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Now that everything was over James had no choice but to carry on with his list he had made, he really didn't have time to rest until he had his immediate issues out of the way. Thinking that James headed around the city and bought himself five tailors who put out good quality work consistently. Tailors were a bit more expensive than blacksmiths and carpenters but only by 20 Leones.

After that he told them to begin the move to his Artisan Quarter, thankfully everything could just be moved by cart not having any massive installations. This also freed up five buildings for James to put up for rent after they had been furnished, this was to fill up the listings in his real estate agent a bit. He then went and purchased 4 fabric workers and moved them as well, this left one building in the artisan quarter that he had decided to leave empty for now.

Next, he went through and commisioned the shelves for his store from one of the better carpenters that were left after his buying spree.

Now that everything that was in urgent need of doing was taken care of James decided he would do something he had been planning on doing for a while. He went and got himself the remaining crossbow from the three that had been made and also grabbed the recurve bow that the carpenters had finished recently, he made sure to brand both with DW on the side. After that, he picked up a full quiver of bolts and a quiver of arrows, they had all been custom made. He then wandered back to the wall between the inner and outer districts.

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"I have a present for anyone in the nobility that is known for their use of ranged weaponry, If you could present these to them along with these note, it would be much appreciated" After saying this he passed everything over to the guard and slipped him a pouch with 50 Leones in it.

"I'll be sure it gets to the right person; it's so nice to see a young man admiring the nobility." The guard on duty was the same that had taken James' delivery for the inner district noble, so he was under the impression he was someone significant and didn't dare to cheat him. Even without the bribe from James, he would have passed on the goods.

With another part of his plan taken care of James decided he would finally take a look at the trinkets he had bought from the pawn shop a while ago.

'They seem to make sound through the crystal in it shrinking or growing, this was a technique used on earth to make a piezoelectric speaker function. Depending on the voltage put in the frequency would change from the amount of air being displaced by the moving crystal. It looks like depending on which hammer I pull back the amount of energy transferred will change leading to a change in the sound produced. It really is an interesting concept, It is similar to a Kalimba but just a lot more convoluted I guess.'

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'I suppose this was a side effect of someone researching crystals for magic circuits. I'll just dismantle these and keep the large Quartz crystal in the middle, it might have a use someday you never know. Well, that was severely disappointing, oh well, I guess I didn't expect much in the first place after all.'

After he had finished messing about with the trinkets, James decided to head back and check how well his new tailors and fabric workers were doing. All of them had managed to get themselves situated and back in business, now they were closer together it would make things a lot easier for James to manage. He did the same as he had done with the blacksmiths and carpenters and assigned one chief tailor to be in charge of the rest, he also did it with the fabric workers.

After James was finished checking on them, he headed home again and this time he saw what he had been waiting for, the inner city noble pacing back and forth in front of his house. The noble looked up while pacing and saw James and immediately bellowed "Where is he!"

"He's fine for now, but I want you to know that I have someone ready to disfigure him and throw him out on the street so you can never find him again" James decided to go with a threat worse than death for this noble that would have taken his life if given a chance.

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Hearing this the noble felt a cold sweat form down his spine. This youth was too intense, no 12-year-old kid should be this savage.

"What do you want then, just name your terms."

"I need magic crystals, I don't care how you get them but as many types as you can get fully charged. I also want used crystals from every type. For every type of crystal missing your dear brother will lose an appendage."

"You think those crystals are so easy to come by! You're insane. I don't have a qualifying person in my family or a magus, so I'm unable to buy them."

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"Then don't buy them, either steal them yourself or do what you did before and hire someone to do it for you, I'm sure you know which families do have crystals." James wasn't willing to take a weak standpoint on this, the more time he had, the more chances he would have at getting the crystals.

"I wouldn't have done a single thing, but you wanted to rob an extra two hundred spears from me, those spears are all I have so now I will do what you tried to and take everything you have!" He was apparently extremely pissed over someone trying to kill him to get 200 spears, that wasn't nearly worth his life in his eyes.

"You have 3 days for me to see a crystal of any kind, if I don't see one, then your brother will be starved for the next 3 days then have one of his fingers cut off and fed to him, and I beg you to let me show you how serious I am!" Hearing his voice come out of himself James didn't even recognise it, was he always this domineering and twisted?

"If you dare to touch him watch how I ruin you, I don't believe there isn't anything you hold dear in this world!" It appeared the noble was also experienced in throwing threats around, although he was still playing from the losing side, so it held little effect.

"You only have 3 days, do you really want to spend them here arguing with me?" After hearing that the noble realised that this young man really would do what he said and that he needed to do whatever he could to find a crystal used or not it would help prolong his brother's life at least.

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