, judging by Liang Feng’s attire, the Liang Estate was not wealthy at all. How could he afford to raise an army of hundreds?

That old coot Liu Xuan was despicable! No wonder he’d singled Liang Zixi out today; he was probably bearing a grudge for the rebels’ annihilation. He hadn’t even taken the Xiongnu to task for their trespass – did that geezer hold any esteem at all for him, the provincial governor of Bing Province?!



Sima Teng’s expression soured, “Are a couple of Jie slaves so deserving of your attention, Commandant?”

Liang Zixi’s reaction was so swift, Liu Xuan thought. A hundred or so troops truly wasn’t enough to put Sima Teng on guard against him. Who didn’t have a few hundred private soldiers nowadays? The late Emperor Wu had conferred to many princes, great principalities with households numbering twenty thousand, and the right to assemble an army of five thousand, and lesser principalities with households numbering ten thousand, and permission to conscript an army of three thousand. Even inferior principalities with only five thousand households could retain a thousand soldiers. Those creditable nobles who’d supported the Sima clan were allowed to have a few hundred soldiers. A militia of a mere hundred truly was beneath Sima Teng’s regard. 

Laughing, he said, “Oh, it’s not like that, Duke. Zixi and I are good friends. Why, I’ve collected quite an amount of the Liang Estate’s Scripture Paper and white porcelain. Considering all the refugees the Liang Estate has been accommodating, all their kind-hearted charity, the number of peasants they’ve saved in this winter alone is uncountable. Such altruism is truly admirable, and suiting of a bodhisattva.”


What? Sima Teng looked at Liu Xuan’s smile, then looked back at Liang Feng. He was on such good terms with the geezer? And what was all that about refugees?

With Sima Teng’s hostile gaze upon him, Liang Feng nodded slightly, “Commandant Liu has indeed purchased Scripture Paper, and gifted fine steeds to me before. But the matter of refugees, that is the work of Gaodu County’s magistrate, Guo Dongye. The rebel band devastated all the towns in villages along their path, depriving many commoners of their livelihoods. It is only due to the magistrate’s benevolence that Gaodu County is stable as it is now. He’s truly a capable official.”

Liang Feng had brought up the rebels again, but Sima Teng wasn’t incensed at Liu Xuan this time. He nodded perfunctorily, “I hadn’t known Gaodu had such a competent official.”

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It was praise, to be sure, but Liang Feng and Liu Xuan both could notice the coldness in his voice. Liu Xuan smiled, “How fortunate you are, Duke, that Bing Province produces geniuses so often. The competition today has greatly opened my eyes; I’ll not disturb your banquet further.”

Saying so, he saluted to the guests and left the tent with his subordinates.

It wasn’t until after they were a distance away from the brocade tents that a subordinate asked, “Prime minister, are you really going to let it go at that?”


That casual conversation couldn’t have damaged Liang Feng in any way, right? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Liu Xuan smiled wryly, “Sima Teng is petty-minded and paranoid. Now, it is certain that he will not use Liang Zixi. No matter how much that Liang family’s brat tries to inflate his status, he won’t be able to enter the general staff.”

Lf’v oluegfv Oljcu Mfcu bea jigfjvs. Lf kjr lcafiilufca, qfgmfqalnf, rtgfkv jcv geatifrr fcbeut ab tjcvif jcsatlcu atja mjwf tlr kjs. Pa kjrc’a qbrrlyif ab aegc Vlwj Kfcu jujlcra tlw mbwqifafis, yea la kjrc’a tjgv ab qea rffvr bo vbeya lc tlr wlcv. Vlwj Kfcu bcis tjv ab lcnfralujaf pera ktb la kjr ktb’v qgbwbafv Vmglqaegf Ujqfg olgra, jcv tf rtbeiv rerqfma atja tf jcv Oljcu Mfcu kfgf mibrf jiilfr.

