And Then the Commotion Breaks Out

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Translator : PolterGlast



One day, early in the morning, Nozomu was visiting Irisdina and her family's mansion at the request of a maid from the Francilt family who suddenly visited his room in the dormitory.

He was forced to watch the unusual scene unfolding in the hall of the Francilt mansion with a mysterious expression on his face.


"Somia! Somia----! Where are you----?!"

"Mena, we must move out! Somia..., Somia is ......!"


Thunderous screams and angry shouts echoed throughout the spacious mansion.

Nozomu, while holding his ears due to the sheer volume of what he heard, focused his attention on the source of these noises.

The screams were coming from Irisdina and Victor. Irisdina kept shouting Somia's name in frustration, and Victor was being held back by several servants as he was about to run out.


"Please wait, milord, as I said earlier, it is highly unlikely that Young Lady Somiriana has been kidnapped. Now I need you to be calm and tell me where the young lady went to..."


Mena asked Viktor, who was being held down, to somehow calm him down. However, Victor did not seem to be calm at all, and was struggling to break free of Mena's restraints, shouting, "There is always the possibility of something happening! "


"U-, umm... Excuse me, what's going on?"


Nozomu, who did not understand the situation at all, approached Mena to at least find out what had happened.


"Oh, Nozomu-sama, you came. Actually, we haven't seen Somiriana-ojōsama since this morning..."


"Nozomu! Somia, Somia has suddenly disappeared from the mansion! Do you know where she is!?"


Somia is missing. Hearing these words, Nozomu's cheeks tightened.

For a moment, Nozomu couldn't understand what Mena was saying, but he opened his mouth to ask her about the current situation in order to get a grasp of it.


"Let go of me! I'm going to go search for Somia----!"


However, before Nozomu could ask his question, he was interrupted by the paranoid Victor. He began to shake off the servants who were restraining him by force.

Victor threw the servants off with such force that one would wonder where he had the strength to do so, even though he was a civilian.

After eliminating all the servants who were holding him back, he rushed toward the front door of the mansion.


"I have no other choice. I beg your pardon, sir."



However, just as Victor's feet advanced a few meters, Mena came up behind him and flashed a hand sword. She knocked him unconscious.

In an instant, Victor's body, having been knocked unconscious, followed the law of inertia and gravity and crashed face-first into the floor. He then did two and a half forward somersaults with great momentum, and was slammed to the floor again on his back.


"U-, umm. Will he be all right?"

"Yes.No problem"


While standing in front of Victor, who has completely lost consciousness, the head chamberlain, who was the culprit, nonchalantly replied to Nozomu with a brief answer.


"Umm, is there really no problem...?"

"No problem at all."

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Nozomu couldn't help but ask again, but Mena only gave the same answer with a nonchalant expression on her face.

Perhaps at a loss for words due to her deftness and unchanged attitude, Nozomu did not question her any further.

At the same time, she averted her gaze as much as possible from Victor, who had collapsed.


"Um, about Somia-chan being missing ... No-, no way is it really a kidnapping?..."

"No, it's very unlikely. The room was unlocked from the inside, there were no signs of any fight, and there were no traces of drugs or magic. Perhaps the young lady herself left of her own volition."


But just in case, Mena added, she had sent a liaison servant to Jihad and the Military Police.

Furthermore, she said that for now they will look for Somia by themselves, and if they were unable to find her, they would seek the help of the Military Police and Jihad.


"Nozomu-sama, do you have any idea where the young lady might have gone?"

"N-, no. Nothing comes to mi-... ah."


What came to Nozomu's mind was the vacant lot at the end of the alley in the commercial district. Somia had recently been there to meet the cats.

For the time being, Nozomu told Irisdina and the others about Somia's recent visit to the vacant lot.


"Would Somia be there!?"

"I-, I don't know. I can't be sure, but..."

"Then... Wilkers! Francois!"



With energetic barks, two dogs came running up to Irisdina's side.

The dogs were well trained, and when Iris raised her hand, they sat down side by side and waited patiently for their owner's command.


"Iris, are these dogs..."

"Now, it's the turn of the hounds we took in at the last request. The male, Wilkers, and the female, Francois. Both are formerly hounds. They should be able to follow Somia's scent!"


These dogs, who used to be hounds, would certainly be suitable for the job. If these hounds could remember Somia's scent, they should be able to track her. 


"I see. Well then, let's wake up Master and have those dogs lead the way and see if they go to the vacant lot that Nozomu-sama mentioned."


As Mena approached the unconscious Victor, she again flashed her hand sword at Victor's forehead.




The impact of the strike woke Victor up instantly.

