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Lea: Man! this breakfast is good!

Gin:I agree, they should make this everyday!

Aria: I don't know about everyday! but this works for time too time.

Ruby: Ah! Gin, stop taking all the milk?!

Gin: Oh sorry!

Everyone ate their breakfast and was prepared too go for the classes.

Gin: Ah i forgot my book, i'll be right back!

Ruby: Ah okey Gin!

Elenor: Meet you in class!


Yang: Huh? Where is Blake?!


Gin:I got to hurry to class! (Running)

Blake: Wait!

Blake appears out off nowhere and was behind Gin.

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Gin: Wohw! Blake?! What's going on?

Blake: .....Follow me!

[Closet Room]

Blake: Now then!!

Gin: Hmm i feel like you are about to do something to me?!

Blake: Are you really Gin?!


Blake: The Gin i know was a Faunus with pure black hair and 2 eye color that match,but you look differn't and you still told us that you know us, So spill it!

Gin: .....Okey i will tell you.{Crap, Crap, Crap what should i say?!}

Gin: ...11 Years ago, Me and my grandpa were visiting Yang and Ruby's father of details that's not important. But when i was there Yang wanted sneak out, looking for someone and it just so happend i saw it.

Blake: So you followed her.

Gin: Exactly! And while she was looking, Grimm attacked and then i came to the rescue!

Blake: Sounds familiar. (Smirk)

Gin: "chough" "cough"....Well i did defeat them but i dropped my guard down and was attacked but then their uncle saved me but i was injured and so they got me too Atlas and had too use a test serum beacse nothing else worked.

Blake: A serum?

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Gin: Yes and the risk were that if i took it i might die faster, but it didn't and now i can change between a Human and a Faunus.

Blake: What?! What were they thinking! You could have died!!

Gin: i know but can i ask you not telling this too anybody, that i can change between those two forms?

Blake:....I understand, on two condition!

Gin: Name them!

Blake: First you have to keep my identity as a Faunus a secret!

Gin: I can do that!

Blake: Second.....(Blushes)


Blake: Would....would you like to accompany me too a bookstore sometimes?!

Gin:.....That's it?

Blake: Y-Yeah.

Gin: Oh thank god!! I thought that it was something extreme, of course i can Blake!

Blake: R-Really!? Promise me!

Gin: I promise!! {It feels like a date?... Please let it be a date!!}

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Blake: Hehe {I asked him!! And he said yes! Im so happy.}

Gin: Uhm, we have to hurry back too class!

Blake: Ah! class!!

They both went to class and then the classes was over and went their back to the dorms.

Weiss: Okey now! Yang, Talk! What happend to Gin!? and you Blake explain why you and Gin comeback at the same time!?


Yang: Well...

[At Night]

Ozpin:Hmm, Glynda? What's seems troubling you?

Glynda:You know damn well what's worring me! How could you give that young boy the serum! He could have died!!

Ozpin: Well he didn't, right.

Glynda: Do you even know what it is doing to him.

Ozpin:....i have some...ideas on what going on.

Glynda: What!?


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Gin: Where am i!? Its so dark, i can't see anything?! {I remember going to i dreaming?}

Gin saw only darkness around him and then suddenly.

Gin:.....What the hell!?

???: Who are you?

Gin saw a boy, that looked like him but from his previous life and he have a Grimm mask on.

Gin:.....My name is Gin! and you a-

???: I mean your previous name?

Gin: Oh! Um that's easy its...What!?.....Why.... can't i remember my name?! Whats going on!?

???: I see, so it has started!

Gin: Wait What! What has started?

???: Never forget what truly is important to you and when the time come's...i'll be there.

Gin was shocked, becase what the mask boy said and then, Grimm arms starts to come under him, dragging him in a pool of darkness.

Gin:Ah! No! let go of me!!

???:Never forget....


Author:...Wow that happend :o.

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