Sima Teng couldn’t do anything about the nobles of Taiyuan having exchanges with the five divisions, but he certainly wouldn’t tolerate any barbarian sympathizers in his general staff. It meant, at least, that his efforts today hadn’t been for nothing. Even if he truly entered the general staff, Sima Teng wouldn’t make him anyone of importance.

That was the real kicker. Liang Feng had only himself to blame, using that fierce Jie person, being known as a bodhisattva. After all, wasn’t Buddhism the faith of the barbarous? 

Smirking coldly, he got on his horse, “No need to keep watch anymore. Let’s return.”

Liu Xuan had left, but the banquet was yet to end. On the contrary, Sima Teng summoned dancers and began making merry again. Yiyan received his reward, and was led out from the tent. It was as if that archery competition had never even happened.

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Liang Feng returned to his seat too, but for some reason, there were two extra maidservants by his side, assiduously seeing to his every need and comfort. But, however pretty they were, they were still flat-chested, flat-assed little girls. Liang Feng politely and impassively savored his fragrant tea.

“Hm? Zixi, are those two maidservants too stupid to use?” Sima Teng asked, feigning concern. 

Was he trying to pull the same trick as Shi Chong? Liang Feng set down his teacup, “I thank your consideration, Duke. Having tea is enough to satisfy me.”

“You really do prove yourself to be a scholar of Buddhism,” Sima Teng smiled. Saying nothing more, he continued to watch the dance.


There was more than just one guest paying attention to their exchange. Many of them privately shook their heads. Liang Feng was amazingly elegant, to be sure, talented and generous, but he just so happened to have a fondness for Buddhism. After Liu Xuan’s provocation, the Duke of Donging, who had always hated the barbarians, would almost certainly hold some animosity towards him.

After the performance, “die-cast” was next. It was a game of dice, also known as “five-wood”, and something like a gambling game. Aside from Sima Teng, even Wen Jiao, who’d seemed so smart and sensible, played enthusiastically. Liang Feng didn’t know the rules, and didn’t enjoy these kinds of pastimes, so he sat on the sidelines and watched. Suddenly, Wang Wen approached him and whispered, “Zixi, the willow-shooting contest seems to have displeased the duke.” 

Wang Wen was rather exasperated. He’d invited Liang Feng to Jinyang to resolve the misunderstanding between him and Sima Teng. It clearly would have succeeded, if not for Liu Xuan butting in and aggravating Sima Teng.

There wasn’t much he could do about the situation. The Wang family had friendly relations with the five divisions as well. Years ago, when Emperor Wu meant to put Liu Yuan to death, his own father, Wang Hun, had pleaded on his behalf. But Sima Teng had never liked the Xiongnu, and despised motley barbarians like the Jie and Qiang even more. And Liu Xuan had specifically drawn attention to Liang Zixi’s Jie subordinates and his like of Buddhism. Sima Teng, harboring such resentment, almost certainly wouldn’t employ him.

Liang Feng smiled, “Controller, you worry overmuch. I am unwell to begin with, unfit to shoulder the Duke’s favor. Isn’t this for the best?”

Of course Liang Feng had seen through Liu Xuan’s intentions, but he had no interest in serving a fool like Sima Teng. He even had to thank Liu Xuan for bringing up the militia and refugees. Now that he was completely exempt from Sima Teng’s solicitation, there would be fewer people making trouble for him in that respect. 

Not expecting him to be so lightsome, Wang Wen couldn’t help but breathe in relief, “Never mind then; focus on getting well, and find opportunity in the future.”

Since Liang Feng was fine, Wang Wen returned to his seat. Now, Liang Feng had completely lost interest in all the fun and games. Last year, the amount of skins and leathers sold on the market was sixty percent less than it had been in previous years. Those were military supplies – could the five divisions be planning something? Liu Xuan’s sudden visit had put him on alert, but these idle nobles, experts in all leisurely pursuits, seemed to think nothing of it.

