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Ozpin: We'll meet again at the academy, for now you two go back and get some rest and meet again tomorrow, there will be an airship that will get you students.

Gin/Ruby: Yes!!

After they left the room, Glynda looks at Ozpin and asked him about Gin.

Glynda: Now care to tell me, who is that boy?

Ozpin: Well.....

[In the ally]

Ruby: Oh i can't wait untill we get there!

Gin: Yeah me too! Oh yeah are Yang with you?

Ruby: No i..... snuck out and went here on my own, But! Yang should be here as well.

Gin:... I see but aren't your father going to be worried sick when he know?

Ruby: I-i know but i really wanted to go.

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Gin: Well its time for me to get some rest then, it has been an intresting day.

Ruby: Yeah it sure has... well seya tomorrow Gin!

Gin: Godnight Ruby! And i hope it goes well when your father.

Ruby: Hehehe....

[The Next Day]

Gin: Now this is awesome!!

There were alot of people that were going in the airship and just when Gin himself was going to get in someone bumped into him.

???Girl: Oh im sorry!!

Gin: Oh no it was my fault.

???Guy: Hey what are you doing to my sis huuh!!!

Gin: Wow there man!! easy.

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???Guy: If you do anything to her i swe.....

???Girl: Idiot!!!! I just accidentally bumped at him, What are you manners.

???Guy: But Sis!!

???Girl: Say you sorry!!

Gin: He doesn't have to, i mean we didn't mean to bump into each other right and i bet he is just worried about you.

???Guy:....ha... Hahaha i see you are an okey guy huh! My name is Lea Accemin and this is my little sister Aris Accemin.

Aris: We are Twins you idiot! and i was born before you, that means im the big sister.

Gin: Hahaha you both are pretty funny, my name is Gin Rolios nice to meet you two!

Aris/Lea: Like wise..... Hey! (Taliking at the same time)

Gin: Hahaha.

Pilot: To all students we are soon liftning, Please get to the airship as fast as possible before take off.

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Lea: Ah sis we have to get inside! It was nice meeting you Gin i will seya at the academy!

Gin: Me too friend!!

Aris: Ah wait for me Lea!!

What Gin diden't know, before they went their sperate ways is that they will meet alot becase they will become his future teammates!!

[A 1 Hour Later]

Gin: Man this airship is big!

Gin's attention is drawn to the 2-D animated newscast on Vale News Network playing nearby, talking about the robbery and showing Roman's mug shot.

Cyril: The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa.

The mugshot changes to Lisa Lavender, with a photo of animal-eared demonstrators holding signs saying "WE ARE NOT ANIMALS!" followed by an image of the logo of a growling red wolf's head with three scratch marks.

Lisa: Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted...

The news feed is cut off as a hologram of Glynda replaces it.

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Glynda: Hello, and welcome to Beacon!

???:Who's that?

Glynda: My name is Glynda Goodwitch.


Gin: Hmm? That voice?

Glynda: You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." (disappears)

???1: (among several other cries of surprise) Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here! (The other students look through the glass walls at the town below) I guess home isn't too far after all!

???2: Beacon's our home, now.

Gin: {Now i know who it is} Ruby! Yang over here!

Yang: Hmm who is that?

Ruby: Ah Gin hey!!

Yang: What Gin!?

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