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[Days Remaining: 85]

James awoke to the alarm he had set using the system for 1 hour before the Nobles would show up for the meeting. He left his room to see the maids he had hired the day before setting out the tables on the side of the courtyard and laying the tablecloth over it. The night before, James had fixed all the cushions he had bought to each chair so the nobles wouldn't be uncomfortable when they sat on them for the show later, they were sat across the side of the table so the Nobles would be facing the courtyard when they sat down.

After making sure everything was ready and going over it all several times James was happy and got himself prepared with a clean set of clothes, he cleaned his teeth with a rough linen cloth. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the materials to make his own toothpaste yet although he had taken to chewing on a mint leaf after wiping his teeth for a sort of placebo effect of his mint toothpaste, at least he felt like his mouth was cleaner, it also made his breath smell a massive amount better than the average person.

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After a few minutes of pacing about James headed to his front gate. True to his instincts his guests were perfectly on time, almost to the second, which left James wondering how they kept track of time in this world. He sensibly he decided to place a note to look into it in the system and focus on the task ahead of him. The nobles all showed up together and the closer they got to his house the stronger he could feel the difference in the bearing of a noble and a commoner, they walked with straight backs as if they had something shoved up somewhere unmentionable, they also gave off an aura of unapproachability.

"Please allow me to welcome you all to my humble home. If you would please follow me through to the courtyard that's where we will conduct the meeting." James showed no sign of weakness in front of these men to let them know he was not someone they could bully into gaining better benefits.

After each man had taken a seat James noticed that the man from the inner district of the city had taken the place meant for himself, it seemed you couldn't get rid of the inborn pompous attitude of the inner district citizens, no matter how hard you tried. After everyone had been seated the maids came forward to give each man a cup of the most expensive wine James could find in the outer district which had been sourced by Mr Franklin.

"The reason I have asked for this meeting today is to show you all the new weapon I have invented. I call it the spear. Now you must have been wondering why I asked each of you to bring a guard, the reason I did that was to give you a live demonstration of the spears prowess at close combat. You know your men's abilities best and can trust them not to fake anything. I also ask you also that if your men can beat mine that they stay their hand and do not kill them, this is merely a demonstration not a fight to the death." James was afraid the men may be eager to prove themselves to their respective lords and may go too far.

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"If each of you could send out your man one by one I will meet each of your men with a man who has been training the basic techniques of wielding a spear for no more than five days. I ask you to consider that when you make your opinions on my weapon. While the demonstration goes on I thought we could partake in a meal together so allow me to serve you all" After saying that James waved his hands and several maids walked out steadily holding a platter in each hand to fill the table with dishes of all different kinds, some that James had even put together himself.

"Hmm, I don't recognise some of these dishes, but they look delicious, allow me to partake first" An easygoing man took the first initiative and served himself a bit of each type of food, he wanted to try everything that was being offered.

"Alright now that we're all prepared we will start from the left and work our way across one by one, can the first man step forward please" James could feel a cold sweat forming on his forehead, he was afraid that his men would be beaten instantly and he would be made a fool of.

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To calm his nerves he decided it would be best to take a seat and have something to eat and drink, so he joined the nobles at the table, the only one who showed any problems about eating with a commoner was the noble from the inner district but he quietly humphed and turned back to watch the demonstration.

Thankfully for James Fletcher had let him borrow some of his best and given a chance to learn a new weapon they leapt at it wholeheartedly, they had been practising day and night until their hands bled and had become quite proficient with the weapons.

With fast footwork the man fighting really brought out the essence of the spear by keeping his distance from the enemy and releasing lightning quick jabs like a snake uncoiling to attack its victim then quickly retreating.

Every now and then he would release a devastating swing when his enemy had let him get enough distance from them. The man's sword was even sliced clean through from a mighty swing with the spear, thankfully this man was only using a low-quality iron sword and not a steel one otherwise this would have been impossible to accomplish.

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When the man's sword had been cut through every noble took a sharp inhale seeing the prowess of the metal used for the spearhead, once they all focused in on the spearhead they could see that it was barely damaged and was concerning functionality perfectly fine.

"The prowess of this weapon is truly amazing, but on top of that the metal used is even more outstanding, where did you find such a thing if you don't mind my asking?" The laidback noble who was the first to eat asked with an interested expression.

"This metal is one that I created myself. I have recently patented the process to manufacture it thankfully and will soon be implementing it into a range of weapons and tools. If you are interested in purchasing any of these weapons they will be sold at the Dominators Weapons Shop I have opened, we are also able to take requests of things you would like made from the material, provided you supply us with a design."

"This patenting, how did you hear of it, while you have been helped by Merchant Franklin I don't see you having been important enough to warrant his attention in the matter?" The inner district noble asked with a look of disdain on his face expecting James to be tripped up by this question, he apparently thought he was just trying to ride merchant Franklins coattails.

"I am the owner of the Patent Office so naturally, I knew about it, did Mr Franklin not tell you this?" James had asked Mr Franklin to specifically not mention this fact when he asked the nobles to meet with him. He thought the nobles might only accept in hopes of getting closer to him to try and steal information about other peoples patents or ask for preferential treatment which James wasn't ready to give.

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