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Luoyang had just suffered a major battle it hadn’t yet recovered from; the five Xiongnu divisions were at slavering at their flanks. How was it that they, who truly controlled Bing Province, could so thoroughly lose themselves in amusement?

Dance, drinking, and song, the illusion of joy and prosperity, Liang Feng didn’t feel like staying any longer. He could be doing something useful, instead of wasting time here. 

He stood and walked over to the head seat. The sun was setting already, and the nobles were playing the hook-hiding game.

Seeming surprised to be approached by Liang Feng, Sima Teng smiled, “Zixi, a game of hiding-hook?”

In answer, Liang Feng saluted and said, “I am in poor health, unable to partake in recreation, begging your pardon.”

Hearing that he had come to bid farewell, Sima Teng’s smile dimmed, “Shangsi should be celebrated through night till dawn. It would be improper to leave so early. How about this, if you can guess where the hook is, you may depart.” 

The rules of “hiding-hook” were similar to those of “throw the handkerchief.” A row of people stood before the guesser, passing a hook behind their backs. When they were done, the guesser had to guess where the hook was. Because it was often played late in the evening, and the hook-hiders knew all sorts of trickery, it was rather entertaining.

His proposal seemed like a joke, and like a quarrel. Liang Feng glanced at the row of people sitting by the table, “Is it in Guo-lang’s hands?”

“Hm?” The young Guo-lang exclaimed, not expecting that he’d guess correctly on the first try.

But Liang Feng, paying no mind to him, saluted to Sima Teng, “I appreciate your understanding, Duke.” 

Sima Teng’s expression was rather complicated. Who could’ve thought that Liang Zixi would hit the nail on the head? Looking at his ashen complexion and frail yet graceful figure, though, there wasn’t anything he could say but,  “You should indeed get a good rest after tiring yourself out today, Zixi. Servants, escort Liang-lang back to the Wang Residence.”

Permission obtained, Liang Feng saluted to Sima Teng again, and ambled away behind the servant.


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Gao Zhubo said lowly, “General, you don’t plan to appoint him to the general staff?”

A moment later, Sima Teng shook his head, “I think not.” 

Even though he knew Liu Xuan hadn’t been entirely honest, he was still aggrieved. Just why did Liang Feng’s ancestor, a strongman who could browbeat the Xiongnu into submission, have such a barbarian-loving descendant? Pity about his looks and erudition. Ah well, he’d refused his appointment anyway, so why bother thinking on it any longer.

Tossing him to the back of his mind, Sima Teng said excitedly, “Again, again, this time I’ll definitely guess who has the hook….”

Past the brocade path, the dense perfume and cheery music dampened immediately. The sound of running water, the scent of mud and dirt, he finally felt like he was in the outdoors.

“My lord!” Yiyan quickly came to greet him. 

“What did the duke award you?” Liang Feng relaxed unconsciously upon seeing Yiyan.

“A heavy bow and two steeds,” Yiyan answered.

Liang Feng couldn’t help laughing. He hadn’t even rewarded money, just a bow and horses. It appeared that the rumors of Sima Teng’s stinginess were not false.

“Alright, that’s all for today. Let’s return to the Wang Residence.” 

Liang Feng took one step, heading for the carriage Sima Teng had prepared, when Yiyan suddenly bent down, half kneeling by his feet, “My lord, there’s some dust here.”

Liang Feng’s clothes were white, no matter how thickly carpeted the venue was, getting dirtied was inevitable. Liang Feng was taken aback by Yiyan’s sudden gesture, was about to say something, but closed his mouth. With his acuity, how could he not notice Yiyan’s downcast mood? Perhaps he wanted to do something to show his gratitude.

The two people, one stood, one kneeled there by the Waters of Jin, heedless of other’s gazes and of the waiting carriage. A moment later, Yiyan stood, “Let’s return, my lord.”

“Very well,” Liang Feng smiled, and made for the carriage again, with Yiyan following closely at his heels. 

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