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During the night when Gin was training in another world.

Roger: How is Gin?

Alisha: He is better, but.

Hank: The way he fought Jin, he looked at him with such empty eyes, like he wasn't even there, that's the first time I saw Gin like that.


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Alisha: What has happened to him to change so much, he is my sweet boy, but even I felt disturbed when I saw him fight.

Roger: He will change, that's what people do, all we can do is guide him into the right direction.

Roger scroll then starts to shake and when he looked he saw that he got a call from Maria.

Roger: Hello Maria, how are you?

Maria: I'm fine, but since you decided to go with Gin somewhere, I went to Atlas to fix my prosthetic eyes.

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Roger: Oh how is Pietro, last time I saw him was many years ago, and all he was talking about creating the "protector of humanity" back then.

Maria: He is doing fine, he wish you visit sometimes, but enough about that, turn on the Television!

Roger was wondering what Maria was talking about and turned the television on.

Reporter: We are here at Atlas for the breaking new that the world leaders have decided to put out a law that young Faunuses in the age below 15 have to be restricted and are forced to leave their representatives school in the end of the year, it's was so sudden that the leader's decided to put this law without any notice at all, if they are not following this law they will be put to prison, the people of the world are at the brink of rage for this news, General Ironwood is fighting against this law and promised that he will change the law and remove it at all cost.

Hank hit's the table and was furious, so was Alisha and Roger.

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Roger: Thank you Maria, for calling.

Maria: I just couldn't ignore this, especially when it involves Gin.

Roger: I will have to go to Atlas for a bit, the leaders have gone to far this time, to be this against Faunus is idiocy! Hank, can you protect this place while I'm gone

Hank: You can count on me, but we need a plan after the tournament on what to do next.

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Alisha:.... how about I take Gin to Menagerie?

Hank/Roger: Menagerie?

Alisha: Yeah, I always wanted Me and Gin to visit there and look for a clue about my family.

Hank: Honey, you know if you and Gin go, we can not follow, only Faunus can be there and I won't be seeing you both until this law is gone or when Gun grows up.

Alisha: I know, but it's the best course of action right now, or Gin will be discriminated, and I want Gin not to feel that way ever, so please dear, not just for me, but for Gin.

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