S-Class Except Me

Chapter 38

It was all thanks to Haeun that Seo Dojoon could see Haniel’s new work today. Because Haeun wanted to go, Seo Dojoon was able to follow as a bonus.

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But to be betrayed like this!


“What’s wrong, Haeun-ah?” 


“Dad, Hunter Seo Dojoon…”


He just repaid my kindness with wickedness. The family of the person I’m looking for just came and went, and he didn’t even talk to me! 


…Haeun, who wanted to shout but couldn’t say it, groaned and shut her mouth. It was like a puppy who wanted to do something.


In the end, there was only one thing Haeun could say.


“It’s nothing.”




Jung Jinho smiled and stroked Haeun’s hair.


Jung Jinho was unaware of the entanglement between Haeun and Baek Soyeon. He doesn’t even know about the existence of the Constellation.


In addition, even if she had known Brian’s identity in advance, it would have been a long way for her to get Baek Soyeon’s contact information. To do that, she has to tell him that Haeun met Baek Soyeon in Korea. 


And as they talk, the accident that Baek Soyeon passed out is inevitably mentioned. 




Haeun sighed in regret. 


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ asks how about looking for Baek Soyeon’s Instagram ID.]


Haeun’s eyes sparkled at the Constellation’s suggestion. 


‘That’s right, there was a way!’ 


She went back to Brian Nelson’s account, but it didn’t seem like a personal account. Instead, it seemed like an external account managed by a secretary. Baek Soyeon’s photo was also posted five years ago, so it seemed difficult to find it here.


‘Let’s just find it right away.’


She tried putting Sophia Nelson in the search bar.


A lot of people came out because it’s a fairly common name. She didn’t think she would be able to find it soon.


‘There is…Baek Doohan!’


The account with the blue badge was undoubtedly Baek Doohan’s account.

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She immediately followed Baek Doohan. And soon after, Haeun found what she was looking for so much. 


It is clear from the fact that there are several pictures taken with Baek Doohan on a recent date. This is Baek Soyeon’s account.


‘I’ll change my account first.’


She couldn’t access the account with Haeun’s picture on the profile. She typed in the ID she created to follow the account that posts pictures of animals. 


How should she say something to get the other person’s attention? Haeun, who had been thinking for a while, soon tapped her cell phone. 


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ admires Haeun’s choice, saying she used a cheat key.]


She sent a short and intense DM.


The answer is bound to come. A grin came to Haeun’s lips.




The moment Haeun encountered Brian Nelson at Haniel Industries.


Baek Soyeon was watching a movie in front of the TV at her home in New York with her mother, Baek Miyeon.


「Sophia, should I bring some popcorn? Want some?」


「Ung. Nachos, not popcorn. Cola!」




Baek Soyeon’s daily life was monotonous.


It’s been a long time since she was homeschooled without going to school. This is because it was difficult to fill the number of days of attendance with continuous hospital treatment.


Her parents couldn’t accept that a child who walked and ran well suddenly couldn’t use her legs.


In order to find out the cause, Baek Soyeon was taken to a famous hospital for examination.


“We can’t determine the exact cause.”


In the end, it all sucked. No doctor has identified the cause of Baek Soyeon’s disability. 


However, Baek Soyeon herself knew why she couldn’t use her legs.


It all started with a dream.



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In her dreams, Baek Soyeon’s world was collapsing.


The blue sky cracked open like cracked glass, and the ground shook terribly. A red and blue explosion exploded. Huge, eerily glowing hands engulfed people.


—It was the end of the world. 


In her dream, Baek Soyeon was in a position to observe the situation thoroughly.


She couldn’t run away and couldn’t ask for help either. She had to stand there and see the ending.


Only then could she wake up from her dream. 


When she woke up from her dream, she couldn’t remember what she saw in her dream.


However, her fearful and terrifying feelings all night remained vivid and tormented Soyeon.


The number of days Baek Soyeon couldn’t fall asleep because of her nightmares increased.


When Baek Soyeon’s stress reached its peak, one day, the dream that had always been the same changed.


This time, Baek Soyeon’s preschool friend came out. The two were playing in a crowded playground.


“Sophia, look at me.”


Her friend, who was going up the slide upside down, collided with her older brother and fell to the floor.


“Ah! Mother!”


A friend wrapped her arm around her and screamed painfully. 


When she woke up from her dream, Baek Soyeon only remembered the scene of her playing with her friend at her playground. It was a normal dream, but she didn’t know why she broke out in a cold sweat. 


But that day, at her preschool, that friend injured her arm, just like in Baek Soyeon’s dream.


Until then, Baek Soyeon didn’t know what her dream meant. She thought she had just had a nightmare. 


