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Gin: Um hi my name is Gin.

Ozpin: Gin hmm you... you have an silver eye on the left and a golden eye in the right, truly intresting.

Gin:{Silver eye? Oh yeah the system did show that i have that now.}

Ironwood: Its great that you are okey Gin but we do have question we have to ask you.

Gin: Oh....well okey ask away.

Ozpin: The first question would be are you alright? Are you feeling any disconfurt?

Gin:No sir true to be told i feel better then ever.

Ozpin: Very well here is another question, Gin its about you turning to a Faunus how long have you been able to do that.

Gin looked shocked at Ozpin and then turned to his grandpa.

Roger: Its okey Gin they know, you can tell them.

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Gin:Well i dont really think its a big deal but i have been doing that all my life as what i remember atleast.

Ozpin: Hmm.... and when you do turn does it change on what you look like or how you behave?

Gin:Not much only that i get an tail and furry ears.

Roger: If it emotional state he can have a bad temper if he think its annoying.


Ozpin: {"pfft"}i see... can you show me?

Gin:You mean me turn into a Faunus? Sure!

While Gin turned into a Faunus his hair and eyes started to glow and everyone in the room Ozpin, Ironwood and even Roger was surprised.

Gin: Hmm?? it feels different this time... like its natrual.

Ozpin: Roger you look surprised? Is there any different from before?

Roger: Y-yeah for starter he never glowed when he turned and for the second and im sorry im slow on this but his eyes is both silver and gold!!! How did that happend?

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Ozpin: Ah on that front i can explain.

Ozpin explained to everyone in the room on what he did too Gin and of course was hiding the domain of the gods power and what it did for Gin.

Roger: Wait? what would happen to Gin if it didn't work?

Ozpin:.....He would have turned into an mutated Grimm.


Ozpin: Do you remember Doctor Merlot?

Ironwood: Of course i remember he was the foundation of Merlot Industries, a research and development coporation based out of the ill-fated settlement at Mount Gleen.

I thought he died becase of his unhealthy obsession towards Grimm and his experiment led them to attack him.

Gin:{Hmm wait i remember this! Isn't it from the game "Grimm Eclipse"?!}

Ozpin: Indeed it was he that created this serum but it contained some part of Grimm and some part of...

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Roger: Let me guess humans?!

Ozpin: "Sigh" Yes and he used it on people, not becase to cure them but to turn them into a being closed to an Grimm but i was to late to relise it.

So with the last serum i did something to it and gave it more.... unkown quality in it but thanks to that it saved Gin from his fate.

Roger:....I see but let me tell you this Ozpin if it didn't work i would blame you for this!!

Ozpin: And you have the right to do just that Roger.

Ironwood: So wait! The Grimm that we once saw a few years ago.

Ozpin: Yes!! Doctor Merlot belive that the Grimm are an "Surperior species" due to their "unbridle raw aggression and lack of sentience" but however, when he began running out of specimens to experiment on, he started attracting Grimm to the city in order to acquire more, with desastrous resultat.

After the fall of Mountain Glenn, Doctor Merlot was never seen again and is presumed dead.

But i think in the Mountain Glenn where the new forms of mutant Grimm started to appeared.

Ironwood: I see! Thank you for informing us Ozpin.

Roger:I still dont know how i should feel putting some serum into my grandson without knowing what it did to him.... but i am thankfull that you have done to save him.... Thank you!

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Ozpin: Its all well and good.. oh and Gin.

Gin: Hmm yes Mister Ozpin?

Ozpin: Do heed your grandfathers word and always be on your guard especially now that you have silver eye.

Gin:Mm i do that, thank you again Mister Ozpin sir.

Ozpin: Do have a safe trip home, (phone thing on the table) Oobleck please get them back to the aircraft.

Oobleck:Roger that sir.

Before anyone could say anything more Oobleck showed up out of nowhere an took them away.

Ozpin:....I fell like you Gin is the person who can save her....

Ozpin looked at his staff and said one word

Ozpin: Salem....

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