The chief chamberlain struck her own Master once again. Upon seeing this, Nozomu was once again rendered speechless.

Victor got up and looked around with a dumbfounded expression on his face.


"Why am I sleeping here?"

"Milord, we have information about the whereabouts of Somiriana-ojōsama, and we would like to go to that place now. May we?"

"U-, umu. Alright. Do as you wish?"

"Then I will make a few preparations. I will be back in five minutes, so please wait a moment."


After she briefly explained the situation, Mena quickly disappeared into the mansion with the hounds, leaving the still-confused Viktor behind. She probably took the hounds to Somia's room so that they would remember her scent.

Meanwhile, Nozomu was asking Irisdina about Mena's outrageous behavior earlier.


"Hey, Iris. About what Mena-san did, are you sure everything's okay?"

"Oh, it's all right. Actually, they are both normally like that. Mena was a schoolmate of my father's, and they were classmates at an aristocratic school in Foskia. I heard that they had been quite close since back then."

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Apparently, Victor and Mena have known each other for quite a long time.

Given that they have been friends for so many years, Mena's earlier behavior would be understandable. Probably, when Somia ran away from home a few years ago, it was Mena who stopped Victor, who was about to go out of control and call for the Knights.


(But judging from the name "aristocratic school", the students are aristocrats, right? Is Mena-san an aristocrat?)


Aside from Nozomu's question, Mena, Irisdina, and the others, having returned a few minutes later with the hounds, went out into the city in search of Somia.










Nozomu and the others went out on the town to search for Somia.

The rather eccentric combination of a nobleman, his daughter, a maid, a student, and two dogs naturally attracted a lot of attention from people passing by.

Nozomu's shoulders shook with discomfort at the strange attention.

On the other hand, the three others, were simply chasing the hounds that were tracking Somia's scent, seemingly oblivious to the stares of those around them.

Irisdina and Victor, in particular, were staring at the two hounds in front of them as if they could make a hole with their stares, and the slightest gesture made them move to the right or left.

When the dogs stopped, they fixed their eyes on the ground where the dogs were sniffing, with their hands clasped, and when the dogs looked up, they both followed the dogs' line of sight in unison.

Their strangely synchronized gestures made Nozomu involuntarily say to himself, "They're father and daughter after all...".


"It appears that the young lady is definitely headed for the commercial district."


The dogs had passed the central park from the administrative district and were heading into the commercial district.


"Is she going to that place after all?"

"I'm not sure. But considering that Somia-chan has something to do in the commercial district, the only place I can think of would be Ushitotei or that vacant lot with many cats."


The dogs walked for a while on the main street of the commercial district and then abruptly turned into an alley. It was the alley where Nozomu had entered when he had seen Somia before.


"It seems that there is no doubt about it."


Nozomu said so with conviction as he continued down the alleyway.

The path taken by the hounds was exactly the same as the path that Somia had taken previously in pursuit of Kuro. If Somia had followed this path, she would have ended up in that vacant lot.

As Nozomu and the others continued down the dark, narrow alleyway for a while, suddenly an open space came into view.




The dogs barked as if to say, "We are here!".

In front of their eyes, there was a vacant lot nestled in the middle of densely-packed buildings.

There were about a dozen cats gathered there as well.


"This is the vacant lot."


The cats were a bit intimidated by the sudden arrival of so many visitors, and they looked at them warily.

The hounds that had been brought along, perhaps caught by the tension of the cats, did not avert their gaze and kept looking at the cats.

In a section of the commercial district, a strange tension filled the air between two different species of animals.

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However, the Francilt father and daughter didn't care about the tension between the animals.

In order to find their beloved Somia, they charged into the vacant lot where the cats were, as if they were cavalrymen overrunning a battlefield.

The cats, on the other hand, were startled by the father and daughter who charged at them with a fierce look on their faces and yelped, "Meow!" while trying to escape from the vacant lot.

However, the vacant lot is surrounded on three sides by other houses, and Nozomu and the others with the hounds are on the other side, which is the exit.

Naturally, the hounds were wary of the cats, and as a result, the cats were blocked from escaping.


"Where are you!?"

"Somia, Daddy isn't mad that you suddenly disappeared from the mansion, so come on out~~!"


Meanwhile, the Francilt father and daughter run around from one end of the vacant lot to the other, shouting and knocking over all kinds of things, showing no sign of caring about disturbing the neighbors.

Meow, meow, woof, woof, thump, thump, thump.

The screams of the fleeing cats and the shouts of Irisdina and Victor echoed.


"White cat over there! Don't you know where Somia is!? Speak up! Hiding it won't do you any good!"