But the dream came randomly, like enemies raiding a peaceful village. 


In Baek Soyeon’s dream, the person injured was her friend, the cleaner who took out the trash, and the housekeeper who came to do the housework.


In the dream, her friend fell on the playground. A cleaner was stabbed with a knife that someone had thrown into a garbage bag, and a housekeeper was burned by hot water. 


As a similar situation continued, the contents of dreams that Baek Soyeon remembered increased.


It was as if someone was training Baek Soyeon to remember the contents of her dreams.


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She tried to act differently from the dream she vaguely remembered. For example, instead of going to the playground with friends, she would play in the classroom and ask the housekeeper for bread instead of risotto.


“Oh my, Margaret. Are you okay? Are you not hurt?”


But her dream has surely come true. As if declaring to Baek Soyeon that she can never escape what she saw.


Baek Soyeon’s personality also became more sensitive to the continuing nightmare. She was usually startled and even sleepwalked, so she wandered more and more at night.


And the decisive moment came to Baek Soyeon.


The content of the dream that day was as follows. In the dream, there was one more woman besides Baek Soyeon and Baek Doohan.


They were in a dungeon.


Baek Soyeon was hugged by Baek Doohan. Baek Doohan looked much older than he is now. The woman they were with looked like a college student, with long, straight brown hair. 


The situation in the dream gradually returned to urgency. The monsters poured out and Baek Doohan pushed Baek Soyeon to protect her. The monster’s sharp attack stabbed Baek Doohan in the heart.


In front of Baek Soyeon’s eyes, Baek Doohan’s blood burst like a fountain.




Baek Soyeon woke up screaming with her teary face all over her body.


Finally, Baek Soyeon realized.


That the dream she has is a future she can’t escape from, and that it is a kind of foreknowledge.


And the moment she recognized the fact, a blue status window appeared in front of Baek Soyeon.


[SYSTEM: Congratulations! You can now feel the Constellation’s existence.]


[SYSTEM: The Constellation ‘The Predator of Destiny’ gets annoyed saying that it’s only now that you noticed.]


[SYSTEM: The Constellation ‘The Predator of Destiny’ proposes a contract.]


‘I don’t want to.’


Awakening was considered a blessing.


But for Baek Soyeon, who had nightmares all the time, her ability was nothing but a curse.


She didn’t want to know or remember such a future. She would rather forget everything. 


‘Don’t bother me!’


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Baek Soyeon rejected the contract offer from the constellation.


[SYSTEM: The Constellation ‘The Predator of Destiny’ is very angry at Baek Soyeon’s answer.]


The Constellation who approached Baek Soyeon was fiercely angry.


This was because if the contract was rejected, the Constellation could no longer make contracts in that dimension, and had to leave the stage as it was. 


However, the Constellation, which had business with Baek Soyeon, used a different method instead of quietly withdrawing.


[SYSTEM: The Constellation ‘The Predator of Destiny’ is banning you.]


[SYSTEM: Seals entity Baek Soyeon’s leg.] 


[SYSTEM: Seals the possibility of individual Baek Soyeon.]


[SYSTEM: Seals the selection of individual Baek Soyeon.] 


And it took a very savage law of destruction.


[SYSTEM: All prohibitions are nullified when contracting with the caster of the ban.]


Since the path proposed by the Constellation was blocked, Baek Soyeon needed to make the request directly.


After that day, Baek Soyeon lost the use of her legs due to the ban, but she no longer dreamed of seeing the future. Since she refused her contract, her Constellation’s superpowers were no longer usable. She didn’t even dream of Baek Doohan dying.


However, the anxiety caused by the experience of seeing the future several times still existed.


However, she was too young to fight against anxiety.


In the end, Baek Soyeon decided to dismiss everything as nothing. She didn’t tell anyone that her Constellation put a curse on her.


‘As long as I don’t have the desire to walk again, my grandfather will be safe.’


Like the little mermaid who got her legs in exchange for her voice, she thought she got her grandfather’s safety in exchange for her legs.


It was an optimistic belief created by the desire to run away, but at the same time, it was a passive attempt to protect her grandfather.


Of course, Baek Doohan and Baek Soyeon’s parents, who didn’t know the inside story, were busy worrying about Baek Soyeon. They wanted to somehow treat Baek Soyeon so that she could walk on her own again like she used to.


“Soyeon-ah, let’s go to Korea for a while with Grandpa.”


And in Korea, where she visited as part of the treatment process, Baek Soyeon met Haeun.


As soon as she encountered Haeun, Baek Soyeon realized. that Haeun was a woman who appeared in her dream a long time ago.


And the fact that the dream was a dream that predicted the moment of her grandfather’s death.

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