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"Here is a list of the things that need to be done to run the patent office successfully, I hope you can stick to this and run it successfully, the main point we need to stick to is reputability. If they can't trust us not to leak their ideas the business will fail from day one."

Fletcher sat there in deep thought as James headed for the door, today had been exhausting for him, and he merely wanted to read for a while and then sleep.

"I should have the business ready to go in a week; I already have a perfect building in mind for this on the main street, it's one of the nicest building on the street. I bought it quite cheap recently on a whim but had no idea I would have a chance to use it already; I've mainly used it for storage of some assets until now."

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"That sounds great Mr Fletcher. Unfortunately, I have some things I need to take care of right now so I will need to go. Would you be alright to meet with me in 5 days to talk about how well the preparations are going?" After the food had severely disappointed James, he no longer had any interest in staying in the restaurant.

"Alright, come to see me at my house it is located just over here" Fletcher pulled out a map and pointed a location to James that was added to his system map along with any other info on it that was scanned immediately at James' behest to improve his map.

With his newfound wealth, James decided to go and check the restricted section of the library that he had to pay to enter it cost 20 Leones for 4 hours of time in the section, so James was able to save 2 Leones with his discount from Joshua. Upon entering the restricted section, James saw a single shelf holding four leatherbound books.

'Basic magic circuitry theory.'

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'Basic magic theory.'

'Self-application magic.'

'External application magic.'

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James felt his heart rate quicken when looking at the book and felt unbelievably excited; magic was something every person on Earth had dreamed of possessing yet no one ever had, now James had his chance to experience it and become a magus to control the elements.

James decided to pick the book on the left first and work his way across the shelf; this meant starting with magic circuitry. James flipped to the first page and was given a basic explanation on how most magic circuits work.

'All magic circuits need a crystal energy source placed in them to govern the system, depending on the attribute of the crystal what you can do with them will change. The nine know crystal types are as follows: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Space, Energy, Creation, Destruction, and Aether(Void). The first four are found in roughly equal amounts, but the rest are rarer with Aether being the hardest to find.

All these crystals are what make magic circuitry possible, depending on how you extract the energy from them and how you run it through your circuit the effect can be entirely changed with limitless variations it is challenging to know the limits of what you can do with magic circuitry. Some of the primary uses of the crystals is extracting their elements through a circuit, and as long as there is a gap in the circuit, the element will collect between the spirit tracks.

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The easiest way to have a practical example of spirit circuits often used in schools is to get some spirit wire and coil it around a crystal with the centre of the wire on the bottom of the crystal wrapping up the length of the crystal. The denser your wrapping is, the stronger your output will be from the crystal.

The wire can't touch itself, so it is challenging to get a lot of coils around the wire but materials have been found that can wrap the wire to allow you to have denser wrappings although space is still taken up by the outer wrapping of the wire.

A gap must be left between the two ends of the wire, and as they are brought together you will see the element of the crystal begin to collect between the ends, this shows the element is extracted from the crystal through the wire.'

Unfortunately, while these materials are easy to use when collected, the extraction of spirit metal from the ore is complicated and requires extremely high temperatures to succeed. After reading through this description, James' head blew up with different applications of the circuits he couldn't wait to test.

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