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The scene now takes us in an airship, flying towards Beacon Academy.

And in that airship, was where the trio siblings were currently staying as they started their almost daily antics once again.

"OH! I can't believe my baby sister and brother is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" The girl with blond hair said in glee as she bear hugs Ruby and Jin.

This girl was Yang Xiao Long, elder sister of Ruby and Jin.

She wore a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow low-cut crop top with a black mark that resembles a burning heart. The vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. On the sides of the cuffs, there are two small golden buttons.

She wore a brown belt with a buckle, a pouch, and a small banner-like object. The same burning heart crest appears on this banner, except golden in color. She wears black shorts under her belt, which resembles a pleated skirt in the back.

Over the short shorts but under the belt is a white asymmetrical back skirt. Aside from an orange infinity scarf around her neck, she had no discernible jewelry. She wears brown knee-high platform boots that appear to be made of leather, with orange socks of different lengths.

Her left leg also has a gray bandanna-like object wrapped around the top of her boot. She wears fingerless black gloves underneath her weapons, which resemble two yellow mechanized gauntlets with a black design. Long, messy gold locks cascaded down her back and past her waist.

"Preash Sthap." Ruby said as she was being crushed by Yang's arms.

"Damn it Yang! You're squeezing us too hard!" Jin complained. Yang then finally released them from their pain.

"But I'm so proud of both of you!" Yang said as she jumped in happiness.

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"Really Sis, it was nothing." Ruby said.

"Yeah, beating Roman and his clowns wasn't really that hard." Jin said as he waves off Yang's compliment.

"What do you both mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you two are the bee's knees!" Yang exclaimed with full energy.

Normally, Jin would cringe and feel some chest pains at her jokes and weird compliments. But after hearing those kinds of things from her, every single fuckin day for 15 years, he has grown immune to it and learned how to just scoff it off.

Jin just had a deadpan look while Ruby didn't seem happy with Yang's weird compliment.

"I don't want to be the 'bee's knees', okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees." Ruby said, completely not understanding Yang's words.

"What's with the both of you? Aren't you excited?!" Yang asked.

Jin just shrugged with a "Meh." While Ruby said nervously,

"Of course I'm excited...I just..." Ruby sighed before continuing, "I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything."

Yang just smiled and placed her arm around Ruby's shoulder before saying, "But you are special."

Jin smiled in agreement as he said, "She's right, Rubes. You are special. And don't think about moving ahead in two years, the same was gonna happen to me anyway. After all, I was invited for an IMMEDIATE ENTRY several months ago."

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Jin didn't forget to emphasize those words to make her feel irritated. Ruby just pouted at him and earned a laugh from Yang.

The siblings then turned their attention to the holoscreen.

A news report of last night's robbery was playing, but there was no mentioning of Jin and Ruby or their involvement in the scene.

'This is probably Ozpin's doing.'

The reporter then swapped to an update on an incident with the White Fang, a Faunus Rights movement that had suddenly turned violent the previous year, but was interrupted by a recording of Glynda Goodwitch.

Jin listened for a few moments but then tuned it out when he realized it was just a stock greeting for new students. Instead he turned his attention out on the port windows. He gazed in awe as the ship turned about to give its passengers a full view of Beacon Academy.

A cluster of glorious and intricate spires made up the hearts on the ground, flanked and surrounded by numerous smaller buildings. Leading up to it was a grand plaza of gardens, statues, and fountains all arranged in patterns to accent each feature.

Two rivers, one on each flank, met in the middle of this plaza. Connecting that to the landing platform was a long causeway decorated with ivory arches and wrought-iron street lamps. The platform itself was fairly standard and was situated on the edge of a sheer cliff face.

There was also an additional stairway and elevator system that made its way down from the cliff face to a small dock.

Jin smiled in seeing the beautiful scenery. He barely noticed Ruby and Yang join him at the window.

"Look! You can see Signal from up here!" Ruby exclaimed and then she continued, "I guess home isn't too far off after all."

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"Beacon's our home now." Yang assured her, putting her arms around her little sister and brother.

"By the way Jin. What's with the new look?" Yang looked at her brother with her eyes landing on something else.

Right now, Jin was wearing a black long sleeved loose button shirt with an extended collar, black pants and shoes.

Jin didn't fix the first button of the shirt, so his chest was moderately open for view.

"Huh? What's wrong with it?"

Yang just smiled weirdly while saying, "Nothing.....You just look good."

'Damn! No matter what he wears, he's so handsome! Maybe it has something to do with his hair?'

'The way he's wearing that shirt makes him look so sexy too! God knows how many women might come after him!'

'Looks like I'm gonna get busy with something else while I'm in school.'

As Yang was having some weird thoughts about her brother. There was a man struggling with something in the back.

The siblings hears a passenger groaning nearby, it was a teenage boy with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes and was wearing some novice combat armor. Right he was struggling to hold his lunch as he was all hunched up, but then he ran to the back of the ship.

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The boy stumbled while moving and was swaying dangerously close to the siblings.

"I guess the view isn't for everyone." Yang commented.

"It was nice while it lasted," replied her sister, while Jin just moved away from the two as he knew that something disgusting is about happen.

"I wonder who we're gonna meet!" Ruby said.

"Uh, I just hope they're better than Vomit Boy." Yang said before a barfing sound was heard.

"Oh, Yang, gross! You have puke on your shoe!" Ruby said as she moves away from Yang.

"Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!"

Yang started to hop on one foot while approaching Ruby.

"Get-Get away! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!" Ruby yelled as she was completely grossed out.

"Jin! Come on help me! Give me towel or something!" Yang said as she turns around and started to hop towards her little brother.

"Aw hell no! You better stay away from me Yang!"

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