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Note: i will start using {} for mind talk and this [] for skills. I got advise from the comments and should help alot.

Gin: {Hey i guess you were wondering what i have been doing the last 2 years, well i been training.... sort of more like crawling a LOT to increase my agi and vit in both my forms and i will start training soon oh and here are my status for now.}



[Str:2] +1

[Int:17] =0

[Agi:5] +1

[Wit:6] +1

[Magic:1] =0

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[Str:6] =0

[Int:17] =0

[Agi:8] +1

[Wit:3] +1

[Magic:1] =0



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Gin:{Hmm i think its good and all but my ability havent change huh... oh well i will learn more in time.}

Roger: Gin it's time for your training are you prepared!!

Gin: Ahh yes grandpa!!

Roger: Ah Gin hows my little black dot doing!

Gin: Grandpa! What are you gonna teach me? How to fight?, make weapons? Oh i cant wait to learn!

Roger: Hahaha eager arent you well first here i got a gift for you in your training.

Roger hands Gin a "Wooden Black Toy Sword"

Gin:Ohh thanks grandp... ugh it's heavy grandpa!

Roger: Of course its heavy Gin i forged this toy sword for your training to build your strength and durability.

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Gin:{No joke its hard to even hold it hmm System please use [Scan:Toy Sword].

System: Of course Gin.

["Blk Toy Sword"]

[A toy sword made from the hardest and heavy's wood around Remnant]

[Str + 5]

[Weight so far 0.3 Kg + Change depends on Str, Max 20Kg]

Gin:{So it depends on my effort then}.

Roger: Okey Gin you will swing that sword 20 times then take 5 min rest and then we repeat untill i say you are done!!

Gin: Yes grandpa!! {Swing, Swing}

(After 2 Hours of swinging)

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Gin: "Pust" hah hah Grandpa!! im tired let me rest more!!

Roger: No Gin you have to try harder the next one will be the last one so stand up!

Gin: I will try "Haah hiiaahh".

Roger: Yes Gin the last one now you can do it!!

Gin: HAAAAAHH hah hah i... did.... it.

System: {Point increase in Str and Wit +2 on each form and gained ability [Sage Strength].

Gin: {Oh...nice well i....will time. Right now i... am too..... tired.}

Roger: {Incredible he hold on to the very end?even i can't do that when i was his age i expect a lot from you Gin}

Roger: Alisha!! Gin passed out from training can you take him to bed!!


Roger: Ahh you did tell me that!!im sorry got excited so i forgot hahaha ahhh dont hit me!

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