The desperate-looking Irisdina bombarded a lone white cat with questions. Yes, it was that leader of the Kuro's bodyguards.

While the other cats were running to the right and left, the white cat was the only one who did not run away, and faced Irisdina head-on.

The white cat's only response to Irisdina's question was a threatening "Shah!".

When Nozomu looked closely, she saw that Kuro's bed had been overturned and was covered with dirt and dust. It seems that it was angry that its beloved cat's bed was overturned.

Irisdina, on the other hand, was also quite agitated. "You're trying to hide Somia from me!?" she says angrily. She had completely forgotten that the other party could not speak human language, and was reaching for the rapier at her waist.


"Stop, cats can only say "meow," so calm down a little."


Nozomu, perhaps thinking that it was indeed a bad idea to pull out a sword against a cat, held Irisdina down from behind.

At that moment, the hounds waiting at the entrance to the vacant lot suddenly began barking.


"Woof woof!"


The hounds barked as if they had noticed something. They followed their gaze and saw a shadow moving in the grass of the vacant lot.

It was about the size of a human child. The face that peeked out at them was the one that Nozomu and the others had been looking for.


"Ah, there she is."



Irisdina and Victor reacted to Nozomu's words.

Irisdina shook off Nozomu's restraints in a flash and jumped toward Somia along with Victor.

The speed was so fast that even Nozomu could not react. The two of them dive toward Somia in a straight line, just beyond the gaze of Nozomu, who looked dumbfounded.





However, with a reaction time even faster than Irisdina's, Somia jumped back from that spot. Losing sight of their target, the Francilt father and daughter dive headfirst into the empty grasses.


"Eh? That 'Meow' just now... And also, those cat ears and tail..."


Meanwhile, Nozomu's eyes were glued to Somia, who had just jumped out of the grasses.

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Her outward appearance was, to put it bluntly, eye-catching.

She was wearing well-tailored silk pajamas with glossy jet-black cat ears and tail. They were so-called pajama nekomimi (cat ears). Although they were slightly stained with dirt, they were as adorable as kittens.

But what caught his attention more than anything else was the way she behaved. Rather than a human being, it was just like a cat, its four limbs touching the ground in a threatening manner.



"She has become completely like a cat. Why?"


Somia dived into the grass while threatening her own family.

She then turned on her heel and rushed toward Nozomu.




And then she jumps. She ran by Nozomu's side and leaped over Mena and the hounds' heads to escape.

Nozomu, Mena, and the hounds could do nothing but stare in amazement at the speed and leaping ability of this eleven-year-old girl.




On the other hand, when Somia escaped, the Francilt father and daughter chased after the catgirl, yelling loudly all the while raising a cloud of dust and smoke.

The two of them quickly disappeared into the back of the alley.

Only Nozomu, Mena, and the two hounds were left behind. By the way, the cats in the vacant lot had fled quickly while Nozomu and the others were distracted by Somia.


"Umm, Mena-san. What shall we do?"

"I was careless... I had forgotten to restrain milord and milady in front of the young lady who had changed so much."

"Restrain, you say..."


Nozomu's cheeks twitched at the disturbing remark directed toward her own Master. Nozomu's eyes, which were fixed on Mena, began to take on a suspicious look.


"Nozomu-sama, do you have any idea about the cat ears and tail that Somiriana-sama was wearing?"

"Umm, what are you going to do after knowing that?"

"Something is wrong with the young lady. The first thing I can think of as the cause is those cat ears and tail. Therefore, I would like to contact the creator in order to thank him for this good product... No, I thought we should go and inquire about the cause of what is going on..."


Nozomu felt that Mena had uttered a word that did not seem to fit the situation.

She mentioned something like "good product" or "thank him".

However, if he pursued the matter here, he might end up in a heap of trouble. Nozomu did his best to ignore Mena's words.


"But when Somia-chan wore those cat ears before, there was nothing unusual about it, you know?"

"... Nozomu-sama, have you ever seen the young lady in that appearance before?"

"Y-, yeah..."


Nozomu involuntarily took a half step away from Mena's sharp gaze.

She usually has a resolute air about her, but for some reason, at this moment, Nozomu felt a chill crawl up his spine.


"... However, I can't think of any other possible cause for the young lady to be in such a state except for those cat ears. First of all, I think it would be best to investigate the most likely cause."

"What about Iris and the others?"

"We can't catch up with them now. We must first investigate the cause of the problem."


Behind her polite words, Mena mentioned that she would like to meet the creator, while carrying a sense of intimidation that even Nozomu felt intimidated by.


"This way…"


Nozomu began to trudge down the road to the civic district, sighing at the commotion he was once again involved in, and the disaster he was about to become involved in.

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